2 Historic Wesak Open House in Penang Pix by Law Suun Ting FOR the first time in the history of Penang, the Buddhist community was able to hold an Ope

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FREE buletin Competency April 2012: Issue 2/04 Accountability Transparency Edisi Bahasa Inggeris, Tamil dan Cina Penangites Peaceful Story and pix by Chan Lilian A liran President Dr Francis Loh had promised a carnival-like peaceful assembly for Penang Bersih 3.0 Duduk Bantah at a press conference held earlier. However, there were words whispered to the Chief Minister that there may be some disturbances like the one that happened on 26 February, 2012 at the 226 AntiLynas Himpunan Hijau gathering where thugs turned the peaceful gathering into a violent one. Rain fell mercilessly in the morning of 28 April, 2012. The Esplanade field was soggy from the heavy rain. In normal circumstances, Penangites will probably skip whatever event to stay at home. However, one can feel the excitement building up when people started walking to the venue chanting, Bersih! Bersih! at the same time. Much to the surprise of the organiser, people started to throng the field from as early as 12 noon and by 1.30 pm, the peaceful gathering was in full swing. Anil Netto from Aliran said, This is surprising! Malaysians are not known to be punctual. If they come early, there must be something really important going on. By 2 pm which was the appointed time for the gathering, the whole Esplanade field was almost full. Everyone was in a joyous mood. The sense of unity and solidarity permeated in the air because everyone was wearing yellow. Another participant at the Bersih 3.0 gathering, Fabian Dicom said, I really feel that the level of corruption, injustice, marginalisation and oppression of the poor, of those who really don t have the means to be heard in our country has reached a level where none of us can tolerate. The right people have to be elected and in order to do that, we need a reformation in the elections. Bersih is one sure way we can do it, if everybody gets on board. I really hope this is the beginning where Malaysians take responsibility for the running of our own country. By 2.30 pm, people were all seated in the open field, listening attentively to the speeches by Aliran and a few Penang State leaders. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was there with his wife, Betty Chew Gek Cheng. CM Lim gave a rousing, short speech and urged the 10,000 participants to give a loud, resounding shout of Bersih. Rain started to fall again after CM Lim s speech and the crowd dispersed thereafter. However, amazingly, there was no jam. People who went to Bersih had shown exemplary civil-minded manners. They did not park their cars haphazardly like some did during concerts or countdowns. They parked their car far away and walked to the venue. And true to its Bersih theme, the field at the Esplanade was cleaned up by volunteers who collected the litter and packed it in black bags. The peaceful gathering in Penang was in stark contrast to the mammoth gathering in Kuala Lumpur where even journalists were beaten and cameras smashed by the police. Many people questioned why Penang was able to hold a peaceful gathering with such heart-warming congregation of people from various backgrounds, races and religions. Maybe the answer lies with the satisfaction of the NGOs with the Penang State Government which promotes freedom of expression and openly welcomes peaceful assemblies at the Speaker s Square. The State leaders also lent their support by attending the peaceful assembly wearing the same yellow T-shirts and sitting down on the grounds like everyone else. The police deployed their uniformed force but they stood-by at various locations to monitor the crowd who were all peaceful. Once again, Penang has led by example how her people can come together in solidarity and harmony.

2 Historic Wesak Open House in Penang Pix by Law Suun Ting FOR the first time in the history of Penang, the Buddhist community was able to hold an Open House for all Penangites to celebrate Wesak Day. The event was held a week before the actual Wesak Day on April 22, 2012 at the Dewan Sri Pinang. A huge number of Buddhist devotees and other Penangites visited the Open House to feast on the sumptious vegetarian meals served and also to get to know the Buddhist faith through the exhibitions and displays. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who joined the Open House with members from the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST), State Assemblymembers and the Consul-General of Thailand H.E. Voradet Viravakin. The celebration was to honour the birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha 2,556 years ago. The event was part of the program of the newly-established Non-Muslim Religious Affairs EXCO portfolio headed by CM Lim, themed Patriotism and Religious Harmony for a United Malaysia. Two weeks later, on Wesak Day which fell on 5 May 2012, CM Lim also joined the Buddhist community in the Wesak procession around George Town. Thousands of Penangites and tourists lined the streets to pay homage to Lord Buddha. Tourists were enchanted with the beautiful floats paraded in George Town. In his speech at the Malaysian Buddhist Association before the procession started, CM Lim said, In accordance with Tripitaka or Triple Gem of Buddha, Dhama (Buddhist law) and Sangha(monks), running a government must be in accordance with the principles of the rakyat, law, as well as good and clean leadership. The people deserve a people-centric government that upholds the rule of law. This is achieved through the Penang CAT governance of Competency, Accountability and Transparency, which has brought tremendous progress to the financial health of Penang.

3 Single mothers grateful Story by Danny Ooi, Pix by Chan Lilian 200 single mothers received an annual aid of RM100 each from the Pakatan Penang State Government at Dewan Balora Mastika in Balik Pulau on April 22. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng handed over the aid to them during the function. The recipients were among the 6,740 single mothers in Penang who had received the annual aid from the Pakatan State Government. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said this was the fourth year that the State Government had carried out this programme. We give RM100 annual aid to senior citizens, single mothers and the disabled, a one-off payment of RM200 for children born in Penang from January 2011 and a one-off payment of RM1,000 to beneficiaries of deceased senior citizens. We also give a one-off payment of RM1,000 to students continuing their studies at local and public universities, he added. CM Lim said the number of single mothers registering for the annual aid is increasing which shows their support for the programme. He added that as of March 2012, a total of 7, 079 single mothers had registered. One recipient, a single mother, Chin Sok Gaik, 53, from Desa Penaga in Prai said this is the second year that she had received the RM100 given by the Pakatan State Government. Last year I collected it at Genting near Balik Pulau, said the mother of two boys, who earns about RM900 monthly by ironing clothes for a company in George Town. I am very grateful to the State Government and CM Lim for helping single mothers like myself, said Chin, adding that she hoped CM Lim will stay in power forever. Another single mother, Anjalai Ayaroo, 57, from Jalan Bukit Penara in Balik Pulau said she was very happy to receive the aid for the first time. A mother of three boys, she works as a cleaner at a school in Balik Pulau and earns RM600 a month. Another recipient, Che Rah Ibrahim, 57, from Kampung Masjid in Teluk Kumbar said : It is very Cikgu Asnah Hashim, the Pegawai Penyelaras of Bayan Lepas handing over a cheque to a widow while CM Lim Guan Eng, Assemblymember Sim Tze Tzin and the widow s son look on. kind of Pakatan State Government to look into the plight of single mothers, who have to raise their families by themselves. The self - employed mother of three children said that even though the RM100 is not a big amount, it is the thought of the State Government in power that touches our hearts. We have not received anything like this before, said Che Rah. On another matter, CM Lim said the Pakatan State Government had approved the building of two community halls to benefit the public in the Balik Pulau area. This shows that the State Government is fair to the people regardless of their political leanings. Balik Pulau constituency is under the Opposition, he said. CM Lim went on to say that the State Government planned to set up pioneer CAT dialysis centres in Prai and Balik Pulau which would offer patients a subsidised fee of RM30 for each dialysis treatment. These dialysis centres are a necessity because of the cost of treatment in Government and private dialysis centres, he added. Chin Sok Gaik Anjalai Ayaroo Che Rah Ibrahim A grateful single mother giving Cikgu Asnah Hashim a hug at the ceremony.

4 Protest over Hindu shrine demolition Story by Danny Ooi Pix by Law Suun Ting 15 representatives of the workers and users of Butterworth Cargo Terminal (BCT) in Prai visited Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on April 29 at Komtar to voice their anger and frustration over the demolition of a Hindu shrine at Butterworth Cargo Terminal on April 20. The group was led by its leader and spokesman, M. Govindasamy. He presented a protest note which carried 155 signatures of Indian workers and users of BCT to CM Lim. Govindasamy said Indian workers were infuriated by Penang Port Sdn Bhd s (PPSB s) action of demolishing the Hindu shrine without any prior consultation. Penang Port Sdn Bhd s management said the shrine was demolished because it was situated near the pipe line which was constructed in 1998. This shrine had been in existence for over 50 years, he stressed. We hope PPSB s management will find an alternative place to re-build the shrine. We need a place of worship to protect us from any untoward incidents, CM Lim Guan Eng (seven from right), Deputy Chief Minister (II) Prof. Dr P. Ramasamy (eight from right) and State Works, Utility and Transportation Committee chairman Lim Hock Seng (fifth from right), joining Hindu workers from Butterworth Cargo Terminal in showing their grievances over the demolition of the Hindu shrine. Govindasamy said. The protest note addressed to PPSB s executive chairman Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahya was handed to the company s management on May 2, 2012. PPSB & PPC asked to apologise to the Hindu community PENANG Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng said on April 23 that Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) and Penang Port Commission (PPC) should apologise to the Hindu community in Penang for the disrespect and religious sacrilege in the demolition of the 50 year-old Hindu shrine in their compound without notice, and full compensation should be made by giving land and funds for its re-building. CM Lim Guan Eng said both PPC chairman Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek and PPSB chairman Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Haji Yahya should immediately explain to the port workers and the Hindu community on why they permitted this uncivilised act. Worse still, no notice was given to the workers of the impending demolition. When the State Government wants to carry out any demolition, we will put up a notice prior to the execution, he told reporters during his visit to the site of the shrine located at Prai Bulk Cargo Terminal (BCT). Present were Penang Deputy Chief Minister (II) Prof Dr P. Ramasamy, State Works, Utility and Transportation Committee chairman Lim Hock Seng, Seberang Perai Municipal Councillor Visvanathan Kumaran and Prai Bulk Cargo Terminal General Manager, Abdul Halim Abdul Kader. The 50 year-old shrine used by Penang Port workers and located within the property of PPSB was demolised on Friday, April 20. CM Lim said the Penang Government is shocked at such demolition and strongly considers this act as a grave injury to the freedom of religion and insult to the Hindu community. It also showed that the bad old days of demolition of Hindu shrines by the Barisan Government are back again, he added. The daily quoted PPSB s chairman Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahya as having said the Muniswarar shrine would be rebuilt on an area of 6.1m x 6.1m. Dr Hilmi also said if the site was found to be unsuitable, another site within the same area will be identified for the shrine. Abdul Halim said the local daily had misquoted the news on the shrine : There was no such promise. He also said that he was unaware that PPSB management had agreed to bear the cost of rebuilding the demolished 50-year-old Hindu shrine near the Prai Bulk Cargo Terminal (BCT) in the Prai Industrial Area. CM Lim urged the Penang Port workers present to organise a campaign and get 1500 signatures to air their grievances and dissatisfaction over the demolition of the shrine.

5 Land worth RM36.5 Million for Syariah Court PENANG Pakatan Rakyat takes pride in its policies of ensuring all communities have their freedom of religious practices and the State contributes towards this aim. All the major faiths receive financial contributions and other forms of support. Mosques, Chinese temples, Hindu temples, Gudwaras and Churches have become the beneficiaries of PR s generous support. The State also has apppointed two Executive Committee Members to deal with these portfolios. The Islamic Affairs Exco is helmed by Abdul Malik Kassim while Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng holds the portfolio of Chairman of Non-Muslim Affairs Committee. Recently, the Muslim community greatly welcomed the Penang State Government s allocation of a piece of land measuring 3.5 acres valued at RM36.5 million to build the Penang Syariah Court. The seven-storey building will have four Syariah High Courts, one Penang Syariah Chief Judge Datuk Yusof Musa. lower Syariah Court, one Appeal Court and other amenities like a cafeteria, a police station, a library etc. The ground-breaking ceremony on the plot of land at Jalan Scotland/Jalan Batu Gantung was held on 8 April, 2012. Penang Syariah Chief Judge Datuk Yusof Musa who was at the ceremony lauded the generousity of Penang State Government in allocating the prime land for the project. With a court complex like this which has the proper amenities, a lot of problems can be solved. I hope the management of court matters will become the exemplary model for other states to follow. Datuk Yusof was Penang s first recipient of the State intergrity award of RM10,000 given to civil servants. He exposed the corruption of a Penang Syariah Court employee involving RM500,000 in 2009. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the TYT CM Lim looking at the plans for the Syariah Court Complex during the groundbreaking ceremony. Governor of Penang had been instrumental in this court project as the TYT had pursued the matter with Penang Deputy Chief Minister I, Dato Mansor Othman and Exco Member Abdul Malik Kassim. The court building estimated to cost around RM36.5 million will be built by Public Works Department. The RM73-million Syariah Court Complex will be ready in October, 2014. Penang Badminton Academy PENANG has produced many great names in badminton. From the legendary Dato Eddy Choong to Dato Lee Chong Wei, they have put Penang and Malaysia on the world map as world champions. So, it is befitting that Penang has its own badminton academy to nurture and produce even more badminton champions in future. ECM Libra has come forward to realise this vision by contributing towards a badminton academy and a learning centre to promote education and master languages especially amongst the young. On 24 April, 2012 ECM Libra Foundation and its three partners Lim Kian Onn, Dato Seri Kalimullah Hassan and Dato David Chua Ming Huat held a press conference to announce the RM4 million Penang Learning Centre (PLC) and Penang Badminton Academy (PBA) project which will take 18 months to complete. It will comprise of a library, 7 classrooms Artist s impression of Penang Badminton Academy. for tuition and language classes, 6 8 badminton courts and a canteen. Amongst the languages focused on will be foreign languages apart from Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin and Tamil. The 2.9 acres of state owned land is located near Kampung Buah Pala in Sri Delima and Bukit Glugor. The built up area of the Penang Learning Centre and ECM Libra Foundation partner, Dato Seri Kalimullah Hassan. Penang Badminton Academy will occupy 1 acre. Upon completion, the 2 buildings will be handed back to the State Government, which will then manage the 2 buildings. This will help Penang to attain its aspirations of becoming an international and intelligent city that is clean, green, safe and healthy.the State also hopes that the Badminton Academy will create more world badminton champions from Penang in years to come.

6 World Press Freedom Day GENERALLY, one needs certain traits to be a journalist. Vocal, opinionated, articulate, brave, fair are amongst some of them. Over here in Penang, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated by the local journalists in various ways. They have a freeze mob at shopping malls to create awareness. A freeze mob is when a group of journalists and their friends who momentarily freeze themselves in various poses while holding banners and placards to express things related to press freedom. They also hold fun rides where they cycle around wet markets and distribute yellow ribbons. On May 3, 2012 which was World Press Freedom Day, Penang journalists converged at the Penang State Assembly building and covered the proceedings. They wanted to express their feelings and thoughts while providing suggestions to the politicians with whom they work with very closely on a daily basis. Penang Pakatan Rakyat leaders were amused but enlightened to receive truthful and sometimes, disconcerting messages from the journalists through yellow slips of paper. Penang journalists did not hold back their opinions and bravely urged politicians to be punctual for events, not to discriminate them, not to hold too many press conferences in a day and a few brave ones even taught the politicians how to do their work more effectively. Although some people laughed at the messages left by the journalists, the PR leaders took them seriously to improve themselves. They were actually a display of competency, transparency and accountability in true Penang CAT spirit. PR leaders openly accepted the constructive criticisms from the journalists and listened to them. The World Press Freedom Day was marked with poignant reminders that there is a lack of press freedom here in Malaysia. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng called for Malaysians to wear black with a yellow Exco Members Lim Hock Seng, Chow Kon Yeow, Assembly Member Koid Teng Guan, Exco Member Law Choo Kiang looking at Penang Deputy Chief Minister I, Dato Mansor Othman pinning a message to support Penang journalists. ribbon, to commemorate World Press Freedom Day. It was also to stand in solidarity with the reporters and photographers who had been beaten or had their cameras taken away or smashed. Media workers and reporters became victims of police brutality during the peaceful Bersih 3.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur on 28 April, 2012. CM Lim said, We strongly condemn the violence that took place last Saturday at the Bersih 3.0 rally where many protesters, including media workers and reporters, were indiscriminately attacked and injured by police officers. The same sentiments were expressed by ten organisations including Pewaju (Penang Chinese Media Journalists and Photographers Association), Penang Press Club, Journalists Union Of North Malaya, Penang Press Employee s Cooperative Society Ltd., Seberang Perai Press Association, Suaram Penang, Sembang-sembang Forum, Coalitions of Good Governance Penang, Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua USM and Student Progressive Front USM. In their statement, they reminded, The tax-payers pay for the state-owned media, so the media should belong to the people, and NOT belong to the ruling party as a propaganda machinery. State-owned media have been misused by BN, and are lopsided in news reporting. We urge the government to let all the political parties use the state-owned media fairly in order to ensure a fair election. Further, they said, Although the federal government promises to give more press freedom, in the protest on April 28, at least 13 journalists from Malaysia and overseas, and an unknown number of people from the public were treated violently by police. They were asked to delete the photos taken, memory cards were confiscated and cameras were snatched. The ten media related organisations concluded, These actions shown by police raised the question whether the police were helping the ruling party to block the access of information, and to cover up their Exco Member Wong Hon Wai (far right) laughing heartily when he was told that Penang journalists complained that he wasn t punctual at events through the message written on the wall. Two Chinese media reporters joined in the banter. violent acts. This created a fear among the protestors, which stopped them from taking photos, to avoid becoming the next victims. Sun photographer Masry Che Ani having a lighter moment with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at a press conference. Photo taken by Star photographer Tengkuwan. Penang journalists wearing black with yellow ribbons in a group photo at the Penang State Assembly

7 A flourishing property market in Penang Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (Rehda) s chairman Datuk Jerry Chan (third from left) greeting CM Lim Guan Eng (fourth from left) at the Press Conference in Komtar. PENANG Pakatan Rakyat State Government has proposed to raise the capital for foreign purchases on all properties in the State. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the current limit of RM500,000 would be raised to RM1 million, except for landed properties on the island which would be raised to RM2 million. CM Lim added that the purchase of housing under the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) at the controlled price of minimum RM500,000 is only for two units, while acquisition of property by foreigners with permanent resident status is fixed at RM250,000. This is to give locals pirority to purchase cheaper properties, and to stop speculation, he told newsmen in conjunction with the Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (REHDA) group s visit to his office at Komtar recently. The group comprised of its chairman Datuk Jerry Chan, deputy chairman Toh Chin Leong, secretary Teh Kiak Seng and other committee members. CM Lim said the State hopes to implement the new ruling by July 2012, adding that the State was the first to come out with this proposal. The new ruling was decided by the State Government under its National Land Code. Datuk Jerry Chan said the aim of the new ruling is to protect locals and to give them the ability to buy properties. We are working together with the State Government in this matter for the interest of the people of Penang, Datuk Chan added. He went on to say that the number of land strata sold to foreigners in the State had risen from 774 in 2010 to 890 in 2011. This showed an increase of around 15%. While the number of strata sold had increased, the number of transition had decreased from 3.0 % to around 2.26% during the same period. Datuk Chan predicted that the property market in Penang will continue to flourish during the next four years, with investors topping up their businesses amidst the growing economy of the State. In view of this, there is a shortage of houses at the moment considering the estimated population in Penang to reach the 2 million mark by 2020, he added. Datuk Chan said that only about 12,000 units of houses are being built yearly. Penang Honours Achievement of Engineers CM Lim (seven from left) presenting the State Government s appreciation certificate to M.E.I Project Engineers Sdn Bhd s managing director Ir. Lim Kok Khong (eight from left). Joining them were the company s staff. IN appreciation of the conferment of the IEM Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2012 to M.E.I. Project Engineers Sdn Bhd, Penang Pakatan State Government presented an Appreciation Certificate and RM1,000 when a group from the company visited CM Lim Guan Eng at Komtar. The group comprised of its managing director Ir. Lim Kok Khong, executive director Ir. Dr Goh Teik Cheong, senior principals Ir. Adrian Tung Kin Choong, Ir. Wong Tian Seng and four other members. Ir. Lim Kok Khong received the State Government s award from CM Lim Guan Eng. CM Lim said Penang wants to be a leader in solar energy. It is a sunrise industry and we love to be associated with the players in this field, CM Lim added. With its own awards, the State Government plans to encourage outstanding achievers to come to Penang. M.E.I. Project Engineers Sdn Bhd received the IEM Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2012 for the design and completion of the 127- acre AOU SunPower Solar Cell Manufacturing Plant at Melaka Solar Valley, Alor Gajah in Malacca. Ir. Lim said in line with the nation s aspiration and emphasis of development in the area of renewable energy, the AOU SunPower Solar Cell Manufacturing Plant proved to be an important milestone and a pioneer in the large scale mono-crystalline silicon-based solar cell manufacturing facility in the country. We have come a long way since 1988 with a positive track record of well - engineered and well - managed projects coupled with teams of dedicated and resilient professionals in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and the People s Republic of China, he added. He said being an ISO 9001 certified company, M.E.I. is reputable for quality work in turnkey design, engineering, procurement management and construction management services in industrial plants with an emphasis on renewable energy, life science, food processing, pharmaceutical, chemical, micro-electronics and biotechnology projects. M.E.I. has succeeded in completing and handing over the AOU SunPower Solar Plant to its client, meeting its first cell-out completion date. The integrated feasibility study, site development, planning, conceptual design and detail design started in July 2008. Solar cell manufacturing in AOU SunPower Solar Plant commenced production with its industry-leading 22 percent minimum rated Gen 2 solar cell, after the official launching by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak on 15th December 2010. With a team of hardworking and exceptionally dedicated staff, M.E.I. single-handedly executed the engineering, procurement, construction management services for the USD 700 million investment in Malacca, Ir. Lim said.

8 Penang - most liveable city in Malaysia ONCE again, Penang has received accolades from international bodies. The steady flow of recognitions proves that it is not a fluke but the State had improved since the State Administration changed in March 2008. Penang is getting better and better each year since 2008. The most recent achievement that Penangites can be proud of is Penang being ranked as the most liveable city in Malaysia. Penang has held on to this ranking for two consecutive years. The rating is done by a global consulting firm ECA International. ECA s Location Ratings research is carried out on an annual basis and objectively evaluates various factors in order to arrive at a fair and consistent assessment of the quality of living in over 400 locations worldwide. Categories include climate, health services, isolation, social network and leisure facilities, infrastructure and political tensions. The scores take into account the home and destination country, therefore rankings will vary according to the base used to compare the quality of living. In a press conference at Komtar, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng pointed out that Penang has overtaken the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur as the most liveable city. He said it is no mean feat to beat the capital city but Penang has done it. He said, If we only beat them once, people may say it s a fluke, but we have repeated the feat this year. This year we are ahead of KL. This is a testament of Penang s achievement under the Pakatan Rakyat State Government. Source : ECA rankings taken from http://www.eca-international.com/ news/press_releases/7650/#. T6QLL58tjB4 BULETIN MUTIARA Level 47, Komtar 10503 Penang Phone : 04-650 5468 Fax : 04-261 5923 Email : suaracat@gmail.com EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief: Yap Lee Ying Editor (English) Albert Benedict Manikam Assistant Editors : Tam Poh Guek (Chinese) D. Bhavaneswari & N. Senthil Kumar (Tamil) Chan Lilian (English) Writer (English) : Danny Ooi Photographers : Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting, Mohd. Hafiz Tajudin and Alisssala Thian Graphic Designers : Loo Mei Fern, Idzham Bin Ahmad

免费 Competency Accountability Transparency 2012 年 4 月刊 调涨外国人槟岛购买房产最低价格杜绝炒楼风气保障本地人权益 槟州首长林冠英宣布, 将外国人在槟岛购买房产的最低价格, 从现有的 50 万令吉, 增加至 100 万令吉, 而有地房产的最低价格则为 200 万令吉, 至于永久居民的房产购买价维持在最低 50 万令吉, 做为保护本地人利益的措施 他说, 在 2010 年及 2011 年, 分别有 774 及 890 槟州的房产买卖涉及外国人 这些买卖占了总房产交易的 2.98% 及 2.26% 不过, 为了保护本地人的利益, 让他们可以购买不那么昂贵的房产, 这项限制能够提供公平竞争机会, 因为外国人往往能从高价值的货币中得益 做为保护本地人利益的措施, 州政府提议, 把外国人在槟岛购买房产的最低价格, 从现有的 50 万令吉, 增加至 100 万令吉, 而有地房产的最低价格则为 200 万令吉, 至于永久居民的房产购买价维持在最低 50 万令吉 这项措施主要是为了打击槟岛的 炒楼 活动, 保护本地人的权益, 让本地人有机会购买可负担房屋 我们希望非政府组织 发展商 民众及外国居民可提呈建议, 州政府希望在 2012 年 6 月 1 日或最迟在 2012 年 7 月 1 日执行这项计划 值得一提的是, 随着林冠英这么一宣布后, 槟州政府抢先成为全马首个宣布这项措施的州属 他也说, 土地是属于州政府管辖的权限, 调涨外国人购买房屋最低价无需获得联邦政府的批准, 但如果联邦政府对这项措施有异议, 也可向州政府反映 他续称, 在槟州有三项居住问题需要可持续发展的都 市问题解决方案, 第一是交通拥挤 第二是人类居住地的保护需要严厉执法及限制山坡发展以及第三是提供可负担房屋 槟州民联政府会继续规划全盘计划来为槟州人民提供可负担房屋, 不只是政府, 私人界也将涉及 过去四年, 州政府一直在筹集资金 我们已经获得一笔 5 亿令吉的初始基金, 并在峇都加湾卫星市分配地段兴建 1 万 2000 个单位 我们将建议更多类似的计划, 包括槟岛 另一方面, 值得槟州人民雀跃的是, 在最新出炉的 ECA 全球最理想居住城市调查中, 乔治市以第 63 的排名再次领先排名 76 的吉隆坡 ECA 为全球领先的发展及人力资源分配方案供应商, 该项调查主要是针对外籍人士居住条件而进行的 全球最适合居住城市排名, 衡量指标包括气候 医疗服务 房屋及相关设施 隔离程度 社交网站 休闲设备 基本建设 个人安全 政治气氛及空气品质等因素 值得关注的是, 在亚洲城市排名中, 乔治市仍保持水准, 排名第 8 至于在全球排名方面, 乔治市排名第 73, 而吉隆坡则是排名第 76 林冠英表示, 反观吉隆坡的排名每况愈下, 从 2010 年与乔治市齐名的第 8, 在 2011 年下跌至第 9, 来到了 2012 年更是跌至第 10 乔治市连续两年排在吉隆坡前面, 成为马来西亚最理想居住的城市, 槟城再创历史 这项排名也证实, 种种要破坏槟州民联政府努力的举动都是失败的 值得槟州人民雀跃的是, 在最新出炉的 ECA 全球最理想居住城市调查中, 乔治市以第 63 的排名再次领先排名 76 的吉隆坡 城市 2012 年亚洲排名 2011 年亚洲排名 2012 年全球排名 新加坡 1 1 1 神户 2 2 5 香港 3 5 11 东京 4 3 17 横滨 4 3 17 台北 6 6 60 澳门 7 7 63 乔治市 8 8 73 首尔 8 10 73 吉隆坡 10 9 76 曼谷 11 11 79 上海 12 12 83 斯里巴加湾 13 13 92 北京 14 14 99 南京 15 15 104

2 时事 2012 年 4 月刊前现 2 届首长出国开销比一比 许子根开销比林冠英多 3 倍 前任槟州首长丹斯里许子根任期期间每趟出国花费比现任首长林冠英多 3.1 倍, 但民联州政府在 2008 年至今, 透过出国官访取得了显著的收益, 促使槟州创造历史, 在 2010 及 2011 年, 投资额连续两年全马居冠 前 现任槟州首长出国开销比一比, 前任槟州首长丹斯里许子根任期期间每趟出国花费, 竟然是现任首长林冠英的 3.1 倍 根据槟州首长林冠英在槟州议会口头回答双溪赖区州议员查斯敏的问题揭露, 在国阵执政时, 前任首长许子根当年每趟出国平均花费是 1 万 9599 令吉, 相反的, 现任民联首长出国开销每趟平均只有 6316 令吉 前任首长许子根从 2004 年至 2008 年 3 月, 仅有 10 趟出国官访, 却共花费了 19 万 5999 令吉 ; 而现任首长林冠英从 2008 年 3 月至 2012 年 3 月的 29 趟出国官访开销, 仅有 18 万 2120 令吉 这 29 趟官访的国家包括新加坡 澳洲 中国 台湾 香港 印尼 日本 美国 菲律宾 林冠英也在回答中指出, 民联州政府在 2008 年至今, 透过出国官访取得了显著的收益, 促使槟州创造历史, 在 2010 及 2011 年, 投资额连续两年全马居冠 同时, 在 2010 年及 2011 年的 ECA 国际的调查中, 槟城连续两年在 亚洲宜居城市 排行榜中高居第 8 名,2011 年更首度超越吉隆坡 首长多次的出国也在众外资中取得积极的反应与回馈, 促使外商选择槟州作为他们工作的地方 设立首间槟州羽球学院栽培槟世界羽球冠军 槟州首间羽球学院将于明年杪前矗立在豆蔻村邻近, 为槟州栽培更多的世界羽球冠军 槟州首长林冠英宣布, 州政府计划设立槟州哦第一所羽球学院及学习中心, 而庆幸该计划获得 ECM Libra 基金会的支持, 共拨出 400 万令吉来进行该计划 占地 2.9 依格土地的槟州学习中心及槟州羽球学院的兴建地点位于斯里德里玛及武吉牛汝莪交界的豆蔻村毗邻, 一旦该计划兴建工程结束后, 该 2 栋建筑物将交还给槟州政府管理 林冠英表示, 耗资 400 万令吉的槟州学习中心及槟州羽球学院将耗时 18 个月来完成, 而在该计划中, 将建立 1 间图书馆 7 间用作补习及语文课用途的课室 6 至 8 个羽球场及一间食堂 州政府相信学习中心及羽球学院将提供该区家庭的孩子们一个地点适中的地方来补习 学习新语言及精进羽球技术 这是槟州民联政府兴建的第一间图书馆及第一间羽球学院 槟州首长林冠英 ( 左 1) 在 ECM Libra 基金会主席拿督斯里卡里姆拉 ( 左 2) 陪同下推介槟州羽球学院及学习中心计划 美资音响公司 Bose 来槟设厂 槟州政府积极吸引外资再取得显著收益, 美资著名音响产品公司 Bose 选择在槟城设立亚太区的第一间工厂, 以拓展亚洲和太平洋的业务 享誉全球的北美公司 Bose 将在威南峇都加湾工业园占地 23 英亩的地段设立总面积 60 平方尺的工厂, 成为该公司在全球最大的单一厂房 负责掌管马来西亚业务的 Bose 副总裁布莱恩指出, 一旦该工厂于 2013 年年中投入操作后, 就将负责生产该公司的各种高档产品, 包括扬声器 家庭娱乐系统以及最新搭配智能手机及平板电脑使用的蓝牙技术音响产品等, 再分销至亚太国家如澳洲 中国 印度 日本 阿拉伯联合酋长国和东南亚国家等 他也说,Bose 预料将于今年 9 月前开始进行招聘工作, 首批将招募 50 名员工 Bose 执行副总裁赫伯于 5 月 9 日与槟州发展机构主席拿督罗斯里在槟州首长林冠英见证下签 民联积极招资再添喜绩 署买卖合约 针对目前全球音响公司的投资环境及前景, 赫伯表示, 该领域的表现突出亮眼, 预料将取得超过双位数成长 槟州首长林冠英则表示, 致力迈向清洁 绿意及安全州的槟州, 成为外资前来投资设厂的首选, 而他也为槟州能够吸引名列 2011 年福布斯美国大规模公司第 195 名 年营业额估计达到 22 亿 8000 万美元的 Bose 到槟州投资引以为傲 Bose 执行副总裁赫伯 ( 右 3) 与槟州发展机构主席拿督罗斯里 ( 左 4) 在槟州首长林冠英 ( 右 4) 见证下交换买卖合约

2012 年 4 月刊时事槟州第 12 届第 5 季第 1 次州立法议会顺利休会州元首赞林冠英团队发展槟州贡献 3 槟州元首敦阿都拉曼阅兵 槟州第 12 届第 5 季第 1 次州立法议会于 4 月 30 日顺利复会, 并于 5 月 9 日无限期休会 即使下着滂沱大雨, 槟州首长林冠英还是风雨无阻地出席州议会 槟州媒体在槟州议会发动 记者心声角落 活动, 透过纸条留言监督槟州议员, 槟州议长拿督阿都哈林对该项活动表示支持, 同时也珍惜媒体所作出的努力及贡献 为配合世界新闻自由日, 槟州首长林冠英 ( 左 3) 及多名州议员与采访槟州议会的槟州记者们齐切蛋糕 槟州首长林冠英 ( 中 ) 为其左右手槟州第一副首长拿督曼梳 ( 右 ) 整理衣领, 旁为首长夫人周玉清 槟州元首敦阿都拉曼 ( 左 2) 主持槟州第 12 届第 5 季第 1 次州立法议会开幕后, 与槟州首长林冠英 ( 右 2) 握手, 旁为槟州议长拿督阿都哈林 ( 左 1) 及槟州第一副首长拿督曼梳 ( 右 1)

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时事 4 2012 年 4 月刊 州议会三读通过地方政府选举法案冀选委会还人民第三选票 槟州地方政府及交通管理委员会主席曹观友在槟州议会中提呈 2012 年槟岛及威省地方政府选举法案, 并且顺利获得三读通过 同时也是巴当哥打区州议员的曹观友指出, 我国曾在 1951 年至 1965 年期间採纳民主制度, 落实地方政府选举, 由人民直选市议员 不过, 联邦政府在 1961 年废除吉隆坡民选市议会 随后在 1965 年, 以马印对抗為理由, 颁布紧急条例, 终止全马各州的地方政府选举 当时的首相东姑阿都拉曼在国会中承诺, 一旦马印对抗结束, 政府将恢復地方政府选举, 他说 : 只要和平与寧静的时刻到来, 我们会即刻筹备地方政府选举 一旦和平到来, 我向国会保证, 我们将重新举行地方政府选举 马印对抗于 1966 年结束, 但当年联盟 ( 后来的国阵 ) 所承诺的地方政府选举并没有恢復 1968 年, 由上议员阿迪纳哈班所率领的地方政府皇家委员会曾提议恢復地方政府选举, 但这项建议却遭到联邦政府拒绝 在 2011 年杪, 国会通过废除我国现有的紧急条例 不过, 碍于地方政府选举第 15 条文尚存, 因此地方政府选举依然无法恢復举行 他说, 在联邦宪法下, 地方政府属于州权限范围 州政府有权力在 1976 年地方政府法令第 1(4 ) 条文下, 免除地方政府遵从上述法令中的任何一项或所有条文 因此, 槟州政府认為, 马印对抗已经结束了 45 年, 是时候让槟州, 槟岛市政局和威省市政局脱离联邦政府各种违反民主的法律条文拴制 地方政府选举应恢復举行, 人民选择政府的权利应受到尊重 其实在 2008 年大选, 民主行动党承诺一旦执政就会恢復第三选票 而我们和民联友党一同受到人民委托, 执政五个州属, 包括槟城 经过 46 年的奋斗, 我们受到人民委托, 这不但是歷史性的时刻, 同时参杂著各种情绪 因此, 在过去四年, 民联州政府不断努力以落实我们的承诺 他续称, 州政府曾在 2009 年 7 月 14 日, 向房屋及地方政府部申请在全国地方政府理事会会议中, 提呈讨论及通过地方政府选举, 不过却在 2009 年 8 月 3 日接获该部回函拒绝 随后, 州政府于 2009 年 8 月 11 日, 在槟州议会中提呈动议并一致通过, 要求联邦政府恢復槟州的地方政府选举 2010 年 3 月 4 日, 槟州政府致函选举委员会, 要求选委会执行槟岛市政局及威省市政局的地方政府选举, 以选出市议员, 但这项要求被拒绝 2010 年 3 月 12 日, 州政府再次致函首相, 要求会面讨论州政府在这事件上的立场, 惟州政府的要求并不获得任何回应 根据联邦宪法第 113(4) 条文阐明, 联邦法律或州法律可授权选举委员会进行国会及州议会以外的选举 在联邦宪法第 9 附表也阐明, 地方政府服务 地方性税收率 地方政府选举, 是在州政府的管辖之下 这进一步证明地方政府选举是在州政府及州议会的权限范围 因此, 州政府通过宪报颁佈通令, 让槟州地方政府, 即槟岛市政局及威省市政局豁免遵守地方政府法令第 15 条文 州政府的立场和决心非常明确, 在听取法律小组的专业咨询后, 我们决定採取步骤解除任何混淆 為此, 我提呈地方政府选举法案 这符合国家宪法第 9 附表 4(a) 条文 此法案一旦通过, 毫无怀疑地, 将赋予选委会权力举行地方政府选举 我希望通过这项明确要恢復地方政府选举的新法案, 选举委员会不会再陷入这是联邦政府的意愿或是州政府权限的困境 对于国家宪法, 州政府认为槟州可以在不与国家宪法冲突之下, 举行地方政府选举 因此, 我们希望选举委员会能够以独立 公正 公平 干净的方式和州政府合作 他说, 州政府恢復第三选票的决心并不是一场政治游戏, 而是落实人民的心愿, 在民主原则 没有代表免谈税收 的情况下恢復地方政府选举, 让人民有权力选出地方政府的代表 人民缴税给地方政府, 因此他们是应该有权力选出地方政府代表的 民主行动党和民联致力于实现人民要这个国家在民主的方式下被治理 而实际上, 在民主国家, 政府应该是由人民选出来的 惟不幸的是, 国阵并不了解及接受这事实 為什麼还要继续阻止地方政府选举? 為什麼要继续否决人民选择政府的权力? 如果联邦政府和州政府必须由人民选出, 为什么制定地方条例和政策地方政府却不能由人民选 出? 地方政府选举已被废除的说法已不能被接受, 因為这并没有坚固可以被接受的理由 马印对抗已结束 45 年, 紧急条例已解除 而槟州, 将会恢復地方政府选举 我吁请国阵的议员们支持这项法案 用良知来投票, 用良知来捍卫人民的权力 州政府在恢復地方政府选举的努力上并没有坏意图 我们相信纳税人和人民应赋予权力选出在地方政府中的代表 因此我希望议员们可以支持这项努力 2012 年地方政府选举 ( 檳岛及威省 ) 法案 : 如第 1 条文所阐明, 此法案将从州政府颁佈宪报通令的日期开始, 在槟岛及威省市政局生效 第 2 条文阐明建议中某些字眼与词汇的定义 第 3 条文阐明州内每个地方政府必须由人民选出的主席 副主席及不超过 48 名其他市议员所领导 第 4 条文阐明州政府可以在与选举委员会协商规划地方政府管辖的面积范围边界及市议员人数后, 通过宪报颁佈通令, 指示所有地方政府成员应在此法案下被遴选 第 7 条文是為市议员失去资格所带来的影响而设的条例, 同时避免市议员在不同意的情况下被提名参加选举 第 8 条文则是為市议员辞职而设的条例 第 9 条文為市议员因重复缺席而职位将被悬空的条例 第 10 条文则是确定市议员否已被取消资格 第 11 条文為市议员出现空缺的运作 第 13 条文為填补市议员空缺 第 12 条文為在地方政府选举下被选出的市议员, 应在此法案下, 从州政府确定的日期开始, 任职 3 年 任何人士要成為某个地方选区符合资格的市议员, 其名字必须出现在该选区或选区内地区的选民登记中 任何人将失去市议员资格, 一旦发现或证实他患有精神问题 破產及触犯 1954 年选举犯罪法令, 或在马来西亚任何一场选举中受到法律对付

2012年4月刊 以民为本槟民联政府尊重言论自由 时事 5 槟州428静坐集会真的很和平

6 时事 2012 年 4 月刊 继峇都加湾可负担房屋计划后, 槟州民联政府为槟州人民捎来好消息, 即已圈定另外 77 英亩的地段, 作为平民屋基金的第二阶段可负担房屋计划 槟州首长林冠英于 4 月 29 日宣布, 州政府已在槟岛及威省两地完成鉴定 77 英亩的政府地, 已推行第二阶段的可负担房屋计划, 其中 10 英亩在东北县 5.84 英亩则是在西南区 这也是说, 继槟州政府宣布在峇都加湾进行可负担房屋计划后, 这是第二阶段 在东北县已被鉴定的土地面积是 10.21 英亩 西南区是 5.84 英亩 威北是 28.9 英亩 威中则是 31.71 英亩 这也是继槟州政府在峇都加湾 200 英亩地段进行可负担房屋计划后, 再次通过政府售地后所筹集 民联州政府为民捎好消息 圈定 77 英亩建次阶段平民屋槟州廉价屋及中廉价屋 : 槟州房屋委员会主席黄汉伟行政议员指出, 槟州房屋局发现在 2 万 5527 名廉价及中廉价屋申请者当中, 有 2411 人已拥有房产, 因此, 当局将发信给他们要求解释, 如果没合理解释的话, 就会被除名 他同时也促请已有房产者不要浑水摸鱼, 与真正需要廉价及中廉价屋的人民争一杯羹 黄汉伟表示, 槟州房屋局于今年 4 月开始, 已将 的 5 亿令吉可负担房屋基金下, 进行的第二阶段可负担房屋计划 他续称, 自民联于 2008 年执政后, 就批建 1 万 1596 个廉价屋及中廉价屋单位, 而这也反驳对州政府没有批准及兴建任何可负担房屋的指责 州政府兴建的廉价屋有 1194 个单位 中廉价屋有 2227 单位, 共 3421 个单位 ; 私人发展商兴建的廉价屋则有 2612 个单位 中廉价屋有 5563 个单位, 共 8175 个单位 换句话说, 州政府及私人发展商兴建的廉价屋共有 3806 个单位, 而中廉价屋则是 7790 个单位 州政府将继续鉴定更多的政府地, 以进行第三阶段的可负担房屋计划, 并确保州内 5 个县都有平民屋 我们希望人民有个干净 绿意 安全及健康的居住在一个盒子里 2411 人已拥房产仍申请廉价中廉价屋黄汉伟 : 已有房产者别浑水摸鱼 该局的电脑系统与槟威两地市政局及槟州土地局的电脑系统连线, 房屋局官员只要将廉价及中廉价屋申请者资料输入电脑, 就可查到相关申请者是否有缴交门牌税或地税, 来鉴定他们是否已拥有产业 继房屋局的电脑系统与槟岛市政局 威省市政局及槟州土地局的电脑系统连线后, 我们只要输入申请者的姓名及身份证号码, 就可轻易查出他们是否已拥有房产 在 2 万 5527 名廉价及中廉价屋申请者当中, 有 2411 人是有缴交门牌税或地税, 也就是说, 他们已拥有房产 他续称, 根据条例, 这些申请者已失去申请廉价及中廉价屋的条件, 但州政府还是会发信给他们要求解释, 如果没合理解释的话, 就会被除名 廉价屋 中廉价屋 总数 政府 1194 2227 3421 私人界 2612 5563 8175 总数 3806 7790 11596 第二阶段可负担房屋计划 : 县 面积 ( 英亩 ) 威北 28.9 威中 31.71 东北 10.21 西南 5.84 总数 77 一些特殊情况是, 例如居住在木屋区的居民是有缴交门牌税的, 所以房屋局会针对个案酌情处理 根据一些发展商向我反映, 家里有 4 辆车 开名车的人还是照样申请中廉价屋, 所以我们需要通过一个系统, 来过滤这些浑水摸鱼的申请者, 让符合资格的人获得廉价或中廉价屋的分配 另外, 他也促请民众勿轻信谣言, 以为可通过 台底交易, 就担保会得到中廉价屋单位 市场上流传只要给 5000 至 1 万令吉, 就担保可以拿到廉价屋单位, 这是不真实的传言, 希望民众不要受骗 如果有房屋局官员私下进行这类贪污行为, 民众可向州政府举报, 我们将展开调查及对付这些官员 黄汉伟 ( 右 ) 促请已有房产者别浑水摸鱼再申请廉价及中廉价屋, 与真正需要平民屋的民众争一杯羹

9 Indian New Year Festival 2012 at Little India Story by Danny Ooi THE Indian New Year Festival 2012, held on May 1 at Jalan Penang was a special event for the Indian community in Penang. This was the first time that the New Year Festival was held in Penang. It was held at the Little India enclave, to celebrate the festivity of the multi ethnic groups of the local Indian community. Jointly organised by Padang Kota / Tanjong Parliament consituencies and Malaysian Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Penang, the function attracted hundreds of local visitors and tourists. It was officiated by Padang Kota YB Chow Kon Yeow and graced by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the Penang president of the Malaysian Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr N. Vasantharan. Also present were Komtar s ADUN Ng Wei Aik. In his opening speech, YB Chow said that it was the first time that the Indian New Year Festival was held in Penang. It gives the State Government the opportunity to show its admiration of the Indian community and to work with them in Penang, he added. YB Chow went on to thank N. Vasantharan and his team for working together with the State Government in solving issues brought up by traders in Little India and the Indian community in Penang. CM Lim said the festival in Penang which started this year will continue for many more years to come. The Penang Pakatan Rakyat Government seems to be the first to take the initiative to give out funds and land for the building of Tamil schools, he added. Yearly, we give allocations to Tamil schools here. It started off with RM1.5 million in 2009. From 2010 onwards the amount has been raised to RM1.75 million, he said. The Indian New Year Festival 2012 function started with an opening dance performed by a multi ethnic group. It was followed by an Indian Village dance, Hindi dance, Malayalam dance, Telegu dance and also a Tamil dance. Songs were presented by various ethnic groups. CM Lim lighting the Kuthuvali at the Indian New Year Festival 2012 Celebrations in Little India.

10 Nama ADUN AIR PUTIH YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng limguaneng@penang.gov.my PENANTI YB Dato Mansor Othman mansor@penang.gov.my PERAI YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy a/l Palanisamy ramasamy@penang.gov.my PADANG KOTA YB Chow Kon Yeow chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my BATU MAUNG YB Abdul Malik Abul Kassim abdmalik@penang.gov.my BAGAN JERMAL YB Lim Hock Seng limhockseng@penang.gov.my BATU LANCHANG YB Law Heng Kiang lawhengkiang@penang.gov.my SUNGAI PUYU YB Phee Boon Poh pheeboonpoh@penang.gov.my; pheeboonpoh@yahoo.com BUKIT TAMBUN YB Law Choo Kiang lawchookiang@penang.gov.my AIR ITAM YB Wong Hon Wai wonghonwai@penang.gov.my BERAPIT YB Ong Kok Fooi ongkokfooi@penang.gov.my DATO KERAMAT YB Jagdeep Singh DEO jagdeepsinghdeo@penang.gov.my PANTAI JEREJAK YB Sim Tze Tzin simtzetzin@penang.gov.my MACHANG BUBOK YB Dato Tan Hock Leong hltan@penang.gov.my TANJONG BUNGAH YB Teh Yee Cheu dappenang.cagw.teh@gmail.com JAWI YB Tan Beng Huat tanbenghuat2000@yahoo.com PENGKALAN KOTA YB Keng Ee dappengkalankota@gmail.com BAGAN DALAM YB Tanaseharan a/l Autheraphy atana@first.net.my KEBUN BUNGA YB Ong Khan Lee jason_okl@yahoo.com SUNGAI BAKAP YB Hj. Maktar Hj. Shapee adunan.dunsgbakap@yahoo.com KOMTAR YB Ng Wei Aik ngweiaik@penang.gov.my; nweiaik@ gmail.com PADANG LALANG YB Tan Cheong Heng michael@dappenang.com.my PAYA TERUBONG YB Yeoh Soo Hin clementyeoh@hotmail.com PULAU TIKUS YB Koay Teng Hai koaytenghai@gmail.com PERMATANG PASIR YB Dato Hj. Salleh Man adunptgpasir@gmail.com BUKIT TENGAH YB Ong Chin Wen pkrbkttengah@gmail.com SUNGAI PINANG YB Koid Teng Guan tgkoid@gmail.com BATU UBAN YB Raveentharan a/l Subramaniam raveenkeadilan@gmail.com SERI DELIMA YB Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji rsnrayer@gmail.com DAP PENANG HQ dappg@streamyx.com No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-829 0614 (T) 04-522 1463 (F) 04-522 1463 (T) 04-650 5134 (F) 04-261 8715 (T) 04-226 0218 (F) 04-228 8514 (T) 04-626 1968 (F) 04-626 5496 (T) 04-331 7175 (F) 04-331 7175 (T) 04-282 6419 (F) 04-282 6419 (T) 04-262 0860 012-480 5495 (F) 04-261 8745 (T) 04-588 0818 (F) 04-588 0885 (T) 04-828 0926 (F) 04-828 0926 (T) 04-530 8476 (T) 04-226 2464 (F) 04-227 2464 (T) 019-443 2088 (F) 04-641 3088 (T) 04-552 1366 (F) 04-552 1366 (T) 017-472 9990 (F) 04-228 8514 (T)04-598 1877 (F)04-598 1877 (T)04-250 1521 04-2501522 (F)04-2501523 (T) 04-538 1162 (F) 04-537 1163 (T) 04-818 2008 (F) 04-818 2008 (T) 04-582 7549 (F) 04-582 8648 (T) 04-227 0215 (F) 04-227 8215 (T) 04-502 5071 (F)04-508 9711 (T) 04-229 2105 (F) 04-226 2550 (T) 04-226 3227 (F) 04-226 3227 (T) 04-398 4226 (F) 04-398 4226 (T) 04-508 3977 (F) 04-508 3677 (T)010-464 3308 (F) 04-282 8322 (T) 04-659 6007 (F) 04-658 6007 04-2628188 (T) 04-659 5611 (F) 04-659 5611 (T) 04-228 8482 04-227 1397 04-227 7068 (F) 04-228 8514 NAMA ADUN No Tel/ No Faks PENAGA YB Dato Haji Azhar Ibrahim (T) 04-310 3100 (F) 04-323 8017 BERTAM YB Hajah Zabariah Wahab (T) 04-575 8670 PINANG TUNGGAL YB Dato Haji Roslan Saidin PERMATANG BERANGAN YB Haji Shabudin Yahya (T) 04-573 4630 (F) 04-570 1997 SUNGAI DUA YB Dato Haji Jasmin Mohamed (T) 04-575 7454 TELOK AIR TAWAR YB Dato Hjh. Jahara Hamid jahara.hamid@gmail.com SEBERANG JAYA YB Datuk Arif Shah Haji Omar Shah arif@arifshah.com SUNGAI ACHEH YB Dato Mahmud Zakaria datomahmud@umpangroup.com.my BAYAN LEPAS YB Syed Amerruddin Dato Syed Ahmad PULAU BETONG YB Sr. Haji Muhamad Farid Saad (T) 04-351 3675 (F) 04-351 4389 (T) 04-398 0185 (T) 04-593 3100 (F) 04-593 9529 TELUK BAHANG YB Dato Seri Dr. Haji Hilmi Hj Yahya (T) 04-866 1760 (F) 04-866 1821 POLIS & AMBULANS 999 BOMBA 994 DIREKTORI TELEFON 103 OPERATOR ANTARABANGSA 101 PENYELAMAT 991 BIRO PENGADUAN AWAM 04-263 6893 SEKRETARIAT KERAJAAN 04-262 1957 NEGERI KASTAM 04-262 2300 IMIGRESEN 04-250 3419 INFORMASI PENERANGAN 04-643 0373 WWC 04-228 0342 04-397 1058 EPF 04-226 1000 SOCSO 04-238 9888 PEGAWAI PENYELARAS KADUN PENAGA Hj Rosidi Bin Hussain albertami@yahoo.com 019-4704 800 BERTAM Asrol Sani Bin Abdul Razak asrolsani2006@gmail.com PINANG TUNGGAL Muhasdey Muhamad hadiputra78@yahoo.com PERMATANG BERANGAN Arshad Bin Md Salleh arshad.salleh@yahoo.com SUNGAI DUA Mohd. Fahmi Abd. Wahab krisoft.engineer@yahoo.com TELOK AIR TAWAR Salehin Mohamed pjd_403@ymail.com SEBERANG JAYA Abdul Jalil Che Ros abjteguh@gmail.com SUNGAI ACHEH Hj Mohd Kamil Bin Abu Bakar hjwanday@yahoo.com BAYAN LEPAS Asnah Binti Hashim asnah_45@streamyx.com PULAU BETONG Hj Mohd Tuah Bin Ismail tuahismail@yahoo.com TELUK BAHANG Halil Sabri Hamid halilsabri.hamid@gmail.com Talian Kecemasan & Perkhidmatan Awam No Tel/ No Faks (T) 04-575 6577 04-575 8578 (F) 04-575 8578 (T) 013-580 6981 (T) 019-437 2887 (T) 019-510 2633 (T) 04-575 1085 (F) 04-575 1085 (T) 017-427 1581 (T) 04-390 5109 013-489 3227 (T) 012-4735774 (T) 019-472 6956 (T) 019-570 9500 (T) 016-400 6462 JPJ 04-658 1122 04-398 8809 JABATAN PENDAFTARAN 04-226 5161 PUSAT INFO PELANCONG 04-261 4461 KERETAPI BUKIT BENDERA 04-828 8880 FERI (GEORGETOWN) 04-210 2363 ( BUTTERWORTH) 04-310 2377 JAMBATAN PP 04-398 7419 STESEN KERETAPI BUTTERWORTH 04-261 0290 PERSATUAN PERUNDUNGAN 04-829 4046 KANAK-KANAK CAP 04-829 9511 JABATAN BURUH 04-262 5536 PERPUSTAKAAN PP 04-229 8555 PROGRAM PENGHARGAAN WARGA EMAS/OKU/IBU TUNGGAL/ PROGRAM ANAK EMAS/ PROGRAM RAKAN ANTI KEMISKINAN N1 Penaga : 019-470 4800 - Rosidi N22 Tanjong : 012-232 6101 - Carol Hussain Bungah N2 Bertam : 012-490 6546 - Abd Rashid N23 Air Putih : 04-829 0614 - Chiam Heng N3 Pinang : 019-437 2887 - Muhasdey Hock Tunggal N24 Kebun : 04-829 3691 - Nancy Lim N4 Permatang : 019-510 2633 - Arshad Bunga Berangan Md. Salleh N25 Pulau Tikus : 012-488 3227 - Joe N5 Sungai Dua : 019-477 6740 - Md. Fahmi N26 Padang Kota : 012-431 7015 - Johnny Abd. Wahab Chee N6 Telok Air : 017-427 1581 - Salehin N27 Pengkalan : 012-437 1522 - Wang Lai Kin Tawar Mohamed Kota N7 Sungai Puyu : 012-528 8411 - Ng Ya Ling N28 KOMTAR : 012-412 6284 - Adreena N8 Bagan : 013-449 0366 - Yeap Choon N29 Datok : 012-410 6566 - A. T. Ong Jermal Keong Keramat N9 Bagan Dalam : 016-473 1963 - Gesan N30 Sungai : 010-464 3308 - Anna N10 Seberang : 013-489 3227 - Abdul Jalil Pinang Jaya Che Ros N31 Batu : 012-411 2152 - Ooi Geoik N11 Permatang : 019-412 8442 - Kamal Lancang Hooi Pasir N32 Seri Delima : 012-486 2552 - Mr. Lingam N12 Penanti : 04-522 1463 - Suhaimi Bin N33 Air Itam : 012-493 3648 - Teh Choong Mansor Kong N13 Berapit : 019-481 7823 - Ong Kee N34 Paya : 012-484 1963 - Toon Hoon Seong Terubong Lee N14 Machang : 019-546 3257 - Rynu N35 Batu Uban : 012-409 7507 - A.Francis Bubuk Xavier N15 Padang : 04-502 5071 - Ooi Zhen 010-562 2004 - M. Sri Lalang Chee Jaimuralydasan N16 Perai : 012-339 3479 - Pn. N36 Pantai : 019-443 2088 - Victor Rajaletchumi Jerejak N17 Bukit Tengah : 016-469 5343 - Amizuddin N37 Batu Maung : 013-510 1968 - Latifah N18 Bukit Tambun : 016-442 0820 - Ong Eu Leong N38 Bayan Lepas : 019-472 6956 - Asnah Bt N19 Jawi : 017-408 4784 - Abdul Halim Hashim Yunus N39 Pulau : 019-570 9500 - Hj Md Tuah N20 Sungai : 012-415 2905 - Munir Bin Betong Ismail Bakap Makhtar N40 Telok : 016-400 6462 - Halil Sabri N21 Sungai : 012-473 5774 - Hj M. Kamil Bahang Acheh A.Bakar

11 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPSP 2011 (1 JAN. 2012-31 DIS. 2012) Nama Telefon En. Sim Chee Keong (DAP) 012-590 75 07 stevensim@mpsp.gov.my En. Teoh Seang Hooi (DAP) shteow@mpsp.gov.my En. Soon Lip Chee (DAP) lcsoon@mpsp.gov.my En. Visvanathan a/l Kumaran (DAP) visvanathan@mpsp.gov.my Cik Tan Xin Ying (DAP) En. Mohd Shaipol Bin Ismail (DAP) En. Guanalan a/l Sengalaney (DAP) En. Chandrasekeran a/l S. Maniam (DAP) chanderasekeran@mpsp. gov.my En. Mohamad Zainudin bin Othman (PKR) mohamadzainudin@mpsp. gov.my En. Ahmad Farid bin Md. Arshad (PKR) ahmadfarid@mpsp.gov.my En. Johari bin Kassim (PKR) johari@mpsp.gov.my Abdul Latif bin Abdullah (PKR) abdul_latif@mpsp.gov.my En. Bahktiar Appanai bin Yahya (PKR) bahktiarappandi@mpsp. gov.my En. Lim Eng Nam (PKR) peterlim@mpsp.gov.my Puan Kusala Kumari @ Rynu a/p A. Shanmugam (PKR) kusala@mpsp.gov.my En. Amir bin Md. Ghazali (PKR) amir@mpsp.gov.my En. Ahmad Kaswan bin Kassim (PAS) ahmadkaswan@mpsp.gov. my En. Lim Tau Hoong (NGO) thlim@mpsp.gov.my Dr. Tiun Ling Ta (NGO) lttiun@mpsp.gov.my En. Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Abdullah (NGO) En. Loh Joo Huat (DAP) jhloh@mpsp.gov.my En. Ong Koon Liak (DAP) klong@mpsp.gov.my Puan Sarina binti Hashim (PKR) sarina@mpsp.gov.my En. Md Jamil Bin Abd Rahman PAS) mdjamil@mpsp.gov.my 019-412 99 96 04-594 1231 012-4290 163 012-477 6468 04-398 3242 (Tel) 04-502 1667 (Fax) 016-553 1987 012-571 2250 013-485 3128 012-5619870 013-45 47 009 019-540 9396 04-3979796 (Fax) 019-449 1450 019-560 57 55 017-568 3778 04-977 3982 016-411 44 00 04-588 0818 (Tel) 04-588 0885 (Fax) 019-54 63 257 013-584 8386 04-521 1987 (Fax) 019-408 4899 019-446 35 51 013-430 2096 04-508 0039 (Tel) 04-657 0918 (Fax) 013-414 4822 012-4221133 012-4277868 04-530 0363 (Tel) 04-538 6950 (Fax) 013-50 00 155 019-4490007 SENARAI NAMA AHLI MAJLIS MPPP 2011 (1 JAN. 2012-31 DIS. 2012) Nama Telefon Zulkifli bin Mohd. Noor (DAP) 012-483 0878 Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh 012-42822 50 (DAP) Tay Leong Seng (DAP) 019-321 9392 Lim Siew Khim (DAP) 016-531 6026 Lim Cheng Hoe 016-438 4809 (DAP) Tan Hun Wooi (DAP) 012-488 0409 En. Ong Ah Teong 012-410 6566 (DAP) Ooi Keat Hin 016-417 1331 (PKR) Francis a/l Joseph (PKR) 012-474 3321 Cik Ramlah Bee Binti 016-422 2142 Asiahoo (PKR) En. Mohamed Yusoff Bin Mohamed Noor (PAS) Encik Iszuree Bin Ibrahim (PAS) Sr. Mohd. Zahry bin Shaikh Abdul Rahim (NGO) 04-657 7464 (Tel) 012-472 8114 016-443 3205 012-472 6725 Encik Teh Lai Heng (DAP) 016-445 9808 Encik Gooi Seong Kin 016-457 1271 (DAP) Encik Prem Anand a/l 012-412 2558 Loganathan (DAP) Encik Tan Seng Keat 012-438 6191 (PKR) Tuan Haji Mohd Rashid Bin 019-456 0077 Hasnon (PKR) Muhammad Sabri Bin Md 013-432 0207 Osman (PKR) Mohd Taufik Bin sulong 012-438 0873 (PKR) Tahir Jalaluddin Bin Hussain 012-463 5959 (NGO) Dr. Lim Mah Hui 012-422 1880 (NGO) Encik Sin Kok Siang (NGO) 016-422 2255 Ng Chek Siang (PKR) perisaihebat@gmail.com 016-470 7089 SIDANG REDAKSI BULETIN MUTIARA Penulis: YAP LEE YING AINUL WARDAH SOHILLI ZULIANA AZIZ ZAINULFAQAR YAACOB NORSHAHIDA YUSOFF Jurugambar/Juruvideo: CHAN LILIAN LAW SUUN TING ALISSALA THIAN MOHD. HAFIZ TAJUDIN Jurugrafik: LOO MEI FERN IDZHAM AHMAD sertai kami melalui sms blast, taip ADD ME 019 357 9726 Bagi sebarang maklum balas, sila hantar ke: Editor BULETIN MUTIARA, Tingkat 47, Komtar, 10503 Pulau Pinang. Emel: suaracat@gmail.com Talian Pejabat 04-650 5375, 04-650 5559, 04-650 5561, 04-650 5705, 04-650 5256 Kalendar Pelancongan Pulau Pinang April 2012 21hb - 22hb Apr PENANG INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL MART 2012 Penang International Sports Arena 13hb May WALK FOR SIGHT & SOUND 2012 Youth Park Jenis Iklan Saiz Kos (sebulan,rm) Satu Muka Surat Separuh Muka Surat (melintang) Separuh Muka Surat (menegak) 25sm(w) x 32sm(h) 15,000 (*) 25sm(w) x 16m(h) 7,500 (*) 12.5sm(w) x 32m(h) 7,500 (*) Buletin Mutiara boleh diperoleh di : - Pejabat-pejabat ADUN - Pejabat-pejabat Kerajaan Negeri - Pejabat-pejabat PBA - Bukit Bendera - Pasaraya-pasaraya sekitar Pulau Pinang - Hospital-hospital Kerajaan dan Swasta - Pejabat-pejabat NGO - Edaran rumah ke rumah Bagi Maklumat Lanjut, Sila Hubungi : Shawal Ahmad: 04-650 5550, 04-650 5256, 012-424 9004 shawal@penang.gov.my atau shawal9004@gmail.com

12 It was indeed quite a touching sight when the blind rode on tandem bikes with the ones who could see. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng took part in the St. Nicholas Home for the Visually Impaired charity ride Ride For Sight on a rainy morning. He fetched a 16-year old visually impaired boy. On the way, CM was soothing the visually impaired boy with comforting words from Straits Quay to Penang Town Hall building at the Esplanade. Six hundred participants took part in the charity ride. Before taking off, CM Lim said, Often times, we place people in a Box, making assumptions about their ability or lack of it, especially the OKU s. By participating in this ride, we are saying that the visually-impaired should be allowed to make that choice themselves. They should have the right to make the choices that we take for granted. All they need is just a little help; in the case of cycling, they need just another kind soul who is willing to ride with them on tandem bikes. Penang celebrated Earth Day which fell on 22 April 2012 with the first international hiking challenge. The D Nonce Penang International Hiking Challenge was the biggest hiking gathering in Penang. 2,000 participants took part in the competition. This included a fun hike with the Chief Minister and his family.

13 Penang Municipal Council has gone digital. All the MPPP Councillors have been provided with an ipad2 to help them synchronise and update their tasks more efficiently and effectively. MPPP s Chief, Hajjah Patahiyah Ismail said, This will also save the environment as less paper will be used. From now on, MPPP meetings will be paperless. During the screening of the movie Urbanized at GSC, Gurney Plaza on 19 April, 2012, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announced the proposal to increase the minimum limit for foreign purchases of all properties from the existing level of RM500,000 to RM1 million with a higher limit of RM 2 million for landed properties in Penang Island and retaining the present RM 500,000 limit for Permanent Residents. The screening of the documentary Urbanized by Gary Hustwit was organised by Penang Institute along with Think City. The film highlighted many of the serious challenges which are faced by an increasingly urban world. It also showed how some of these problems are addressed. CM Lim applauded the PTCS and said, Teachers, I salute all of you for all that you have done in nurturing the young minds that will finally be the driving force behind the nation s progress. To mould a young mind is a very difficult and onerous task. We are all what we are today, because of our teachers who had refused to give up on us and had persevered in instilling in us a sense of discipline and love for knowledge. As has been said, small minds gossip about people, average minds discuss events and great minds think new ideas. Most of all, you have opened up our minds to great ideas. The Penang Teachers Cooperative Society (PTCS) celebrated its 80th anniversary on 21st April, 2012. Since its inception in 1928, the PTCS has come a long way from being one of the pre-war cooperatives in the country to become one of the most well-managed co-ops in the country with a substantial paid-up capital and share capital of more than RM35 million. The PTCS has 5,000 members.

14 Legal suit against Utusan, New Straits Times and Perkasa CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng issued a press statement on 4th May, 2012 why certain UMNO-linked press are not included in the State events. He also announced that he has instructed his lawyers to proceed to file an action for defamation in the High Court against PERKASA, the New Straits Times Press and Utusan Melayu (Bhd). Press Statement by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in George Town on 4 May, 2012 The recent case of the New Straits Times deliberate lies and fabrication of news against Australian Senator Nick Xenophon demonstrates why I am compelled not to invite the unethical UMNO-linked press to my functions purely as an act of self-defence against such accomplished serial liars. The New Straits Times has admitted that it falsely replaced the word Scientology with Islam in a speech quoted in its 2 May 2012 news report, which claimed that the Australian Senator had called Islam a criminal organisation and which accused him of being anti-islam. Like Senator Xenophon, Malaysians are also sickened by the UMNO-linked press s blatant fabrication of lies passed off as news to the Malaysian public. The Penang State Government is therefore fully justified in refusing to allow its press conferences and State functions to be deliberately misreported and misrepresented by the UMNO-linked press. Although we believe in the freedom of the press, the refusal of the UMNO-linked media to abide by the basic ethics of truthful journalism, and their refusal to give me the right of reply to correct false news, leaves me without any choice but to act in selfdefence by declining any news coverage from the UMNOowned papers. Much as we want news coverage, better no coverage than coverage filled with hurtful lies, slander and falsehoods. It has been reported that Senator Xenophon intends to go ahead and sue the New Straits Times for the damage that has been done to his reputation, despite the newspaper s admission of guilt and statement of regret. In the case of a false news report carried by the New Sunday Times, Mingguan Malaysia and CM Lim showing members of the media the article from The Malaysian Insider. Berita Minggu on 2 October 2011, which was defamatory of me, Datuk Mohamed Azman Yahya and Datuk Seri Kalimullah Hassan, I have not received a single word of apology or of clarification. These articles published in the UMNO-linked press carried PERKASA s allegation that I, together with Datuk Azman and Datuk Seri Kalimullah, had attended a dinner with senior Singapore PAP leaders at which Malaysian national secrets were allegedly discussed. No attempt was made by these newspapers to clarify the allegation by contacting the parties alleged to have been involved. These UMNO-linked newspapers have since apologised to Datuk Seri Kalimullah and to Datuk Azman for their false and defamatory allegation, but for political reasons have refused, in spite of my lawyers requests, to pay any damage or to publish any clarification or apology concerning the allegations against me. I am therefore announcing that I will be instructing my lawyers to proceed to file an action for defamation in the High Court against PERKASA, the New Straits Times Press and Utusan Melayu (Bhd). I do not have the resources and ability to file a court defamation action every time the UMNOlinked media defame me. Even without their news coverage, the New Straits Times has continued to run defamatory articles against me. Imagine how many more court actions I would have to file if they were invited to run riot with lies at my news conferences. LIM GUAN ENG

15 Penang State Assembly The Governor inspecting the Guard of Honour. PENANG State Assembly opened on 30th April, 2012 for the fifth session of the 12th Penang State Assembly. Penang Governor Yang di-pertua Negri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas inspected the guard of honour before his opening speech. In his speech, the Governor expressed thanksgiving and joy for Penang State is peaceful and harmonious. He took the opportunity to thank the Chief Minister, Exco Members, civil servants and security team for their efforts and Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his wife, Betty Chew Gek Cheng. dedication to bring Penang forward and maintain peace inspite of various challenges. The Governor also prayed that Penang will be blessed and protected by the Almighty. He urged all Penangites to be united under the administration and leadership of the People Centric Government which has brought changes to people s lives. The Governor s speech which was 11 pages long covered all aspects of the State including economy, infrastructure, tourism, welfare, traffic, environment, agriculture, human capital, education, housing, health, sport, women welfare, community etc. From left to right - Penang State Assembly Speaker, Dato Abdul Halim Hussain, The Governor and CM Lim. The Assemblymembers greeting each other. The State Legislature convenes.