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Daily Dhamma Reflection 每日佛法省思 PĀḶI CHANTING 巴利課誦 Pāḷi-English-Chinese 巴英中三語

CONTENTS 目錄 Devārādhanā Inviting the Deities 邀請諸天... 5 Vandanā Homage [to the Buddha] 禮敬佛陀... 5 Sambodhi-Udāna Inspired Utterance [after] Self-Awakening 正覺自說語... 5 Paṭiccasamuppāda Dependent Origination 緣起... 6 Ven. Assajī's Teaching to Ven. Sāriputta 阿說示尊者給予舍利弗尊者的教導... 8 Paccayā [Twenty-Four] Conditions 二十四緣... 8 Buddhānussati Contemplation of the Buddha 佛隨念... 9 Dhammānussati Contemplation of the Dhamma 法隨念... 9 Saṅghānussati Contemplation of the Saṅgha 僧隨念... 9 Mettasuttaṁ Discourse on Loving-Kindness 慈愛經... 10 Khandhasuttaṁ Discourse on [Protection of] Aggregates 蘊護經... 11 Ovāda-Pātimokkha-Gāthā Verses of Pātimokkha Exhortation 護解脫教誡偈... 13 Bhaddekaratta-Gāthā Verses on An Auspicious Night 賢善一夜偈... 13 Dasadhammāsuttaṁ (Pabbajita-Abhiṇhasuttaṁ) Discourse on Ten Dhammas 十法經... 14 Catupaccavekkhaṇā Four [Requisites] Contemplation 四種省思... 15 Subha-Patthanā & Paritta Blessings and Protection 祝福與護衛... 17 Pattidāna Sharing of Merit 分享 ( 迴向 ) 功德... 19 Accaya-Vivaraṇa & Khamāpana Asking for Forgiveness 祈求寬恕... 20 Patthanā Aspiration 發願... 20 Good Wishes for Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw, Ariyadhamma Mahāthera & Other Theras 祝福帕奧禪師 聖法大長老與其他長老... 21 Sugatovāda Exhortation of the Well-Fared One 善逝教誡... 21 Tathāgatassa Pacchimā Vācā The Tathāgata s Last Speech 如來最後的話... 22 Anumodanā & Khamāpana Rejoicing in Merit and Asking for Forginess 隨喜功德與互相原諒... 22 Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṁ Discourse on Turning the Dhamma Wheel 轉法輪經... 23 Anattalakkhaṇasuttaṁ Discourse on Non-Self Characteristic 無我相經... 29 Jaya Paritta Victory Protection 勝利護衛... 33 Ādittasuttaṁ The Fire Sermon 燃燒經... 34 Maṅgalasuttaṁ Discourse on Blessings 吉祥經... 37 Ratanasuttaṁ Discourse on the [Three] Jewels 寶經... 39 Paṭiccasamuppādavibhaṅgo Analysis of Dependent Origination 緣起分別... 42 Dhammasaṅgaṇī Tikamātikā Compendium of Dhamma: Table of Triplets 法聚論. 三法論母 47 Tirokuṭṭasuttaṁ Without-the-Wall Discourse 牆外經... 49 Dhammapada Verses of Reality of Life 生命真相之法句... 50 Bojjhaṅgasuttaṁ The Discourse on Enlightenment Factors 覺支經... 52 Jayamaṅgala-Gāthā Verses on the Blessings of Triumph 勝利吉祥偈... 53 Paṭṭhāna Conditional Relations 發趣法... 55 Mahānamakkāra Pāḷi Great Homage 大禮讚... 67 Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasuttaṁ The Great Discourse on Foundations of Mindfulness 大念處經... 72 3

Uddeso Preamble 總說...72 Kāyānupassanā Ānāpānapabbaṁ Contemplation of the Body: Mindfulness of Breathing 身隨觀念處 : 安般念節...72 Iriyāpathapabbaṁ The Four Postures 四威儀節...74 Sampajānapabbaṁ Clear Comprehension 正知節 ( 明覺節 )...74 Paṭikūlamanasikārapabbaṁ Reflection on Repulsiveness 可厭作意節 ( 不淨觀 )...75 Dhātumanasikārapabbaṁ The Reflection on the Material Elements 界作意節...76 Navasivathikapabbaṁ The Nine Cemetery Contemplations 九種墳場觀節...77 Vedanānupassanā Contemplation of Feeling 受隨觀念處...82 Cittānupassanā Contemplation of Mind 心隨觀念處...83 Dhammānupassanā Nīvaraṇapabbaṁ Contemplation of Dhamma-Objects: The Five Hindrances 法隨觀念處 : 五蓋節...84 Khandhapabbaṁ The Five Clinging Aggregates 五取蘊節...86 Āyatanapabbaṁ Sense-Bases 十二處節...87 Bojjhaṅgapabbaṁ The Seven Factors of Enlightenment 七覺支節...89 Saccapabbaṁ The Four Noble Truths 四聖諦節...91 Dukkhasaccaniddeso The Noble Truth of Suffering 苦諦義釋...91 Samudayasaccaniddeso The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering 集諦義釋...95 Nirodhasaccaniddeso The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering 滅諦義釋...99 Maggasaccaniddeso The Noble Truth of the Path 道諦義釋... 104 Satta-Buddha-Vandanā Homage to Seven Buddhas 禮敬七佛... 110 Aṭṭhavīsati Buddhā Paritta The Twenty-Eight Buddhas Protection 二十八佛護衛... 111 Morasuttaṁ The Peacock Discourse 孔雀經... 112 Vaṭṭasuttaṁ The Quail Discourse 鵪鶉經... 113 Tesattati Ñāṇāni Seventy-Three Types of Knowledge 七十三智... 114 Mettānisaṁsasuttaṁ The Discourse on the Benefits of Loving-Kindness 慈愛利益經... 120 Dutiyamārapāsasuttaṁ Second Discourse on Māra s Snare 第二魔王陷阱經... 121 Kesamuttisuttaṁ (Kālāmasuttaṁ) Discourse to Kālāma 羯臘摩經... 122 Aṅgulimāla-Paritta The Aṅgulimāla Protection 指鬘護衛... 130 Bhikkhu-Aparihāniyadhammā Dhammas for Non-Decline of Bhikkhus 比丘不衰退之法... 131 The Four Buddhist Sacred Places 四個佛教聖地... 139 Dānānumodana-Gāthā Verses of Rejoicing in Offerings 隨喜功德偈... 140 Cetiya-Vandanā Salutation to Pagoda etc 禮敬塔等... 141 Bodhi-Vandanā Salutation to the Bodhi Tree 禮敬菩提樹... 141 Buddha-Pūjā Offering to The Buddha 供佛... 142 Buddha-Vandanā Homage to The Buddha 禮敬佛陀... 143 Dhamma-Vandanā Homage to The Dhamma 禮敬法... 144 Saṅgha-Vandanā Homage to The Saṅgha 禮敬僧團... 145 Mettā Chanting 慈悲誦... 146 Good Wishes and Sharing of Merit etc 祝願與分享功德等... 147 Aṭṭhaṅga-Uposatha-Sīla Uposatha Eight Precepts 布薩八戒... 149 Pañca-Sīla Five Precepts 五戒... 151 Ājīva-Aṭṭhamaka-Sīla Eight Precepts with Livelihood as the Eighth 活命八戒... 153 Table of Chanting Sequence 課誦順序表... 155 4

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Devārādhanā Inviting the Deities 邀請諸天 Samantā cakka-vāḷesu Atrāgacchantu devatā; Saddhammaṁ Muni-rājassa Suṇantu sagga-mokkhadaṁ. May the deities of the entire universe come here and listen to the True-Dhamma of the King of Sages, which leads to the heavenly states and liberation (Nibbāna). 從世界系中各處, 願諸天神來此地, 聆聽知王之正法, 導向天界與解脫 Dhammassavana-kālo ayaṁ bhadantā. (x3) Sirs, now is the time for listening to the Dhamma. 這是聽聞佛法的時候, 大德們 Vandanā Homage [to the Buddha] 禮敬佛陀 Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa. (x3) Homage to that Blessed One, the Arahant and Perfectly Self-Awakened One. 禮敬世尊 阿羅漢 圓滿自覺者 Sambodhi-Udāna Inspired Utterance [after] Self-Awakening 正覺自說語 Aneka-jāti saṁsāraṁ Sandhāvissaṁ anibbisaṁ, Gaha-kāraṁ gavesanto Dukkhā jāti punappunaṁ. Gaha-kāraka, diṭṭho'si Puna gehaṁ na kāhasi, Sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā Gaha-kūṭaṁ visaṅkhataṁ, Visaṅkhāra-gataṁ cittaṁ Taṇhānaṁ khayamajjhagā. KN, Dhp 1 153-154 I wandered [through] many births in saṁsāra, searching for the house builder (craving) [but] found [him] not; repeated birth is suffering. 在生死輪迴當中, 我尋找了許多世, 卻找不到造屋者 一再投生的確苦 O house-builder! You are seen. You shall not build a house again. All your rafters are broken. Your ridge-pole is shattered. My mind has attained the unconditioned, obtaining the destruction of craving. 造屋者你已被見! 你已不能再造屋 你所有的椽已斷, 你的橫樑已粉碎 我心已證無為法 已經達到愛盡毀 1 Abbreviations in this book 本書中的英文縮寫 :DN (Dīgha-Nikāya), MN (Majjhima-Nikāya), SN (Saṁyutta-Nikāya), AN (Aṅguttara-Nikāya), KN (Khuddaka-Nikāya), Dhp (Dhammapada). 5

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Paṭiccasamuppāda Dependent Origination 緣起 Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati, yadidaṁ: Avijjā-paccayā saṅkhārā, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ, viññāṇa-paccayā nāmarūpaṁ, nāma-rūpa-paccayā saḷāyatanaṁ, saḷāyatana-paccayā phasso, phassa-paccayā vedanā, vedanā-paccayā taṇhā, taṇhā-paccayā upādānaṁ, upādāna-paccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jāti-paccayā jarā-maraṇaṁ sokaparideva-dukkha-domanassupāyāsā sambhavanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā, Ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa, Athassa kaṅkhā vapayanti sabbā, Yato pajānāti sahetudhammaṁ. Iti imasmiṁ asati idaṁ na hoti, imassa nirodhā idaṁ nirujjhati, yadidaṁ: Avijjā-nirodhā saṅkhāra-nirodho, saṅkhāra-nirodhā viññāṇa-nirodho, viññāṇanirodhā nāma-rūpa-nirodho, nāma-rūpanirodhā saḷāyatana-nirodho, saḷāyatananirodhā phassa-nirodho, phassa-nirodhā vedanā-nirodho, vedanā-nirodhā taṇhānirodho, taṇhā-nirodhā upādāna-nirodho, upādāna-nirodhā bhava-nirodho, bhavanirodhā jāti-nirodho, jāti-nirodhā jarā-maraṇaṁ soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti. Thus when there is this that is, with the arising of this that arises, such as: 此有故彼有, 此生故彼生, 即 : Dependent on ignorance, activities [arise]; dependent on activities, consciousness [arises]; dependent on consciousness, mentality and materiality [arise]; dependent on mentality and materiality, the six bases [arise]; dependent on the six bases, contact [arises]; dependent on contact feeling [arises]; dependent on feeling, craving [arises]; dependent on craving, attachment [arises]; dependent on attachment, existence [arises]; dependent on existence, [a new] birth [takes place]; dependent on birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, unhappiness and despair come to be. Thus is the arising of this whole mass of suffering. 無明緣行 ; 行緣識 ; 識緣名色 ; 名色緣六處 ; 六處緣觸 ; 觸緣受 ; 受緣愛 ; 愛緣取 ; 取緣有 ; 有緣生 ; 生緣老 死 愁 悲 苦 憂 惱 如是整個苦蘊的集起 When indeed phenomena become apparent to the religious one who is ardent and meditative, then all his doubts disappear, since he knows the nature of their causes. 當諸法明顯呈現時, 熱誠禪修的婆羅門, 一切疑惑都會消失, 因他了知諸法之因 When there is not this that is not, with the cessation of this that ceases, such as: 此無故彼無, 此滅故彼滅, 即 : With the cessation of ignorance, activities cease; with the cessation of activities, consciousness ceases; with the cessation of consciousness, mentality and materiality cease; with the cessation of mentality and materiality, the six [sense] bases cease; with the cessation of the six [sense] bases, contact ceases; with the cessation of contact, feeling ceases; with the cessation of feeling, craving ceases; with the cessation of craving, attachment ceases; with the cessation of attachment, [the cause for a new] existence ceases; with the cessation of [the cause for a new] existence, [the possibility of re]birth ceases; with the cessation of birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, unhappiness and despair cease. Thus there is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering. 無明滅則行滅 ; 行滅則識滅 ; 識滅則名色滅 ; 名色滅則六處滅 ; 六處滅則觸滅 ; 觸滅則受滅 ; 受滅則愛滅 ; 愛滅則取滅 ; 取滅則有滅 ; 有滅則生滅 ; 生滅則老 死 愁 悲 苦 憂 惱滅 如是整個苦蘊的熄滅 6

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā Ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa, Athassa kaṅkhā vapayanti sabbā, Yato khayaṁ paccayānaṁ avedi. Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati, imasmiṁ asati idaṁ na hoti, imassa nirodhā idaṁ nirujjhati, yadidaṁ: Avijjā-paccayā saṅkhārā, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ, viññāṇa-paccayā nāmarūpaṁ, nāma-rūpa-paccayā saḷāyatanaṁ, saḷāyatana-paccayā phasso, phassa-paccayā vedanā, vedanā-paccayā taṇhā, taṇhā-paccayā upādānaṁ, upādāna-paccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jāti-paccayā jarā-maraṇaṁ sokaparideva-dukkha-domanassupāyāsā sambhavanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. Avijjāya tveva asesa-virāga-nirodhā saṅkhāra-nirodho, saṅkhāra-nirodhā viññāṇanirodho, viññāṇa-nirodhā nāma-rūpa-nirodho, nāma-rūpa-nirodhā saḷāyatana-nirodho, saḷāyatana-nirodhā phassa-nirodho, phassanirodhā vedanā-nirodho, vedanā-nirodhā taṇhā-nirodho, taṇhā-nirodhā upādānanirodho, upādāna-nirodhā bhava-nirodho, bhava-nirodhā jāti-nirodho, jāti-nirodhā jarāmaraṇaṁ soka-parideva-dukkhadomanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti. Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā, Ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa, Vidhūpayaṁ tiṭṭhati māra-senaṁ, Suriyo va obhāsayamantalikkhaṁ. Vinayapiṭaka, Mahāvagga, Mahākhandhaka When indeed phenomena become apparent to the religious one who is ardent and meditative, then all his doubts disappear, since he experiences the elimination of [their] causes. 當諸法明顯呈現時, 熱誠禪修的婆羅門, 一切疑惑都會消失, 因他體證諸緣之滅 Thus when there is this that is, with the arising of this that arises: when there is not this that is not, with the cessation of this that ceases, such as: 此有故彼有, 此生故彼生 ; 此無故彼無, 此滅故彼滅, 即 : Dependent on ignorance, activities [arise]; dependent on activities, consciousness [arises]; dependent on consciousness, mentality and materiality [arise]; dependent on mentality and materiality, the six bases [arise]; dependent on the six bases, contact [arises]; dependent on contact, feeling [arises]; dependent on feeling, craving [arises]; dependent on craving, attachment [arises]; dependent on attachment, existence [arises]; dependent on existence, [a new] birth [takes place]; dependent on birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, unhappiness and despair come to be. Thus is the arising of this whole mass of suffering. 無明緣行 ; 行緣識 ; 識緣名色 ; 名色緣六處 ; 六處緣觸 ; 觸緣受 ; 受緣愛 ; 愛緣取 ; 取緣有 ; 有緣生 ; 生緣老 死 愁 悲 苦 憂 惱 如是整個苦蘊的集起 With the remainderless dispassion and cessation of ignorance, activities cease; with the cessation of activities, consciousness ceases; with the cessation of consciousness, mentality and materiality cease; with the cessation of mentality and materiality, the six [sense] bases cease; with the cessation of the six [sense] bases, contact ceases; with the cessation of contact, feeling ceases; with the cessation of feeling, craving ceases; with the cessation of craving, attachment ceases; with the cessation of attachment, [the cause for a new] existence ceases; with the cessation of [the cause for a new] existence, [the possibility of re]birth ceases; with the cessation of birth, ageing, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, unhappiness and despair cease. Thus there is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering. 無明滅盡離欲無餘則行滅 ; 行滅則識滅 ; 識滅則名色滅 ; 名色滅則六處滅 ; 六處滅則觸滅 ; 觸滅則受滅 ; 受滅則愛滅 ; 愛滅則取滅 ; 取滅則有滅 ; 有滅則生滅 ; 生滅則老 死 愁 悲 苦 憂 惱滅 如是整個苦蘊的熄滅 When indeed phenomena become apparent to the religious one who is ardent and meditative, he stands dispelling the hosts of Māra, just as the sun illuminating the sky [dispels darkness]. 當諸法明顯呈現時, 熱誠禪修的婆羅門, 他擊敗魔軍而穩立, 猶如太陽照亮天空 7

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Ven. Assajī's Teaching to Ven. Sāriputta 阿說示尊者給予舍利弗尊者的教導 Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā, Tesaṁ hetuṁ Tathāgato āha; Tesañca yo nirodho, Evaṁ-vādī Mahā-samaṇo. KN, Apadāna, Buddhavagga, Sāriputtatthera-Apadāna Of those phenomena that originate from a cause, the Tathāgata has declared the cause, and also what their cessation is This is the doctrine of the Great Recluse. 從因生之法, 如來說其因, 及彼等之滅 ; 此大沙門說 Paccayā [Twenty-Four] Conditions 二十四緣 Hetupaccayo, ārammaṇapaccayo, adhipatipaccayo, anantarapaccayo, samanantarapaccayo, sahajātapaccayo, aññamaññapaccayo, nissayapaccayo, upanissayapaccayo, purejātapaccayo, pacchājātapaccayo, āsevanapaccayo, kammapaccayo, vipākapaccayo, āhārapaccayo, indriyapaccayo, jhānapaccayo, maggapaccayo, sampayuttapaccayo, vippayuttapaccayo, atthipaccayo, natthipaccayo, vigatapaccayo, avigatapaccayoti. Etena sacca-vajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā. Etena sacca-vajjena sabba-rogo vinassatu. Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ. Root condition, object condition, predominance condition, immediacy condition, contiguity condition, conascence condition, mutuality condition, dependence condition, powerful dependence condition, prenascence condition, postnascence condition, repetition condition, kamma condition, result condition, nutriment condition, faculty condition, jhāna condition, path condition, association condition, dissociation condition, presence condition, absence condition, disappearance condition, non-disappearance condition. 因緣 ; 所緣緣 ; 增上緣 ; 無間緣 ; 相續緣 ; 俱生緣 ; 相互緣 ; 依止緣 ; 親依止緣 ; 前生緣 ; 後生緣 ; 重複緣 ; 業緣 ; 果報 ( 異熟 ) 緣 ; 食緣 ; 根緣 ; 禪那緣 ; 道緣 ; 相應緣 ; 不相應緣 ; 有緣 ; 無有緣 ; 離去緣 ; 不離去緣 By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always. By this speaking of truth, may all [your] diseases disappear. By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you. 藉著這真實的話語, 願你時常得到安樂 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願一切的疾病消失 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願你得到勝利吉祥 8

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Buddhānussati Contemplation of the Buddha 佛隨念 Iti pi so bhagavā arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho, vijjācaraṇa-sampanno, sugato, lokavidū, anuttaro purisadamma-sārathi, satthā devamanussānaṁ, buddho, bhagavā. Such is that Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-Awakened One, One fully possessed of wisdom and conduct, One who has proceeded by the good way, Knower of the [three] worlds, Unexcelled Trainer of tamable men, Teacher of deities and men, The Awakened One, The Blessed One. 世尊是 : 阿羅漢 圓滿自覺者 明行足 善逝 世間解 無上士調御丈夫 天人師 佛陀 世尊 Dhammānussati Contemplation of the Dhamma 法隨念 Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo, sandiṭṭhiko, akāliko, ehi-passiko, opanayiko, paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhi. Well-expounded is the Exalted One s Dhamma, visible here-and-now, not delayed in time, inviting of inspection, onward-leading, is directly experienceable by the wise. 法由世尊善說, 現前可見 無時 ( 無間隔 ) 請來看 導向 當由智者親證 Saṅghānussati Contemplation of the Saṅgha 僧隨念 Suppaṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho, Ujuppaṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho, Ñāyappaṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho, Sāmīcippaṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho; Yadidaṁ: cattāri purisa-yugāni aṭṭha purisapuggalā, esa bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho; Āhuneyyo, pāhuneyyo, dakkhiṇeyyo, añjalikaraṇīyo, anuttaraṁ puññakkhettaṁ lokassa. Evaṁ buddhaṁ sarantānaṁ Dhammaṁ saṅghañca bhikkhavo; Bhayaṁ vā chambhitattaṁ vā Lomahaṁso na hessati. SN, Sagāthāvagga, Sakkasaṁyutta, Dhajaggasuttaṁ Etena saccavajjena pātu tvaṁ ratanattayaṁ. (x3) The community of the Exalted One s disciples has entered on the good way, the community of the Exalted One s disciples has entered on the straight way, the community of the Exalted One s disciples has entered on the true way, the community of the Exalted One s disciples has entered on the proper way, that is to say, the four pairs of men, the eight types of persons. That is the Exalted One s disciple community, worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, whom should be respected, the incomparable field of merit for the world. 世尊的聲聞僧眾已入善行道 ; 世尊的聲聞僧眾已入正直行道 ; 世尊的聲聞僧眾已入真實行道 ; 世尊的聲聞僧眾已入正當行道 即四雙八輩 這是世尊的聲聞僧眾, 是應供養 應供奉者 應施於者 應合掌 ( 禮敬 ) 者, 是世間的無上福田 Thus, O Bhikkhus, in you who remember the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Saṅgha, fear, trembling or terror will never arise. 如是諸比丘, 億念佛法僧, 他無畏不慄, 無毛骨悚然 By this speaking of truth, may the Triple Gem protect you! 藉此真實話語, 願三寶保護你! 9

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Mettasuttaṁ Discourse on Loving-Kindness 慈愛經 Yassānubhāvato yakkhā neva dassenti bhīsanaṁ Yamhi cevānuyuñjanto rattindivamatandito. Sukhaṁ supati sutto ca pāpaṁ kiñci na passati, Evamādiguṇūpetaṁ parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he. - - - Karaṇīyamatthakusalena, yantasantaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca; Sakko ujū ca suhujū ca, suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī. Santussako ca subharo ca, appakicco ca sallahukavutti; Santindriyo ca nipako ca, appagabbho kulesvananugiddho. Na ca khuddamācare kiñci, yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ; Sukhinova khemino hontu, sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā. Ye keci pāṇabhūtatthi, tasā vā thāvarā vanavasesā; Dīghā vā yeva mahantā, majjhimā rassakā aṇukathūlā. Diṭṭhā vā yeva adiṭṭhā, ye va dūre vasanti avidūre; Bhūtā va sambhavesī va, sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā. Na paro paraṁ nikubbetha, nātimaññetha katthaci na kañci; Byārosanā paṭighasaññā, nāññamaññassa dukkhamiccheyya. Mātā yathā niyaṁ puttamāyusā ekaputtamanurakkhe; Evampi sabbabhūtesu, mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ. Due to the power of this (Mettā Sutta), spirits did not manifest frightful sights. One who devotes himself to these teachings day and night diligently sleeps soundly and does not have any nightmare when asleep. Let us recite this protective discourse. 透過它 ( 慈愛經 ) 的力量, 夜叉不顯現恐怖相 對於晝夜致力修行者, 他睡眠舒適不做噩夢 且讓我們誦唸具備這些功德之護衛 This is to be done by [one] skilled in [what is] beneficial: having understood the path that [leads to] peace; he would be able, upright, very upright, easy to admonish, gentle, and not arrogant. 這是想要證得徹悟寂靜涅槃 善於有益修行的人應該做的事 : 他必須有能力 正直 非常正直 易受教 柔軟 不自大 Contented and easy to support, of few duties and living frugally; [with] calm faculties and prudent, not obtrusive [to and] greedy [for gains from supporting] families. 知足 易護持 少事務 生活簡樸 諸根寂靜 擁有成熟的智慧 不無禮 不貪著在家眾 He would not do [even] the slightest thing, by which the wise could censure [and tell] others; may [all beings] be happy and secure, may all beings be in a state of happiness. 只要是智者將會指責的事, 即使是小事他也不做 ;( 願一切眾生 ) 幸福與平安, 願一切眾生安樂 ; Whatever living beings there are, feeble or strong, [all] without exception; those long, great, medium, short, small or large. 無論是任何存在的眾生, 會顫抖的或不會顫抖的皆毫無遺漏, 長的或大的或中等的, 短的或小的或粗圓的, Those seen or not seen, and living far or nearby; born or seeking birth, may all beings be in a state of happiness. 見到的或沒見到的, 住在遠方的或近處的, 已生的或還尋求再生的 願一切眾生快樂 One would not deceive another, [nor] despise them anywhere [about] anything; [out of] anger or aversion, would not wish suffering for each other. 且讓人不欺騙別人, 也不在任何地方輕視別人 且讓他們不會以瞋怒與厭惡來互相希望對方痛苦 Just as a mother for her son, [her] only son, would protect [him] with her life; thus, also, towards all beings, would develop the mind without limit. 正如母親對待自己的兒子那樣, 會以生命來保護獨生子 ; 應當如此對一切眾生培育無量的心 10

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Mettañca sabbalokasmi, mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ; Uddhaṁ adho ca tiriyañca, asambādhaṁ averamasapattaṁ. Tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno va, sayāno yāvatāssa vitamiddho; Etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya, brahmametaṁ vihāramidhamāhu. Diṭṭhiñca anupaggamma, sīlavā dassanena sampanno; Kāmesu vinaya gedhaṁ, na hi jātuggabbhaseyya punareti. KN, Khuddakapāṭha 9; Suttanipāta, Uragavagga 8 Etena sacca-vajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā. Etena sacca-vajjena sabba-rogo vinassatu. Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ. With loving-kindness towards the whole world, would develop the mind without limit; above, below and across, unrestricted, free from enmity and hostility. 以及應當以慈愛對全世界培育無量的心, 上方 下方與周圍, 無障礙 無仇人 無敵對 While standing, walking, seated, or lying down free from drowsiness; would determine [to keep] this mindfulness [in mind], this is a divine abiding in this world, it is said. 立 行 坐或臥, 只要不是在睡眠中, 都應決心保持如此的正念 這就是他們在此所說的梵住 Not going to [wrong] view[s], being morally well behaved and having [right] vision, [and] having given up greed for sensuality, never again come [back] to the womb. 不執持邪見, 擁有戒行, 具足智見, 及已經去除對欲樂的貪愛之後, 他肯定不會再投胎 By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always. By this speaking of truth, may all [your] diseases disappear. By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you. 藉著這真實的話語, 願你時常得到安樂 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願一切的疾病消失 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願你得到勝利吉祥 Khandhasuttaṁ Discourse on [Protection of] Aggregates 蘊護經 Sabbāsīvisajātīnaṁ Dibbamantāgadaṁ viya Yaṁ nāseti visaṁ ghoraṁ Sesañcāpi parissayaṁ. Āṇākkhettamhi sabbattha Sabbadā sabbapāṇinaṁ Sabbasopi nivāreti Parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāma he. - - - Virūpakkhehi me mettaṁ Mettaṁ Erāpathehi me, Chabyāputtehi me mettaṁ Mettaṁ Kaṇhāgotamakehi ca. Apādakehi me mettaṁ Mettaṁ dvipādakehi me, Catuppadehi me mettaṁ Mettaṁ bahuppadehi me. Just like divine charms and divine medicines, this (Khandha-Sutta) nullifies baneful poison and other perils of all the highly poisonous creatures. 猶如天咒與天藥, 此經能夠除劇毒 ; 一切劇毒之生物, 其害此經皆能除 In the scope of authority everywhere, always, for all beings this discourse prevents (the disasters). Let us recite this protective discourse now. 在此威力範圍內, 一切時候一切處, 此經能防該危害 我們且誦此護衛 May I have loving-kindness towards the Virūpakkhas; May I have loving-kindness towards the Erāpathas; May I have loving-kindness towards the Chabyāputtas; May I have loving-kindness towards the Kaṇhāgotamakas. 願我對威盧跋有慈愛 ; 願我對伊拉跋有慈愛 ; 願我對剎標子有慈愛 ; 願我對黑瞿曇有慈愛 May I have loving-kindness towards footless beings; May I have loving-kindness towards beings with two legs; May I have loving-kindness towards beings with four legs; May I have loving-kindness towards beings with many legs. 願我對無足眾生有慈愛 ; 願我對兩足眾生有慈愛 ; 願我對四足眾生有慈愛 ; 願我對多足眾生有慈愛 11

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Mā maṁ apādako hiṁsi Mā maṁ hiṁsi dvipādako, Mā maṁ catuppado hiṁsi Mā maṁ hiṁsi bahuppado. Sabbe sattā, sabbe pāṇā Sabbe bhūtā ca kevalā, Sabbe bhadrāni passantu Mā kañci pāpamāgamā. Appamāṇo Buddho, Appamāṇo Dhammo, Appamāṇo Saṅgho. Pamāṇavantāni siriṁsapāni: Ahi-vicchikā, satapadī, Uṇṇanābhi, sarabū, mūsikā. Katā me rakkhā, kataṁ me parittaṁ, Paṭikkamantu bhūtāni. So haṁ namo Bhagavato, Namo sattannaṁ Sammā-sambuddhānaṁ. KN, 203 Khaṇḍajātaka; AN.IV.67 Ahirājasuttaṁ; Vinayapiṭaka, Cūḷavagga, Khuddakavatthukkhandhakaṁ Etena sacca-vajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā. Etena sacca-vajjena sabba-rogo vinassatu. Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ. May footless beings not harm me; May beings with two legs not harm me; May beings with four legs not harm me; May beings with many legs not harm me. 願無足眾生不傷害我 ; 願兩足眾生不傷害我 ; 願四足眾生不傷害我 ; 願多足眾生不傷害我 May all living beings, all breathing things, all creatures (without exception) meet with good fortune. May none of them come to any evil. 願一切有情一切息生 一切眾生毫無遺漏地, 願他們遇見幸運的事, 不會遭遇邪惡的事情 Infinite is the Buddha, Infinite is the Dhamma, Infinite is the Saṅgha. Finite are creeping things: snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards, rats. 佛無量, 法無量, 僧無量 爬行類却有限量 : 蛇 蝎 蜈蚣 蜘蛛 蜥蜴 老鼠 I have made the protection, I have made the safeguard. May the (harmful) beings depart. I pay homage to the Blessed One; homage to the seven Buddhas (Vipassī Buddha, Sikhī Buddha, Vessabhū Buddha, Kakusandha Buddha, Koṇāgamana Buddha, Kassapa Buddha, and Gotama Buddha) 我做了護衛, 我做了保護 願那些 ( 有害的 ) 眾生離開 我禮敬世尊 ; 禮敬七位圓滿自覺者 By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always. By this speaking of truth, may all [your] diseases disappear. By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you. 藉著這真實的話語, 願你時常得到安樂 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願一切的疾病消失 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願你得到勝利吉祥 (For additional chanting, please see the Table of Chanting Sequence at the back of this book.) ( 關於附加課誦, 請參考本書後面的 課誦順序表 ) 12

Ovāda-Pātimokkha-Gāthā Verses of Pātimokkha Exhortation 護解脫教誡偈 Khantī paramaṁ tapo titikkhā, Nibbānaṁ paramaṁ vadanti Buddhā; Na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī, Na samaṇo hoti paraṁ viheṭhayanto. Sabba-pāpassa akaraṇaṁ, Kusalassa upasampadā, Sacitta-pariyodapanaṁ, Etaṁ Buddhāna Sāsanaṁ. Anūpavādo, anūpaghāto, Pātimokkhe ca saṁvaro, Mattaññutā ca bhattasmiṁ, Pantañca sayanāsanaṁ, Adhicitte ca āyogo, Etaṁ Buddhāna Sāsanaṁ. Dhp 184, 183, 185 Atītaṁ nānvāgameyya, Nappaṭikaṅkhe anāgataṁ; Yadatītaṁ pahīnaṁ taṁ, Appattañca anāgataṁ. Paccuppannañca yo dhammaṁ Tattha tattha vipassati; Asaṁhīraṁ asaṅkuppaṁ Taṁ vidvā manubrūhaye; Ajjeva kiccamātappaṁ Ko jaññā maraṇaṁ suve; Na hi no saṅgarantena Mahā-senena maccunā. Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Enduring patience is the highest austerity. Nibbāna is supreme, say the Buddhas. He is not a true renunciate who harms another, nor a true recluse who oppresses others. 忍辱是至上磨練, 諸佛說涅槃至上, 害他實非出家人, 惱他不名為沙門 The not doing of all that is bad, undertaking [all] that is skilful and cleansing one s own mind this is the teaching of the Buddhas. 諸惡莫做, 眾善奉行, 自淨其意, 是諸佛教 Not despising, not harming, restrained according to the monastic discipline, knowing the [right] amount in regard to food, [dwelling in a] secluded lodging, and dedication to [the practice of] higher mind this is the teaching of the Buddhas. 不貶與不害, 嚴持於戒律, 飲食知節量, 僻靜處獨居, 勤修增上心, 是為諸佛教 Bhaddekaratta-Gāthā Verses on An Auspicious Night 賢善一夜偈 Evaṁ vihāriṁ ātāpiṁ Ahorattamatanditaṁ, Taṁ ve bhaddeka-ratto ti Santo ācikkhate Muni ti. MN, 131-134 Etena sacca-vajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā. Etena sacca-vajjena sabba-rogo vinassatu. Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ. One should neither follow the past nor have expectations for the future; what is past has gone and the future not yet reached. 不應沉湎過去, 亦別期盼未來 ; 過去已經過去, 未來還未到來 Instead with insight let him see each presently arisen condition; let him know that and be sure of it, invincibly, unshakeably. 應當透過智慧, 觀照當下之法, 正確地了知它, 堅定且不動搖 Today itself ardent effort should be made; who knows death may come tomorrow. For there is no bargaining with that, [that is] with death and its great army. 今日就應努力, 誰知明日便死 ; 跟死王之大軍, 無法討價還價 One who thus dwells ardently, relentlessly day and night the serene Sage states that he [is one who has spent] an auspicious night. 如此熱忱安住, 日夜都在精進 ; 寂靜聖賢稱之 : 賢善渡過一夜 By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always. By this speaking of truth, may all [your] diseases disappear. By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you. 藉著這真實的話語, 願你時常得到安樂 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願一切的疾病消失 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願你得到勝利吉祥 13

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Dasadhammāsuttaṁ (Pabbajita-Abhiṇhasuttaṁ) Discourse on Ten Dhammas 十法經 Evaṁ me sutaṁ: ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati Jeta-vane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: Bhikkhavo ti. Bhadante ti te bhikkhū Bhagavato paccassosuṁ, Bhagavā etadavoca: Dasayime, bhikkhave, dhammā pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbā. Katame dasa? 1. Vevaṇṇiyamhi ajjhupagato ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 2. Para-paṭibaddhā me jīvikā ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 3. Añño me ākappo karaṇīyo ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 4. Kacci nu kho me attā sīlato na upavadatī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 5. Kacci nu kho maṁ anuvicca viññū sabrahma-cārī sīlato na upavadantī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 6. Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinā-bhāvo ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 7. Kammassakomhi kamma-dāyādo kamma-yoni kamma-bandhu kammapaṭisaraṇo, yaṁ kammaṁ karissāmi kalyāṇaṁ vā pāpakaṁ vā tassa dāyādo bhavissāmī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; Thus I heard: at one time the Blessed One was dwelling near Sāvatthī at Anāthapiṇḍika s grounds in Jeta s Wood. There it was that the Blessed One addressed the monks, saying: Bhikkhus! Reverend Sir! those bhikkhus replied to the Blessed One, and the Blessed One said this: 如是我聞 : 一時, 世尊住在舍衛城祇陀林給孤獨園 於其處, 世尊稱呼比丘們 : 諸比丘 那些比丘回答世尊 : 尊者 世尊如此說 : There are these ten things, bhikkhus, that one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on. What are the ten? 諸比丘, 有十種法是出家人應當經常省察的 是哪十種? I have become one who has no class, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我已經成為沒有階級分別的人 I am bound to others for my livelihood, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我的生活依賴他人 I should comport myself differently, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我的行儀舉止應 [ 與在家人 ] 不同 Can I myself find no fault with my virtue? one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我是否不會因戒而譴責自己? Will my wise companions in the spiritual life, after testing me, find no fault with my virtue?, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 有智的同梵行者檢查後, 是否不會因戒而譴責我? All those who are dear and pleasing to me are subject to change, subject to separation (i.e. death), one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 一切我所喜愛 可意的會變易 別離 ( 即 : 死亡 ) I am the owner of my kammas, I am the heir of my kammas, it is kamma that I am born from, kammas are my kinsfolk, kammas are my refuge, whatever kammas I perform, whether good or bad, to that I will be the heir, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我是業的所有者, 業的繼承者, 以業為起源, 以業為親屬, 以業為依靠 無論我所造的業是善或惡, 我將是它的繼承者 14

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 8. Kathaṁbhūtassa me rattindivā vītivattantī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 9. Kacci nu kho ahaṁ suññāgāre abhiramāmī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ; 10. Atthi nu kho me uttari-manussadhammo alamariya-ñāṇa-dassana-viseso adhigato, yenāhaṁ pacchime kāle sabrahmacārīhi puṭṭho na maṅku bhavissāmī ti pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbaṁ. Ime kho, bhikkhave, dasa dhammā pabbajitena abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhitabbā ti. Idamavoca Bhagavā. Attamanā te bhikkhū Bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandun ti. AN.X.48 Etena sacca-vajjena sotthi te hotu sabbadā. Etena sacca-vajjena sabba-rogo vinassatu. Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ. In what way do the nights and days pass for me?, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我是如何度過日日夜夜呢? Do I delight in empty places? one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我是否樂於空閒處呢? Has a state beyond (ordinary) human beings, the distinction of what is truly noble knowledge and seeing been attained by me? Will I at the end, when questioned by my companions in the spiritual life, not be embarrassed?, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. 出家人應當經常地省察 : 我是否有證得上人法 真正殊勝的聖智見呢? 在我最後時刻, 當同梵行者們問及時, 我將不會羞愧? These are the ten things, bhikkhus, that one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on. The Blessed One said this, and those bhikkhus were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in the Blessed One s words. 諸比丘, 此十種法乃出家人應當經常地省察 世尊如此說 那些比丘滿意與歡喜世尊所說 By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always. By this speaking of truth, may all [your] diseases disappear. By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you. 藉著這真實的話語, 願你時常得到安樂 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願一切的疾病消失 ; 藉著這真實的話語, 願你得到勝利吉祥 Catupaccavekkhaṇā Four [Requisites] Contemplation 四種省思 Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso cīvaraṁ paṭisevāmi, yāvadeva sītassa paṭighātāya, uṇhassa paṭighātāya, ḍaṁsa-makasa-vātātapasiriṁsapa-samphassānaṁ paṭighātāya, yāvadeva hiri-kopīna-paṭicchādanatthaṁ. Yathā-paccayaṁ pavattamānaṁ dhātumattamevetaṁ yadidaṁ cīvaraṁ tadupabhuñjako ca puggalo dhātu-mattako nissatto nijjīvo suñño, sabbāni pana imāni cīvarāni ajigucchanīyāni imaṁ pūtikāyaṁ patvā ativiya jigucchanīyāni jāyanti. Reflecting wisely, I wear the robe, only to protect myself from cold, heat, gadflies, mosquitoes, wind and sun and creeping things; and also for the purpose of covering the parts of my body that cause shame. 我如理省思所受用之衣, 只是為了防禦寒冷, 為了防禦炎熱, 為了防禦虻 蚊 風吹 日曬 爬蟲類的觸惱, 只是為了遮蔽羞處 Dependent upon and existing through causes and merely [a combination of various] elements are both this robe and the one who wears it; mere elements, not a being, lifeless, void [of a self]. All of these robes are not loathsome [yet], but having come into contact with this putrid body become exceedingly loathsome. 此袈裟及穿著袈裟的人都只是種種元素的組合體, 依靠諸因而存在, 非有情 無命 空 這一切袈裟不可厭, 但在接觸這不淨的身體後, 它變得非常可厭 15

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso piṇḍapātaṁ paṭisevāmi, neva davāya na madāya na maṇḍanāya na vibhūsanāya, yāvadeva imassa kāyassa ṭhitiyā yāpanāya vihiṁsūparatiyā brahmacariyānuggahāya, iti purāṇañca vedanaṁ paṭihaṅkhāmi, navañca vedanaṁ na uppādessāmi, yātrā ca me bhavissati anavajjatā ca phāsu-vihāro ca. Yathā-paccayaṁ pavattamānaṁ dhātumattamevetaṁ yadidaṁ piṇḍapāto tadupabhuñjako ca puggalo dhātu-mattako nissatto nijjīvo suñño, sabbo panāyaṁ piṇḍapāto ajigucchanīyo, imaṁ pūtikāyaṁ patvā ativiya jigucchanīyo jāyati. Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso senāsanaṁ paṭisevāmi, yāvadeva sītassa paṭighātāya, uṇhassa paṭighātāya, ḍaṁsa-makasa-vātātapasiriṁsapa-samphassānaṁ paṭighātāya, yāvadeva utu-parissaya-vinodanaṁ paṭisallānārāmatthaṁ. Yathā-paccayaṁ pavattamānaṁ dhātumattamevetaṁ yadidaṁ senāsanaṁ tadupabhuñjako ca puggalo dhātu-mattako nissatto nijjīvo suñño. Sabbāni pana imāni senāsanāni ajigucchanīyāni imaṁ pūtikāyaṁ patvā ativiya jigucchanīyāni jāyanti. Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso gilāna-paccayabhesajja-parikkhāraṁ paṭisevāmi, yāvadeva uppannānaṁ veyyābādhikānaṁ vedanānaṁ paṭighātāya, abyāpajjha-paramatāya. Yathā-paccayaṁ pavattamānaṁ dhātumattamevetaṁ yadidaṁ gilāna-paccayabhesajja-parikkhāro tadupabhuñjako ca puggalo dhātu-mattako nissatto nijjīvo suñño. Sabbo panāyaṁ gilāna-paccaya-bhesajjaparikkhāro ajigucchaniyo imaṁ pūtikāyaṁ patvā ativiya jigucchaniyo jāyati. Reflecting wisely I use almsfood not for play, not for pride, not for beauty, not for fattening; but merely for the sustenance and continuance of this body; to cease discomfort; and to be able to practise the holy life, thinking Thus I will destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). I will maintain myself, be blameless, and live in comfort. 我如理省思所受用的食物, 不為嬉戲, 不為驕慢, 不為裝飾, 不為莊嚴, 只是為了此身住立存續, 為了停止傷害, 為了資助梵行, 如此我將消除舊受, 並使新受不生, 我將維持生命 無過且安住 Dependent upon and existing through causes and merely [a combination of various] elements are both the almsfood and the one who partakes of it; mere elements, not a being, lifeless, void [of a self]. All of this almsfood is not loathsome [yet], but having come into contact with this putrid body becomes exceedingly loathsome. 此鉢食及食用者都只是種種元素的組合體, 依靠諸因而存在, 非有情 無命 空 這一切鉢食不可厭, 但在接觸這不淨的身體後, 它變得非常可厭 Reflecting wisely I make use of dwellings, only to protect myself from cold, heat, gadflies, mosquitoes, wind and sun and creeping things; and as a protection from the perils of weather conditions; and for the joy of seclusion. 我如理省思所受用的坐臥處, 只是為了防禦寒冷, 為了防禦炎熱, 為了防禦虻 蚊 風吹 日曬 爬蟲類的觸惱, 只是為了免除季候的危險, 而好獨處 ( 禪修 ) 之樂 Dependent upon and existing through causes and merely [a combination of various] elements are both this lodging and the one who lives in it; mere elements, not a being, lifeless, void [of a self]. All these lodgings are not loathsome [yet], but having come into contact with this putrid body become exceedingly loathsome. 此住所及使用者都只是種種元素的組合體, 依靠諸因而存在, 非有情 無命 空 這一切住所不可厭, 但在接觸這不淨的身體後, 它變得非常可厭 Reflecting wisely I make use of medicinal requisites that are for curing the sick, only to counteract any afflicting feelings (of illness) that have arisen and for maximum freedom from disease. 我如理省思所受用的病者所需之藥品, 只是為了防禦已生起的病苦之受, 為了儘量沒有身苦 Dependent upon and existing through causes and merely [a combination of various] elements are both this requisite of medicine for treating illness and the one who partakes of it; mere elements, not a being, lifeless, void [of a self]. All of this requisite of medicine for treating illness is not loathsome [yet], but having come into contact with this putrid body becomes exceedingly loathsome. 此藥物及使用者都只是種種元素的組合體, 依靠諸因而存在, 非有情 無命 空 這一切藥物不可厭, 但在接觸這不淨的身體後, 它變得非常可厭 16

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Subha-Patthanā & Paritta Blessings and Protection 祝福與護衛 Yaṁ dunnimittaṁ avamaṅgalañca, Yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupinaṁ akantaṁ, Buddhānubhāvena vināsamentu. Yaṁ dunnimittaṁ avamaṅgalañca, Yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupinaṁ akantaṁ, Dhammānubhāvena vināsamentu. Yaṁ dunnimittaṁ avamaṅgalañca, Yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupinaṁ akantaṁ, Saṅghānubhāvena vināsamentu. Sabbītiyo vivajjantu, Sabba-rogo vinassatu, Mā te bhavatvantarāyo, Sukhī dīghāyuko bhava. Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ, Rakkhantu sabba-devatā, Sabba-buddhānubhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavantu te. Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ, Rakkhantu sabba-devatā, Sabba-dhammānubhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavantu te. Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ, Rakkhantu sabba-devatā, Sabba-saṅghānubhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavantu te. Nakkhatta-yakkha-bhūtānaṁ Pāpaggaha-nivāraṇā, Parittassānubhāvena Hantu tesaṁ upaddave. By the power of the Buddha, may all evil omens, inauspiciousness, the unpleasant cry of birds, bad [influences of the] planets, bad dreams and [all that is] not agreeable disappear. 透過佛陀的威力, 願諸惡兆與不祥 不悅鳥啼與災星 噩夢不如意消失! By the power of the Dhamma, may all evil omens, inauspiciousness, the unpleasant cry of birds, bad [influences of the] planets, bad dreams and [all that is] not agreeable disappear. 透過佛法的威力, 願諸惡兆與不祥 不悅鳥啼與災星 噩夢不如意消失! By the power of the Saṅgha, may all evil omens, inauspiciousness, the unpleasant cry of birds, bad [influences of the] planets, bad dreams and [all that is] not agreeable disappear. 透過僧團的威力, 願諸惡兆與不祥 不悅鳥啼與災星 噩夢不如意消失! May all calamities be avoided, may all diseases disappear, may there be no obstacle[s] for you, [and may] you be happy and have long life. 願免離一切災難, 願一切疾病消失 ; 願你沒有諸障礙, 願你快樂又長壽! May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you]; by the power of all the Buddhas, may you have well-being always. 願你得一切吉祥, 願一切神保護你 ; 透過諸佛的威力, 願你永遠都平安! May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you]; by the power of all the Dhammas, may you have well-being always. 願你得一切吉祥, 願一切神保護你 ; 透過諸法的威力, 願你永遠都平安! May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you]; by the power of all the Saṅghas, may you have well-being always. 願你得一切吉祥, 願一切神保護你 ; 透過諸僧的威力, 願你永遠都平安! The obstacles from the bad [influences of] planets, [and] of constellations, demons and ghosts; by the power of this protective chant, may the dangers of [all of] these be destroyed. 災星與夜叉與鬼 以及星座的阻礙 ; 以護衛經之力量, 願破除彼等諸厄! 17

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Dukkhappattā ca niddukkhā Bhayappattā ca nibbhayā, Sokappattā ca nissokā Hontu sabbe pi pāṇino. Dānaṁ dadantu saddhāya, Sīlaṁ rakkhantu sabbadā, Bhāvanābhiratā hontu, Gacchantu devatāgatā. Sabbe Buddhā balappattā Paccekānañca yaṁ balaṁ, Arahantānañca tejena Rakkhaṁ bandhāmi sabbaso. Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā Devā nāgā mahiddhikā, Puññantaṁ anumoditvā Ciraṁ rakkhantu Sambuddha-sāsanaṁ. Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā Devā nāgā mahiddhikā, Puññantaṁ anumoditvā Ciraṁ rakkhantu Sambuddha-desanaṁ. Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhummaṭṭhā Devā nāgā mahiddhikā, Puññantaṁ anumoditvā Ciraṁ rakkhantu Sambuddha-sāvakaṁ, Ciraṁ rakkhantu maṁ paraṁ. May all creatures who are suffering be without suffering, [living in] fear be without fear and [living in] sorry be without sorry. 祝願一切的眾生, 痛苦的不再痛苦, 恐懼的不再恐懼, 憂愁的不再憂愁 May all be able to perform giving with faith; may all safeguard their morality always. May all be delighted in meditation. May the deities who have come (to the recitation) go back (to their homes). 願大家依信布施, 願大家永護其戒, 願大家樂於禪修, 請來此諸神歸去 By the (protective) power of the Buddhas, the power of Pacceka-Buddhas and the power of Arahants, I fortify the protection in every way. 以一切佛陀之力, 及諸辟支佛之力, 諸阿羅漢之力量, 我建立一切守護! May beings inhabiting in space and on earth, devas and nāgas of mighty power, having rejoiced in this merit of ours, long protect the Buddha s Teaching. 住在天空與地上, 大神力之神與龍, 隨喜這項功德後, 請恆常守護佛教! May beings inhabiting in space and on earth, devas and nāgas of mighty power, having rejoiced in this merit of ours, long protect the Buddha s Preaching. 住在天空與地上, 大神力之神與龍, 隨喜這項功德後, 請恆守護佛教法! May beings inhabiting in space and on earth, devas and nāgas of mighty power, having rejoiced in this merit of ours, long protect the Buddha s disciples. May they long protect me and others. 住在天空與地上, 大神力之神與龍, 隨喜這項功德後, 請恆守護佛弟子, 恆守護我與他人! 18

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Pattidāna Sharing of Merit 分享 ( 迴向 ) 功德 Ettāvatā ca amhehi Sambhataṁ puñña-sampadaṁ, Sabbe devā numodantu Sabba-sampatti siddhiyā. Ettāvatā ca amhehi Sambhataṁ puñña-sampadaṁ, Sabbe bhūtā numodantu Sabba-sampatti siddhiyā. Ettāvatā ca amhehi Sambhataṁ puñña-sampadaṁ, Sabbe sattā numodantu Sabba-sampatti siddhiyā. Idaṁ me ñātīnaṁ hotu, sukhitā hontu ñātayo. (3X) May all deities rejoice in this merit which we have thus acquired. May it bring about all achievements. 願一切神隨喜我們至今所累積的功德, 願一切得成就! May all creatures rejoice in this merit which we have thus acquired. May it bring about all achievements. 願一切眾生隨喜我們至今所累積的功德, 願一切得成就! May all beings rejoice in this merit which we have thus acquired. May it bring about all achievements. 願一切有情隨喜我們至今所累積的功德, 願一切得成就! Let this (merit) accrue to my departed relatives and may they be happy. 迴向此 ( 功德 ) 予我的親人, 願他們快樂 Kappa-sata-sahassāni Soḷasāpi asaṅkhaye, Sambharaṁ bodhi-sambhāre Āgato jāti-jātisu, Niyato Buddha-bhāvāya Bhadda-kappe idhantime, Bodhi-satto ca Metteyyo Puññaṁ me anumodatu. Asmiṁ vihāre ca ārāme Adhivatthā ca devatā, Anumoditvā imaṁ puññaṁ Rakkhantu Jina-sāsanaṁ. Sabbe sattā ca majjhattā Hitā ca ahitā ca me, Anumoditvā imaṁ puññaṁ Bujjhantu amataṁ padaṁ. For a hundred thousand and sixteen asaṅkhaya aeons undergoing birth after birth accumulating the necessary experiences for [attaining] enlightenment 在十六阿僧祇和十萬大劫裡, 生生世世都累積菩提資糧, and certain to [attain the] state of Buddhahood, being the last [Buddha] in this auspicious aeon, may the bodhisatta Metteyya rejoice in [this accrued] merit of mine. 肯定會成佛, 是這個賢劫裡的最後一尊佛, 願彌勒菩薩隨喜我的功德 May the deities living in this temple building and monastery rejoice in this merit [that we have accrued] and protect the Teachings of the Conqueror (i.e. the Buddha). 願住在這寺院和園林裡的神明們隨喜這項功德後護持勝利者 ( 佛陀 ) 的教法 May all beings neutral, beneficial and harmful to me rejoice in this merit [that I have accrued] and awaken to the deathless state (i.e. attain Nibbāna). 願一切有情, 包括對我普通 有益及無益的, 都證悟不死 ( 涅槃 ) 之道 19

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Accaya-Vivaraṇa & Khamāpana Asking for Forgiveness 祈求寬恕 Kāyena vācā-cittena Pamādena mayā kataṁ, Accayaṁ khama me Bhante Bhūri-pañña Tathāgata. Kāyena vācā-cittena Pamādena mayā kataṁ, Accayaṁ khama me Dhamma Sandiṭṭhika, akālika. Kāyena vācā-cittena Pamādena mayā kataṁ, Accayaṁ khama me Saṅgha Puññakkhetta anuttara. For any transgression I have committed through heedlessness, by way of body, speech or mind, please forgive me, Venerable Sir, Realised One, O greatly wise. 於身於口於意, 因我放逸所造, 請原諒我的錯, 尊者 廣慧如來 For any transgression I have committed through heedlessness, by way of body, speech or mind, please forgive me, O Dhamma, which is self-evident, not delayed in time. 於身於口於意, 因我放逸所造, 請原諒我的錯, 佛法 自見無時 For any transgression I have committed through heedlessness, by way of body, speech or mind, please forgive me, O Saṅgha, unsurpassed field of merit. 於身於口於意, 因我放逸所造, 請原諒我的錯, 僧伽 無上福田 Patthanā Aspiration 發願 Iminā puñña-kammena Mā me bāla-samāgamo, Sataṁ samāgamo hotu Yāva nibbāna-pattiyā. Idaṁ me puññaṁ āsavakkhayāvahaṁ hotu. Idaṁ me puññaṁ nibbānassa paccayo hotu. Mama puññabhāgaṁ sabbasattānaṁ bhājemi; Te sabbe me samaṁ puññabhāgaṁ labhantu. By this meritorious act May I never meet with the foolish; May I [only] meet with the wise Up until I attain Nibbāna. 願以這項功德令我不遇愚人令我親近智者直到我證涅槃 May this merit of mine be conducive to the destruction of the taints. May this merit of mine be a [supportive] condition [for the realization] of Nibbāna. 願我這份功德導向摧毀諸漏 願我此功德成為證悟涅槃的助緣 I share my merits done today with all beings. May all those beings get an equal share of the merits shared by me. 我把我的功德與一切有情分享, 願他們都平等地得到我的功德 20

Daily Chanting 每日課誦 Good Wishes for Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw, Ariyadhamma Mahāthera & Other Theras 祝福帕奧禪師 聖法大長老與其他長老 Dhammena nena mati-siddha-mudācitena Buddhādivatthugata-dhammabalena saddhiṁ, Therāsabho Āciṇṇo yatinda-nātho Dīghāyuko bhavatu sadhu-samiddha-citto. Dhammena nena mati-siddha-mudācitena Buddhādivatthugata-dhammabalena saddhiṁ, Therāsabho Ariyadhammo yatinda-nātho Dīghāyuko bhavatu sadhu-samiddha-citto. Dhammena nena mati-siddha-mudācitena Buddhādivatthugata-dhammabalena saddhiṁ, Therāsabhātha garu-gārava-bhāvaniyā Dīghāyukā bhavatha sadhu-samiddha-cittā. By the [merits] thoughtfully and joyfully acquired by [us practising] this Dhamma together with the power of the Buddha, etc. (i.e. the Triple Gem), may the leader and [spiritual] helper of monks, the prominent Elder Most Venerable Āciṇṇa (Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw), have a long life and successfully fulfill his noble aspirations. 透過慬慎及歡喜地修法所累積的這些功德, 以及透過佛陀等 ( 即三寶 ) 的力量, 願作為出家眾的元老 領導與依持者的帕奧禪師長壽, 以及成就其善心願 By the [merits] thoughtfully and joyfully acquired by [us practising] this Dhamma together with the power of the Buddha, etc. (i.e. the Triple Gem), may the leader and [spiritual] helper of monks, the prominent Elder Most Venerable Ariyadhamma, have a long life and successfully fulfill his noble aspirations. 透過慬慎及歡喜地修法所累積的這些功德, 以及透過佛陀等 ( 即三寶 ) 的力量, 願作為出家眾的元老 領導與依持者的聖法大長老長壽, 以及成就其善心願 By the [merits] thoughtfully and joyfully acquired by [us practising] this Dhamma together with the power of the Buddha, etc. (i.e. the Triple Gem), may other Venerable theras, senior members of the Saṅgha, have a long life and successfully fulfill their noble aspirations. 透過慬慎及歡喜地修法所累積的這些功德, 以及透過佛陀等 ( 即三寶 ) 的力量, 願僧團的其他長老長輩長壽, 以及成就他們的善心願 Sugatovāda Exhortation of the Well-Fared One 善逝教誡 Appamādena, bhikkhave, sampādetha. Dullabho Buddhuppādo lokasmiṁ. Dullabho manussatta-paṭilābho. Dullabhā khaṇa-sampatti. Dullabhā saddhā-sampatti, Dullabhā pabbajjā. Dullabhaṁ Saddhammasavaṇan ti. Evaṁ Bhagavā divase divase ovādi, Evaṁ Sugato divase divase ovadi. Monks, strive with heedfulness. Rare is it that Buddhas arise in the world. Rare is it that [one] obtains a human [birth]. Rare is it to have the good fortune of [being in the right] time [and place to come in contact with the Dhamma]. Rare is it that [one] is endowed with faith. Rare is [it that there is the opportunity to take] the going forth. Rare is [it that there is the opportunity for] listening to the Dhamma. Thus the Blessed One exhorted daily, thus the Well-fared One exhorted daily. 諸比丘, 應不放逸地奮鬥至成就! 佛現於世甚難得 ; 獲得人身甚難得 ; 遇對時機甚難得 ; 具足正信甚難得 ; 出家機會甚難得 ; 聽聞正法甚難得 世尊如是天天教誡, 善逝如是天天教誡 21

Pāḷi Chanting 巴利課誦 Tathāgatassa Pacchimā Vācā The Tathāgata s Last Speech 如來最後的話 parinibbāna-samaye Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: Handa dāni, bhikkhave, āmantayāmi vo: vaya-dhammā saṅkhārā, appamādena sampādethā ti. Ayaṁ Tathāgatassa pacchimā vācā. DN, Mahāvagga, Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ At one time the Blessed One dwelt in the Sal grove of the Mallas, near Kusinārā, between a pair [of entwined] Sal trees, when [He was about to enter] final Nibbāna. Then the Blessed One addressed the monks: Monks, let me now address you: conditioned phenomena are subject to disintegration, [therefore,] strive with diligence. This was the Tathāgata s last speech. 在即將進入般涅槃的時候, 世尊向諸比丘說 : 諸比丘, 我跟你們說, 諸行是壞滅法, 因此應當精進地奮鬥到成就 這是如來的最後的話 Anumodanā & Khamāpana Rejoicing in Merit and Asking for Forginess 隨喜功德與互相原諒 Junior: Okāsa, vandāmi, bhante. (bow 1x) Senior: Sukhī hontu 2! Nibbāna-paccayo hotu. Junior: Mayā kataṁ puññaṁ sāminā anumoditabbaṁ. Senior: Sādhu! Sādhu! Anumodāmi. Junior: Sāminā kataṁ puññaṁ mayhaṁ dātabbaṁ. Senior: Sādhu! Anumoditabbaṁ. Junior: Sādhu! Sādhu! Anumodāmi. Okāsa, dvārattayena kataṁ sabbaṁ accayaṁ khamatha me, bhante. Senior: Khamāmi, khamitabbaṁ! Junior: Sādhu! Okāsa, khamāmi, bhante! (bow 3x) Senior: Sukhī hontu! Nibbāna-paccayo hotu. Junior: With your consent, Venerable Sir, I worship you. Senior: May you be happy! May this be a condition for [you to] attain Nibbāna. 小輩 : 請讓我禮敬尊者 長輩 : 祝你們快樂! 願此成為你們成就涅槃的助緣 Junior: [Whatever] merit has been made by me, I share with Venerable Sir. Senior: Surely! I rejoice in it. 小輩 : 請尊者隨喜我所作的功德 長輩 : 善哉! 善哉! 我隨喜 Junior: The merit made by Venerable Sir should be shared with us. Senior: Surely! You should rejoice in it. 小輩 : 請尊者與我分享您所作的功德 長輩 : 善哉! 你們應隨喜 Junior: Surely! Surely! I rejoice in it. Please forgive me, Venerable Sir, for any offences I have committed by way of the three doors. Senior: I forgive you, you should forgive me! 小輩 : 善哉! 善哉! 我隨喜 尊者, 請原諒我由 [ 身 語 意 ] 三門所作的一切過失 長輩 : 我原諒你們, 你們也應原諒我 Junior: With consent, I forgive you, Venerable Sir! Senior: May you be happy! May this be a condition for [you to] attain Nibbāna. 小輩 : 善哉! 尊者, 我原諒您 長輩 : 祝你們快樂! 願此成為你們成就涅槃的助緣 2 If there is only one junior, replace `hontu with `hotu. 如果只有一個小輩, 把 hontu 改成 hotu 22

Additional Chanting 附加課誦 Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṁ Discourse on Turning the Dhamma Wheel 轉法輪經 Evaṁ me sutaṁ: ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Bārāṇasiyaṁ viharati Isi-patane miga-dāye. Tatra kho Bhagavā pañca-vaggiye bhikkhū āmantesi: Dve me, bhikkhave, antā pabbajitena na sevitabbā. Katame dve? Yo cāyaṁ kāmesu kāmasukhallikānuyogo hīno gammo pothujjaniko anariyo anattha-saṁhito, yo cāyaṁ attakilamathānuyogo dukkho anariyo anatthasaṁhito. Ete kho, bhikkhave, ubho ante anupagamma majjhimā paṭipadā Tathāgatena abhisambuddhā cakkhu-karaṇī ñāṇa-karaṇī upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati. Katamā ca sā, bhikkhave, majjhimā paṭipadā Tathāgatena abhisambuddhā cakkhukaraṇī ñāṇa-karaṇī upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati? Ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathīdaṁ: sammā-diṭṭhi sammā-saṅkappo sammā-vācā sammā-kammanto sammā-ājīvo sammā-vāyāmo sammā-sati sammā-samādhi. Ayaṁ kho sā, bhikkhave, majjhimā paṭipadā Tathāgatena abhisambuddhā cakkhu-karaṇī ñāṇa-karaṇī upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati. Idaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ ariya-saccaṁ: jāti pi dukkhā, jarā pi dukkhā, byādhi pi dukkho, maraṇam pi dukkhaṁ, appiyehi sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho, yam picchaṁ na labhati tam pi dukkhaṁ saṁkhittena pañcupādānakkhandhā dukkhā. Thus I heard: at one time the Blessed One was staying in the deer park at Isipatana, Bārāṇasī. There the Blessed One addressed the group-of-five monks: 如是我聞, 一時世尊住在波羅奈附近仙人墜處的鹿野苑 當時世尊對五比丘說 : Monks, there are these two extremes that should not be indulged in by one gone-forth. What two? That which is low, vulgar, worldly, ignoble, not connected with the goal and associated with desire and pleasure [seeking] in sensuality; and that which is painful, ignoble, not connected with the goal and associated with selfmortification. Not approaching both these two extremes, monks, the middle way [of practice] was self-awakened to by the Tathāgata, which gives rise to vision and knowledge and leads to peace, supernormal knowledge, self-awakening and nibbāna. 諸比丘, 有兩種極端行為是出家人所不應當從事的 是哪兩種呢? 一種是沉迷於感官享樂, 這是低下的 粗俗的 凡夫的 非神聖的 沒有利益的行為 ; 另一種是自我折磨的苦行, 這是痛苦的 非神聖的 沒有利益的行為 藉著避免這兩種極端, 如來自己覺悟中道 此中道引生徹見 引生智, 通向寂靜 證智 正覺 涅槃 What is this middle way [of practice], monks, selfawakened to by the Tathāgata, which gives rise to vision and knowledge and leads to peace, supernormal knowledge, self-awakening and nibbāna? 諸比丘, 那個如來自己覺悟引生徹見 引生智, 通向寂靜 證智 正覺 涅槃的中道是什麼呢? Just this noble eight-factored path, that is: right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. This is the middle way [of practice], monks, self-awakened to by the Tathāgata, which gives rise to vision and knowledge and leads to peace, supernormal knowledge, self-awakening and nibbāna. 那就是 ( 具備 ) 八支的聖道, 即正見 正思惟 正語 正業 正命 正精進 正念 正定 諸比丘, 這就是引生徹見 引生智, 通向寂靜 證智 正覺 涅槃的中道 This then, monks, is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, old age is suffering, illness is suffering and death is suffering as well, being united with [that which is] not dear is suffering, separation from [that which is] dear is suffering, not obtaining that which is wished for is suffering too in short, the five aggregates of clinging are suffering. 諸比丘, 這是苦聖諦 : 生是苦 老是苦 病是苦 死是苦 怨憎會是苦 愛別離是苦 求不得也是苦 簡單地說 : 五取蘊是苦 23