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Aviva Global Savings Account Aviva 環球儲蓄戶口

Aviva Global Savings Account Aviva Global Savings Account is an investment-linked savings plan designed to meet your medium to long-term financial goals. The flexibility and freedom you will enjoy with Aviva Global Savings Account will provide you with the opportunity to realise your investment goals and future plans. With a minimum monthly savings of HK$1,500 (or currency equivalent as shown on p.6), you gain access to the world s investment markets by investing through a selection of high quality funds with different investment strategies within one simple and flexible savings account. Investing with Aviva Aviva Global Savings Account is underwritten by Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited ( Aviva ), a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva plc. Aviva plc is one of the world s largest insurance groups, one of the biggest insurers in the UK and a leading provider of life, health and pensions products to markets across Europe. Our main activities are long-term savings, fund management and general insurance, with US$713.4 billion of assets under management (as of December 2006). The group draws on the talents of 59,000 employees serving 40 million customers worldwide. Aviva plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is regularly analysed to determine its financial strength and operating outlook. Further information about it can be obtained from www.aviva.com 1. Aviva plc s financial strength ratings are: Standard & Poor s Moody s A+ credit rating Aa3 financial strength rating ( excellent for Aviva s main UK insurance business) (ratings as of May 2007) The Principal Brochure of Aviva Global Savings Account consists of the product brochure and Fund Choices. This product brochure is issued and should be read in conjunction with Fund Choices. 1 The website may contain information on products which are not authorised for sale in Hong Kong and not available to Hong Kong investors. 02

Key features of Aviva Global Savings Account 1. Access to Diverse Investment Options You have access to a range of asset classes including equities, fixed interest and properties. Further diversification can be achieved by selecting a mix of global, regional or country-specific funds. All funds are managed and administered by leading international management companies. 2. Tax Efficient Growth Under the present tax laws in Hong Kong, the Account is not subject to income tax or capital gains tax at source and therefore your Account has the potential to generate a tax-free return. However, the taxes applicable to your Account may depend on the tax laws in your country of nationality or residency. 3. Tax Efficient Withdrawals Under the present tax laws in Hong Kong, the Account is not subject to income tax on regular or partial withdrawals and you can enjoy a tax efficient sum on a regular basis. However, there may be taxes applicable to your Account depending on the tax laws in your country of nationality or residency at the time of partial withdrawal. Therefore, Aviva has designed the Account with this in mind by segmenting the policy into identical clusters to maximise tax planning opportunities. We recommend you consult your financial adviser to ensure that you understand all the tax implications. 4. Choice of Six Contract Currencies You have the choice of the following contract currencies: HK$, US$,,, A$ or S$. Each underlying fund will be reported in its fund currency and the Net Asset Value (NAV) of your Account will be converted to the contract currency, enabling a common valuation. All premiums and payments will be made in the contract currency. The contract currency cannot be changed after the Policy is issued. 5. Free Switching With Aviva, you are entitled to unlimited free switching. This means that as your circumstances change, so can your portfolio of investments. 6. No Bid/Offer Spread Aviva does not charge a bid/offer spread, so 100% of your money is invested from the beginning after the deduction of any applicable fees (for details, please refer to Summary of Charges on p.9 & p.10) and credit card charges (if applicable). The returns will depend on the performance of the funds you select. 7. Bonus Units Enhance Your Potential Return During the 18-month Initial Contribution Period, bonus units up to 30% will be offered for savings equal to or greater than a monthly contribution of HK$3,000 (for details, please refer to the Allocation Rate Table ). 8. Option to Increase Regular Premium Contribution Aviva Global Savings Account allows you to increase the regular premium contribution* anytime subject to the remaining policy term requirement prevailing at the time of your request and the requirement on Minimum Regular Premium Increase. The change of premium will take effect at the next appropriate premium due date. For details, please refer to What are the minimum and maximum investment limits?. * The Initial Contribution Period for the increased portion of the regular premium contribution will start at the next appropriate premium due date from the receipt date of the increased premium. 03

9. Premium Holiday Gives You Flexibility Aviva Global Savings Account offers you the flexibility to take a premium holiday at any time after the Initial Contribution Period. During the Premium Holiday, your account and its benefit will remain in force provided the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the account is above the Minimum Policy Value. 10. Single-Premium Top-up to Enhance Your Portfolio When Opportunities Arise When opportunities arise, you can invest single-premium amounts Top-up which will be treated as Accumulation Units (for details, please refer to What are the minimum and maximum investment limits? and Allocation Rate Table ). 11. Reward for Long-term Investments Aviva will reward you for your commitment in long-term investments. If you opt for a policy term of 15 years or above at outset and you remain invested till the end of the policy term, you will receive a Loyalty Bonus at policy maturity. For policies with a policy term of 15 years, a 1% Loyalty Bonus^ calculated based on all the premiums paid (based on the original premium amount at policy inception*) during the policy term will be paid to you at policy maturity. The bonus will be increased by 0.1% for each additional policy year up to a maximum of 2% for terms of 25 years or above. For example, the Loyalty Bonus for a 16-year term policy is 1.1%, for a 17-year term policy is 1.2% and so on. ^ * Loyalty Bonus will not be applicable if there is any reduction in the original regular premium amount, policy lapse or premium holiday effected during the policy term except when all outstanding original regular premiums (including any portion that has been reduced from the original regular premiums) are paid as of policy maturity. Any top ups and any increased portion of the regular premium will not be eligible for Loyalty Bonus. Partial withdrawals, fees and charges deducted will not affect the Loyalty Bonus. To enjoy the Loyalty Bonus, all original regular premiums must be paid up to date and until policy maturity. This refers to the regular premium amount before policy fee deduction and any credit card charges (if applicable), as agreed at policy inception. Aviva Global Savings Account at a Glance How does Aviva Global Savings Account work? This is a regular-premium investment-linked assurance plan under Class C linked long term business as defined in the Insurance Companies Ordinance ( ICO ) offered by Aviva, which is an authorised insurance company under the ICO in Hong Kong. It offers you the opportunity to invest in a wide range of unit-linked funds with different investment strategies and objectives. You have full control over how you save and there is potential for significant growth. Please refer to Fund Choices for the range of funds offered. Who underwrites the Account? It is underwritten by Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva plc). Which currencies can I choose from? HK$, US$,,, A$ or S$. All funds will be converted to the contract currency to enable a common valuation. The contract currency may differ from the fund currency of the underlying funds. For example, the contract currency may be in US dollar, but two underlying funds may be denominated in HK dollar and Euro. The contract currency is set at the beginning of your account and cannot be altered in the future. All payments made by Aviva to the investor will be in the contract currency. 04

What are the methods of payment? You have the following options of payment method: Payment Method Payment Mode Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually Direct Debit 1, 2 (from HK dollar bank accounts only) Credit Card 3 Cheque 4 Bank Draft 4 No third party payment will be accepted. 1 Not applicable to initial premium payment. 2 For policies with contract currency not in HK dollar, the payment will be made in HK dollar subject to Aviva s internal exchange rate. 3 A fee of 1% will be charged on the premium paid. If the contract currency of the policy is in HK dollar, the payment should be made in HK dollar; for other contract currencies, the payment should be made in US dollar and the premium amount will be converted to an equivalent amount in US dollar subject to Aviva s internal exchange rate. 4 Payment may be made in your chosen contract currency specified at the time of application or HK dollar subject to Aviva s internal exchange rate. What are the modes of premium? You can choose either monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments. What are the minimum and maximum policy and premium term? You can choose the term of your savings plan ranging from 8 to 30 years [ provided the age of policyholder at maturity is not more than 75 (age next birthday) ]. Who can apply for this plan? Anyone aged 19 to 67 next birthday is eligible to apply. Joint ownership is permitted. What is the benefit provided? 106% of NAV in the event of Accidental Death (up to age 65 of the life assured), or 101% of NAV in the event of death* other than Accidental Death. * In the event of death during the Initial Contribution Period, the value of any bonus units allocated (ie. in excess of 100% allocation rate) will be excluded from the NAV in determining the death benefit. What is Initial Contribution Period, Initial Unit and Accumulation Unit? The Initial Contribution Period is the first 18 months starting from the policy effective date or from the effective date from which the regular premium amount is increased. The units allocated in respect of all regular premiums contributed in the Initial Contribution Period will be treated as Initial Units. Where the regular premium amount is increased, the units allocated in respect of such increase shall also be Initial Units. The Initial Contribution Period (a total of 18 months) of the increased units starts from the effective date from when the regular premium amount is increased. The units allocated in respect of regular premiums contributed after the Initial Contribution Period and Top-ups will be treated as Accumulation Units. Initial Account refers to the portion of the Policy comprising the Initial Units and Accumulation Account refers to the portion of the Policy comprising the Accumulation Units. 05

What are the minimum and maximum investment limits? Minimum Limits Contract Currency HK$ US$ A$ S$ Minimum Regular Premium Instalment - Monthly 1,500 250 150 250 450 450 - Quarterly 4,500 750 450 750 1,350 1,350 - Semi-annually 9,000 1,500 900 1,500 2,700 2,700 - Annually 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 Minimum Single Premium Top-up 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 Minimum Regular Premium Increase - Monthly 400 50 30 50 90 90 - Quarterly 1,200 150 90 150 270 270 - Semi-annually 2,400 300 180 300 540 540 - Annually 4,800 600 360 600 1,080 1,080 Minimum Policy Value* 1,900 250 150 250 450 450 Minimum Account Value** 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 Minimum Partial Withdrawal 10,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 Minimum Amount Per Switch*** 10,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 * This refers to the minimum level of NAV that has to be maintained in order to keep the Policy in force. If at any time the NAV falls below the Minimum Policy Value, all remaining Initial Units and Accumulation Units will be forfeited and the Policy will automatically terminate. ** This refers to the minimum level of NAV that has to be maintained after a partial withdrawal. *** A switch request may comprise switching instructions for multiple funds. Maximum limits No maximum. How are units priced? Units in each fund will have a single dealing price used for all purchases, switches and withdrawals. There is no bid/offer spread, except where the fund manager imposes a charge on the underlying fund. All funds will be priced based on the frequency of the fund manager s pricing. The rounding basis of unit price is determined by the fund managers in accordance with the terms stated in the prospectus for the underlying funds. A transaction request received by Aviva at or before the cut-off time prevailing at the time of your transaction request ( Cut-off Time ) on a Business Day will be processed according to the Unit Prices of the respective Funds and Exchange Rates prevailing on the next appropriate Fund Valuation Date following the date Aviva accepts the request. Any transaction request received after the Cut-off Time on any day will be processed as if the transaction request was received by Aviva on the next Business Day. We have the right to change the Cut-off Time at any time at Our discretion. Can I switch my funds? Switching can take place between funds. Investors are entitled to unlimited free switches. 06

Can I make partial withdrawal? You can make partial withdrawals after the Initial Contribution Period, as long as you maintain a Minimum Account Value and subject to a Minimum Partial Withdrawal (for details, please refer to the What are the minimum and maximum investment limits? ). Withdrawal of Accumulation Units is not subject to Exit Fee but withdrawal of Initial Units is subject to an Exit Fee (for details, please refer to the Summary of Charges ). Initial Units will be withdrawn only after all Accumulation Units have been fully withdrawn. Can I surrender my Account? If the policy is surrendered before the maturity date, an Exit Fee will be taken as a percentage of the Initial Units allocated to the Policy. All units in your Account will be cancelled and the Policy will be terminated upon receipt of your surrender request. The payment of the surrender value will normally be made within 14 days. 07

Allocation Rate Table Regular Premium During the Initial Contribution Period Monthly HK$ US$ A$ S$ Allocation Rates For policy term For policy term of at least of 15 years 10 years but less or above than 15 years 1,500-2,999 250-399 150-239 250-399 450-699 450-699 100.0% 3,000-5,999 400-799 240-479 400-799 700-1,399 700-1,399 105.0% 6,000-8,999 800-1,199 480-719 800-1,199 1,400-2,099 1,400-2,099 107.5% 9,000-11,999 1,200-1,599 720-959 1,200-1,599 2,100-2,799 2,100-2,799 110.0% 12,000-14,999 1,600-1,999 960-1,199 1,600-1,999 2,800-3,499 2,800-3,499 115.0% 15,000-22,499 2,000-2,999 1,200-1,799 2,000-2,999 3,500-5,249 3,500-5,249 120.0% 22,500-37,499 3,000-4,999 1,800-2,999 3,000-4,999 5,250-8,749 5,250-8,749 120.0% 125.0% 37,500 or above 5,000 or above 3,000 or above 5,000 or above 8,750 or above 8,750 or above 120.0% 130.0% Quarterly HK$ US$ A$ S$ Allocation Rates For policy term For policy term of at least of 15 years 10 years but less or above than 15 years 4,500-8,999 750-1,199 450-719 750-1,199 1,350-2,099 1,350-2,099 100.0% 9,000-17,999 1,200-2,399 720-1,439 1,200-2,399 2,100-4,199 2,100-4,199 105.0% 18,000-26,999 2,400-3,599 1,440-2,159 2,400-3,599 4,200-6,299 4,200-6,299 107.5% 27,000-35,999 3,600-4,799 2,160-2,879 3,600-4,799 6,300-8,399 6,300-8,399 110.0% 36,000-44,999 4,800-5,999 2,880-3,599 4,800-5,999 8,400-10,499 8,400-10,499 115.0% 45,000-67,499 6,000-8,999 3,600-5,399 6,000-8,999 10,500-15,749 10,500-15,749 120.0% 67,500-112,499 9,000-14,999 5,400-8,999 9,000-14,999 15,750-26,249 15,750-26,249 120.0% 125.0% 112,500 or above 15,000 or above 9,000 or above 15,000 or above 26,250 or above 26,250 or above 120.0% 130.0% Semi-annually HK$ US$ A$ S$ Allocation Rates For policy term For policy term of at least of 15 years 10 years but less or above than 15 years 9,000-17,999 1,500-2,399 900-1,439 1,500-2,399 2,700-4,199 2,700-4,199 100.0% 18,000-35,999 2,400-4,799 1,440-2,879 2,400-4,799 4,200-8,399 4,200-8,399 105.0% 36,000-53,999 4,800-7,199 2,880-4,319 4,800-7,199 8,400-12,599 8,400-12,599 107.5% 54,000-71,999 7,200-9,599 4,320-5,759 7,200-9,599 12,600-16,799 12,600-16,799 110.0% 72,000-89,999 9,600-11,999 5,760-7,199 9,600-11,999 16,800-20,999 16,800-20,999 115.0% 90,000-134,999 12,000-17,999 7,200-10,799 12,000-17,999 21,000-31,499 21,000-31,499 120.0% 135,000-224,999 18,000-29,999 10,800-17,999 18,000-29,999 31,500-52,499 31,500-52,499 120.0% 125.0% 225,000 or above 30,000 or above 18,000 or above 30,000 or above 52,500 or above 52,500 or above 120.0% 130.0% Annually HK$ US$ A$ S$ Allocation Rates For policy term For policy term of at least of 15 years 10 years but less or above than 15 years 18,000-35,999 3,000-4,799 1,800-2,879 3,000-4,799 5,400-8,399 5,400-8,399 100.0% 36,000-71,999 4,800-9,599 2,880-5,759 4,800-9,599 8,400-16,799 8,400-16,799 105.0% 72,000-107,999 9,600-14,399 5,760-8,639 9,600-14,399 16,800-25,199 16,800-25,199 107.5% 108,000-143,999 14,400-19,199 8,640-11,519 14,400-19,199 25,200-33,599 25,200-33,599 110.0% 144,000-179,999 19,200-23,999 11,520-14,399 19,200-23,999 33,600-41,999 33,600-41,999 115.0% 180,000-269,999 24,000-35,999 14,400-21,599 24,000-35,999 42,000-62,999 42,000-62,999 120.0% 270,000-449,999 36,000-59,999 21,600-35,999 36,000-59,999 63,000-104,999 63,000-104,999 120.0% 125.0% 450,000 or above 60,000 or above 36,000 or above 60,000 or above 105,000 or above 105,000 or above 120.0% 130.0% For policy term of less than 10 years, the allocation is 100% regardless of the regular premium contribution level. After the Initial Contribution Period, the allocation rate is 100%. For Single Premium Top-up, the allocation rate is 100% after the deduction of Upfront Administration Fee. The number of units allocated to the Policy will be rounded to the nearest 3 decimal places. Any fractional units not allocated to the Policy may be retained by Aviva where applicable. 08

Summary of Charges Initial Administration Fee Investment Management Fee Policy Fee 1.12% per quarter (4.48% p.a.) of the value of Initial Units, paid in arrears on a calendar quarter basis by cancellation of units (i.e. March, June, September, December) and calculated on the average daily Initial Unit holding in the Initial Account. 0.38% per quarter (1.52% p.a.) of the total value of Initial and Accumulation Units, paid in arrears on a calendar quarter basis by cancellation of units (i.e. March, June, September, December) and calculated on the average daily Unit holding in the Initial and Accumulation Accounts. A policy fee will be charged in advance and deducted immediately before the premiums are invested. Contract Currency HK$ US$ A$ S$ Policy Fee (monthly) 50 7.5 4 7.5 11 11 Upfront Administration Fee Annual Management Charges Other Fund Charges A one-time charge of 7.5% will be deducted from each single premium top-up made before units are allocated. Vary depending on the funds selected. Please refer to Fund Choices. Other fund charges may be imposed by Fund Managers which are directly reflected in the fund price. For details of charges, please refer to the prospectus of the underlying fund which is made available by Aviva. 09

Exit Fee (For both partial withdrawal and surrender) An Exit Fee will be charged as a percentage of the value of Initial Units withdrawn and surrendered (subject to a maximum of 100%). During the first Initial Contribution Period*: 100% of the value of Initial Units After the first Initial Contribution Period: (1-0.99634 Remaining Policy Months ) + (0.3 x Remaining Policy Months) x Value of Initial Units Total Policy Months EXAMPLES: Contribution Term 30 Years 25 Years 20 Years 15 Years 8 Years Contribution Term Total Policy Months 360 300 240 180 96 Total Policy Months End of Policy Year Remaining Remaining Exit Fee Exit Fee Remaining Remaining Remaining Policy Months Policy Months Policy Months Exit Fee Policy Months Exit Fee Policy Months Exit Fee End of Policy Year 1 348 100% 288 100% 228 100% 168 100% 84 100% 1 2 336 99% 276 91% 216 82% 156 70% 72 46% 2 3 324 97% 264 88% 204 78% 144 65% 60 38% 3 4 312 94% 252 85% 192 75% 132 60% 48 31% 4 5 300 92% 240 83% 180 71% 120 56% 36 24% 5 6 288 89% 228 79% 168 67% 108 51% 24 16% 6 7 276 87% 216 76% 156 63% 96 46% 12 8% 7 8 264 84% 204 73% 144 59% 84 41% 0 0% 8 9 252 81% 192 70% 132 55% 72 35% 9 10 240 79% 180 66% 120 51% 60 30% 10 11 228 76% 168 63% 108 46% 48 24% 11 12 216 73% 156 59% 96 42% 36 18% 12 13 204 70% 144 55% 84 37% 24 12% 13 14 192 67% 132 52% 72 32% 12 6% 14 15 180 63% 120 48% 60 27% 0 0% 15 16 168 60% 108 43% 48 22% 16 17 156 57% 96 39% 36 17% 17 18 144 53% 84 35% 24 11% 18 19 132 49% 72 30% 12 6% 19 20 120 46% 60 26% 0 0% 20 21 108 42% 48 21% 21 22 96 38% 36 16% 22 23 84 34% 24 11% 23 24 72 29% 12 6% 24 25 60 25% 0 0% 25 26 48 20% 26 27 36 15% 27 28 24 10% 28 29 12 5% 29 30 0 0% 30 * For details, please refer to What is Initial Contribution Period, Initial Unit and Accumulation Unit? on p.5 Bid/Offer Spread Credit Card Charge Nil For payment by credit card, a fee of 1% will be charged on the premium paid. The company reserves the right to adjust all fees and charges in the future, upon giving three months notice or such shorter period of notice as approved by the Securities & Futures Commission. 10

Fund valuation The value of assets and liabilities will be determined in accordance with any applicable regulations. Generally, investments are valued at market prices on a daily basis (subject to the underlying funds). Other than the fees charged by respective fund managers, Aviva does not charge any additional fees on the underlying funds. Investment Proceeds The investment proceeds will be the NAV of the Aviva Global Savings Account. Policy Application To apply, complete and submit the Application Form together with the Illustration for Surrender Values and your investment to your financial consultant. Termination The Policy shall terminate on the earliest of the following: (a) the death of the Life Assured; or (b) the full surrender of the Policy; or (c) the lapsing of the Policy; or (d) the failure to pay additional premiums when the NAV falls below the Minimum Account Value; or (e) (f) the maturity of this Policy on the Policy maturity date; or the revocation of the Policy by Aviva if there is incorrect or incomplete information in the application or in any written statement, representation or document given to Aviva; or (g) the failure to pay any Regular Premium during the first Initial Contribution Period (other than the first Regular Premium) within the grace period and there are no Accumulation Units allocated to the Policy; or (h) the NAV falling below the Minimum Policy Value during a premium holiday. Taxation The taxation of the benefits will usually depend on the policyholder s residence. Aviva may be placed under a statutory obligation to report to the relevant tax authorities certain events where benefits are received by certain individuals. No tax advice is given by us and you should consider tax consequences before entering into any policy. You should seek professional advice. 11

Borrowing Power The investment restrictions and borrowing restrictions of the funds are set out in the relevant fund prospectus, constitutive documents and other information of the funds approved by the Securities and Futures Commission, copies of which will be made available by Aviva. Cooling-off Period The Cooling-off Period allows for review of your Policy and cancellation if the Policy is not suitable for your needs. The Cooling-off Period is the latest of : (a) twenty-one (21) days after the date on which You sign the Application; or (b) fourteen (14) days after the Policy Issue Date; or (c) if the policy replaces an existing life insurance policy, fourteen (14) days after the Customer Protection Declaration (CPD) form has been copied to the insurer of that existing life insurance policy; or (d) five (5) days from the date on which the Policy or a Policy notice is received by you or your representative. The Policy notice is a notice in writing informing you or your representative the availability of the Policy and the expiry date of the Cooling-off Period. Upon cancellation of this Policy, Aviva will sell all units allocated to this Policy at the next appropriate fund valuation date and will pay all sums received upon such sale to you on the settlement date. No increase in market value of the units allocated to the Policy will be payable to you. While pending settlement, no interest shall accrue or be payable on any sums due to you. Governing Law The terms and conditions of this Policy shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong courts shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to consider and determine any dispute or proceedings between the parties. 12

Notes: a. In this brochure, Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited is referred to as Aviva, We Our or Us ; the Policyholder (or the Policyholder s legal representative where appropriate) is referred to as You or Your. Business Day is referred to a day (excluding Saturdays and public holidays) on which banks are generally open for business in both Hong Kong and Singapore for a full range of banking transactions. Policy refers to the Terms and Conditions, the Policy Schedule, the Schedule of Fees, the Schedule of Minimum and Maximum Limits and any other schedules or appendices attached thereto, the Application, any Endorsement issued by Us and any trust instrument attached (where the Policy is subject to a trust), all of which form part of the Policy. For all details including coverage, fund valuation, fees and charges, please refer to the terms and conditions. A copy of the policy provisions will be made available by Aviva. Aviva accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this brochure. Prospective investors should consult their financial planning advisors before entering into an investment of this nature. This plan is intended for medium to long-term investment and is not designed for early surrender. Fund investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. No representation, warranty or guarantee concerning the performance, returns and / or profitability of the Policy (or underlying investments) is given by Aviva whether orally or in writing. The profit or loss in transactions in foreign currency - denominated Contracts will be affected by fluctuations in currency rates where there is a need to convert from the currency denomination of the Contract to another currency. AVIVA GLOBAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND ITS DOCUMENTATION HAVE BEEN AUTHORISED BY THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES COMMISSION PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 104(1) AND 105(1) OF THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES ORDINANCE. HOWEVER, SUCH AUTHORISATION DOES NOT IMPLY ANY OFFICIAL APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION. 13

Aviva Aviva Aviva 1,500 18 Aviva Aviva Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited ( Aviva ) Aviva plc Aviva plc Aviva 2006 12 7,134 59,000 4,000 Aviva plc www.aviva.com 1 Aviva plc A+ Aa3 Aviva 2007 5 Aviva 14

Aviva Aviva Aviva Aviva 21 22 18 3,000 30% Aviva 15

Aviva Aviva 15 15 1% 0.1% 2% 25 16 1.1% 17 1.2% Aviva Aviva C Aviva Aviva Aviva plc Aviva 16

1, 2 3 4 4 8 30 75 19 67 106% 65 101% 18 18 17

1,500 250 150 250 450 450 4,500 750 450 750 1,350 1,350 9,000 1,500 900 1,500 2,700 2,700 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 400 50 30 50 90 90 1,200 150 90 150 270 270 2,400 300 180 300 540 540 4,800 600 360 600 1,080 1,080 1,900 250 150 250 450 450 18,000 3,000 1,800 3,000 5,400 5,400 10,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 10,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 18

14 19

10 15 15 1,500-2,999 250-399 150-239 250-399 450-699 450-699 100.0% 3,000-5,999 400-799 240-479 400-799 700-1,399 700-1,399 105.0% 6,000-8,999 800-1,199 480-719 800-1,199 1,400-2,099 1,400-2,099 107.5% 9,000-11,999 1,200-1,599 720-959 1,200-1,599 2,100-2,799 2,100-2,799 110.0% 12,000-14,999 1,600-1,999 960-1,199 1,600-1,999 2,800-3,499 2,800-3,499 115.0% 15,000-22,499 2,000-2,999 1,200-1,799 2,000-2,999 3,500-5,249 3,500-5,249 120.0% 22,500-37,499 3,000-4,999 1,800-2,999 3,000-4,999 5,250-8,749 5,250-8,749 120.0% 125.0% 37,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 8,750 8,750 120.0% 130.0% 10 15 15 4,500-8,999 750-1,199 450-719 750-1,199 1,350-2,099 1,350-2,099 100.0% 9,000-17,999 1,200-2,399 720-1,439 1,200-2,399 2,100-4,199 2,100-4,199 105.0% 18,000-26,999 2,400-3,599 1,440-2,159 2,400-3,599 4,200-6,299 4,200-6,299 107.5% 27,000-35,999 3,600-4,799 2,160-2,879 3,600-4,799 6,300-8,399 6,300-8,399 110.0% 36,000-44,999 4,800-5,999 2,880-3,599 4,800-5,999 8,400-10,499 8,400-10,499 115.0% 45,000-67,499 6,000-8,999 3,600-5,399 6,000-8,999 10,500-15,749 10,500-15,749 120.0% 67,500-112,499 9,000-14,999 5,400-8,999 9,000-14,999 15,750-26,249 15,750-26,249 120.0% 125.0% 112,500 15,000 9,000 15,000 26,250 26,250 120.0% 130.0% 10 15 15 9,000-17,999 1,500-2,399 900-1,439 1,500-2,399 2,700-4,199 2,700-4,199 100.0% 18,000-35,999 2,400-4,799 1,440-2,879 2,400-4,799 4,200-8,399 4,200-8,399 105.0% 36,000-53,999 4,800-7,199 2,880-4,319 4,800-7,199 8,400-12,599 8,400-12,599 107.5% 54,000-71,999 7,200-9,599 4,320-5,759 7,200-9,599 12,600-16,799 12,600-16,799 110.0% 72,000-89,999 9,600-11,999 5,760-7,199 9,600-11,999 16,800-20,999 16,800-20,999 115.0% 90,000-134,999 12,000-17,999 7,200-10,799 12,000-17,999 21,000-31,499 21,000-31,499 120.0% 135,000-224,999 18,000-29,999 10,800-17,999 18,000-29,999 31,500-52,499 31,500-52,499 120.0% 125.0% 225,000 30,000 18,000 30,000 52,500 52,500 120.0% 130.0% 10 15 15 18,000-35,999 3,000-4,799 1,800-2,879 3,000-4,799 5,400-8,399 5,400-8,399 100.0% 36,000-71,999 4,800-9,599 2,880-5,759 4,800-9,599 8,400-16,799 8,400-16,799 105.0% 72,000-107,999 9,600-14,399 5,760-8,639 9,600-14,399 16,800-25,199 16,800-25,199 107.5% 108,000-143,999 14,400-19,199 8,640-11,519 14,400-19,199 25,200-33,599 25,200-33,599 110.0% 144,000-179,999 19,200-23,999 11,520-14,399 19,200-23,999 33,600-41,999 33,600-41,999 115.0% 180,000-269,999 24,000-35,999 14,400-21,599 24,000-35,999 42,000-62,999 42,000-62,999 120.0% 270,000-449,999 36,000-59,999 21,600-35,999 36,000-59,999 63,000-104,999 63,000-104,999 120.0% 125.0% 450,000 60,000 36,000 60,000 105,000 105,000 120.0% 130.0% 10 100% 100% 100% 3 Aviva 20

1.12% 4.48% 3 9 12 0.38% 1.52% 3 9 12 50 7.5 4 7.5 11 11 7.5% Aviva 21

Aviva 100% 100% (1-0.99634 ) 0.3 x 30 25 30 15 8 360 300 240 180 96 1 348 100% 288 100% 228 100% 168 100% 84 100% 1 2 336 99% 276 91% 216 82% 156 70% 72 46% 2 3 324 97% 264 88% 204 78% 144 65% 60 38% 3 4 312 94% 252 85% 192 75% 132 60% 48 31% 4 5 300 92% 240 83% 180 71% 120 56% 36 24% 5 6 288 89% 228 79% 168 67% 108 51% 24 16% 6 7 276 87% 216 76% 156 63% 96 46% 12 8% 7 8 264 84% 204 73% 144 59% 84 41% 0 0% 8 9 252 81% 192 70% 132 55% 72 35% 9 10 240 79% 180 66% 120 51% 60 30% 10 11 228 76% 168 63% 108 46% 48 24% 11 12 216 73% 156 59% 96 42% 36 18% 12 13 204 70% 144 55% 84 37% 24 12% 13 14 192 67% 132 52% 72 32% 12 6% 14 15 180 63% 120 48% 60 27% 0 0% 15 16 168 60% 108 43% 48 22% 16 17 156 57% 96 39% 36 17% 17 18 144 53% 84 35% 24 11% 18 19 132 49% 72 30% 12 6% 19 20 120 46% 60 26% 0 0% 20 21 108 42% 48 21% 21 22 96 38% 36 16% 22 23 84 34% 24 11% 23 24 72 29% 12 6% 24 25 60 25% 0 0% 25 26 48 20% 26 27 36 15% 27 28 24 10% 28 29 12 5% 29 30 0 0% 30 17 1% 22

Aviva Aviva Aviva Aviva Aviva 23

Aviva 21 14 (CPD) 14 5 Aviva 24

Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited Aviva Aviva Aviva Aviva Aviva 104(1) 105(1) 25

Printed on recycled paper JUL-07 Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited Suite 1701, Cityplaza One, 1111 King s Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 1111 1 1701 Tel (852) 3550 9888 Fax (852) 2907 0969 Website www.aviva.com.hk