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三 各 國 實 施 概 況 ICAO Annex 1 雖 明 列 2008 年 3 月 5 日 前 國 際 航 線 飛 機 直 昇 機 駕 駛 員 飛 航 管 制 員 及 航 空 通 信 人 員, 使 用 無 線 電 溝 通 英 語 之 專 業 能 力 應 符 合 規 定, 基 於 部 份 國 家


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2015 SCORING GUIDELINES Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 EXCELLENT Demonstrates excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD Demonstrates competence in 3 ADEQUATE Suggests competence in 2 WEAK Suggests lack of competence in 1 VERY WEAK Demonstrates lack of competence in 0 UNACCEPTABLE Contains nothing that earns credit TASK COMPLETION DELIVERY LANGUAGE USE provides a very thorough and appropriate response; includes elaboration and detail Smoothly connected sentences provides a thorough and appropriate response; may include elaboration and detail Connected sentences provides an appropriate response Sentences may be loosely connected provides a basic but appropriate answer Disconnected sentences provides an appropriate but incomplete answer Fragmented sentences Addresses prompt minimally or marginally Very disjointed sentences or isolated words Natural pace and intonation, with minimal hesitation or repetition Accurate pronunciation (including tones), with minimal errors Consistent use of register appropriate to situation Smooth pace and intonation, with occasional hesitation and repetition Occasional errors in pronunciation (including tones) Consistent use of register appropriate to situation except for occasional lapses Generally consistent pace and intonation, with intermittent hesitation and repetition May have several errors in pronunciation (including tones), which do not necessitate special listener effort May include several lapses in otherwise consistent use of register appropriate to situation Inconsistent pace and intonation, with hesitation and repetition that interfere with comprehension Errors in pronunciation (including tones) sometimes necessitate special listener effort Use of register appropriate to situation is inconsistent or includes many errors Labored pace and intonation, with frequent hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate constant listener effort Frequent use of register inappropriate to situation Very labored pace and intonation, with constant hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate intense listener effort Constant use of register inappropriate to situation Mere restatement of the prompt Clearly does not respond to the prompt I don t know, I don t understand, Please repeat, or equivalent in Chinese Not in Mandarin Chinese Blank (although recording equipment is functioning) or mere sighs Rich and appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with minimal errors Wide range of grammatical structures, with minimal errors Appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with sporadic errors Variety of grammatical structures, with sporadic errors Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Mostly appropriate grammatical structures, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Limited appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning; intermittent interference from another language Mostly simple grammatical structures, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning Minimal appropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning; repeated interference from another language Limited grammatical structures, with frequent errors that obscure meaning Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning; constant interference from another language Little or no control of grammatical structures, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 Note: Student responses are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors. In the transcripts of students speech quoted in the commentaries, a three-dot ellipsis indicates that the sample has been excerpted. Two dots indicate that the student paused while. Overview This task assessed ability in the mode of communication by having students respond to a series of questions in a simulated conversation. The task comprised a statement identifying an interlocutor and conversation topic followed by six questions. Students were allotted 20 seconds to speak at each turn in the conversation. Each of the six responses received a holistic score based on how well it accomplished the assigned task. Uh 不用謝! 我覺得除除了去中國城之外, 你也可以,uh 也可以帶他們去中國美食街或者中國博物館, 可以讓他們品嘗到不同的中國的美食和領略到中國的博大精深的文化, 使他們對中國有更多的了解 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate answer, which includes elaboration and detail. The sentences are smoothly connected and delivered with a natural pace without hesitation or repetition. The consistent use of register, starting with the response of 不用謝, clearly demonstrates the student's knowledge of Chinese culture. Pronunciation is accurate. Vocabulary is rich: 品嘗, 美食, 領略, 博大精深 ; and a wide range of grammatical structures is used. Score: 3 除了中國城以外, 我覺得同學們應該可以去一些中國餐館吃東西因為 uh 這個 uh 中國的.. uh.. 中國的東西應該去外面吃吃, 因為可以欣賞到中國的食品, 然後可以 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic and appropriate answer. The pace is inconsistent with hesitation. The sentences are disconnected, and limited vocabulary and mostly simple grammatical structures are used in the response.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 (continued) Score: 1 [long pause] um 沒關 [guan3] 係 [xi3], 我覺得我們可以去 um 中國, 謝謝 The response addresses the prompt minimally ( 我覺得我們可以去中國 ), but going to China is not a daylong field trip. Very labored pace with hesitation and frequent errors in pronunciation necessitate intense listener effort. Insufficient vocabulary and little control of grammatical structures significantly obscure meaning.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 2 我覺得帶他們去看一些城市的名勝古跡, 因為應該讓他們更很激動 因為這些名勝古跡有很多的很豐富的歷史和文化 還可以去這些小吃街 [jie4], 可以去嘗嘗一些小吃的東西 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate response. Sentences are smoothly connected, with minimal errors ( 讓他們更很激動 ). This response is delivered in a natural pace without hesitation and with accurate pronunciation. Vocabulary is rich ( 名勝古跡 ; 激動 ; 豐富的歷史和文化 ; 小吃街 [jie4]; 嘗嘗 ) and appropriate. A wide range of grammatical structures are used. Score: 3 我覺得一個非常.. uh 重要的東西我們會做是武 [wu1] 術, 因為這會幫他們學一個中國的.. 好做的東西, 也要吃食品 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic and appropriate answer. Pace of delivery is inconsistent with hesitation. Sentences are disconnected with limited appropriate vocabulary. Frequent errors in mostly simple grammatical structures and pronunciation sometimes obscure meaning. Score: 1 我覺得我們如果可以 uh 一起去看.. uh 那些.. 地方他會.. uh 像 The response addresses the prompt minimally with very disjointed sentences. The answer contains insufficient vocabulary and has little control of the grammatical structures, with errors that significantly obscure meaning. The pace is very labored with constant hesitation.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 3 Score: 5 我覺得可以和一些當地的居民和並且讓同學們互相之間的交流全部變成中文, 這樣給, 可以給同學們更好的機會去練習他們的中文, 並且可以創造一個很好的中文環境 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate answer, including elaboration and detail. Pace and intonation are smooth, and the pronunciation is accurate. The response contains appropriate vocabulary and a variety of grammatical structures with sporadic errors:... 和並且...; 這樣給. Score: 3 我認為說中文很重 [zhong2] 要, 你越練習越說好, 所以如果你去中國飯館, 你可以.. 吃, 一邊吃一邊說 The response addresses the prompt and provides a basic and appropriate answer. The pace is inconsistent. Vocabulary is limited and grammatical structures are mostly simple. Score: 1 我喜歡練習中文, 因為.. 我覺得中文很有意思 The response addresses the prompt minimally ( 喜歡練習中文 ). Vocabulary and grammatical structures are insufficient.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 4 我相信中國城裏面一定有非常多的店鋪, 那麼可以讓同學組成隊到每個店鋪裏面, 去跟 uh 店鋪裏面的老闆進行交流 在交流的過程當中, 我相信他們就會對中國的文化有更多的認識 在不斷的交談當中得到的知識會受益終生 The response directly addresses the prompt by providing a very thorough and appropriate answer with elaboration in smoothly connected sentences. The pace of delivery is natural, and the pronunciation is accurate. The answer uses rich and appropriate idioms ( 不斷的, 進行交流, 受益終生 ) and a wide range of grammatical structures. Score: 4 如果我們去中國城, 我們可以去看表演或者去吃小吃, 這樣可以看到中文的節日怎麼 uh 吃飯 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer in loosely connected sentences. The pace and intonation are generally consistent. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are mostly appropriate, with errors that generally do not obscure meaning (... 看到中文的節日怎麼 uh 吃飯 ). Score: 2 Uh 我們一定應 [ying3] 該.. 去中國城的中國飯館和中國的店, 所 [suo4] 以我們看中國文化 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer the response does not address the "why" question. The pace of delivery is labored with hesitation. Appropriate vocabulary is minimal, and the grammatical structures are limited.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 5 我覺得 uh 學生們會賣自己的家的, 家裏的東西 所以賣東西的時候他們可以賺錢 因為有很多學生他們可以收到很多的錢, 所以我覺得這方法是, 就是最好的方法 The response directly addresses the prompt with a thorough and appropriate answer with elaboration in smoothly connected sentences. Pace of delivery and intonation are smooth with minimal hesitation. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are appropriate. Score: 4 Uh 我覺得我們可以 uh.. 賣很多中國食物, 然後 uh.. 有多錢, 我們可以花在 uh.. 我們的出 [qu4] 遊活動 Uh 我覺得 uh 在學校裏我們可以 uh 賣中國食物, 然後有多錢 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer in somewhat loosely connected sentences. Pace of delivery is generally consistent with intermittent hesitation and repetition. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are mostly appropriate with one error ( 然後有多錢 ) that does not obscure meaning. Score: 1 Uh 這次的活動我覺得我們可以 fa1 fan3 [?] 的和 xi3 shuang4 [?] 的 Uh 我也喜歡可以 uh jian3 rang4 [?] 別的人, 也可以看他們的好友 The response addresses the prompt marginally by mentioning 這次的活動. The student attempts to give suggestions ( 我們可以 ) but fails to complete the thought. The student s idea is not conveyed because of limited vocabulary and insufficient grammatical knowledge. Errors significantly obscure the meaning.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 Uh.. 在同一個學校的同學可以通過學校的通告來得知, 其他人我們可以做一些富有中國特色的那些圖片的海報, 然後發給所有人, 讓大家更多的去了解這一次的旅行 也可以在, 也可以製作一些視頻在學校的官網上發出, 讓更多的人能看到 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate answer. The sentences are smoothly connected. Its pace and intonation are natural. Pronunciation is accurate. Vocabulary is rich and appropriate ( 通過, 得知, 富有中國特色, 官網 ). The response uses a wide range of grammatical structures. Score: 4 Uh.. 我我覺得我我們一定要 uh 發一一個短信給 uh 學校, 全部學校的 uh.. 同學學生,uh 因為 uh.. 他們常常 uh 發短信和收短信 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic and appropriate answer in disjointed sentences. Pace of delivery and intonation are inconsistent, with hesitation that interferes with comprehension. Vocabulary is limited, and grammatical structures are mostly simple. Score: 2 Uh 我覺得我 uh 我們應該要讓學生 um 給他們他們的朋友說.. uh.. 這個是是什麼 um.. 因為 uh.. 是是朋友.. uh 知道他他的朋友是什麼 The response directly addresses the prompt with an appropriate but incomplete answer because it does not address the "why" question. Sentences are very disjointed with isolated words. The pace is very labored with constant hesitation and repetition. Vocabulary is insufficient and there is little control of grammatical structures with errors that significantly obscure meaning.