Hotel Kakslauttanen is located in the Saariselkä fell area amidst beautiful Lapland scenery in the vicinity if Urho Kekkonen National Park. The locati

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NORTH POLE ADVENTURE 11 DAYS NORTHERN EUROPE (Finland & Sweden) SAMPO ICEBREAKING CRUISE, ARTIC CIRCLE, SANTA CLAUS HOME, AURORA BOREALIS, HUSKY AND REINDEER RIDES, SNOW CASTLE, SNOW MOBILE + OVERNIGHT CRUISE : In Finland they call this beautify northern natural phenomenon as Aurora Borealis. The Northern bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually the result of collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere. The effects generally happen at 90 KM to 160 KM above the earth's surface and happen both in the Arctic and Antarctica Circle. Important prerequisites & conditions for viewing the Northern Lights: 1: The effects will appear every year between November and April. The best viewing locations are within the territory of the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden and Finland. (Note: This is a natural phenomenon. Popular Express does not guarantee you are able see the aurora). 2: Outdoor temperature of -10 to -15 C 3: Clear and cloudless sky. 4: Far away from any lights or lighting. 5: Higher probability of appearance between 20:00 and 12:00.

Hotel Kakslauttanen is located in the Saariselkä fell area amidst beautiful Lapland scenery in the vicinity if Urho Kekkonen National Park. The location is excellent - Highway 4 is nearby and all scheduled buses drive right up to the hotel and Ivalo airport is just 35 kilometres away with a bus transfer straight to the hotel front-door. The resort has several first-class log cabins, the world s largest smoke sauna and several unique restaurants - the main building log house restaurant, two exotic Lapishtent restaurants and a charming snow restaurant. Igloo Village is open in December or January to late April. In winter the resort offers cross-country skiing, Eskimo huskies sledding/safari, snowmobile safari, reindeer sledding/safari, ice-fishing trips and visit Sampo icebreaker (the world's only dualpurpose icebreaking/ passenger ship open to tourists); and numerous other snow activities; and Igloo Village is also home to snow chapel and an ice bar both built every winter. Saariselkä ski slopes are just 10 km from the resort and there are regular shuttle bus runs to/from the ski slopes. The Saariselkä ski trail network of over 180km passes right by the hotel. Aurora lights are visible from late August to late April. Finland has the world s unique icebreaker, "The Sampo" is 75 meters long and weighs 3,540 tons, is currently the world's only tourist icebreaker, and has been carrying passengers for 40 years. 1. Viewing of Aurora Borealis tour (about 2 hrs) : Reindeer sledding + hot drinks + campfire. In the old days, reindeer sledding was the only means of transportation and goods carrying of the Lapland s Sami people or the Lapps. Today, reindeer sledding or reindeer sleigh has become a popular tourist attraction. 2. Dog sledding: The strong Husky dogs have strong thick hairs and are called "Lapland s loyal friend". On hard polar snow, the dogs can pull the sled at high speed, even during severe snowfall without difficulty. The Husky is also a good companion to humans and will provide the participants with a lot of warmth and fun. 3. Snowmobile ride This is the fastest ride on snow. But it is easier to learn and master than the motorcycle. To ensure everyone safety and enjoyment, equipment rental is usually inclusive of driving and safety instructions, track guiding, helmet and thermal outfit. 4. Santa Claus Village: At the Santa Post Office, you can send your blessing to your friends. Today, start your adventure to fly to Helsinki.. Depends on the final confirmation, may upgrade to Levin Igloo Glass Hotel Flying by Santa Claus s homeland airline, Finnair, in the morning crossing the Arctic Circle to Ivalo. Upon arrival, visit the Siida Museum. After sunset, proceed to the local "Siida Sami museum". The Sami race one is the indigenous habitants of the Arctic Circle. To know their history, it is necessary to have a visit to their museum. The exterior area of the museum is vast and spacy, not too many people and the night scene is beautiful. The museum displays various Sami culture, crafts, specimens, transportation, etc. If time permits, it is recommended to visit the nearby screening room to watch shows and photos about the Arctic light. After that, proceed to thermal glass igloo hotel for overnight stay in wood cabins. Each wood cabin has two bedrooms, each for 4 persons. Hotel's sauna is free. Temperature in Ivalo is around minus 15 degrees and so it is very cold. The local ancient heating method, whether indoors or

outdoors, is to heat up a red hot stove. We will be relaxing in the Lapland-style tent, slowly sipping the hot tea or coffee and enjoying the fresh cookies. The heat of hot coffee in a local birch wood cup will not even bother you. But if you want the birch wood cup as a souvenir, it will cost you tens of Euros! Quite expensive, eh! The locals will be showcasing their unique local crafts as well as musical and dance performances. If you like their crafts, you can buy them in the nearby souvenir shop. Proceed to Rovaniemi in the morning. In Rovaniemi, transfer by snowmobiles and then to experience the dog sledding. The awaited polar snow dogs, the "Husky", finally appearing! In Finnish husky dog breeding farms, there are many large and small husky dogs. They are being trained in every summer. So they can run and speed along the designated route without any steering. Really good! But to have attained such discipline, they must have suffered a lot. Because the extreme coldness, riders must first go to the local store to rent thermal outfits which are airtight as well as to protect the clothes from getting dirty. It is vital to listen carefully to the explanation of the local guide and remember the most important gestures gesture for stopping and gesture for help. Each mobile has 2 seats the front seat is for the guest, and the rear standing one is for the driver guide. It is common to see the driver raising his hand which signals the front sled is stopping and your sled has to stop too. Whenever there is any difficulty, raise your hands high up and wave. Duty staff will be coming to assist immediately. When braking, the driver will step on the brake system strongly. So-called "strong", it really must be very strong. Generally ladies will find it quite hard to stop the 6 husky sled dogs. There are different breeds and coloured husky dogs and every prime husky dog has its own separate hut. After learning all these informations, dog sled journey will begin. The dogs will bark and growl like the wolf, very spectacular! Special belts are used to tie the 6 husky dogs tied together, 2 in a row. The 2 front dogs are the ones with leadership skills and they do not simply bark and miss-behave; middle 2 are vibrant, strong and explosion; with the last two though lively, but very playful and often like to play and fight. When coming to a stop, the 6 Husky dogs will often bark together. The dogs are really very cute! After this, proceed to Rovaniemi for overnight stay. 1000-1300 Visit Santa Claus Village & crossing over to the Arctic Circle ( Arctic Circle certificate presentation) 1500 17:00 Visit the Arctic Circle Museum and Pilke Science Centre A certificate will be issued to visitors who have crossed over into the Arctic Circle and after visiting the Santa Claus Village. Here visitors can enjoy taking photos with Santa Claus on own expense, as well as buying post cards and post them with blessing to friends and relatives from the Santa Claus Post Office. Survivor is the main theme of the Arctic Circle Museum. Displays consist of how human survive in harsh conditions, photos, handicrafts and music, etc. As a tropic habitant, we may marvel how deep the effects of snow on the local indigenous habitants. In local Inuit s language, the word snow has more than 10 names to describe various forms of snow.

1000 1430 Snowmoblie ride to reindeer farm + ice fishing+ reindeer sleigh+ Lapp style ceremony + reindeer Lunch in the farm 1500 Return to the office of Wild Life Park and then change outfits Let s fantasise and imagine about the vast snow land. Who will be speeding in the reindeer sled? Perhaps majority conjure up it is Santa Claus. But in real life, it is the indigenous Sami. Reindeer are still the life partner of the Sami in the northern part of Finland. They rear them, eat them, and wear their skin to keep warm; and also know how to use this primitive means of transport to attract tourists, allowing visitors to enjoy the reindeer sleigh and fantasise to be a Santa Claus. It is well known that the Lapland Sami are very good in using the reindeer sleigh to carry cargo. Although reindeer sleigh is not as fast as that of dog sled, but it conjures up a feeling of time corridor of returning to the ancient Lapland. In addition, the reindeer sleigh safari covers visit to a reindeer farm; and if you are lucky enough to pass an exam, you may be issued with reindeer sleigh driving certificate. With it sand with guidance, you may be allowed to drive the sleigh. 1200-1600 4-hour Sampo Icebreaker cruise tour, lunch on board the ship, Sampo certificate presentation Kemi is situated in the western part of Finland by the Bothnia Bay. Kemi s main economic activity is centred on two large paper and wood pulp mills and on chromium mine which is the only one in Europe. After boarding the Sampo, then cruise for 4 hours, breaking ice all the way. When breaking the ice, there will be loud noise of ice breaking up and this is indeed a spectacular scene of man versus nature. Upon arriving at the hard ice cap, the crew will assist passengers off the ship and walk on it. Tourists will have the opportunity to wear the special thermal rubberised and waterproof clothing and can also try to experience the unforgettable extreme coldness of the water. Kemi/Tornio (KEM) - Helsinki Vantaa Airport (HEL) Finnair AY8312 1350/ 1525 1000 Visit Kemi Snow Castle Morning arrangement is to visit the Kemi Snow Castle which is only available during winter time. Locals of Kemi will start to build huge snow castle in which there will be bars, restaurants and chapels, etc. There are also many giant ice sculpture exhibition for travelers to visit (2014 opening date: January 25).

Return to Helsinki In the afternoon. Upon arrival, proceed for a city tour of White Cathedral, Parliament House; as well as shopping in the city plaza area or shops. Proceed to visit Helsinki s Sibelius Park. The park is dedicated to Sibelius Jean, Finland's greatest composer. The 1899 creation of the "Finlandia" which almost had become the national anthem of Finland describing the miserable fate of Finland at that time and the future longing. Sibelius Monument in the Park is very unique. It is 10 meters high and consists of series of more than 600 hollow steel pipes welded together in a wave-like pattern depicting the essence of the music of Sibelius. After that visit the Temppeliaukio Church aka the Rock Church. The church was built inside a massive block of natural granite. Viewing from outside it resembles a marble flying saucer. The only visible indication that it is a church is a small brass crucifix above the door. At 16:30 pm proceed to the pier harbor area. Sailing to Stockholm and overnight staying on board the Tallinn Silja Line cruise; and at same time experiencing winter in the Baltic Sea. Enjoy the breakfast on board the cruise. 0930 Arrive at Stockholm. 0930 1130 Vasa Museum. Today s tour in Stockholm:

The Vasa Museum is a maritime museum in Stockholm, Sweden. It displays the only almost fully intact 17th century ship that has ever been salvaged. The 69 meter-long warship Vasa was built for King Gustavus Adolphus but sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 and was salvaged more than 333 years later in 1961. 1130 Palace visit, Change of guard ceremony. 1230 1400 City Hall visit Continuing touring of Stockholm: The City Hall was designed by the Swedish National Movement Masters RAGNAR OSTBERG, built in 1911 and took a total of 12 years to complete. It is beside the Lake located in Merlin. With its 105 meters tall square, it can be seen from all angles in the cit. One most famous building, the Blue Hall is where the Nobel Prize banquet is held annually. The Old Town is a small island with each building having special significance and era marked architectural. 14:00-17:00 City Tour and free & leisure at the Old Town. After Breakfast, transfer to hotel for flight home with your extraordinary experience of Lapland. Home Sweet Home * All itineraries, sequences, hotels and accommodation are subject to change and confirmation by the local operators. Popular Express Travel therefore reserves the right to change/re-arrange them accordingly. Final arrangement will be confirmed before the departure date. Departure Date : 12 DEC 2015 / 8 FEB 2016 Total Tour Fare : RM 23,888 per person (twin-share or triple-share) (fares are inclusive of service fees for local tour guide, drive & tour leader) Child fare: RM 750 discount per child. Single room supplement is not recommended. If really necessary, quote will be provided. Tour fares inclusive of: Hotels/accommodation (or similar class accommodation), entrance fees, meals, local meals, insurance, transport, air ticket, airport taxes & fuel surcharges. Not inclusive of : Personal expenses, baggage extra weight charges & luggage tips/porter tips. * Entry visa is exempted by EU. Tour members are advised to bring and safe keeping own passports. To avoid incident of any expired passport validity or forgetting to bring passport to the airport on departure date, tour members are required to handover their passports to us so as to facilitate double checking and advance check-in formality. If you do not wish to handover early, please ensure to check the followings:- 1. Passport validity must be more than 6 months. 2. There is bearer s personal signature in the passport. 大众旅行社有限公司 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD KKKP1293 IATA20302192 CO121052-W No. 33, Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088-214692 / 088-213036

独家北极圈探险 11 天北欧 ( 芬兰 & 瑞典 ) SAMPO 破冰船 + 北极冰泳, 探索北极圈, 圣诞老人村, 追踪北极光, 雪狗和驯鹿拉车, 雪城堡, 雪地摩托 + 波罗海 邮轮 極光之旅 : 芬蘭人稱為 Aurora Borealis, 千百年來神秘而美麗的現象, 成為北極圈範圍內珍貴的大自然奇觀 其形成原因是 : 太陽風和地球磁場在離地球 90-160 公里的高空碰撞, 形成一百萬兆瓦放電現象 極光同時可發生在北半球和南半球, 最佳觀測的時間是冬季, 極光因太陽黑子活躍的時期而有 11 年循環一次的旺盛期 觀賞北極光的必要條件 : 1: 每年十一月至隔年四月, 於挪威 瑞典 芬蘭三國位於北極圈內的領土是極光出現頻率最高的時間

( 備註 : 極光之出現為自然界現象, 本公司不保證可以看到極光 ) 2: 室外溫度零下 10-15 度 C 3: 晴朗無雲的天空 4: 遠離燈光的騷擾 5: 夜間 8 點到 12 點出現機率更高 KAKSLAUTTANEN Kakslauttanen 度假村位於景色秀麗的拉普蘭風景區內的薩利瑟爾卡鎮, 毗鄰芬蘭烏爾霍凱科寧國家森林公園 度假村地理位置優越, 距離伊瓦洛機場僅 35 公里,4 號高速公路近在咫尺 度假村設有多間獨具特色的餐廳 : 有位於世界最大的煙熏桑拿浴場的桑拿餐廳 主樓的木屋餐廳, 拉普蘭帳篷餐廳和魅力四射的冰雪餐廳 冬季, 度假村提供冰雪屋和玻璃穹頂屋住宿服務 與此同時, 冰雪之家的度假村還有皚皚白雪和純淨冰片打造而成的冰雪教堂和冰吧 冰雪村落的開放時間是從十二月或一月到四月底 ( 依天候而訂 ) 冬季, 度假村提供徒步越野滑雪 愛斯基摩犬拉雪橇 雪地摩托 馴鹿拉雪橇 冰上釣魚和三寶號破冰船 ( 世界上唯一的一艘載客破冰兩用船 ) 等多種冰雪活動, 數不勝數 薩利色爾卡滑雪場距離度假村僅 10 公里, 穿梭巴士定時往返於滑雪場之間 逾長 180 多公里的薩利色爾卡越野滑雪路線蜿蜒於 Kakslauttanen 度假村提供越野滑雪設備 另外, 每年八月末至來年四月底, 是觀賞北極光的最佳時機 破冰船之旅 :( 三寶號 ) 全球只有芬蘭一家獨有, 首推凱米破冰船, 三寶號 (SAMPO), 船長 75 公尺, 重 3540 噸, 是全球現時唯一的觀光 破冰船, 至今載客有四十多年的歷史 雪地之旅 : 1: 賞極光之旅 ( 約 2.5 小時 ): 馴鹿雪橇 + 熱飲 + 營火 馴鹿雪橇 : 在芬蘭古老日子, 拉普蘭的薩米人, 以馴鹿拉雪橇運載貨物人們 今日, 馴鹿雪橇已變成頗受歡迎的旅遊項目 2: 狗拉雪橇 : 強壯的 HUSKY 厚毛犬, 這群被稱為 拉普蘭忠心朋友 的極地雪犬, 在堅硬雪地上, 可帶動雪橇以高速滑動, 就算連天大雪亦沒有困難 在不需要工作時,HUSKY 又是甚懂人意的動物, 跟她們野遊, 會帶給參加者不少溫馨樂趣 3: 雪上摩托車 : 最快的雪地玩意, 莫過如此種比我們常見電單車更易學和掌握的車輛 通常租車配套會附帶駕駛指導, 和頭盔 保暖衣物全副裝備, 務求大家出發玩得放心 4: 聖誕老人村 : 可於聖誕老人郵政局, 寄出妳的祝福給妳的朋友 日期行程表出發抵達航班航空公司 第 1 天亞庇國際機場 - 吉隆坡國際機場 0605 0830 MH2637 馬來西亞航空 吉隆坡國際機場 - 倫敦希斯洛機場 1035 1615 MH4 馬來西亞航空 倫敦希斯洛機場 - 赫爾辛基萬塔國際機場 1805 2300 MH9264 馬來西亞航空 今日搭马来西亚航空, 經吉隆坡和伦敦轉機, 前往北國 -- 芬蘭, 展開冬日的北國風光及追尋極光之旅 班機飛抵芬蘭首都赫爾辛基 第 2 天赫爾辛基萬塔國際機場 - 伊瓦洛 1005 1235 AY559 芬蘭航空 早上乘搭圣诞老人家乡的芬兰航空, 横越北极圈, 前往伊瓦洛, 抵达后参观薩米 Siida 博物館, 日落之後, 前往當地的 Siida 薩米族博物館 薩米族是北極圈的士著之一, 想了解他們的歷史, 就要到博物館參館 博物館外四周廣闊, 沒太多人, 夜景優美, 而館中展示了薩米族的生活 工藝品 標本 交通工具等等, 有空閒的話還可以到接待處附近的放映室觀看定時播放的北極光資料片段, 看似大多是照片, 可以一看, 之后到玻璃冰屋旅館酒店, 夜宿小木屋, 每间小木屋有兩間臥室, 每间 4 人入住 免費酒店的桑拿浴室 Ivalo 只有零下 15 度, 實在太寒冷了吧, 當地的古老取暖方法, 無論在室內或是室外, 就只有燃點起紅紅大火爐, 我們在拉普蘭式帳篷內, 慢慢品嚐熱茶 熱咖啡和新鮮的曲奇餅 當地一隻樺樹製木杯, 盛滿熱咖啡後, 捧在手裡仍不會有任何燙手的感覺, 可是要當手信的話, 要數十歐元, 蠻貴的吧 當地人會向我們展示當地的獨特工藝品, 並表演特別的樂器及舞蹈, 喜歡的話可以到旁邊的紀念品店購物 晚上可以自费参加 : 北極光狩獵野生動物園 雪地摩托每 2 人 129 歐元 / 人, 單獨駕駛 164 歐元 / PAX ( 最少要有 5 人参加, 需提前預約 )

第 3 天 伊瓦洛 - 羅凡尼米 Rovaniemi 上午前往羅凡尼米, 在此安排 搭乘雪上摩托車前往體驗 狗拉雪橇, 體驗當地薩米人平時運用的雪地交通工具, 大家期待已久的極地雪犬 哈士奇狗 (Husky) 終於出場! 芬蘭的哈士奇狗養殖場, 養殖了大大小小的哈士奇狗 每年夏天開始訓練, 所以可以按照指定路線高速行走, 無需駕駛, 真的很棒啊! 相信當中一定吃了不少苦頭, 才有今天的成就 由於在極地高速行走的關係, 車上的乘客一定凍得不能說話, 所以先要到當地最大型的店舖租借全套裝備衣服, 包括連身衫褲 雪地鞋 羊毛襪 手套, 只要除下厚厚的羽絨外套, 就可以穿上這套保護裝備, 除了密不透風之外, 在參與雪橇拉車的時候不怕弄髒了自己的衣服 在工作人員的講解下, 要記住最重要的暫停手勢 求救手勢和煞停技術 一架拉車有兩個位置, 分別是站在後面的 駕駛員 以及坐在前面的 乘客 當見到前面有駕駛員舉起右手的時候, 代表前面的雪橇已經停駛, 此時你也要煞停雪橇, 等候再出發的時刻 當在行駛過程中遇到任何困難, 請揮動你高舉的雙手, 工作人員會第一時間前來協助 至於煞停技巧, 在於駕駛員將雙腳大力踩踏煞車制, 所謂 大力, 也真的要很大力, 一般柔弱女士們, 要煞停由 6 隻哈士奇狗拉行的雪橇, 的確比較困難 終於要開始雪犬拉橇的重要時刻! 哈士奇狗場內有不同品種的哈士奇狗, 品種 顏色真的比平常的多, 黑白色 棕白色 灰白色 黑灰色等等, 每隻壯年的哈士奇狗都有自己獨立的木屋 要為我們拉橇的哈士奇狗已經準備就緒, 不斷發出咆哮或是狼叫似的的狗吠聲, 很壯觀! 準備拉橇的哈士奇狗, 都要戴上特別的狗帶, 將 6 隻哈士奇狗連繫著, 每兩隻一排 最前面兩隻需要具有領導能力, 不會亂吠亂跑, 十分乖巧 中間兩隻充滿活力, 爆炸力強 至於最後兩隻, 雖然活潑, 卻十分頑皮, 經常玩耍或者打架 哈士奇狗在拉橇期間, 往往停下來時都會全犬一起吠叫, 即使駕駛員已踏實煞車制, 但哈士奇狗還不時向前衝, 希望能繼續拉動雪橇, 駕駛員只是站著也累得要死, 當然乘客越坐越興奮, 因為哈士奇狗實在太可愛了! 第 4 天 之后前往羅凡尼米住宿 羅瓦涅米 10:00-13:00 參觀聖誕老人村和跨北極圈 ( 與北極圈的證書頒發 ) 聖誕老人村參觀, 在此可領到一紙 跨越極圈證書 亦可自費與聖誕老公公合影或者在聖誕老人郵局買張明信片由聖誕老人村寄給親友, 獻上一份無限的祝福! 接著安排 極圈博物館以 Survivors 為主題, 生動地刻畫人們如何在這種嚴苛的環境下生存, 有影像 手工藝品 音樂等展示 藉由展示, 身在熱帶的我們, 才驚訝地得知因為 雪 對極圈原住民的日常生活影響深遠, 在印奴人 (Inuit) 的語言中竟然以數十種不同名稱, 指稱各種型態的 雪 15:00-17:00 參觀北極博物館博物館和 Pilke 的科學中心 第 5 天 羅瓦涅米 10:00-14:30 雪地車遊獵結合的馴鹿農場參觀 + 冰釣 + 乘坐馴鹿雪橇 + 拉普儀式 + 馴鹿, 農家午餐 15:00 返回到野生動物園辦公室和改變你的衣服幻想一下, 在茫茫白雪中, 坐馴鹿雪橇車在雪地上奔馳的人會是誰? 可能大部分人會答是聖誕老人, 但現實世界中, 卻是生活在北極圈的土著 薩米人 (Sami) 居於芬蘭北部的薩米人, 至今依然與鹿群為伴, 飼養馴鹿作買賣, 吃鹿肉, 穿鹿皮保暖 ; 當然, 也懂得利用這種原始代步工具吸引遊客, 讓遊客坐坐馴鹿雪橇車, 過聖誕老人癮 拉普兰萨米人更以驯鹿拉雪橇运载货物著称于世 选择驯鹿雪橇在行驶在冰天雪地之中, 虽然驯鹿的速度不能和狗拉雪橇相比, 但仿佛穿越了时间的长廊, 返回到了那古老悠远的拉普兰历史之中 另外, 跟随驯鹿雪橇团出游, 您还能够仔细地参观驯鹿农场 ; 如果你有幸通过考试, 还会获得农场颁发的驯鹿雪橇驾驶证书, 那时候, 在专人的指导和帮助下, 游客还可以自己驾雪橇随队而行

第 6 天 羅瓦涅米 - 凱米 12:00-16:00 4 小時 Samp 破冰船巡航, 午餐在船上, 與桑普證書頒發位於芬蘭西部波的尼亞灣畔的凱米, 是拉布蘭省的沿海工業城市, 主要的經濟活動是紙漿與紙張製造, 是歐洲唯一的鉻礦所在地 中午搭上 破冰船 三寶號 出海 ( 約 4 小時 ), 享受航行冰海中, 巨輪在冰封水域份利破開通道, 船身與被破開的冰塊撞擊, 發出震耳欲聾巨響, 人類與大自然搏鬥的壯觀場面, 令人為之震撼與興奮 當船抵達堅硬冰層, 船員會協助乘客落船步行其上, 團員更有機會穿上特製全身防水保暖橡皮衣, 嘗試浮沉極凍冰海滋味, 投入苦寒水域的經驗, 人人試過難忘 第 7 天凱米托尼歐機場 - 赫爾辛基萬塔國際機場 1350 1525 AY8312 芬蘭航空 10:00 参观凱米雪城堡上午安排只有在冬天才有的 冰雪堡壘 (Snow castle), 凱米的居民到冬天就會開始以冰塊堆砌出規模宏大的冰雪堡壘, 裡面含蓋了冰雪酒店 酒吧 餐廳 教堂等等, 還有許多巨型的冰雕展覽供旅客遊覽 ( 2014 年開放日期 :1 月 25 日 ) 下午回到赫爾辛基, 抵達赫爾辛基後開始遊覽市內名勝前往 白色大教堂及 國會大廈, 也可在 市集廣場或當地商店逛逛 第 8 天 赫爾辛基 - 斯德哥爾摩按 TALLINK SLJA 線抵達赫爾辛基後開始遊覽市內名勝 首先來到 西貝流士公園, 這是為紀念芬蘭最著名的音樂家西貝流士, 赫爾辛基市民特別設置了這個公園與紀念碑 西貝流士 1899 年所創作的 芬蘭頌, 寫出芬蘭的悲苦命運和對未來的憧憬, 幾乎成了當時的國歌 公園裡西貝流士紀念碑相當別緻, 包括兩個部分 : 一是西貝流士的鐵鑄頭像, 另一則是高 10 公尺, 由 500 多支鐵管組成如龐大的管風琴形狀的藝術造型, 代表西貝流士的樂音流傳千古 接著來到 岩石教堂, 這是從天然岩石中挖建而成新型基督教教堂, 從外觀看, 教堂就像個停在大石裡的飛碟, 唯一能看出教堂身份的, 是立在門口上方小小的銅製十字架 下午 16:30 前往码头港灣, 入住 - 塔林 Silja 線邮轮前往斯德哥爾摩搭乘詩麗亞號航行冬季的波羅的海

第 9 天 斯德哥爾摩郵輪上享用早餐 9:30 抵達斯德哥爾摩 9:30-11:30 瓦薩博物館, 抵達斯德哥爾摩後, 展開今日的觀光 : 上午斯德哥爾摩市區觀光 : 瓦薩戰艦博物館為長 69 公尺, 高 52.5 公尺的瓦薩戰艦式瑞典國王古斯塔夫二世下令建造, 他大力整頓海軍, 瓦薩戰艦就是為了向普魯士示威而打造, 威風凜凜的戰艦在首航之時, 在全城人民注目下, 被颶風吹掃, 海水由槍砲灌進船身, 轉眼翻覆 沉船在水下靜臥 300 年之久, 於 1961 年被發現打撈上來, 為此特別修建此一博物館, 成為研究 17 世紀海員生活的最佳教材 11:30 皇宮外遊, 皇家衛兵交換儀式 12:30-14:00 市政廳續斯德哥爾摩市區觀光 : 市政廳是由瑞典民族運動啟蒙大師 RAGNAR OSTBERG 設計,1911 起造共花費 12 年建成位於梅蘭湖畔, 有著絕佳的地理位置, 從市中心區任何角度都可看見這幢高 105 公尺的方形塔樓, 其中著名的藍廳就是每年舉辦諾貝爾獎晚宴的所在地 舊城區是一座小島, 當地的每棟建築務都有著特殊意義及建築年代的標示, 可在蜿蜒的街道中盡情游覽 14:00-17:00 城市旅遊和老城區的空閒時間 第 10 天 斯德哥爾摩阿蘭達機場 - 阿姆斯特丹史基普機場阿姆斯特丹史基普機場 - 吉隆坡國際機場 0620 1200 0835 MH9202 0700+1 MH17 馬來西亞航空馬來西亞航空 第 11 天吉隆坡國際機場 - 亞庇國際機場 0830 1105 MH2612 馬來西亞航空 本行程表及所使用飯店視航空班次的確認及旅館的確認, 敝公司保留調整之權利, 以出發前說明會準

( 两 三人同房 ) ( 此團含導遊 司機與領隊小費 ) 單人房差 : 不建议, 如有需要另行报价小孩差价减 RM750.00 費用包括 : 住宿 ( 飯店如行程表或同級 ) 門票 餐食 風味餐 保險 交通 機票 機場稅 燃料稅 不包括 : 個人消費 行李小費 行李超重費 重要提醒 : 由於歐盟免簽證, 旅客可以選擇自行攜帶護照 ; 唯避免證照效期不足 特殊相關證件規定及出國當天忘記攜帶, 建議旅客將護照正本交付本公司, 將有專人為您檢查並攜帶至機場統籌辦理 如欲自行攜帶請務必檢查下列項目 1. 護照 ( 需有 6 個月以上的效期 ) 2. 於持照人簽名處親筆簽名 大众旅行社有限公司 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD KKKP1293 IATA20302192 CO121052-W No. 33, Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088-214692 / 088-213036