解析 考点: 形容词和副词倍数表达 as,as 结构倍数的正确表达应为 倍数 +as + 形容词 / 副词 +as, 因此答案选 D 6. About of the earth covered with water. A. second thirds, is B. two thirds, is C.

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2013 第十届学而思综合能力测评真题 Part ⅠGrammar and Vocabulary (1 *20=20 ) 1. There is f and u in word fun. A. a, a, a B. a, an, the C. an, a, the D. an, an, a 解析 考点: 冠词 冠词分为定冠词 the 与不定冠词 a/an, 定冠词特指某人某事或某物 ; 第三空为特指, 这个单词, 因此, 选 the; 第一 二空考察不定冠词, 不定冠词的使用由单词读音第一个音标决定, 元音音标前用 an, 辅音音标前选 a, f 第一个音标为 e, 因此用 an, u 第一个音标为 j, 因此用 a 2. Look at the large crowd of people in the park. Some are dancing, some are singing, are chatting. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 解析 考点: 不定代词 others, the other, the others 都为 其他的, 但是加了定冠词 the 为特指, 剩下的最后一个 ( 些 ), 句中并没有说明人们只做三种活动, 因此, 最后一个空不是特指 由 be 动词 are 可判断, 应选复数形式的不定代词, 答案为 others 通常 some, some, others 为常用搭配, 与中文里的举例子 一些, 一些, 另一些 相似 3. --- Whose Ipad is this? --- It's. A. Lois and Louise B. Lois s and Louise C. Lois and Louise s D. Lois s and Louise s 解析 考点: 名词所有格 表示两个人的某东西有两种方式 :A s and B s, 表示 A 和 B 分别拥有的 ;A and B s, 表示 A 和 B 共有的 对话中问到, 这台 Ipad 是谁的, 回答为它是, 空里应为 Lois 和 Louise 的 Ipad, 这里应填她们俩共有的一台, 因此选 C 4. I don t think Lynn is the other students mathematics. A. behind, in B. behind, at C. after, with D. after, on 答案 A 解析 考点: 介词 behind 和 after 都指在 之后, 但 behind 可指 在 身后, 落后于,after 指 ( 时间或位置 ) 在 之后, 因此第一空选 behind; 第二空为在 ( 某科目 ) 方面, 应为 in 5. The price was very reasonable; I would gladly have paid he asked. A. three times much as B. three times as many as C. as three times much as D. three times as much as 1 / 13

解析 考点: 形容词和副词倍数表达 as,as 结构倍数的正确表达应为 倍数 +as + 形容词 / 副词 +as, 因此答案选 D 6. About of the earth covered with water. A. second thirds, is B. two thirds, is C. two threes, are D. two third, are 解析 考点: 数词的分数 分数的正确表达 : 分子为基数词, 分母为序数词, 当分子大于一时, 分母要加 s, 因此第一空应填 two thirds; 谓语动词的单复数取决于分数所修饰的名词是否可数,the earth 在这里表地球, 不可数, 因此 be 动词选单数 is 7. he was putting on his uniform, the officer found that one of the sleeves was torn. A. Since B. Unless C. As D. Before 解析 考点: 连词辨析 since 表示由于 自从,unless 表示除非,as 表示因为 当 时,before 为在 之前, 句中意思是当他在穿制服时, 他发现衣服的袖子破了, 因此空里应填 当 时, 答案选 As 8. Why are you just sitting there and watch? You me with my work. A. could help B. should help C. could have helped D. must have helped 解析 考点: 情态动词 情态动词表建议 提议的词有 should\had better\ought to, 句中意思是, 你应该帮我工作, 答案选 B 9. I had worked here you came here. But I shall leave for China. A. before long, before long B. before long, long before C. long before, before long D. long before, long before 解析 考点: 时间状语从句连词 long before 为很久以前,before long 为很快, 相当于 soon, 根据句中意思, 我已经在这工作很久了, 但我很快就要离开了, 答案应选 C 10. I don t know at that moment. A. how far is it B. what he was doing C. when did she go D. where you went 解析 考点: 宾语从句 本题考察宾语从句中疑问句的正确语序 陈述句语序, 选项中语序正确的有 B D, 还有 at that moment 应为过去进行时的标志词, 因此答案选 B, 我不知道那一刻他在做什么 11. Look! Lily her clothes. 2 / 13

A. cleans B. is cleaning C. cleaned D. has cleaned 解析 考点 : 现在进行时 本题考察现在进行时标志词 look, 句中一般出现 look 表示 sb. 让 sb. 看 sb. 正在做某事, 本题答案选 B 12. --- you your homework yet? ---Yes. I it a moment ago. A. Did, do, finished B. Have, done, finished C. Have, done, have finished D. Will, do, finish 解析 考点: 现在完成时和一般过去时 正确选择时态的关键在于寻找标志词,yet 为完成时标志词, 因此前一 句话使用现在完成时 ;ago 为一般过去时的标志词, 后一句话选一般过去时 答案选 B 13. If you my advice, I with you. A. follow, go B. follow, will go C. will follow, go D. will follow, will go 解析 考点 :if 引导的条件状语从句 本从句遵循 主将从现 的原则, 即主句使用将来时, 从句用一般现在时, 选项中符合的为 B 选项 14. A speech on American history in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives 解析 考点: 被动语态 被动语态基本形式 :be + done 根据不同的时态被动语态的形式需要作调整, 根据原句 next week, 可判断应使用将来时, 将来时的被动语态为 will/be going to/shall be done, 答案为 C 15. ---I wonder if you can join us in the picnic this weekend. ---, for I have too much homework to do. A. I have no choice B. I'd love to C. I don't like it D. I'm afraid not 解析 考点: 情景交际 发问者邀请对方周末去野餐, 回答者说由于他有太多的作业,, 由此可判断他应 该不去,A 选项意为我没有选择,C 为我不喜欢他,D 为我恐怕不行, 根据题意, 应选 D 16. If someone says it s raining cats and dogs, you d better. A. never go out B. go out without umbrella C. go out with a big umbrella D. go to buy a cat or a dog 3 / 13

解析 考点: 习语 rain cats and dogs 此习语意为倾盆大雨, 因此建议者建议对方带一把伞出门, 答案选 C 17. As soon as she saw her mother she burst into tears. This means. A. she was so happy B. she couldn t help laughing C. began to cry D. jumped with joy 解析 考点: 短语 burst into tears 本短语意为突然间大哭的意思, 选项中只有 C 选项 开始哭 符合题意,B 选 项意为 情不自禁大笑 18. My brother is clever at dealing with business. That is to say, my brother is dealing with business. A. good at B. careful C. strong D. willing 答案 A 解析 考点: 固定搭配 be clever at be clever at 意为擅长做某事, 选项 A 为擅长,B 为仔细,C 为强壮,D 为愿 意, 符合题意的是 A 选项 19. He wrote to his father almost daily. This means his father receives a letter from his son. A. once a week B. every day C. quite often D. day and night 解析 考点: 同义表达转换 daily 意为每天, 选项 A 为一周一次,B 为每天,C 为经常,D 为白天和夜晚, 因此 答案应选 B 20. I had to leave school because I was short of money. That equals to: I money. A. needed B. lacked C. wanted D. ran after 解析 考点: 短语 be short of be short of 意为缺乏, 选项中 B. lack 为缺乏, 因此答案选 B 二 完型填空 ( 每题 2 分, 共 30 分 ) Part Ⅱ Cloze (2 *15=30 ) I was 21 of my grandma when being a small child. I know that s a terrible thing to say, but it was true 22 today. The trouble 23 when my friend Katy found Grandma s false teeth in a glass in the bathroom. I was so used to 24 them that I 25 noticed them. But Katy shouted, laughing and pretending to talk to them. I had to get down on my 26 and 27 her to be quiet, so my grandma wouldn t hear and get 28. After that happened, I realized there were a million embarrassing things about grandma. 4 / 13

Then last Wednesday, something happened that 29 everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and 30 them about their lives for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently. Volunteer your grandmother, she said. She s 31 and very experienced. That was the 32 thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma. This is how I ended up on stage today interviewing my own grandmother 33 the whole school. All my friends and teacher were listening to her as if she was a great heroine. I was 34 of my grandma and hoped she would never know 35 I had been ashamed of her. 21. A. happy B. sad C. jealous D. ashamed 22. A. until B. when C. after D. in 23. A. brought B. stopped C. started D. discovered 24. A. see B. seeing C. look D. looking 25. A. already B. always C. once D. hardly 26. A. foot B. feet C. knee D. knees 27. A. allow B. help C. order D. ask 28. A. happy B. funny C. hurt D. excited 29. A. changed B. finished C. improved D. failed 30. A. interview B. report C. meet D. write 31. A. relaxing B. boring C. interesting D. embarrassing 32. A. one B. only C. first D. last 33. A. before B. after C. besides D. behind 34. A. sure B. proud C. annoyed D. afraid 35. A. that B. what C. which D. who 21. D 解析 上下文联系及固定搭配 根据后一句 I know that a terrible thing to say, 可知本空应为一个消极词, 根据第二段同学来了家里看到奶奶的假牙时的尴尬情况, 可看出, 我一直觉得奶奶让我感到羞耻 C 选项为嫉妒,D 选项为羞耻,be ashamed of 为固定搭配, 表因 感到羞耻 答案为 D 22. A 解析 上下文联系 根据本句我知道这样很不好, 但是 今天都是真的, 可判断, 空缺的部分应为 直到, 5 / 13

选项里 A. until 为直到, 答案为 A 23. C 解析 上下文联系 第一段引起我对奶奶一直感到羞耻, 为总起, 到第二段就开始描述奶奶如何给我带来这种令我羞耻的感觉, 因此空里应填 started 表示开始 A 选项为带来,B 为停止,D 为发现, 均不符合 24. B 解析 固定搭配 be used to doing 为习惯于做某事, 根据固定搭配, 只有 B 与 D 选项符合 look 为不及物动词, 当表示看着某物时, 后面要加介词, 因此本题只能选 seeing 25. D 解析 上下文联系, 由于我对奶奶的行为太司空见惯了, 因此我根本察觉不了 本句有一个表目的的连词 so that 如此 以致于, 因此空里应填一个表示否定的副词,hardly 几乎不 26. D 解析 固定搭配 get down on one s knees 指的是跪下 27. D 解析 文章理解 本句考察句意理解, 由于我不想让奶奶看到同学在取笑他, 他跪下并且要求同学安静,A 选项为允许,B 为帮助,C 为命令,D 为要求 请求, 根据句意,D 选项最合适 28. C 解析 文章理解及词义辨析 happy 为开心,funny 为有趣的,hurt 为受伤的,excited 为兴奋地, 根据前文可知, 我要求同学不再取笑奶奶, 这样奶奶就不会听到并且心灵受伤, 因此答案应选 hurt 29. A 解析 文章理解 根据下文, 由于奶奶的故事, 我得到了演讲第一名, 因此, 对于奶奶羞耻的这种想法彻底地被改变了 A 为改变,B 为结束,C 为改善,D 为失败 根据第一段可知作者依然为奶奶感到羞耻, 因此 finish 不正确, 但由于奶奶的故事让我得到了光荣, 因为应为我的态度有所改变, 答案应选 changed 30. A 解析 文章理解及词义辨析 interview 为采访,report 为报道,meet 为遇见,write 为书写, 老师让我们去找有故事的人, 并且 他们关于他们的生活, 这里也有固定搭配应为 sb. about sth. 由于 write 为不及物动词, 应为 write about sth., 因此只能选 interview 或 report, 根据最后一段第一句 This is how I ended up on stage today interviewing my own grandmother, 可得到答案 interview 31. C 解析 文章理解 老师建议我去采访奶奶, 并说她非常 和有经验的, 由此可判断横线部分应为表积极意义的词 A 为放松的,B 为无聊的,C 为有趣的,D 为尴尬的, 根据文章意思, 应为 interesting 32. D 6 / 13

解析 上下文联系 从前面的描述可知, 奶奶让我感到羞耻尴尬, 我是不可能会想到去采访她的, 这里选 the last thing 表示最后才能想到的,the first 表示首选, 根据文章内容可知, 应选 last 33. A 解析 介词辨析 根据文章内容, 应为 我在全校面前采访奶奶, 只有 A 选项 before 符合题意, 表示在 面前 34. B 解析 上下文理解及固定搭配 根据前面那句话中的 heroine 可知, 她在全校面前像个伟大的女英雄, 我对奶奶充满了骄傲,be proud of 为对 感到骄傲 35. A 解析 宾语从句 She would never know 35 I had been ashamed of her. know 后面为宾语从句, 后面 I had been ashamed of her. 为完整的句子, 因此应选 that 三 阅读理解 ( 每题 2 分, 共 30 分 ) Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (2 *20=40 ) A In October, 1961, at Crowley Field in Cincinnati, Ohio, an old, deaf gentleman named William E Hey stood up to throw the first ball of the World Series. Most people at Crowley Field on that day probably did not remember Hoy because he had retired from professional baseball 58 years earlier, in 1903. However, he had been an outstanding player and the deaf people still talk about him and his years in baseball. William E. Hoy was born in Houckstown, Ohio, on May 23, 1862. He became deaf when he was two years old. He attended the Columbus Ohio School for the deaf. After graduation, he started playing baseball while working as a shoemaker. Hoy began playing professional baseball in 1886 for Oshkosh (Wisconsin) of the Northwestern League. In 1888, he started as an outfielder with the old Washington Senators. His small figure and speed made him an outstanding base runner. He was very good at stealing bases during his career. In the 1888 major league season, he stole 82 bases. He was also the Senators' leading hitter in 1888. Hoy was clever; he threw right-handed and batted left-handed. On June 19, 1889, he threw out three batters at the plate from his outfield position. The arm signals used by judges today to show balls and strikes began because of Hoy. The judge lifted his right arm to show that the pitch was a strike, and his left arm to signal that it was a ball. For many years, people talked about Hoy's last ball game in 1903. He was playing for Los Angeles of the Pacific Coast Winter League. It was a memorable game because Hoy made a wonderful play which won the game. It was a very foggy 7 / 13

night and, therefore, very hard to see the ball. In the ninth inning, with two men out, Hoy managed to catch a fly ball to make the third out in spite of the fog. Ms Angeles defeated their opposition and won the game. After he retired, Hoy stayed busy. He ran a dairy farm near Cincinnati for 20 years. He also became a public speaker and traveled giving speeches. Until a few years before his death, he took 4 and 10 mile walks several mornings a week. On December 15, 1961, William Hoy died at the age of 99. 36. When did he become unable to listen? A. When he was born on May 23, 1862. B. When he went to the primary school. C. When he was still a baby of two years old. D. When he first started to play baseball. 解析 细节题 从第二段第二句 He became deaf when he was two years old. 可看出 37. In which order did the following things happen in Hoy's life? a. Hoy worked as a shoemaker. b. Hoy began to run a diary farm. c. Hoy played a memorable game in the heavy fog. d. Hoy threw the first ball of the World Series. e. Hoy became deaf. A. d, e, a, c, b B. e, a, c, b, d C. d, a, e, c, b D. e. a, b, c, d 解析 细节题 此题要求对事件发生的先后顺序进行排序 可用首位定位法, 先找到第一件发生的事情 e. Hoy became deaf., 再找最后一件 d. Hoy threw the first ball of the World Series. 38. We can infer from the last paragraph that Hoy in his late years. A. became famous B. led a relaxed life C. traveled around the world D. was in good physical condition 解析 推断题 从文中 Until a few years before his death, he took 4 and 10 mile walks several mornings a week. 可知在他最后几年里, 他每天都走 4 到 10 英里的路, 可知他晚年身体状况很好 39. This passage is mainly about. A. a deaf player devoted to the game of baseball B. baseball game rules and important players 8 / 13

C. the rise in the social position of the deaf people D. where the baseball judge hand signals came from 答案 A 解析 主旨题 根据全文的内容可知 本文是关于意为耳聋的棒球运动员的故事 40. What can be inferred from this passage? A. Hoy was the greatest baseball player in his time. B. Speaking and listening are not necessary in baseball games. C. The judge had to study the hand signals very seriously. D. Hoy's family encouraged him to become a baseball player. 答案 A 解析 推断题 根据文中的细节描写, 第三段 In the 1888 major league season, he stole 82 bases. He was also the Senators' leading hitter in 1888. Hoy was clever; he threw right-handed and batted left-handed. 可知, 他应该是当时最厉害的棒球选手 B "Mummy, I don't know what to play with." Steve interrupts his mother, who is talking to a friend, for the fourth time. "You've got a room full of toys!" his mother says, impatiently. In fact it is the jumble of toys which is to blame for four-year-old Steve's lack of interest in his dolls, cars and stuffed (packed) animals. Each morning he tips out three washing baskets of toys all over his floor, listlessly pulls out something and shortly after is standing at his mother's desk or following her into the kitchen saying: "Mummy, I am bored." A family therapist explains why children lose interest when they have a whole "toy shop" at home: "According to their brain development, little children are not in a position to judge the quality of a variety of things at once. There is always just one favorite toy for the moment. All the rest is left lying about." What can parents do to stop their children from being oversupplied with toys? Under no conditions simply make something disappear without the child's knowledge. If he/she takes no more notice of a toy, a parent can ask if it can be stored or given away. Be warned though the child will always say he/she wants it then! A talk with relatives and friends may also help. Lyn is the mother of four-year-old Jessie, and we like her way. A small set of shelves in her child's room holds the toys and books that are the current (at present) favorites. When it seems to her that her daughter is tired of these toys, they put them away in a box together and select some other toys from a cupboard in another room. The box of "old" toys goes into the cupboard. When her child says she is "bored", they also get something from her cupboard - it may be something she has had for some time but because she hasn't seen it for a while it is almost like a new toy. 9 / 13

Some favorite toys stay out all the time, and there is collection of dolls which sits in the corner, but in this way Lyn has found that she has fewer toys to put away at the end of the day and her daughter always has something "fresh" to play with. 41. What does the underlined word therapist mean in Chinese? A. 导师 B. 教官 C. 心理医生 D. 厨师 解析 词义辨析 therapist 是医生的意思 42. Steve interrupted his mother several times because. A. he felt uninterested in his toys B. he disliked his mother's guest C. he didn't have enough toys to play with D. he hoped his mother would play with him 答案 A 解析 细节题 第一段 In fact it is the jumble of toys which is to blame for four-year-old Steve's lack of interest in his dolls, cars and stuffed (packed) animals. 可以得出答案 43. According to the therapist, children often complain that they have nothing to play with because. A. they can't play alone for a long time B. they are too young to play with so many toys C. they are too lazy to pick out their favourites D. they lack the ability to value too many things at a time 解析 细节题 根据第二段家庭医生所说的 little children are not in a position to judge the quality of a variety of things at once. 意为孩子们还没到立刻可以在一大堆东西中做出判断的位置上, 可推断答案应选 D 44. Which of the following can be used in place of "jumble"? A. Simple choice. B. Mixture in disorder. C. Ordinary appearance. D. Same shape. 解析 词义推断题 根据第一段 "You've got a room full of toys!" 可推断出,jumble 指的是很多东西的混合体 本词的意思是 杂乱的一堆东西 45. Which is the advice given to parents in the text? A. Buy fewer toys for their children. B. Form good habits for their children. C. Spare some time to play with their children. 10 / 13

D. Put some toys away without telling their children. 解析 从第二段最后的部分,When it seems to her that her daughter is tired of these toys, they put them away in a box together and select some other toys from a cupboard in another room. 可得出答案 C Technology has been an encouragement of historical change. It acted as such a force in England beginning in the eighteenth century, and across the entire Western World in the nineteenth. Rapid advances were made in the use of scientific findings in the manufacture of goods, which has changed ideas about work. One of the first changes was that other forms of energy have taken the place of human power. Along with this came the increased use of machines to manufacture products in less time. People also developed machines that could produce the same parts for a product: each nail was exactly like every other nail, meaning that each nail could be changed for every other nail. This means that goods could be mass production, although mass production required breaking production down into smaller and smaller tasks. Once this was done, workers no longer started on the product and labored to complete it. Instead, they might work only one thousandth of it, other workers completing their own parts in certain order. There is nothing strange about this manufacturing work by today's standards. Highly skilled workers were unable to compare with the new production techniques, as mass production allowed goods of high standard to be produced in greater number than could ever be done by hand. But the skilled worker wasn't the only loser, the common workers lost too. Similar changes forced farmer away. The increased mechanization of agriculture freed masses of workers from ploughing the land and harvesting its crops. They had little choice but to stream toward the rapidly developing industrial centers. Increasingly, standards were set by machines. Workers no longer owned their own tools, their skill was no longer valued, and pride in their work was no longer possible. Workers fed, looked after and repaired the machines that could work faster than humans at greatly reduced cost. 46. In this passage, which of the following is NOT considered as a change caused by the use of scientific findings in the production of goods? A. Other forms of energy have taken the place of human power. B. The increased exploitation of workers in the 19th century. C. The increased use of machines to make products in less time. D. The use of machines producing parts of the same standard. 解析 根据文章内容,A 选项, 其他形式的能源取代了人力是正确的,B 选项, 在 19 世纪工人的工作强度增长了, 从文中可知, 由于工业的发展, 机器大规模生产能力增加, 工人的工作强度并没有增加, 因此 B 选项不正确 ; C 选项为由于机器利用率上升, 因此产品的生产时间下降, 是正确的 ;D 选项为机器能生产出一样标准的产品, 是 11 / 13

正确的 因此答案选 B 47. The underlined word this in the first paragraph refers to A. the use of scientific findings B. the practice of producing the same parts for a product C. the human power being replaced by other forms of energy D. the technology becoming the encouragement of historical change 解析 根据第一段 One of the first changes was that other forms of energy have taken the place of human power. 可知, this 指的就是其他形式的能源取代了人力 48. The underlined word this in the second paragraph refers to the change that A. each nail could be taken the place of by every other nail B. each nail was exactly like every other nail C. producing tasks became smaller and smaller D. goods could be mass produced 解析 根据文中第一段最后一句话 This means that goods could be mass production, although mass production required breaking production down into smaller and smaller tasks. 中的 goods could be mass production 可知答案为 D 49. According to the writer, highly skilled workers A. completely disappeared with the coming of the factory system B. were dismissed by the boss C. were unable to produce goods of high standard D. were unable to produce fine goods at that same speed as machines 解析 从文章的第二段第二句 workers no longer started on the product and labored to complete it. Instead, they might work only one thousandth of it, 可知, 劳动力只能达到千分之一, 可得出答案 D 50. According to the passage, what did the farmers have to do with the coming of mechanization of agriculture? A. Many of them had to leave their farmland for industrial centers. B. They stuck to their farm work. C. They refused to use machines. D They did their best to learn how to use the machines. 12 / 13

答案 A 解析 从文中最后一段倒数第三行 They had little choice but to stream toward the rapidly developing industrial centers. 可知农民由于机器化发展, 只能朝向发展得更快的工业学习发展 13 / 13