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Appendix C Reproduced in this section are the documents and forms used for the collection of DNA from donors, as well as the results slips given to the donors and Clan Associations. i). English Pamphlet Page 143 ii). Chinese Pamphlet Page 144 iii). English Informed Consent Page 145 iv). Chinese Informed Consent Page 146 v). English Questionnaire Page 147 vi). Chinese Questionnaire Page 149 vii). Results Slip / Certificate (Zhang) Page 151 viii). Results Slip / Certificate Back (Zhang) Page 152 ix). Results Slip / Certificate (Wu) Page 153 x). Results Slip / Certificate Back (Wu) Page 154 142

Population Genetics & You The Han Chinese population of Singapore consist of the descendents of immigrants from South China. This population consists of various subgroups with members bound by unique spoken dialects, ancestral region of origin and, possibly, specific genetic differences. These subgroups are commonly called dialect groups, and the most commonly found in Singapore are the Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka,, and Hainanese groups. This NUS research project is intended to shed light on the genetic similarity or differences among members of various dialect groups and also to compare the degree of relatedness among members of different dialect groups who share the same surname. The information collected in this study can one day be applied in many beneficial fields, including improving our knowledge in medicine and healthcare, forensic sciences, family and lineage research, archaeology, and anthropology. As such, we hope that you would participate in this study. This project has been approved by a bioethics committee and volunteers will not suffer any side effects or physical harm. Their privacy will be strictly protected (please see the provided Informed Consent Form for more information). As an incentive, volunteers who wish to obtain their genetic information can choose to have their results made available to them. This information will help in any lineage research they may wish to do, and is similar to the data provided by professional lineage research companies in the west that charge more than S$350 for such an analysis. With this data, volunteers may, for example, supplement existing genealogical information as well as determine their relatedness to other same-surname families in Singapore. What we need from you if you choose to participate:- 1). Read and understand the Informed Consent Form, and then sign it 2). Collect a sample of your DNA from cells in your mouth 3). Fill in a questionnaire regarding dialect group and familial information 4). Mail the cotton swabs, Informed Consent Form, and questionnaire back in the provided envelope within 24 hours of collection If you still have any queries regarding the study you may contact a researcher at 93820310 or e-mail to Collecting a Cell Sample Please follow the instructions provided 1). You are given several sterile cotton swabs and a sealable plastic pouch for the self-collection. Please collect the cells yourself 2). Please rinse your mouth and spit out the water before collecting cells 3). The part of the mouth to use is the inner wall of the cheeks, as indicated below 4). Take one of the swabs, holding it by the handle between the thumb and index finger, and place the cotton bud flat against the inner wall of the cheek, as in the picture below. It may help to do the collection in front of a mirror 5). Gently rub the inner wall of the cheek with the cotton bud in an up-down motion while rolling the handle between your thumb and index finger. Do this for several seconds 6). Repeat steps 3-5 with the other cotton swabs. You may wish to alternate between your left and right cheeks 7). Place the cotton swabs bud-end up in an empty cup and leave to dry for 2 hours (remember: DO NOT allow anything to touch the buds). 8). Put the dried cotton swabs into the sealable plastic pouch (you may need to trim the handle end with scissors) and seal the pouch. 9). Place the pouch containing the cotton buds, the Informed Consent Form, and the questionnaire into the provided envelope and mail it within 24 hours after cell collection.

人口基因学与您 新加坡汉氏人口, 部分是移民自中国南部的后裔 这些人口中包括不同的族群, 有着不一样的语言, 祖先区域与起源或基因区别 这些族群被称为 方言组 在新加坡最普遍的方言组是福建 广东 客家 潮洲和海南 这项国大研究计划目的是要分别各方言组之中的基因相似性或区别, 并且在同样姓氏与不同方言组的基因差别 这项研究中所收取的资料可能将被运用在不同的医学领域也包括促进医学和医疗保健 法医学 家庭和后裔研究 考古学 人类学的知识 我们希望您将参于这项研究计划 这项研究是经过医学研究道德委员会的批准, 并确保志愿者不会造成身体上的副作用或任何影响 志愿者所有资料将被严格的保密 ( 详细详情, 请看同意书 ) 本身基因学资料 这些资料将可帮助志愿者的血缘研究 在西方国家, 这种基因研究需要新币 350 有了这些资料, 志愿者也许可以更加确定本身在新加坡的血缘姓氏联系 如果您选择参于, 我们需要您 :- 1. 了解同意书内容并签署 2. 从口腔中收取您的基因物体 3. 填写一份个人家族调查表 4. 把棉花棒以及同意书 调查表放入所提供之信封内, 并在 24 小时之内邮寄出去 如果您仍然存有任何询问关于这项研究, 敬请您与我们的研究员联络 手机号码 :9382 0310 电子邮件 : 收集基因物体 请根据所提供的指示进行 1. 我们将提供您棉花棒以及塑胶袋 请收集您自己的基因物体 2. 在收取物体之前, 请用清水漱口 3. 如图显示, 这将是我们所指的口腔内壁 内壁 您可以对着镜子以方便进行收取物体 5. 用棉花棒柔和的轻放在口腔内壁, 上下滚动您食指与拇指之间的棉花棒 重复几秒这动作 6. 您可用其他的棉花棒重复 3-5 之间的步骤, 在左与右的口腔内壁交替轻擦 7. 把收取物体的棉花棒放置在一个空杯子以 2 个小时让它自行风干 ( 注意 : 不要让 任何东西接触棉花棒 ) 8. 把风干的棉花棒置入所提供的塑胶袋 ( 您需要用剪刀把棉花棒柄尾端剪短 ) 并且密封 为了鼓励更多的志愿者参于这项计划, 志愿者可向当局索取 4. 用食指与拇指握着棉花棒的尾端, 把棉花棒横放入口腔 9. 把放在塑胶袋内的棉花棒, 同意书 调查表置入所提供的回邮信封内, 在 24 小时之内寄出

INFORMED CONSENT FORM Title: Population Genetics of Southeast Asia Principal Investigator: A/Prof. Yap Peng Huat, Eric This is a population genetics research project to study the genetic variations between members of different Han Chinese dialect groups in Singapore. We require large numbers of volunteers from each dialect group (Hokkien, Cantonese, Hainanese,, Hakka, etc.) to donate a sample of their DNA. This DNA will be collected through saliva or cheek cells samples. Volunteers are only required to either spit into a specialised container or swab their inner cheek with sterile cotton buds, and to fill in a short questionnaire about their dialect group and ancestral region of origin. The questionnaire will include personal details such as the name and contact information of the volunteer. This is necessary to enable lineage information analysis. There will be no physical or medical risks posed to volunteers. No identifying genetic or personal information collected will be made available to any external parties in any way or form, at any time. The DNA samples and related information will be stored in locked laboratories and secure computers. The information will be used strictly for research purposes only. The DNA, if used for other similar research purposes, will be anonymised. For volunteers recruited through clan associations, their genetic information, when ready, will be made available to them through their respective associations if they so choose. This is another reason why personal identifying information is needed. Should a volunteer decide to withdraw from participation, his DNA sample will be anonymised and any personal identifying information destroyed. A brief, non-identifying summary of the research results may be prepared for interested clan associations. The information obtained in this study may be published in scientific journals or presented at scientific meetings but the data will be reported as non-identifying, aggregated data. No physical or financial remuneration will be offered to volunteers. Collection of DNA samples for this study has been approved by the bioethics committee (Institutional Review Board) of either the National University of Singapore or DSO National Laboratories. The volunteer s signature on this request constitutes his informed consent to his participation in this activity. Volunteers are not required to participate. If they decide not to participate, their decision will not affect their current or future relations with the university or the National University Hospital. Signature of Volunteer Date: 145

东南亚人口基因研究计划研究负责人 : 叶平发教授新加坡国立大学医学院研究员 同意书 为了研究不同方言组的新加坡人之间的基因差异, 我们需要大量来自不同的方言组 ( 福建, 广东, 海南, 潮洲及客家等 ) 的志愿者捐献唾液以提取 DNA( 脱氧核糖核酸 ). 捐献者只需用棉花棒轻擦口腔内壁或把唾液吐入一个特定的容器. 们也必须在一份简短的查询表上填写姓名, 方言, 祖籍地, 联络号码等个人资料, 以便日后分析之用. 参加此项研究不会对捐献者的身体健康造成任何影响. 所有的基因学及个人资料不会在任何时候以任何方式泄露给外人. DNA 样本及有关资料将被妥善保管, 仅用于研究. 本研究计划以外的其他相关科研如有必要用到这些 DNA 样本, 捐献者的个人资料将会被严格保密. 通过氏族 ( 血缘 ) 团体招收的捐献者, 如愿意可通过相关的机构索取自己的基因学资料. 这也是填写个人资料的目的之一. 如捐献者选择中途退出研究, 他们所存在的资料及 DNA 样本将全部被删除及销毁. 凡对研究结果感兴趣的氏族 ( 血缘 ) 团体将可索取个人或团体的保密简要研究报告. 这项研究结果如在科研杂志上或科学研讨会上发表, 捐献者的身份将被保密. 参加本项研究的志愿者将不会得到物质或金钱方面的报酬. 收集志愿者的 DNA 样本用于这项研究是经过新加坡国立大学医学研究道德委员会批准的. 志愿者的签名是表示同意参加这项活动. 但此项研究不是他们的义务. 如果他们决定不参与, 他们的决定不会影响他们现在及将来与国立大学或国大医院的关系. 志愿者姓名 : 志愿者签名 : 日期 : 146

Name: ( 中文 ) (English) Ref. No.: Sex: M / F Would you like to be contacted about your results?: Y / N If YES, please give your preferred method of contact (through clan association, personal telephone or address, e-mail, etc.): Questionnaire 1). Father s Side: Grandfather s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): Don t know 2). Mother s Side: Grandfather s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): Don t know Grandmother s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): Don t know Grandmother s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): Don t know 147

3). If you answered Don t Know for any of the above, please answer this question: Father s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): Mother s Dialect Group Cantonese Hainanese Hakka / Kejia Hokkien / Fujianese Northern Han Others (Please State): 4). Which generation of your family is the first to be born outside of China (eg, In Singapore or Malaysia)? Father s Side Yours Father s Grandfather s Great Grandfather s Before Great Grandfather s Don t know Mother s Side Yours Father s Grandfather s Great Grandfather s Before Great Grandfather s Don t know 5). Province of origin in China (eg. Kwangzhou, etc.) of first direct ancestor to settle outside of China: Father s side: Mother s side: 6). To your knowledge, are any members of your direct lineage not Han Chinese (eg. Manchurian, Mongolian, Malay, etc.)? Y / N If YES, please give details. His / her relationship (eg. Mother s father): What ethnic group is he / she?: 7). To your knowledge, were you or any members of your direct lineage adopted? Y / N If YES, please give details. His / her relationship?: Different dialect group?: Different Surname?: 148

姓名 : ( 英文 ) Ref. No.: 性别 : 男 / 女 您要不要知道研究结果?: 要 / 不要如要, 请留下您的请请方式 : ( 通过氏族 ( 血缘 ) 团体 / 个人电电号电或请请地址 / 电子电件信箱, 等 ) 调查表 1). 父亲的家庭 : 祖父的籍贯 祖母的籍贯 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 不清楚 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 不清楚 2). 母亲的家庭 : 祖父的籍贯 祖母的籍贯 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 不清楚 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 不清楚 149

3). 如果为早先二个问题您回答了 " 不清楚 ", 请回答这个问题 : 父亲的籍贯母亲的籍贯 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 广东人海南人客家人福建人北方汉人潮洲人其它 ( 请致明 ): 4). 在您的家庭, 哪一代是第一个在中国以外诞生的 ( 例如在马来西亚或新加坡 )? 父亲的方面您的一代您父亲的一代您祖父的一代您曾祖父的一代您曾祖父的世代之前不清楚 母亲的方面您的一代您母亲的一代您祖母的一代您曾祖母的一代您曾祖母的世代之前不清楚 5). 最先离开中国的祖先的来源地 ( 例如广州, 等等 ). 父亲的祖先 : 母亲的祖先 : 6). 就您所知, 您的祖先有无外族归化或与异族同婚的记录 ( 例如东北人, 蒙古人, 马来人, 等等 )? 有 / 没有 若有, 请说明与他的关系 ( 例如母亲的父亲, 等等 ): 他是什么族群?: 7). 就您所知, 您的祖先有无外姓入赘收养之记录? 有 / 没有 若有, 请说明与他的关系 : 不同籍贯?: 不同姓氏?: 150

Y Chromosome Signature for Name: EXAMPLE Lineage : UNDETERMINED Marker DYS19 DYS389 I DYS389 II DYS390 DYS391 DYS392 DYS393 DYS437 DYS438 DYS439 DYS385 Haplogroup Allele 15 13 29 24 10 13 14 14 10 12 12, 18 O2* The Y Chromosome Signature consists of the Haplotype (DYS19 to DYS385) & the Haplogroup Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is found in 6.1% of Singaporean Han Chinese men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is the 5th most common in Singaporean Han Chinese men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is found in 15.9% of Zhang-surnamed men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is the 3rd most common in Zhang-surnamed men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is found in % of Lineage / tang men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is the most common Y Chromosome Haplotype in Lineage / tang. As given by the Chang Clan General Association. Dept of COFM, Faculty of Medicine Population Genetics Laboratory, DMERI The results of the test do not indicate any possible health hazard or connections to physical traits.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & PARTICIPATION IN OUR RESEARCH PROGRAMME This is your personalised result sheet from our study of the Y Chromosome. As you may already know, the Y Chromosome is specific to men and is passed only from father to son, with very little changes in between transmissions. 9 10 11 + D E F Haplotype + Haplogroup = Y Chromosome DNA Fingerprint or DNA Signature We were interested in looking at the diversity among the chromosomes of Han Chinese men from different dialect groups and different surname groups. We analysed the DNA from our donors, and compared the results to those of other surname or dialect groups, as well as a randomly-selected general Han Chinese population. This allows us to mathematically calculate whether certain groups are different from others. As this research project only looks at the Y Chromosome, we only attempted to analysed DNA from unrelated men. Some donors were therefore omitted for various reasons, and some other samples could not be analysed for various technical reasons. As such, we seek your kind understanding that not all donors will have their analysis results. The Y Chromosome Genotyping Process JinJian Qujiang Shishing Tang HockChiew HuiChen Zhang JinJian Hakka YongChoon Yu Qing Tang Others XY XX A B C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ankui Y Chromosome Haplogroups CxC1 N*, N1, N2 O1* O2* O2a* BanQiao O2a1 O3* O3e* O3e1 R1a1*, R1a1a Undetermined

Y Chromosome Signature for Name: EXAMPLE Lineage: HAINANESE WU Marker DYS19 DYS389 I DYS389 II DYS390 DYS391 DYS392 DYS393 DYS437 DYS438 DYS439 DYS385 Haplogroup Allele 15 12 30 25 10 13 14 14 10 11 14, 17 O2a* The Y Chromosome Signature consists of the Haplotype (DYS19 to DYS385) & the Haplogroup Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is found in 3.8% of Singaporean Han Chinese men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is the 7th most common in Singaporean Han Chinese men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is found in 18.8% of Hainanese Wu-surnamed men. Your Y Chromosome Haplogroup is the 2nd most common in Hainanese Wu-surnamed men. Dept of COFM, Faculty of Medicine Population Genetics Laboratory, DMERI The results of the test do not indicate any possible health hazard or connections to physical traits.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & PARTICIPATION IN OUR RESEARCH PROGRAMME This is your personalised result sheet from our study of the Y Chromosome. As you may already know, the Y Chromosome is specific to men and is passed only from father to son, with very little changes in between transmissions. We were interested in looking at the diversity among the chromosomes of Han Chinese men from different dialect groups and different surname groups. We analysed the DNA from our donors, and compared the results to those of other surname or dialect groups, as well as a randomly-selected general Han Chinese population. This allows us to mathematically calculate whether certain groups are different from others. 9 10 11 + D E F Hainanese Wu Y Chromosome Haplogroups Y Chromosome DNA Fingerprint or DNA Signature As this research project only looks at the Y Chromosome, we only attempted to analysed DNA from unrelated men. Some donors were therefore omitted for various reasons, and some other samples could not be analysed for various technical reasons. As such, we seek your kind understanding that not all donors will have their analysis results. General Han Population Y Chromosome Haplogroups The Y Chromosome Genotyping Process XY XX A B C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CxC1 D1 H N*, N1, N2 O* O1* O2* O2a* O2a1 O2b* O3* O3a O3c O3d* O3e* O3e1 R1a1*, R1a1a Others