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7 7 Vol. 7 No. 7 2016 7 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Jul., 2016 * 刘章, 童仁平, 胡鹏, 潘颖 (, 201203) 摘要 : 目的,, 方法, 结果, 结论,,, 关键词 : ; ; Classification of aquatics and aquatic products in domestic and overseas LIU Zhang, TONG Ren-Ping, HU Peng, PAN Ying * (Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control, Shanghai 201203, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To sort out domestic and international food category systems, and recognize the aquatics and aquatic products classification for providing some references to the food safety supervision. Methods The domestic and overseas food category systems were analyzed by accessing to relevant literatures, carding domestic and overseas standard and food sampling work. Results The regular patterns and principles of food category systems had been achieved, and the classified comparison table of aquatics and aquatic products had also been made. Conclusion By the results of this research, the aquatics and aquatic products fine classes in the standards and limiting values can be accurately and quickly found, which can provide suggestions for sampling work. KEY WORDS: aquatics and aquatic products; food category system; sampling 1 引言,,,,,, [1], (CAC) [2] [3] [4], 2015, ( ),,,,, 2 方法, 12804 273, * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: PAN Ying, Associate Chief Pharmacist, Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control, No.1500, Zhangheng Road, Pudong New Distract, Shanghai 201203, China. E-mail:

7, : 2635,, 3 结果 3.1 食品分类系统特征, CAC GB 2760 [5] GB 2762 [6] GB 2763 [7] QS, [8], 3.1.1 分类形式不同 CAC 16, 67, 4 [9] ; 4, 14, 252 ; 43 ; GB 2760 16, 95 [10] ; GB 2762 18, 70 ; GB 2763 10, 34 ; QS 28, 96 525 3.1.2 分类基本原则,, [11] : (1) / ; (2) ; (3) ; (4) ; (5) 3.1.3 主要分类差异,, 2 : (1) : (CAC) GB 2763 ; CAC GB 2760 ; GB 2762 ; QS (2) :, GB 2760 GB 2762 GB 2763, 2, 3.2 水产品及水产制品分类梳理,,, 2015 CAC GB 2760 GB 2762 GB 2763, 2015, 1 1, 2015 GB 2760 GB2762 GB 2763 CAC,,, 2015 (), 1, () GB 2760 GB 2762 ( ) ; GB 2760, ( ), GB 2762, () 1.0 mg/kg, 2015 () 1.0 mg/kg 3.3 水产品和水产制品细类说明, 2015, [12], : CAC CODEX STAN 192-1995 B,, ; GB 2760-2014 [13] 5 / QS,, 2,, 2 3,, 3

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2638 7

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