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inspection commission as the first hand empirical material deeply analysed how the supervision function of the discipline inspection and supervision organization actually works in China's town. Our research found that the town discipline inspection and supervision organization's supervision on main leaders and important matters all have loopholes the basic reason is not in short of staff or money but in Dual - leadership and multi - tasks from system design. Our research demonstrated that the two acting reform measures such as focusing on main business and strengthening the leadership from higher discipline inspection commission to lower discipline inspection commission are useful important measures to enhance the supervision function of the discipline inspection and supervision organization. Key Words Anti - Corruption the Town Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organization Supervision Function Dual - leadership Multi - Tasks The Executing Process and Operational Logic of Project System A Policy Survey of Cultural Projects that Benefit the People Shuisheng Chen Abstract Project System plays an important role in Chinese public service and cultural projects that benefits the people are a typical form of the system. This paper uses the policy implementation process model of Van Meter and Carl Van Horn to survey the execution of the process in multi - use cultural centers in towns. Five variables have been chosen to describe how these factors affect the policy execution results. The first variable is policy standards and goals. The second one is available resources and incentives. The relationship among organizations and the characteristics of the executing agency is the third variable. The forth one is the economic social and political environment. And the last variable is the response of the executor. Then through in - depth analysis of the process of the Project System in the cultural projects that benefit the people we find that the effect of the system is limited. The reason is that there are several inherent contradictions and dilemmas in the present Project System in China. These conflicts are the national dominant logic versus the local autonomous logic and 179

the bureaucratic performance - oriented logic versus the demand - oriented logic. These contradictions and dilemmas limit the implementation effect of the system in cultural projects that benefit the people. And if we want to achieve the expected goals and results of the Project System these conflicts need to be resolved. Key Words Project System Cultural Projects that Benefit the People Policy Implementation Operational Logic THEORETICAL REVIEW Local Developmental State or Local Entrepreneurial State A Review of Local State - Enterprise Relations and Local State Behaviors Han Zhang Abstract Local state behavior is closely related to government - enterprise relationship and the dynamics of local development in the backdrop of China's fiscal and administrative decentralization. Local state behavior can be categorized into the local developmental state and the local entrepreneurial state depending on whether local state agencies are directly involved in profit - making productive activities. Generally speaking China's central and local states both demonstrate salient developmental and entrepreneurial features and will remain so in the foreseeable future. Yet state behaviors also change over time and across places which can be observed in whether they are more developmental or entrepreneurial and the specific patterns of manifestation over time between central and local states and between local states themselves. During the new era of comprehensive deepening of reform more attention should be paid to the distribution of the fruits of operating the developmental state and the entrepreneurial state. Key Words Local Developmental State Local Entrepreneurial State Local State Behaviors State - Enterprise Relations Central - Local Decentralization 180