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2001 3 1 Overseas Chinese History Studies Mar., 2001 No. 1 : 17-18 (, 361005) [ ] ; ; ; [ ] 17-18,,, 16, 17-18,, 17 20,, 17-18 [ ] D63413 [ ] A [ ] 1002-5162 (2001) 01-0028 - 14 [ ] 2000208231 Interaction of Chinese overseas trade and emigration in 17-18th centuries : the case of Taiwan ZHUANG Guo2tu (Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China) Key words : Taiwan ; emigration ; overseas trade ; south Fujian Abstract : The majority of immigrants into Taiwan in 17-18th centuries came from south Fu2 jian. The European expansion into Far East since middle of 16th century resulted in prosperous international trade and the economic development of the coastal areas in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, which led to a great need for labor and commodities. The people in south Fujian, who had taken the advantage of dominating the overseas Chinese commercial network since the 15th century, became the pioneers of Chinese overseas emigration. South Fujian people constantly emigrated abroad and in return, the Chinese overseas immigrants strengthened the overseas Chinese network. The whole period of 17-18th centuries witnessed an interaction of the over2 seas trade and emigration dominated by the people from south Fujian. The emigration from south Fujian to Taiwan comprised one part of the overseas emigration from the same area. [ ] (1952 ),,,,,, 28

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[14 ],,,,,, :,,,,, [15, ],,,, :, 1511,, 1570,, 1626, 1628 1619,, 1621, 1624,,,,,,,,, 17,, 16 (inter Asian trade),,,,,,,,,, 1571,,,,, [16 ] 1617,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31

[17 ] (1567 ), 200,,,,,,,, [18 ],,,, [19, ],,,, [20 ],,,,,, [21 ],,,,,,,,,, [22, ], 1631, 170,,, [23,, ],, 1740, 1652,,,, 17,,,,,,,,, [24, ] [25 ], ( ), [26,, ],,, Capital China [27, ] 1618,, ( ),, Andrea Ditts ( [28 ) ] 32 [29 (1622 ), ] 17

(1921 ), (Bencon) 1636, [30 ], [31 ],,,,,,,,,, [32,,, ], [33 ],,,,, 7 1683,,,, [34 ],,,, 100, 1784 1797,,,, 18 (1684 ),, [35 ] 17,, 18, [36 116 415 ], 1684-1721 178,, 33, [37 ] 1684,,,,, 17-18,, 19, [38 ],,,,,, 33

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