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應用英語學程的亮麗成績 100% 升學率 近五成以上進知名國立科技大學院校 國立台灣科技大學國立台北科技大學國立雲林科技大學國立高雄第一科技大學國立高雄應用科技大學等

100學年度本校 應用英語學程班升學成績

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英文簡報比賽 傑出學生作品實例 Why Don t You Go to Tamsui?

Why Don t You Go to Tamsui? Why don t you go to Tamsui? Why don t you go to Tamsui? Why don tyou go to Tamsui?


Iron eggs Chewy, dark brown eggs that have been repeatedly stewed in a marinade sauce consisting of the five species (prickly ash, star anise, cinnamon, clove, and fennel) After each soaking, it is air-dried

Huge Ice cream Cheap (small ones cost only NT$10 and the bigger ones cost NT$20) Low fat, low sugar and high calcium Has a lot of flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mango and so on

Plum Flavor Drink A drink made from Chinese herbal medicine Tastes sour yet sweet as well A popular drink for tourists on a hot summer day

Fishball Oval-cylinder shaped Made by fish paste stuffed with meat Are served with soupstock stewed from fishpaste, with a slight touch of oil Has a rich but nongreasy taste

A-gei The name Agei is actually from Japanese, abura-age, which means oily tofu With the combination of chewy Dong-fen, tofu, and the sweet and spicy sauce that match perfectly, A-gei has become one of the famous snacks in Tamsui

Fish Crisp made out of yellow croaker In order to make the sticks, mince the meat and bone of yellow croaker. Then add potato powder and roll them into strips. Lastly, fry the strips till they re done and fry them again for crispiness


Fort Santo Domingo Located on the hilltop close to Aletheia University The ROC government has classified the Fort a grade one listed historical site

Fort Santo Domingo In 1629, the Spanish established the fort, with woods In 1636, the local people demolished the fort In 1637, the Spanish rebuilt the fort with stones In 1642, the fort was razed by the Spanish. The Dutch then built another fort, Fort Anthonio on the site

Fort Santo Domingo In 1868,due to the Opium Wars, the British took over the fort and made it their trade consulate In 1980, ROC government retrieved the land from the British

Tamsui Old Street Also known as the Zhongzheng Rd. The earliest developed part of Tamsui Lined with many restaurants, stores, temples and mouth-watering snacks. Despite the historical sites, you can also enjoy the beautiful sights from the banks of the Tamsui River

Mackay Monument The statue that marks the landing spot of George Leslie Mackay (Dr. Mackay) Dr. Mackay s life has great impact on Tamsui and has helped to create the unique history and culture of Tamsui.

Red Castle Also named Ta Kuan Building A perfect place to have a beautiful view of the Tamsui Estuary and Mount Guanyin It is opened as a restaurant and art exhibition place now One example of reusing of historic buildings.

Tamsui Ferry Dock One of the oldest dock in Taiwan It has been established for more than four hundred years A place where you can take a ferry to the other shore, Bali One can also enjoy the beautiful scenery while lining up for the ferry


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升學管道 考試方式 : 一年一試, 有 推甄入學 和 分發入學 二種管道, 但成績限當年度使用 考試日期 : 每學年度下學期五月份舉行 考試科目 : 類別 共同科目 ( 共 300 分 ) 專業科目 ( 每一專業類 100 分, 共 200 分 ) 語文類英文組 國文英文數學 1 商業概論及計算機概論 2 英文閱讀與寫作

我的未來不是夢!! 科大畢業可直接考研究所 英語為當今世界第一語言以英語優勢為軸, 在生涯規劃延伸多樣的領域 如英語老師, 英語教學相關的行業, 翻譯 會計 金融 貿易 電腦 公關 企管等工作
