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* Modernity, Religion, and Magic: Governmentalityof a Local Temple By Ding-tzann Lii and Jieh-min Wu Keywords: modernity, folk religion, magic, governmentality, body, Foucault, Durkheim * NSC 93-2412-H-007-001 2

1970 Abstract Modernity and folk religion constitute a paradox. On the one hand, modernity enhances rationality, which should inevitably inhibit beliefs toward religion, especially folk religion. On the other hand, various types of religious behaviors seem to increase, rather than decrease in face of modernization. In this paper, we employ Foucault s concept of governmentality to solve the paradox between modernity and folk religion. Simply put, since 1970s as modernity had unfolded in Taiwan, various types of religious organizations, including folk temples had started to use methods of modern enterprise to manage their business. It is argued that this new type of religious governance actively created demands for religion, and resulted in the increase of religious behaviors as observed. We use data about changes in ritual practice from a local temple to detail the process and the mechanism of religious governance. In analyzing the process of religious governance, and inspired by Durkheim s ideas of magic, we propose a concept called magical community to designate the social relations not only under religious governance in particular, but also under modern governance as a whole. In other words, magical community is the prototype of every kind of social relations in modern society. I t is here that we see the very meaning of govermentality in our modern age. In the end, we explore the human meaning of magical community, and reflect on the ethical problems of modernity. 3

4 Weber (2003:150) Berger,1967 1986 209-47 1 2 3 1997 1-40 26 14 4 1997 48-49 1970

2.33 1970 2.39 1997 95-137 1990 1985 1999 327 1983 49 1965 1983 1965 1965 12 1965 1983 44 (ibid: 329) 2003 1970 1980 (ibid: 113) 1995 1970 1970 1979 9 1999 4 86 9 1970 1965 5

ibid 341 1980 59 43 33 21 17 17 15 ibid 122-25 1980 20 40 1970 1970 1997 125 1970 1980 6

7 1980 2001) 1 2000 ibid:4-14 1970 1

8 2 Baudelaire, Baudelaire 1964 Baudelaire Baudelaire 2

9 Weber Weber 1958 ibid:181 Foucault (governmentality) 2003 156

3 Foucault 1991 94 To govern, then, means to govern things engage (Hirschman, 1997) 2004 3 governed / / 10

Becker (1994: 69) 20,000 Becker Foucault ibid:95 Foucault / Foucault the governmentalization of the state Foucault 1970 11

Durkheim,1992 1992 1 2 3 (moral community) 12

ibid: 45 ibid:46 ibid:341 13

14 2001 1986 105 1 2 3 4 5 1987 Foucault /

4 1997 1980 1980 2004 1991, 2004 54 4 15

/ / CM-20040129 16

CM-20040129 CM BT 20040129 17

2004 83-84 (ibid:84) / 18

5 6 / CM 20020515 5 6 19

/ 7 1980 1980 8 7 8 20

/ / 21

2 9 12 12000 8000 300 1000 2000 10 / / 9 1994 1970 10 1960 1980 22

/ 11 2003 2003 12 / 3 11 MS 20030418 12 23

24 4 1 2 3 4 2004 51 / 2004 45

2004 52 5 1990 / / / 25

/ / / / / 26

Lii, 1998 13 13 27

/ / / / 28

Baudelaire Weber Foucault Foucault / governed 29

/ / / / 1990 1985 30

(to shop to be free) magical worlds / 31

32 magical 1997 2004 1999 1999 1995 1986 1987 37 1 53-81. 2003 31 93-152. 2004 2001 1994 2000 1997 1997

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