人力提舉對背部的影響 Impact of Manual Lifting on the Back 33 The human spine consists of 33 pieces of vertebrae, and is the central support of the skeleton. Ver

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Introduction www.oshc.org.hk 文職及專業服務業 安全健康通訊 Sedentary and Professional Services 第 35 期 Safety and Health Bulletin 2016 年 4 月 April 2016 Issue 第 46 期 正確人力提舉預防頸背勞損 Correct Manual Lifting to Prevent Neck and Back Strain Office work generally does not require a lot of manual labour, but it inevitably involves manual handling operations. Long-term repetitive use of improper postures for manual handling operations is very likely to cause different degrees of danger and physical injury. And over time, these injuries are likely to eventually lead to permanent disabilities. Common injuries include sprains, strains, and neck and back pain. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, employers have the responsibility to ensure that manual handling operations in their workplaces are in conformity with the relevant provisions. In carrying out manual handling operations, employees must comply with the safe work system established by the employer and properly use the mechanical aids and protective equipment available to them.

人力提舉對背部的影響 Impact of Manual Lifting on the Back 33 The human spine consists of 33 pieces of vertebrae, and is the central support of the skeleton. Vertebrae are linked by soft tissue interverbral discs to absorb pressure and act as a cushion to help the spinal column bend. 1. Normally, interverbral discs serve the function of easing pressure. 2. When the pressure on intervertebral discs is too large, annulus fibrosus in interverbral discs may crack and cannot be restored. Because there are few nerves around the discs, damage is hard to detect. 3. If the condition continues to deteriorate, pain would occur when a herniated disc constricts the spinal nerve. 辦 公室裡的體力處理操作風險及預防措施 Risks and Preventive Measures of Manual Handling in the Office : In the office, the most common manual handling operations include moving document folders, photocopy papers, distilled water bottles, and file cabinets. In normal circumstances, these operations may not pose harm to our body, but the presence of various factors may increase the risk of injury. These factors can be simply summarised in four main areas: properties of loads, individual capability, nature of work, and work environment.

常見的問題 Common Problems 預防及保護措施 Preventive and Protective Measures Properties of loads The object is too heavy. This may increase the chance of back injury. The object is too large. It is difficult to bring the object close to the body, and the object may block the sight; The object is difficult to grasp. This may easily cause fatigue and the object to fall. 3 Use a trolley or lifting platform; Split the object into smaller packages for lifting and handling; 3 Employ team lifting. 3 Repackage the object with suitable handholds; 3 Employ team lifting. Change the shape or surface of the object; Handle the object with an easy-to-grasp container; Add a handle or notch to the surface of the object; 3 If the object has sharp parts that may cut hands, wear suitable gloves. Personal ability The objects for lifting exceed the capabilities of employees. Employees may easily get hurt when lifting objects if they have health problems (for example, employees who work after surgery or in pregnancy). 3 Before assigning tasks, learn about employees physical fitness and health conditions; Give employees time to adapt by starting with lighter objects and slowly increasing the workload. 3 Assess individual employees capability to carry out manual handling operations. 3 When handling objects during pregnancy or shortly after delivery, employees should be given special care and arrangements.

www.oshc.org.hk 常見的問題 Common Problems 預防及保護措施 Preventive and Protective Measures Nature of work 45 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e n e e d t o excessively twist the body (arms moving away from the body more than 45 degrees) may increase the chance of injury. Working with the need to bend over or lean forward often may add pressure on the back. Excessive stretching of arms (above the shoulders) may put extra strain on the arms and back. 10 Objects must be pushed and pulled over a long distance (exceed 10 meters). 3 Place commonly used tools and objects in front of you to reduce the need to twist the body on both sides. 3 Provide employees with adequate working space and heightadjustable and rotatable seats, so that they can face the objects without twisting the body. 3 Place heavy or frequently used objects at easy-to-reach heights (e.g., waist high). The objects should not be placed too high or too low. Put commonly used objects within reach to avoid leaning forward excessively when fetching them. 3 When fetching lower-placed objects, bend your knees in a squat to avoid stooping. 3 Try to put objects and tools at an easy-to-reach height. 3 Use a footstep or a height-adjustable workbench to reduce the need to reach up. 3 Use suitable mechanical aids (such as trolleys) to carry objects. 3 Improve or rearrange the workplace layout to shorten the distance and frequency of transport. Work environment The place is too narrow (such as limited height), making it impossible to take a proper posture. Uneven, slippery or unstable floors may increase the risk of slips, trips and falls during lifting and handling. Objects must be handled on floors at different heights (such as moving objects up or down stairs). A workplace which is poorly illuminated or has a strong lighting contrast may affect the ability to judge height and distance. 3 Clear obstacles from the path before moving objects. 3 Provide sufficient space for employees to have a natural posture at work. Keep the workplace surface clean and tidy. 3 Keep the floor clear of stagnant water, grease and other slippery materials. 3 Apply slip-resistant surfacing to floors which may easily get wet. 3 Use a ramp or elevator. 3 Try to arrange relevant tasks on a floor with the same height. Provide adequate and suitable lighting. 3 Provide auxiliarly lighting to make it easy for employees to see labels on objects.

職安熱線 OSH Hotline : 2739 9000 人力提舉的正確步驟和方法 Correct Procedure and Method for Manual Lifting Understand the object to be lifted 檢查物件的大小, 形狀和重量, 從而訂立安全的搬運程序 ( 物件的理想體積應介乎 35 x 35 x 45cm); Check the object s size, shape and weight, so as to set up a safe lifting and handling procedure (the ideal size should be about 35cm x 35cm x 45cm); 檢查物件的握柄是否鞏固及不溜手 Check if the object s handles are firm and nonslippery. Clearly understand the path for lifting and handling 確保搬運通道暢通無阻及了解需要安放物件的位置 ; Ensure that the path for lifting and handling is clear and the place to put the object is known; 如果採用合力提舉, 要定明誰發施號令 Whenever an object is to be lifted together with others, designate a person to give orders. If possible, use auxiliary means and personal protective equipment. Use the correct lifting method 1. 盡量站近被搬運的物件, 雙腳分開 Stand close to the object you want to move with two legs apart. 2. 一腳踏前, 靠近物件, 另一腳在後, 踏前之一隻腳應指他準備前行之方向, 屈膝蹲下, 並且保持腰背平直 Put one foot forward close to the object and the other back. The foot forward should point to the way you are going to. Bend your knees in squat position, and keep your back straight. 3. 清楚界定握手位置, 選擇適當部位來握緊物件, 確保不會溜手 Clearly identify the handle s position, and hold the object tightly where appropriate in case it slips off your hands. 4. 將物件貼近身體, 提舉時腿先用力, 用腿部而非背部肌肉慢慢站起來, 保持腰背平直 Put the object close to your body. Lifting it up with your legs, not your back. Keep your back straight. 5. 提舉時, 動作須流暢, 盡量利用對稱提舉 利用雙腳轉身, 固定腰部, 不可扭腰 Lift the object smoothly. Try to use the symmetric lifting strategy. Turn around with the waist in a fixed position. Do not twist your waist. 職 安健訓練課程推介 OSH Training Course 人力提舉及搬運 (M) Manual Lifting and Handling(M) 本課程旨在為員工提供正確的人力提舉及搬運方法 ; 並講解不正確的提舉方法對身體造成的傷害和簡單的腰背護理 The purpose of this course is to provide training to candidates on how injury can result from improper manual handling and the correct way of manual lifting. 報名及查詢職安健課程資料, 請致電 2311 3322 或 3106 2000 與本局訓練中心聯絡 For Application and enquiries, please contact our OSH Training Centre at 2311 3322 or 3106 2000. 課程資訊 Course Information 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz: 第 45 期文職及專業服務業安全及健康通訊 Issue no.45 Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin 答案 Answer: 1.B 2.C 3.A/B 得獎者 Winners: 李文婉, 杜國標, 黃雅詩,Chu Yim Shan,Yiu Tsz Yan 恭喜以上各得獎者, 得獎者將獲專函通知領獎事宜 Congratulations to the above winners, winners will be notified separately in writing.

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz 1 What should you do if the object you want to move is too heavy? A. 使用輔助工具 ( 如手推車 ) 協助搬運 Use auxiliary means (such as trolleys) to facilitate lifting and handling. B. 找同事合力搬運 Employ team lifting. C. 以上皆可 All of the above 2 Which of the following movements would increase the risk of injury when lifting an object? A. 過度扭動身體 Excessively twisting the body B. 手臂過度伸展 Excessively stretching arms C. 以上皆是 All of the above 3 Which muscles should be used when lifting? A. 腿部 Legs muscles B. 腰部 Waist muscles C. 背部 Back muscles 請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格, 郵寄或傳真回 3106 0263 本局總辦事處, 信封面請註明 文職及專業服務業安全健康通訊問答遊戲 2016 7 31 Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or by fax 3106 0263 to the Council. Please write Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin Prize Quiz on the envelope. Closing date: 31 July 2016. 姓名 Name 地址 Address 聯絡電話 Contact Tel. No 必須與香港身份證姓名相同 As appeared on HK Identity Card 香港身份證號碼 HK Identity Card No. 只須填寫首四個號碼, 例如 :A123XXX(X) HK Identity Card No. (First 4 digits),e.g.: A123XXX(X) 所有資料將於活動結束後銷毀 Data will be destroyed after completion of the activity. 1. 歡迎年滿 15 歲或以上的香港居民參加, 每人只限參加一次 2. 得獎者的姓名必須與香港身份證上的姓名相同, 否則將被取消得獎資格 3. 參加者有機會贏得價值 $150 超市禮券 4. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加 5. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準, 各得獎者將獲專函個別通知 6. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利, 恕不另行通知 7. 倘有任何爭議, 一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定 8. 歡迎複印參加表格 Rules for ParticipationRules for Participation 1. Hong Kong citizens aged 15 or above are welcome to participate, each participant can only submit one entry. 2. Winners will be disqualified if their name are not identical to the name on their HK Identity Card. 3. Participant will get the chance to win a prize of supermarket voucher valued at HK$150. 4. The employees and direct family members of the organization are not eligible to enter. 5. The decision of the organization regarding the prize results is final, winners will be notified separately in writing. 6. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters and will not provide further notice. 7. In the event of any dispute, all decisions made by the organizer are final and binding. 8. Welcome to photocopy the form 免費訂閱表格 Free Subscription Form 中文姓名 Chi Name 傳真 Fax No. 本人對文職及專業服務業安全健康通訊感興趣, 並希望以電子郵件索取 : I am interested in the Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail: 英文姓名 Eng Name 電子郵件 E-mail Address 電話 Tel. No. 填妥後請將表格傳真至 3106 0263 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 3106 0263) 1. 你向職業安全健康局 本局 所提供的資料, 包括 個人資料 私隱 條例 所指的個人資料, 只會用於相關活動 2. 為讓你得知最新的本局活動, 本局將使用你的個人資料, 包括你的姓名 電話號碼 郵寄和電郵地址, 將有關職業安全健康訓練課程 活動 服務及資訊提供給你 你的個人資料亦可能被用作本局之研究及統計用途 3. 你可選擇是否同意接收上述資訊 若不同意的話, 請於下列拒收資訊一欄之空格內加上 3 號 * 4. 你有權要求查閱及修正你的個人資料 有關申請須以書面向本局提出, 地址為香港北角馬寶道 28 號華滙中心 19 樓 * 本人不同意日後接收由職業安全健康局發出其活動和相關的資訊 簽署 Signature Personal Data Collection Statement 1. The information you provide to the Occupational Safety & Health Council (the Council), including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of the Council. 2. To keep you informed of Council s activities, the Council would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training courses, events and other OSH related information. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes. 3. You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a tick in the box below*. 4. You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do so, please write to the Council at 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. * I do not wish to receive any information from the Council in relation to its activities. 日期 Date Occupational Safety & Health Council S e d e n t a r y a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s Safety and Health Committee 地址 Address: 中國香港北角馬寶道 28 號華匯中心 19 樓 19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK 電話 Tel : 2739 9377 傳真 Fax : 2739 9779 電郵 E-mail : oshc@oshc.org.hk 網址 Website : www.oshc.org.hk 採用環保紙印製 Printed on Environmental Friendly Paper 2016 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 4/2016