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2006 6 2 Overseas Chinese History Studies June 2006 No. 2 1, 2 (11 ; 21 ) [ ] ; ; ; ; [ ],,, 10,,,, [ ] D634137112 [ ] A [ ] 1002-5162 (2006) 02-0001 - 13 Migration Net works, Social Resource Distribution and Ne w Migrants from Northeast [ ] 2005212204 [ ],,, ;,, China : Fieldwork Notes from San Francisco Bay Area WANG Wei 1, QIAN Jiang 2 (1. Faculty of Economics, Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan ; 2. Centre of Asian Studies, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China) Key words : San Francisco Bay Area ; new migrants from Northeast China ; migration networks ; social capital ; social resource distribution Abstract : Based on fieldwork interviews conducted in San Francisco Bay Area of the United States, this paper studies new migrants from northeast China with a focus on a theoretical analysis of the roles played by social capital and non - institutional social resource distribution in current Chinese transnational migration outflow. The authors argue that while new migrants from northeastern China provinces have rapidly emerged as one of the major cohorts of Chinese international migration waves over the past decade, they are on the whole lacking solidarity and internal cohesion, resulting in a less success in their economic development overseas. Different driving forces have been at work in terms of mass outflows from China s northeastern provinces since the 1980s. Of them, economic 1

motivation advocated by classical economics migration theory and a hidden pushing force triggered by the economic reform and institutional transformation of Chinese state2owned enterprises could be advanced as the two leading factors. A closer observation would also reveal that Strong Ties and Weak Ties, the two types of network in non2institutional social resource distribution, have been significantly contributing towards the transcontinental emigration from China s northeastern provinces and the job seeking success among Chinese new migrants in society overseas, the weak ties existing in the new migrant communities in particular.,,, 10 2004,, (Cupertino) (Mountain View),,,,,, (San Francisco),, 119,,,,, 1776 1806, 1821 1846, 1848,, 1850, 215, 74, 25 ( San Francisco Bay Area), (Oakland) (San Jose), 750, 70, (Silicon Valley), 20 70,,,, 60,,, 70,,,,, 80,,,,, 90,,,,,, :,,,,,, 2

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,,,,,,,,, 50,, Money,,, 50,, Very good!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,,, 4,,,,,,,, 3,,,,,,, 12 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40,,,,,,,, 60, 4

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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 200 5, 200, 300 500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6

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