~ Jason Thompson, A History of Egypt: From Earliest Times to the Present, Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2008, p

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The World War I and the Egyptian Nationalism Movement WANG Tai (Wang Tai, Professor at the Institute of World History in Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities) Abstract During the World War I, UK increased its efforts to control Egypt, which intensified the Egyptian national consciousness in original foundation, and established the ideological foundation for the Egyptian nationalism movement of its changing from the passive one to the active one. The transient prosperity of Egyptian national capitalism during the World War I, increased the number of Egyptian bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and strengthened the social basis of the Egyptian nationalism movement changing from reform to revolution. Because of the World War I, the new change of the international situation provided the developmental opportunity for the Egyptian nationalism movement s transition from prudence to conflict. Therefore, the World War I not only changed the developmental situation of the world s politics and economy, but also provided ideological conditions, laid the social foundation, and provided an advantageous international circumstance for the transition of the Egyptian nationalism movement. Further more, the World War I led to the transition of the Egyptian nationalism movement at root and success of the great national uprising which happened in 1919. Key Words World War I; Egyptian Nationalism; International Environment; UK 92