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34 2 5 1. 50

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2012 2 157 No. 2 2012 Jinan Journal Philosophy and Social Sciences Sum No. 157 Vernacular Novels' Influence on Legendary Novelette of Ming Dynasty in the Area of Genre based on the publication and revision of several legendary novelettes Pan Jian-guo Chinese Department Peking University Beijing 100871 China English Abstracts Abstract It is well known that legendary novelettes of Ming dynasty had an impact on vernacular novels of Ming and Qing dynasties. Based on the publication and revision of several legendary novelettes as Shuang Shuang Zhuan San Miao Zhuan Zhong Qing Li Ji the author however discusses the influence of vernacular novels on legendary novelettes of Ming dynasty in the viev of genre from the angles of plot and language. Moreover the author points out that the relationship and interaction between legendary novelette and vernacular novel were once active and in depth by analyzing two specific texts called Qing Yi Qi Yin and Xu Xuan Zhi Zhuan Chu Zhong Qiu Lao. Key words Legendary novelette in classical Chinese novels of Ming dynasty novel From The Three Pagodas in the West Lake to The Three Demons in Luoyang The Changes of Novels of Three Demons and Revelation Ji De-jun Rulgar Culture Research Center Guangzhou University Guangzhou 510006 China Abstract The Three Pagodas in the West Lake and The Three Demons in Luoyang both are novels of three demons spread by storytelling performers in the Song-Yuan period. They had a lot in common either in expressions of verses or in the plots and content. In many reyrects it is very obvious that The Three Pagodas in the West Lake followed the footstep of The Three Demons in Luoyang. Because of the differences between southern and northern China according to the local conditions which include different regions time and people folk artists in Hangzhou made some conversion from The Three Demons in Luoyang to The Three Pagodas in the West Lake. The evolution of novels of three demons are helpful to know some creation rules about folk oral literature specifically. Key words The Three Pagodas in the West Lake The Three Demons in Luoyang novels of three demons revelation On Relations between Readers and Historical Novel Genre of Ming & Qing Dynasties CAI Ya-ping College of Liberal Arts Jinan University Guangzhou 510632 China Abstract The popular novels developed prosperously in Ming and qing dynasties asa result famous writers and outstanding works ceaseless e- merged in large numbers. Among them historical novels were of mature novel genre and their quantity and creative achievements were very prominent. Readers were the crucial factors who influenced historical novels' formation and development processes. This paper mainly expounds the relations between readers and the flourish of historical novel genre and then further discusses readers' influences on historical novels' stylistic development and edit ways and writing intentions as well trying to investigate the internal impetus of popular novels' creation and dissemination in Ming & Qing dynasties. Key words readers Ming and Qing dynasties historical novels relations