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高考英语最常犯错误及分析 丛书总策划苑涛樊一昕主编思马得学校 南京大学出版社

图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据高考英语最常犯错误及分析 / 思马得学校主编. 南京 : 南京大学出版社, 2005.1 ISBN 7-305-04354-0 Ⅰ. 高...Ⅱ. 思...Ⅲ. 英语课 - 高中 - 升学参考资料 Ⅳ. G634.413 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2005) 第 093475 号书名高考英语最常犯错误及分析主编思马得学校出版发行南京大学出版社社址南京市汉口路 22 号邮编 210093 电话 025-83596923025-83592317 传真 025-83328362 网址 http://press.nju.edu.cn 电子邮件 nupressl@publicl.ptt.js.cn sales@press.nju.edu.cn ( 销售部 ) 经销全国各地新华书店印刷江阴市天海电脑设计制版印刷厂开本 850 11681/32 印张 : 12 字数 : 345 千版次 2005 年 1 月第 1 版 2005 年第 1 月第 1 次印刷 ISBN7-305-04354-0/H 370 定价 15.00 元 * 版权所有, 侵权必究 * 凡购买南大版图书, 如有印装质量问题, 请与所购图书销售部门联系调换

前言 你在考试中最容易犯的习惯性错误, 亦即命题者最 乐此不疲 频频出招的杀手锏! 而 纠正了这种错误, 你的高分在望, 人生的目标在望 何乐而不为之呢? 中国有句古话 : 习惯成自然 假如这种 习惯 是错误的呢? 在英语学习及考试中, 我们常常犯下 似是而非 的习惯性错误, 因而吞食苦果 影响了成绩, 甚至影响了前程 所谓 考试一小步, 人生一大步 为什么有的高考学生能考出 140 多分, 甚至满分, 有的考生却只有可怜的 80 多分呢? 这里包含着一种能力 : 是否善于总结错误 本书的特点是 : 1. 详细解析各部分考试内容中考生最容易犯的错误, 这些错误带有一定的普遍性, 是考生在各部分考试中失分的主要原因 ; 2. 侧重于提供相应的正确的解题思路, 这些解题思路不一定是惟一正确的, 但是被证明了能行之有效地帮助考生避免错误的思路 ; 3. 提供与考试难度相当的习题, 以加强考生对正确解题思路的掌握 通过这一环环递进的三部曲, 考生在识错 纠错 巩固正确解题思路的过程中, 举一反三, 避免 试错, 提高了学习的效率 考生在参考此书的时候, 应注意两点 : 1. 首先要对各部分测试的题型和大致涵盖的内容有基本的了解 ; 2. 做模拟训练的过程中, 对照本书各部分对错误及应试策略的归纳, 在做题的过程中加强对解题策略的运用, 形成条件反射 在生活中宽恕错误, 是放纵自己 ; 在考试中放纵错误, 则无异于 自杀 成功是每个人毕生追求的目标! 纠正错误是走向成功的开始 而在掌握英语的过程中, 最有效的学习方法之一, 是避免他人所犯的错误, 吸取他人成功的经验, 快捷掌握 学习技巧, 提高英语水平及考试成绩, 让我们 杀掉 一些错误的所谓 习惯, 用亚里士多德的话来共勉 : 把追求完美当成一种习惯 思马得学校图书编辑部

目录 第一章语法篇一 名词 (1) 二 动词 (7) 三 数词 (35) 四 形容词和副词 (41) 五 冠词 (47) 六 代词 (55) 七 介词短语 (63) 八 连词 (68) 九 从句 (76) 十 主谓一致 (88) 十一 倒装句 (95) 十二 it 与 there be 的用法 (100) 十三 省略句 (106) 十四 反义疑问句 (110) 第二章词汇篇一 易混淆的名词 (115) 二 易混淆的动词 (122) 三 易混淆的形容词和副词 (131) 四 易混淆的介词和连词 (138) 五 易混淆的代词 (142) 六 易混淆的词组 (146) 七 易混易错词汇练习 (162) 八 综合改错练习 (169) 第三章听力篇一 听力中常见错误及分析 (174) 二 名师谈听力中的技巧 (177) 三 名师谈听力材料的把握 (180) 四 名师讲解高考听力中易听错的单词 (183) 五 听力理解训练 (186) 第四章阅读理解篇一 阅读理解中常见错误及分析 (220) 二 名师谈阅读题型 (223) 三 名师谈猜词技巧 (224) 四 阅读举例分析 (228) 五 阅读理解训练 (235) 第五章写作篇一 英语写作中常见错误及分析 (275) 二 名师谈写作技巧 (279) 三 容易混淆拼错的英语单词 (285) 四 强化训练 (292) 五 参考范文 (295)

第六章真题篇 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试 (298) 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试参考答案及听力原文 (318) 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试 ( 上海卷 ) (324) 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试 ( 上海卷 ) 参考答案及听力原文 (347) 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试 ( 北京卷 ) (355) 2003 年普通高校招生全国统一考试 ( 北京卷 ) 参考答案及听力原文 (374)

第一章语法篇 一 名词 ( 一 ) 名词的数 1. 可数名词复数的不规则变化例题解析 : 例句 : (A)There are several (B)childs playing on the playground near her (C)house, but (D)your child isn t among them. 解析 : B 错 child 的复数形式应为 children 名师点评 : 可数名词的复数形式大多是在词尾加 -s 或者 -es, 但是有些却是不规则的, 如 :child children, man men, foot feet, mouse mice, goose geese, ox oxen, thief thieves 等, 这些需要考生牢记 2. 有些可数名词则是单 复数形式相同例题解析 : 例句 : There are 200 (A)sheeps on the (B)farm, but there (C)are only 30 (D)goats. 解析 : A 错 sheep 的单 复数形式相同 名师点评 : 英语中, 单复数形式相同的名词有很多 例如 : sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss 等, 这些需要考生牢记 3. 单数名词表复数意义例题解析 : 例句 : The (A)condition of (B)menkind (C)has been improved by recent technological (D)advances. 解析 : B 错 mankind 没有复数形式 名师点评 : 英语中有些名词虽然形式上是单数, 实际上却表示复数意义 如 :people( 人民 ), police, cattle, mankind ( 人类 ), craft ( 船只 ) 等, 这些需要考生牢记 4. 有些名词却只有复数形式例题解析 : 例句 : His (A)opinion is that (B)clothes (C)does not make the (D)man. 解析 : C 错 clothes 是复数形式, 所以 does not 应改为 do not 名师点评 : 有些名词只有复数形式, 如 : clothes, glasses, trousers, shoes, scissors, goods ( 货物 ) 等, 这些需要考生牢记 5. 看似复数 实则单数的名词例题解析 : 例句 : (A)Before the automobile, the horse-drawn (B)carriage (C)was the primary (D)mean of private transportation. 解析 : D 错 表手段时应用 means 名师点评 : 有很多名词是以 s 结尾的, 但是却并非具有复数的含义 如 : news, means ( 手段 ), maths, 1

physics, politics, economics 等, 这些需要考生牢记 6. 复合名词的复数形式例题解析 : 例句 :(A)children enjoy (B)telling and listening to (C)ghosts stories, especially on (D)Holloween night. 解析 : C 错 鬼的故事 其复数形式应为 ghost stories 名师点评 : 复合名词的复数形式有特定的加 s 蹬方法 一般是把其中的中心词 ( 即被修饰的那个名词变为复数形式 ), 如 : looker-on lookers-on, daughter-in-law daughters-in-law, boy student boy students 等 而有些则是特殊变化, 如 : grown-up grown-ups, man doctor men doctors 等 这些需要考生牢记 7. 绝大多数不可数名词没有复数形式例题解析 : 例句 : Tom was (A)upset last night because (B)he had to do (C)lots of (D)homeworks. 解析 : D 错 homework 没有复数形式, 其后不能加 s 名师点评 : 绝大部分抽象名词 物质名词和专有名词都是不可数名词 如 :advice ( 劝告 ), cash ( 现金 ), clothing ( 衣服 ), food ( 食物 ), fruit ( 水果 ), pay ( 工资 ), homework ( 家庭作业 ), housework ( 家务 ), furniture ( 家具 ), information ( 情报 消息 ), knowledge ( 知识 ), music ( 音乐 ), money ( 金钱 ), population ( 人口 ), scenery ( 风景 ), luggage (baggage) ( 行李 ), damage ( 损失 ), bread ( 面包 ), equipment ( 设备 ), hair ( 头发 ), meat ( 肉 ), rice ( 大米 ), tea ( 茶 ) 等等, 其后的谓语动词只能用单数形式 8. 有些不可数名词有复数形式例题解析 : 例句 : It (A)contained a small quantity of (B)hair just (C)a few long golden (D)hair. 解析 : D 错 这里特指那几根金黄色的头发, 应该用 hairs. 名师点评 : 有许多不可数名词在上下文中可以用作可数名词, 如 : work ( 工作 ), works ( 著作, 工厂 ), glass ( 玻璃 ),glasses ( 眼镜 ),paper ( 纸张 ),papers ( 文件, 论文 ),mean ( 中间, 中庸 ),means ( 方法, 手段 ) 等等, 考生平时对此一定要稍加留意 9. 不可数名词的数量表示方法例题解析 : 例句 : I received a letter from my brother yesterday, (A)which (B)has (C)two good (D)news. 解析 : C 错 news 是不可数名词, 在表示其数量时, 要用单位量词 a piece of, 因此应改为 two pieces of 名师点评 : 不可数名词需要体现数量时, 常用表示数量的 of 词组来表示, 如 : a cup of coffee, a set of furniture, a piece of advice, a loaf of bread, a sum of money 等 ( 二 ) 名词的所有格 1. 表示共有的所有格例题解析 : 例句 : For her sake, (A) as well as for (B)Jack, I hoped that she (C)might still (D)be found. 解析 : B 错 说话者想表达的意思是 : 为了她的缘故, 也为了杰克的缘故 因此应改 2

为 Jack s 名师点评 : 名词所有格中, 如果每人各有一样东西, 则每个名词后面都要加 s, 如 : Peter s and Mike s desks 表示他们每人各有一张书桌 ; 如果一样东西为两人共有, 则只在后一个名词后面加 s, 如 : Peter and Mike s desk 表示他们共用一张书桌 一般说来, 表示有生命的东西的名词所有格是在名词后加 s 例如: the actress s diamond, the children s pictures, James s school, the teachers office 表示无生命的东西的名词一般与 of 构成词组表示所有关系, 如 : the style of the clothes 等 2. 双重所有格例题解析 : 例句 : (A)Saying only that she (B)was a friend (C)of Mary, she left without (D)giving her name. 解析 : C 错 句中是指玛丽的朋友, 应用其所有格形式 of Mary s, 只不过其后省略了被修饰的名词 friend, 这是允许的 名师点评 : 所属物的名词前如果有冠词 数词 不定代词或指示代词, 则常用 of 词组 + 所有格 来表示它们的所有关系, 这就构成了双重所有格 如 : another watch of my father s ( 我父亲的另一只手表 ) 强化训练 1. There are (A)a lot of (B)mouse in the storehouse, and we have to (C)keep (D)a cat. 2. I m (A)so hungry (B)that I can eat an (C)oxs now. Help (D)yourself. 3. Though China is still a (A)developing country, (B)Chineses will (C)spare no efforts to (D)make it stronger. 4. Jane, a friend of(a)me, is a great (B)artist. She can play (C)the piano quite (D)well. 5. Two (A)men are (B)quarreling (C)on the street, which attract many (D)passer-bys. 6. I (A)can t work (B)out this problem. Could you please give me (C)some (D)advices? 7. There (A)are 30 (B)woman doctors in (C)the hospital, and they perform very (D)well. 8. Karl (A)Marx s (B)work enjoy a (C)high reputation among the scholars all (D)over the world. 9. She was (A)about to go out (B)when (C)drop of rain appeared (D)on the window. 参考答案 1. B (mice) 2. C (ox) 3. B (Chinese) 4. A (mine) 5. D (passers-by) 6. D (advice) 7. B (women doctors) 8. B (works) 9. C (drops) ( 一 ) 谓语动词的时态 1. 一般现在时例题解析 : 二 动词 3

例句 1: It (A)is an (B)accepted custom in our country for men (C)to remove their hats when a woman (D)entered the room. 解析 : D 错 这里表达的是一种习惯, 因此要用一般现在时, 应改为 enters 例句 2: If traffic (A)problems (B)will not be solved soon, (C)driving in cities (D)will become impossible. 解析 : B 错 这是由 if 引导的条件状语从句, 且主句用的是一般将来时, 因此从句中用一般现在时, 应改为 are not solved 名师点评 : 一般现在时的构成通常以动词原形来表示 ; 主语为第三人称单数时, 用动词的第三人称单数形式来表示, 即在动词原形后加 -s 或 -es 一般现在时常用 always ( 总是 ), often ( 常常 ), usually ( 通常 ), sometimes ( 有时候 ), seldom ( 很少 ), never ( 永远不 ), from time to time ( 不时地, 有时 ), now and then ( 偶尔 ), every day/month/year ( 每天 / 月 / 年 ), once/twice, etc. a week/month/year, etc. ( 每周 / 月 / 年 一 / 二次 ) 等时间状语 一般现在时主要用来表示人 事物的现在状况和特点 ; 表示经常或习惯性的动作 ; 表示客观规律和永恒真理 ; 表示将来确定会发生的动作 ( 表示起始的动词如 : arrive, come, go, get, leave, start, begin, return 等 ); 在由 when, once, however, before, if, as soon as, until, unless 等引导的时间和条件状语从句中, 也经常用一般现在时来代替一般将来时 2. 一般过去时例题解析 : 例句 1: (A)In the past, the rulers of the country (B)has been selfish, but the (C)present king (D)has great respect and concern for his people. 解析 : B 错 in the past 表示的是过去的时间, 因此应改为 were 名师点评 : 一般过去时的构成通常由动词过去式来表示 一般过去时表示在过去某个特定时间发生而且完成的动作, 或者过去习惯性动作, 不强调对现在的影响, 只说明过去 常跟明确的过去时间连用, 如 yesterday, last week, in 1990, at that time, once, during the war, ago, 以及由 after, before, when, while, whenever 等引导的表示过去的时间状语 例句 2: When I (A)was a boy, I (B)use to swim in the river which (C)was not far (D)away from my home. 解析 : B 错 句意是说 : 我还是孩子的时候经常去那里游泳, 而现在已不去那里游泳了, 因此应改为 used to swim 名师点评 : used to 意为 过去常常, 后面跟动词原形 do, 表示一个已经中断了的习惯, 或者一个与现在相反的过去状况 例句 3: (A)Did it rain last night? Since the road (B)is (C)wet, it (D)must rain last night. 解析 : D 错 这是说话人对过去的推测, 应改为 must have rained 名师点评 : 对过去的事情进行肯定判断时, 用 must 加动词的完成时形式, 此时 must 不再表示 必须, 而是表示 肯定 3. 一般将来时例题解析 : 例句 : Biologists (A)are predicting ( 预言 ) that they (B)have been able (C)to alter genes and (D)control heredity. 解析 : B 错 既然是预测, 那就表示后面的事情还未发生, 应该用一般将来时, 因此改为 4

will be 名师点评 : 一般将来时表示将来某个时间会发生的动作或者情况, 常常和 tomorrow, next year, in the future 等表示将来的时间状语连用 一般将来时构成情况及用法如下 : shall/will+ 动词原形, 表示将来, 并不涉及主语的主观意愿 ; be going to+ 动词原形, 表示主语打算要做的事或说话人根据已有的迹象认为即将发生的事 ; be + to do 主要用来传达命令或者指示, 还可以表示计划安排 ; be about to do 表示即将发生的行为, 但它通常不和时间状语连用 4. 现在进行时例题解析 : 例句 : Mr. White (A)asked (B)if these islands (C)are belonging (D)to Japan. 解析 : C 错 belong 不能用于进行时, 因此改为 belonged 名师点评 : 现在进行时由 is(am, are)+ 现在分词构成 现在进行时表示说话时或者目前一段时间内正在进行的活动 ; 与频度副词 always, constantly, continually, again 等连用, 表示说话人的某种感情色彩 ( 赞叹 厌烦 埋怨等 ); 还可以表示计划中安排要发生的动作, 但仅限于少数表示位置转移的动作动词, 如 come, go, leave, arrive,fly 等 然而, 某些表示感官知觉的动词如 see, hear, smell, taste (feel 除外 ) 等在表示说话时刻的感觉时, 不用现在进行时 ; 有些表示状态或心理感觉的动词一般也不用现在进行时, 这类动词主要有 : love, like, hate, want, need, wish, know, understand, remember, believe, guess, mean, think, feel, fit, find, show, have, matter 等等 5. 过去进行时例题解析 : 例句 : It was (A)raining (B)while George (C)waited (D)for the bus. 解析 : C 错 下雨 和 等车 这两个动作同时进行, 因此应改为 was waiting 名师点评 : 过去进行时由 was/were+ 现在分词构成 过去进行时用来表示延续界限不明的过去动作, 即主要用来表示延续了一段时间的过去动作, 但动作延续的界限不清楚也不重要 与现在进行时类似的, 过去进行时还可以表示计划中安排要发生的动作, 但仅限于少数表示位置转移的动作动词, 如 come, go, leave, arrive, fly 等 6. 现在完成时例题解析 : 例句 1: Where (A)did you go (B)lately? (C)I have not seen you for quite (D)some time. 解析 : A 错 句中有时间状语 lately, 应用现在完成时, 故应改为 have you been 名师点评 : 现在完成时由 have/has+ 过去分词构成 现在完成时表示动作发生在过去, 完成在过去, 但强调与现在仍有关系, 其结果或者影响仍然存在 现在完成时有一些标志性的时间状语, 如 : lately, recently, just, already, yet, before, up to now, till now, so far, to this day, in the past few years/months/weeks/days, over the past few years, during the last three months, for the last few centuries, through centuries, throughout history, 以及由 for 引导的短语, by 引导的短语, since 引导的短语和从句等等 例句 2: I can (A)clearly (B)remember I (C)have bought this dictionary (D)for nine years. 解析 : D 错 句中的 buy 是瞬间动词, 虽然它可以用现在完成时, 但是其后不能跟表示一段时间的状语, 故删除掉 D 名师点评 : 5

现在完成时特别强调瞬间动词和持续性动词 瞬间动词表示短暂 不能持续一段时间的动作, 如 come, go, leave, start, begin, become, receive, die, 而持续性动词表示能持续一段时间的动作, 如 work, stay, live, learn 等 下面列举一些常用的瞬间动词和对应的持续性动词 : leave, be away; die, be dead; put on, wear; fall ill, be ill; borrow, keep; catch cold, have a cold; buy,have; join the army, be in the army 值得注意的是, 瞬间动词的肯定结构可以用不与 for+ 时间段 连用的现在完成时, 说明某个动作已经发生 ; 瞬间动词的否定结构可以与 for+ 时间段 连用, 说明某动作不发生的状态可以持续一段时间 例句 3: Thomas finally (A)decided (B)to join the army and (C)was in it (D)ever since. 解析 : C 错 句意是 : 自他参军之时起到现在 ( 说话的时候 ), 他一直都在部队服役, 强调的是他现在还在部队 因此应该用现在完成时, 改为 : has been 例句 4: He (A)has died ten years (B)ago, but he (C)is still remembered by all who (D)know him. 解析 : A 错 本句已有明确的时间状语 ten years ago, 所以应该用一般过去时, 改为 died 名师点评 : 因受母语的干扰, 很多学生容易把一般过去时与现在完成时这两种时态搞混 事实上, 一般过去时表示的动作发生在过去, 与现在无关, 它的时间概念是明确的, 因为我们关心的是过去的时间或过去的结果 ; 而现在完成时所表示的动作虽然也发生在过去, 但是我们所关心的是它的结果或其对现在的影响 请考生一定要仔细加以辨别 7. 过去完成时例题解析 : 例句 : (A)Even though Henry (B)has learned Japanese for three years before he came to Japan, it was still difficult (C)for him to express (D)himself in Japanese. 解析 : B 错 他是在去日本之前学了三年日语, 表示的是 过去的过去, 应用过去完成时, 故改为 had learned 名师点评 : 过去完成时由 had+ 过去分词构成 表示过去某个时间之前已经完成的动作, 即过去完成的动作发生在 过去的过去, 句中有明显的参照动作或者时间状语, 这种时态从来不孤立使用, 常用 before, after, by, till 等词引导时间状语 过去完成时的另一个重要用法是表示意图 打算, 即动词 hope, expect, think, intend, mean, want, suppose, plan 用过去完成时, 表示未实现的愿望 打算和意图 8. 过去将来时例题解析 : 例句 : Whenever Mary (A)was supposed to (B)make an appointment with the dentist, she (C)said she (D)is too busy. 解析 : D 错 主句的谓语用的是过去时 (said), 因此其后的宾语从句也应用过去时 (was) 名师点评 : 过去将来时的构成如下 : should/would+ 动词原形 ; was/were going to+ 动词原形 ; was/were to+ 动词原形 ; was/were about to+ 动词原形 过去将来时表示说话者立足过去对未来的事情进行安排 打算 预测等等, 这种时态通常用在主句的谓语是过去时的宾语从句或间接引语中 9. 动词时态的协调一致例题解析 : 例句 1: It (A)was a long time since I (B)saw Tom (C)at my uncle s and I don t know where he (D)has been these months. 6

解析 : A 错 它必须和后面的并列句的时态一致, 应用一般现在时, 因此改为 is 名师点评 : 时态的协调一致是英语句子结构的一项重要原则 中国学生在英语学习中往往只注重局部的时态问题, 而忽略了上下文之间以及句子内部的时态呼应问题, 这应引起考生的特别关注 比如上述例句, 由并列连词连接的两个句子时态上就要求一致 例句 2: Bob has sat (A)at the table for a few hours and (B)drank considerably (C)more wine (D)than is good for his health. 解析 : B 错 drink 和 sit 共用一个主语 Bob, 时态应一致, 故改为 drunk 名师点评 : 当两个或两个以上的谓语共用一个主语时, 其时态要求一致 例句 3: (A)Learning a foreign language (B)is especially difficult for those who (C)had never learned one (D)before. 解析 : C 错 定语从句的时态应与主句一致, 既然主句中用的是现在时, 那从句也要用现在时, 因此应改为 : have 例句 4: After (A)driving for fifty miles, he suddenly (B)realized that he (C)has been driving in the (D)wrong direction. 解析 : C 错 主句中的时态是过去时, 故而宾语从句中也应用相应的过去时, 因此应改为 had been 名师点评 : 从句的时态要与主句的时态相呼应, 当其谓语表示的动作与主句的动作同时发生时, 要用相同的时态 ( 二 ) 谓语动词的语态 例题解析 : 例句 1: Those (A)fish were (B)caught (C)where the water (D)isn t polluted. 解析 : D 错 通过观察可发现其时态与主句的时态不一致, 故而改为 : wasn t polluted 名师点评 : 被动语态的时态要与句中的其它时态相呼应, 数要与其主语相一致 例句 2: We are hoping that a concert (A)will be held soon (B)at which the works of Liszt (C)will (D)play. 解析 : D 错 通过观察可发现 play 这一动词的主语不是 Liszt 而是 the works, 因此应该用被动语态, 即 : will be played 名师点评 : 要认真判别句子的主语是谓语动词的施动者还是受动者 例句 3: The (A)little boy (B)was made use by the drug-pusher (C)to carry drugs for him. 解析 : B 错 make use of 是一固定搭配, 在用被动语态时, 不能省略其中的介词, 故而改为 : was made use of 名师点评 : 带有介词的及物动词词组, 其被动语态不可以省略介词 例句 4: The (A)accident (B)was taken place last night and two people (C)were (D)killed. 解析 : B 错 take place 没有被动语态, 应该改为 took place 名师点评 : 不及物动词和系动词一般不能构成被动语态, 如 :take place, happen, last, fall, remain, belong, appear, stay, occur, seem, smell, taste, get, become, be, feel, sound 等等, 这一点请广大考生牢 7

记 例句 5: You wouldn t have caught (A)such a bad cold if you (B)hadn t worked (C)long into the night with the windows (D)opened. 解析 : D 错 应该改成 open 这里强调的是窗户的状态是 开着的, 应用形容词, 而 open 既可作动词, 还可以作形容词 值得注意的是, 如果是 关闭 的状态, 则要用 closed, 而非 close 例句 6: When you (A)learn a foreign language, you ll (B)find it not (C)difficulty if you practise (D)a lot. 解析 :C 错 句中用了一个 find sth. a. 结构, 而 difficulty 却是一个名词, 所以应改为 difficult 例句 7: The (A)mixture of coffee, milk and sugar (B)tastes (C)differently (D)from tea. 解析 :C 错 此题中的 taste 是系动词, 后面应跟形容词, 因而改为 different 诸如 smell, taste,get, become, be, feel, sound 等连系动词后面必须跟形容词 例句 8: The salad (A)tasted so (B)well that the girl (C)returned to the salad bar for (D)more. 解析 : B 错 此题中的 taste 是系动词, 后面应跟形容词, 而 well 却是副词, 因此应该改为形容词 good 请考生注意, well 在大多数情况下, 被作为副词来使用, 只有指 身体好 的时候, 其词性才是形容词 例句 9: She (A)remained (B)silently all day, (C)which worried her parents (D)a lot. 解析 : B 错 应该改成 silent remain 在这里是系动词, 后面要加形容词 名师点评 : 在系动词后面应跟形容词, 别误用副词 常见的系动词有 : be, go, get, become, fall, turn; remain, stay, keep; appear, feel, look, seem, taste, sound, smell 等等 例句 10: He (A)treats people very (B)friendly, which (C)wins him respect (D)from others. 解析 : B 错 friendly 本身是形容词, 而句子中需要的是一个副词, 因此一定要改成 in a friendly way 名师点评 : 要分清以 -ly 结尾的词的词性, 它们大多是副词, 但有一小部分却是形容词, 如 : lovely ( 可爱的 ), likely ( 很可能的 ), weekly ( 每周一次的 ), friendly ( 友好的 ), lively ( 生动的 ) 等, 这些形容词变成副词应用 in a...way 结构 例句 11: Go (A)straightly along the street, then turn left at the second (B)turning, and you ll find the telephone booth (C)right (D)on the corner. 解析 : A 错 应该改为 straight straight 这个单词比较特殊, 既是形容词, 又是副词 名师点评 : 请考生注意一些词形相同, 却既可作形容词 又可作副词的单词 如 : enough, straight, far, hard, early, late, fast, long, low 等等 ( 三 ) 谓语动词的虚拟语气 例题解析 : 例句 1: (A)It is ridiculous that we (B)would be (C)short of water in a country (D)where it is always raining. 解析 : B 错 在 ridiculous 后面的主语从句中, 应用虚拟语气, 即 : 用 (should)+ 动词原形来表示 所以改为 : (should) 名师点评 : It is/was+ 形容词 / 过去分词 +that+(should)+ 动词原形, 这些形容词主要表示必要性 重要性 强制性 合适性 义务性, 即某人对某事的反应 这类词包括 :important,natural,desirable, 8

possible, astonishing, advisable, anxious, appropriate, compulsory, crucial, eager, essential, fitting, imperative, improper, necessary, obligatory, preferable, proper, urgent, vital, shocked, requested, amazing, strange, odd, ridiculous, surprising, unthinkable, incredible 等等 例句 2: I move that we (A)will support the (B)introduction of this new (C)technological process in order to (D)enhance the outputs. 解析 : A 错 move 解释为 动议, 规定 的时候, 其后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气, 即 : 用 (should)+ 动词原形来表示 故改为 : (should) support 名师点评 : 表示建议 命令 劝告 决心等主观色彩的动词 +that+(should)+ 动词原形, 其中 should 经常被省略 这类动词包括 : advise, ask, command, decide, decree, demand, desire, determine, direct, insist, maintain, move ( 动议, 规定 ), order, prefer, propose, recommend, require, stipulate, suggest 等等 例句 3:(A)When I suggested that some villagers (B)should have come in for (C)a free drink, Mr. Thompson shook (D)his head. 解析 : B 错 只有当 suggest 作 建议 讲时, 其后的宾语从句才要用虚拟语气 而此处 suggest 并不作 建议 讲, 而是 表明 暗示 的意思, 因此其后的宾语从句不能用虚拟语气 故改为 must have come 例句 4: I suggested that (A)taking a plane (B)would be (C)a quicker means of (D)transportation. 解析 : B 错 suggest 做 建议 讲时, 其后的从句要用虚拟语气, 即 : 用 (should)+ 动词原形来表示 故改为 : (should) be 名师点评 : 值得注意的是, 只有 suggest 意为 建议 的时候, 后面的从句才使用虚拟语气 ; 当 suggest 意为 暗示 的时候, 从句的时态遵循一般规则 类似的, 当 insist 意为 坚持认为 时, 从句用虚拟语气, insist 意为 坚持说 时, 从句不用虚拟语气 例句 5: I wish I (A)will take part in the party tonight, (B)but I (C)will have (D)a test tomorrow. 解析 : A 错 根据观察可发现,wish 引导的宾语从句是对将来的虚拟, 应该用 would/could/might+ 过去分词来表示 故改为 would take 名师点评 : wish 后的宾语从句用虚拟语气, 其句型结构如下 : 与过去事实相反 wish that 从句的谓语词用 had done 与现在事实相反 wish that 从句的谓语动词用 did/were 与将来事实相反 wish that 从句的谓语动词用 would/could/might do 例句 6: He (A)looked as though he (B)didn t have (C)a decent meal (D)for a month. 解析 : B 错 as if 后面的从句中, 用 had+ 过去分词来表示对过去的虚拟 故改为 hadn t had 名师点评 : as if 和 as though 后面的从句中, 用 would+ 动词原形来表示对将来的虚拟 ; 用动词的过去式来表示对现在的虚拟 ; 用 had+ 过去分词来表示对过去的虚拟 ( 四 ) 情态动词 例题解析 : 例句 1: (A)Must we (B)clean the classroom now? No, you (C)mustn t. You (D)can do it 9

after school. 解析 : C 错 该句中 must 表示 必须 不得不, 其否定回答意为不必 故改为 needn t 名师点评 : must 的否定式有两个 : 当回答由 must/need 引起的问题时, 否定答复用 needn t 或 don t have to 表示 不必 不一定 的意思 ( 肯定答复用 must); 当表示 不应该, 禁止 时, 其否定式是 must not, 表示 不许 禁止, 语气较强烈 例句 2: He to go any further in the forest alone. A. not dared B. not dare C. didn t dare D. dared not 解析 : 该题答案为 C, 此空需选一动词作谓语, 因为后面是 to go, didn t dare 是实义动词 dare 过去时态的否定形式 名师点评 : need 与 dare 既可作情态动词, 也可作实义动词, 在肯定句中, 它们必须是实义动词, 此时的否定形式要借助助动词 ; 在疑问句和否定句中, 两者皆可 例句 3: He have had enough money for a new house. A. can t B. must not C. oughtn t to D. need not 解析 : 该题答案为 A 该句表示 have enough money 的状态在过去不可能会发生 名师点评 : can + have+ 过去分词 结构用在疑问句和否定句中, 表示对过去的事情所作的推测 例句 4: I (A)may have (B)passed the exam, but I (C)didn t have enough time to (D)go over my lessons. 解析 : A 错 该句表示本来有能力通过考试的, 即用 could+have+ 过去分词 结构来表示有可能发生在过去的某事, 实际上并没有发生 故改为 could 名师点评 : could+have+ 过去分词 结构可表示过去由于某种原因未发挥的能力 例句 5: The roads (A)are covered (B)with snow. It (C)may be snowed (D)last night. 解析 :C 错 通过理解可知, 关于是否下雪只是说话人对过去的一种推测 故改为 might have snowed 名师点评 : may/might+have+ 过去分词 结构用来表示对过去的事情进行把握不太大的肯定判断 在这里, may/might 在意义上相近, 表示 也许, 只是 might 更婉转 例句 6: It (A)took you quite (B)some time to (C)arrive here; the traffic (D)must be busy. 解析 : D 错 按句意, 说话者并未看到刚才的交通情况, 只是对此作了一个肯定判断, 所以用 must+have+ 过去分词 的结构来表示 故改为 must have been 名师点评 : 对过去的事情进行把握较大的肯定判断时, 用 must 加动词的完成时形式, 此时 must 不再示 必须, 而是表示 肯定 例句 7: (A)Look, what (B)you ve done! You (C)would have been more (D)careful. 解析 : C 错 该句持责备态度, 强调未完成的义务, 即用 should+have+ 过去分词 表示 故改为 should have been 名师点评 :should/ought to+have done 表示本来应该做某事结果却没有做, shouldn t/oughtn t to+have done 表示本来不应该做某事结果却做了 例句 8: You have come to school. It is a holiday today. 10

A. must not B. needn t C. can t D. didn t need 解析 : 该题答案为 B 该句表示今天是休假日, 你没有必要来学校 ( 但是你来了 ) 名师点评 : needn t+ 不定式的完成时用来表示虽然已经履行但却是不必要的行为 而 didn t need to 则表示没有必要做, 因而也未做某事 ( 五 ) 非谓语动词 : 动词不定式 例题解析 : 例句 1: It (A)requires (B)efforts (C)master (D)a language. 解析 : C 错 不定式 to master 在句中作主语,it 是其形式主语 故改为 to master 名师点评 : 不定式作主语时, 为了保持句子的平衡, 往往以 it 作形式主语, 而不定式置于谓语动词后 例句 2: The students were made (A)read some (B)novels and (C)write (D)a paper. 解析 : A 错 虽然 make 后面跟不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语, 但是, 当其变为被动语态时, 要加上 to 故改为 to read 名师点评 : 有些动词可以带动词不定式做宾语补语, 但是在主动语态中它往往省略 to, 只有被动语态时才加上 to, 它们是 make, let, have 等等 例句 3: (A)Contrary to other parents, he let his daughter (B)studying at home (C)instead of studying in (D)a school nearby. 解析 : B 错 let 后面只有跟不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语, 不能跟动词的 ing 形式作宾语补足语, 故改为 study 名师点评 : 某些动词后面只能跟不定式作宾语, 例如 agree, aim, appear, arrange, attempt, bother, care, choose, claim, condescend, consent, decide, demand, determine, endeavor, fail, guarantee, happen, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, proceed, promise, prove, refuse, resolve, seem, swear, tend, threaten, trouble, try, undertake, volunteer, vow 等 请考生务必牢记 例句 4: I think it necessary everything ready in time. A. getting B. to get C. got D. get 解析 : 该题答案为 B 该句中 to get 不定式短语作宾语, 而用代词 it 作形式宾语 名师点评 : 当不定式作宾语, 且后面又有宾语补足语时, 通常用 it 作形式宾语来代替不定式, 而把定式后置 例句 5: You should (A)finish the work today (B)rather than (C)to leave it off (D)till tomorrow. 解析 : C 错 rather than 的后面只跟不带 to 的不定式 故改为 leave 名师点评 : 后面只跟不带 to 的不定式的习语有 had better, would rather, rather than, would sooner, might as well 等等, 希望考生平时勤加积累 例句 6: That night (A)there was (B)a power cut. We (C)had nothing to do but (D)going to bed early. 解析 : D 错 介词 but 后面跟不定式作宾语, 故改为 go 11

名师点评 : 介词 but, except, than 后面可以跟不定式作宾语, 但是句中的谓语或非谓语部分如果含有 do 的任何形式, 那么就要省略 to 例句 7: The teacher advised him this text once more. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads 解析 : 该题答案为 C 不定式短语 to read 作 advise 的宾语补足语 名师点评 : 下列动词和短语可跟不定式作宾语补足语 :advise, allow, announce, ask, assist, authorize, bear, beg, bribe, cause, command, compel, condemn, deserve, direct, drive, enable, encourage, entitle, entreat, exhort, forbid, force, get, hate, help, implore, induce, inspire, instruct, intend, invite, lead, leave, like, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, pray, prefer, press, prompt, pronounce, recommend, remind, report, request, require, summon, teach, tell, tempt, urge, want, warn, wish, call on ( 请求 ), care for ( 关心 ), count on ( 依靠, 指望 ), depend on ( 依赖 依靠 ), keep on at ( 困扰, 追问 ), long for ( 渴望 ), make out ( 分辨 ), vote for ( 选举 ), prevail on ( 说服 ), rely on ( 信赖 ), wait for ( 等待 ) 但要注意, 使役动词和感官动词, 如 let, have, make, see, feel, hear, watch, notice, observe 等后面须跟不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语 例句 8: (A)It was careless (B)of her (C)leave her student card (D)in the library. 解析 : C 错 这句话属于结构 It+be+ 形容词 +of+ 名词或代词 + 不定式 故改为 to leave 名师点评 : it is/was+ 形容词 +of sb.+ 不定式 的结构中, 形容词修饰的是 sb., it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是不定式 可以使用这个结构的形容词主要有 : wise, kind, good, nice, honest, generous, cowardly, selfish, silly, wicked, strange, crazy, mad, odd, funny, extraordinary, astonishing, amazing, pointless, ridiculous 等等 例句 9: John, (A)a famous writer, (B)is said to (C)be writing this book (D)for twelve years. 解析 : C 错 按句意 这本书已经写了十二年, 应用动词不定式的完成式表示该动作的状态 故改为 have been writing 名师点评 : 动词不定式的一般式表示它与谓语动词同时或之后发生 ; 其完成式则表示发生在谓语动词之前 但要注意动词 plan, expect, intend, wish, mean, want, suppose, would (should) like 等后面的不定式完成式表示原打算要做某事而最终未做成 ( 六 ) 非谓语动词 : 动词的 -ing 形式 例题解析 : 例句 1: The (A)American enjoys (B)to drink (C)a cup of (D)apple juice in the morning. 解析 : B 错 enjoy 后面跟动词 -ing 形式 故改为 drinking 名师点评 : 以下动词只能跟 -ing 形式不能跟不定式作宾语 acknowledge, admit, advise, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, bear, can t help, cease, commence, complete, consider, confess, delay, deny, discourage, detest, dread, endure, enjoy, envy, escape, excuse, fancy, favor, feel like, figure, finish, forbid, imagine, involve, justify, keep, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practise, quit, recall, repent, require, resent, resist, resume, risk, save, suggest, waste 等等 例句 2: The tree needs. A. water B. to water 12

C. watering D. watered 解析 : 该题答案为 C 如果物作主语, need want require 后要接动名词或 to be done 这一结构作宾语 名师点评 : 在动词 need require want( 需要 ) 后面虽然跟 -ing 形式, 但仍然表示被动含义 例句 3: Don t forget (A)bringing my notebook (B)back to me when you (C)come to my home (D)next Wednesday. 解析 : A 错 forget 表示 未做某事 时, 后面只能跟不定式作宾语 故改为 to bring 名师点评 : 有些动词虽然既可跟 -ing 形式作宾语, 也能跟不定式作宾语, 但其意义有较大差异 如 : remember to do ( 记得要做某事, 还没有做 ),remember doing ( 记得做过某事 );forget to do ( 忘记要做某事, 还没有做 ), forget doing ( 忘记做过某事 ); stop to do ( 停下来做另外一件事 ), stop doing ( 停下正在做的事 ); regret to do ( 很遗憾做某事, 通常用 tell, say 等动词 ), regret doing ( 后悔做某事 ); go on to do ( 继续做某事, 内容已经调换 ), go on doing ( 继续做某事, 内容没有调换 ); try to do ( 尽力做某事 ), try doing ( 试着做某事 ); mean to do ( 打算做某事 ), mean doing( 意味着做某事 ) 例句 4: Excuse me you for a moment. A. to interrupt B. interrupting C. to have interrupted D. interrupted 解析 : 该题答案为 B excuse 后接动名词作宾语, 此句中的 me 为动名词的逻辑主语 名师点评 : -ing 形式作状语时, 其逻辑主语通常应是句子的主语 如若不是, 则要带上自己的逻辑主语, 通常由人称代词的宾格或形容词性物主代词来充当其逻辑主语 例句 5: I can t help when I am reading this story. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughed D. to be laughing 解析 : 该题答案为 A can t help doing 为固定句式 名师点评 : 注意一些固定的句式 : It s no good/use/point/sense+(in)+-ing 形式 ; It s a waste of+-ing 形式 ; have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth., 等等 例句 6: I regret not hard when I should have studied. A. work B. to work C. having worked D. worked 解析 : 该题答案为 C 用动名词的完成式强调该动作发生在谓语动词之前 名师点评 : -ing 形式的一般式表示其动作与谓语动作同时发生 ; -ing 形式的完成式表示其动作发生在谓语动作之前 例句 7: I heard the radio down. A. being turned B. turned C. to turn D. turn 解析 : 该题答案为 A 用-ing 形式的被动式表示被动关系 名师点评 : -ing 形式的被动式与及物动词的过去分词都表示被动关系, 其区别在于 : -ing 形式的被动式表示被修饰的名词正在承受的行为 ; 而及物动词的过去分词则表示被修饰的名词已经承受 13

的行为 例句 8: I (A)am looking forward (B)to meet him again, but (C)it looks (D)like unpractical. 解析 : B 错 look forward to ( 盼望 ) 和 be used to ( 习惯于 ) 这两个短语中的 to 都是介词, 后面应跟 -ing 形式, 不跟不定式 故改为 to meeting 名师点评 : to 是介词, 不是动词不定式的标志词, 这样的动词词组主要有 : admit to ( 承认 ), amount to ( 总计 ),approach to ( 方法 ),attribute...to...( 归功于 ),contribute to ( 起作用, 有助于 ),confess to ( 承认 ), dedicate...to...( 致力于, 献身于 ), devote to ( 致力于, 献身于 ), keep to ( 遵循 ), live up to ( 实践, 做到 ), object to ( 反对 ), resort to ( 求助于 ), reconcile to ( 顺从于 ), revert to ( 重新开始 ), stand up to ( 勇敢地抵抗 ), submit to ( 忍受 ), swear to ( 断言 ), take to ( 开始从事 ), be used to ( 习惯于 ), look forward to ( 盼望 ), oppose to ( 反对 ) 等等 ( 七 ) 非谓语动词 : 过去分词 例题解析 : 例句 1:He came in and (A)told us the (B)excited news, then we decided (C)to have a party (D)to celebrate it. 解析 : B 错 过去分词作形容词, 具有被动和完成的含义 现在分词作形容词, 具有主动的含义, 大致有两种作用, 一种作用是修饰名词的动作, 另一种作用是修饰名词的性能或者用途 例句中显然是 news 对我们产生了作用 故改为 exciting 名师点评 : 要注意领会下列几组动词的 -ing 形式和过去分词之间的区别 surprising ( 令人吃惊的 ) surprised ( 感到惊讶的 ) interesting ( 有趣的 ) interested ( 感兴趣的 ) exciting ( 令人激动的 ) excited ( 感到激动 兴奋的 ) disappointing ( 令人失望的 ) disappointed ( 感到失望的 ) encouraging ( 鼓舞人心的 ) encouraged ( 感到鼓舞的 ) 例句 2: I can t get the computer normally. A. to work B. work C. being work D. worked 解析 : 该题答案为 D 动词 get 表示使役意义, 跟分词作宾语补足语 名师点评 : get 和 want 的搭配类似, 都是 get/want sb. to do sth. 或者 get/want sth. done 例句 3: (A)Wore out by tiredness, the man (C)gave up his travel and came back (D)by plane. 解析 : A 错 wear out 和其逻辑主语 the man 之间是被动关系, 也就是说, the man 是 wear out 这个动作的承受者, 而非发出者 故改为 Worn out 名师点评 : 过去分词作状语和定语的前提是过去分词和其逻辑主语之间应是被动关系, 亦即其逻辑主语是这个动作的承受者 强化训练 1. (A)Hidden in the (B)woods, (C)painting white, the house was a place (D)to have a quiet holiday. 2. (A)All the papers (B)having collected, the teacher (C)let the student (D)have a rest. 3. My roommate has a very (A)annoyed habit. He is always (B)leaving things about and never 14

(C)remembers (D)to put them away. 4. (A)It is easier (B)to make a plan than (C)carry it (D)out. 5. I regret (A)to tell you (B)what (C)had happened (D)to your classmates. 6. You (A)had better not miss (B)to buy (C)such a good book. It is one of the best books I think. 7. If my brother (A)happens to come to see me while I (B)am out, please (C)have him (D)to wait for me. 8. (A)Swimming is a good sport, but (B)swimming now is (C)not so good, for it is (D)too cold. 9. (A)Having (B)practiced for one month, she has (C)got used to (D)run in the morning. 10. (A)Such mistakes are not (B)to make again, (C)or you will (D)be fired by your boss. 11. That s all settled. It talked about. A. needn t be B. shouldn t be C. can t be D. mustn t be 12. I wish to have a cup of tea,? A. can I B. may I C. would I D. wish I 13. The doctor did everything he could the patient. A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save 14. The key was found under the pillow. A. hidden B. hiding C. to hide D. having hidden 15. The tea is too hot. A. to drink B. drink C. for drinking D. to be drunk 16. I won t have you that to your teacher. A. talk as B. talking like C. talked like D. talk to 17. This girl enjoys questions but dislikes them. A. to as...to answer B. asking...answering C. to ask...answering D. asking...to answer 18. I heard her as I passed her room last night. A. coughing B. to be coughing C. keep coughing D. is coughing 19. Because Tom failed here on time, we left without him. A. to be arrived B. not to be arrived C. to arrive D. not to arrive 20. I know I did not forget my pens because I remember them in my bag. A. to bring...to put B. bringing...to put C. having brought...to put D. to bring...putting 参考答案 1. C(painted) 2. B(having been collected) 3. A(annoying) 4. C(to carry) 5. A(telling) 6. B(buying) 15

7. D(waiting) 8. B(to swim) 9. D(running) 10. B(to be made) 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D 三 数词 例题解析 : 例句 1: When I asked (A)what he thought of the book, he said that it was wonderful, especially (B)Part Third, which he thought (C)was (D)the best in the whole book. 解析 : B 错 事物的 编号 可用序数词, 也可用基数词, 数字较长时多用基数词 故改为 the third part/part Three 名师点评 : 基数词用来表示顺序时, 须放在名词的后面 ; 序数词用来表示顺序时, 须放在名词的前面 如 : Class One, the first class 例句 2: The teacher asked us to write composition. A. a 8-thousand-word B. an 8-thousand-word C. an 8-thousand-words D. a 8-thousand-words 解析 : 该题答案为 B 基数词可和其它名词构成复合形容词, 通常中间要加连字符, 名词一般要用单数形式 如 : a ten-pound note 名师点评 : 基数词也可与名词的 -ed 形式连用构成复合定语 如 : a three-legged chair 例句 3: In (A)the sixtieth, it was (B)a famous university and (C)later it was united and (D)renamed. 解析 : A 错 in the sixties 表示 在六十年代 故改为 the sixties 名师点评 : 在基数词的复数形式前加 the, 可以表示 几十年代 例句 4: The hero of the story is an artist in his. A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirty s D. thirties 解析 : 该题答案为 D in his thirties 表示 在他三十多岁的时候 名师点评 : 在形容词性物主代词 one s 后加上基数词的复数形式, 可以表示某人的大约年龄 例句 5: I forgot (A)the (B)book s name, so I would (C)have to ask him (D)second time. 解析 :D 错 序数词前一般加定冠词 the, 但也可加不定冠词 a, 表示 又一 故改为 a second time 例句 6: of the workers here are women. A. Third-five B. Three-fifths C. three-five D. Three-fifty 解析 : 该题答案为 B 表示分数时, 分子要用基数词, 分母用序数词, 当分子大于 1 时, 分母即序数词要用复数形式 名师点评 : 要特别注意以下几个特殊表达 : one half (1/2), one/a quarter (1/4), three-quarters (3/4) 此外, 如果分数词短语中的名词或代词为可数名词 / 代词的复数形式, 则谓语动词用复数式 ; 16

如果分数词短语中的名词为可数名词单数形式或不可数名词时, 则谓语动词用单数形式 例句 7: (A)One hundred forty students (B)of the department (C)are old enough (D)to join the army. 解析 : A 错 在百位数和十位数之间一般要加 and 故改为: One hundred and forty 例句 8: Three died of cold last year. A. hundreds old people B. hundred old people C. hundreds old peoples D. hundred old peoples 解析 : 该题答案为 B 在 hundred, thousand, million, billion 前面有基数词时, 这些词不能用复数形式 ; 只有当其后有 of 短语时, 这些词才能用复数形式 名师点评 : 在表示概数的习语中, 可以说 :hundreds of ( 好几百 ),thousands of ( 好几千 ),millions of ( 好几百万 ) 强化训练 1. The university (A)took in only (B)twenty students, but I was the (C)twenty-one on the list. You can imagine (D)how disappointed I was. 2. The place we visited was (A)a (B)two-days trip (C)from our school, (D)so we missed some lessons. 3. (A)The 6th, September each year (B)is the day (C)when the new students (D)come and visit the school. 4. (A)As is known to all, over (B)seventy percents of the (C)earth s surface (D)is covered by water. 5. (A)Thousand upon thousand of people (B)went (C)a long way to the city, (D)expecting to get rich. 6. In her (A)twenty, she (B)came to the small town and(c) worked as (D)a teacher. 7. He bought (A)three dozens eggs, (B)scores of cakes and (C)several books (D)from that supermarket. 8. His composition was (A)two as long as (B)mine, but (C)it was my one that got high marks. 9. The room can hold (A)two hundred of people, but that (B)one can hold only (C)half (D)the number. 10. There (A)is nobody in the room (B)except a young girl (C)about (D)twelve-year-old age. 11. people are playing football in China today. A. Tens of thousand B. Tens of thousands C. Ten of thousand D. Tens of thousands of 12. A great celebration was held on his birthday. A. ninety s B. nintieth C. ninetieth D. ninty 13. of the pictures on display taken by John. A. Five-seconds; were B. Two-fifth; was C. Two-fifths; were D. Two-fifths; was 14. I will finish the work in. A. one minute or two B. one and two minute C. a minute or two D. a or two minutes 15. He come out in the race. A. the four B. four 17

C. a fourth D. fourth 16. The People s Republic of China was founded on 1949. A. first October B. October the first C. the first of the October D. first of the October 17. There are people outside. A. three score of B. three scores C. three scores of D. three score 18. She is allowed to watch TV. A. every four days B. every four day C. every fourth days D. each four days 19. He has been here for. A. two and a half months B. two and the half months C. two and a half month D. two and half a month 20. I saw man sitting on the chair. A. a one eyed B. a one-eyed C. an one-eye D. an one-eyed 参考答案 1. C(twenty-first) 2. B(two-day) 3. A(The 6th of September) 4. B(seventy percent) 5. A(Thousands upon thousands) 6. A(twenties) 7. A(three dozen) 8. A(twice as long as) 9. A(two hundred) 10. D(twelve years old of age) 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B ( 一 ) 形容词 四 形容词和副词 例题解析 : 例句 1: Have you read today? A. interested anything B. anything interesting C. interesting anything D. anything interested 解析 : 该题答案为 B 当形容词修饰不定代词时, 一般置于其后 例句 2: The fish we caught is still. A. alive B. live C. lived D. lively 解析 : 该题答案为 A alive 意为 活的, 活着的, 在这句话中作表语 名师点评 : 以前缀 a 开头的形容词一般作表语和宾语补足语, 不作定语 类似的词还有 : alone 单独的, asleep 熟睡的, awake 醒着的, alike 同样的, afraid 害怕的, ashamed 羞愧的等 例句 3: The fact is (A)that the (B)rich (C)is not content (D)easily. 解析 : C 错 the rich 指富人这一类人, 谓语动词要用复数 故改为 are 名师点评 : good, bad, poor, rich, healthy, sick, young, old, living, dead 以及其他某些说明人的品质或者情 18

况的形容词前可以使用 the, 用来表示同一类人, 在句子中做主语时谓语动词要用复数 例句 4: The artist showed me some paintings. A. Chinese old beautiful B. beautiful old Chinese C. old beautiful and Chinese D. old beautiful Chinese 解析 : 该题答案为 B 根据形容词排列顺序 名师点评 : 当多个形容词共同修饰一个名词时, 要注意其排列的顺序, 一般来说, 和被修饰名词关系越密切的越靠近名词 即 : 限定词 描绘性形容词 大小 长短 高低 形状 年龄 新旧 色彩 国籍 出处 物质 材料 用途 类别 ( 二 ) 副词 例题解析 : 例句 1: He knew (A)it was (B)strict against the law, but he (C)still refused to pay the (D)fine. 解析 : B 错 strict 在这里不是作 was 的表语, 而是用来修饰 against 的 故改为 strictly 名师点评 : 副词的用途相当广泛, 可修饰动词 形容词 其它副词或整个句子, 在句中它可作状语 表语或定语等多种成分 例句 2: I (A)couldn t see clearly (B)what the teacher wrote as I did not sit (C)closely enough (D)to it. 解析 : C 错 close 和 closely 是两个易混副词 close 强调的是空间位置关系的 靠近, 而 closely 则强调的是两个人或事情关系上的 密切 故改为 close 名师点评 : 考生要尽量避免混淆一些意义相近或形状相似的副词 如 : hard( 努力地 ), hardly ( 几乎不 ); late( 迟 晚 ), lately ( 最近 ); especially ( 特别 尤其 ), specially ( 专门地 ) ( 三 ) 形容词 副词的比较等级 例题解析 : 例句 1: China is Egypt. A. as an old country as B. so old a country as C. as old a country as D. so an old country as 解析 : 该题答案为 C as+ 原级形容词 / 副词 +as 表示两者之间某种性质相同 名师点评 : 形容词或者副词的原级形式可以与 as...as 连用, 表示肯定意义, 与 not as/so...as 连用, 表示否定意义 如果要添加倍数或者几分之几之类的短语, 则倍数或者几分之几之类的短语必须位于比较结构前面, 即 A+ 倍数或几分之几 + 比较结构 +B 例句 2: I like (A)rock music and (B)the stronger it is, (C)the most I like (D)it. 解析 : C 错 the+ 比较级, the+ 比较级 是一个固定结构, 表示 越 越 的意思 故改为 the more 例句 3: (A)Of all the pens she bought, (B)the one she liked (C)more was made in China, (D)her motherland. 解析 :C 错 在句子的开头提供了比较的范围, 根据句意, 此处应用最高级 故改为 best/most 名师点评 : 19

三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较时, 就需要使用形容词或者副词的最高级, 一般说来, 形容词的最高级前要加上定冠词 the 在使用最高级时, 常常由 of, among 来引起比较的范围 例句 4: (A)In his time he enjoyed a reputation (B)as great as (C)Mozart, if (D)not greater than Mozart. 解析 : C 错 应该省略 一个句子中如果出现了两个比较级, 而且前后比较对象一致, 那么第一个比较对象可以省略 上述句子中 as great as 的比较对象是 Mozart, not greater than 的比较对象也是 Mozart, 所以可以省略 C 例句 5: Quarter horses can (A)start more quickly, turn more sharply, and run (B)faster (C)over short courses than (D)any breeds can. 解析 : D 错 应该改为 other 做这一类比较结构时, 一定要注意比较的范围 any breeds 的意思是 任何种类, 这等于把 quarter horses 自身也包括进去了, 改成 other 后指的是除去 quarter horses 以外的种类 例句 6: The (A)caloric value of (B)a small cookie is (C)higher than (D)a potato. 解析 : D 错 应该改为 that of a potato 比较结构的很重要的原则就是, 相比较的部分必须相等 上述句子中, 进行比较的应该是一块小的甜趣的卡路里和一只马铃薯的卡路里, 所以 a potato 前面要加上 that of 强化训练 1. (A)Even if he is the (B)most cleverest student, he (C)doesn t get (D)high marks. 2. We (A)must do our (B)best to (C)master English (D)well. 3. (A)More food I take, (B)the (C)worse I (D)feel. 4. Her name is (A)well (B)known (C)abroad than in (D)her own country. 5.Many young people (A)didn t hardly know about the terrible (B)hardships (C)that their fathers (D)have suffered. 6. She is (A)such good (B)a teacher that(c)all of her students respect her (D)very much. 7. She (A)showed us her new hat (B)and (C)it looked well. 8. He is (A)the most successful (B)painter. He has painted (C)canvases (D)as well as charcoal drawings. 9. I have (A)a (B)much better impression of the city (C)as I (D)did when I last came. 10. If you (A)have seen (B)the two films, please tell me (C)which you think is (D)the most interesting. 11. My father thinks I am already. A. high enough B. tall enough C. enough high D. enough tall 12. looked tired. A. All the women present B. All the present women C. The all women present D. The all present women 13. no one in the classroom. A. Hardly B. Nearly C. Scarcely D. Almost 14. If I had, I d visit Greece, my dreaming place. A. an enough long holiday B. a holiday enough long C. a long enough holiday D. a long holiday enough 15. I haven t been to Tibet yet. 20

I haven t been there. A. too B. also C. neither D. either 16. The weather is not hot. A. then B. that C. than D. such a 17. The work is more than I could do. A. almost B. most C. very D. little 18. You looks than you did yesterday. A. fine B. well C. far better D. more better 19. People from countries do not touch each other very much. A. English-spoken B. non-english-spoken C. non-english-speaking D. English-speaking 20. Your son went out with boys. A. little other two B. little two other C. two other little D. two little other 参考答案 1. B(cleverest) 2. D( 去掉 ) 3. A(The more) 4. A(better) 5. A(hardly know) 6. A(so) 7. D(good) 8. A(a most successful) 9. C(than) 10. D(the more interesting) 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C ( 一 ) 不定冠词 (a, an) 五 冠词 例题解析 : 例句 1: Let you and (A)me keep in (B)mind that there is no such (C)thing as (D)god. 解析 : D 错 这里是在泛指 上帝 这一类东西 故改为 a god 名师点评 : 不定冠词放在名词前, 泛指一类或一个人或物 如 : A camel is a useful animal, especially in desert. 例句 2: I saw (A)the (B)strange funny man (C)on (D)the street yesterday. 解析 : A 错 第一次提到的某人或某物用不定冠词 故改为 a 例句 3: All his classmates respected him because he was a honest man. 解析 :D 错 honest 这一词中的 h 是不发音的, 这个词是以元音音素开头的 故改为 an honest man 名师点评 : 21

a 用于以辅音音素开头的名词前, an 用于以元音音素开头的名词前 要特别注意字母 uh 开头的词, 因为它们在单词中有时发元音, 如 : umbrella, unusual; 有时发辅音, 如 : university, uniform, union, usual; 有时又不发音, 如 : hour, honest, honour 等 例句 4: May I have with you? A. an word B. a word C. word D. the word 解析 : 该题答案为 B 固定用法 名师点评 : 在某些词组中不定冠词 (a, an) 是不可缺少的部分 现就将 教学大纲 出现的这些词组归纳如下 : a bit (of), have a cold, a good/deal (of), as a matter of fact, a few, half an hour, have a headache, in a hurry, a place of interest, a kind of, a little, have/take a look (at), a lot of, have a match, have/hold a meeting, take a message for, in a minute, just a minute, make a mistake/noise, just a moment, a number of, once upon a time, a pair of, a piece of, make a promise, keep a record, take/have a rest, as a result, take a seat, a set of, take a walk, have a talk, take a boat/bus, have a test, have a good time, have a walk, after a while, in a short while, once in a while, have a word with sb. 等等, 希望考生能够牢记 ( 二 ) 定冠词 (the) 例题解析 : 例句 1: (A)Since she was (B)a superstar at that time, her wedding was the (C)event of (D)a year. 解析 : D 错 整句话的意思是 那个时候, 她是个超级巨星, 因此她的婚礼成了那一年的 重大事件, 可以看出, 那一年 是特指的 故改为 the 名师点评 : 特指某一类或一个人或物时要用定冠词 the, 如 : There s a boy outside; it s the boy from the house across the road. 例句 2: There is bird in the tree. bird is singing. A. a, a B. /, The C. a, The D. a, / 解析 : 该题答案为 C 第二次提到某人或某物时要用定冠词 the 例句 3: Gulf of Mexico is really a part of Atlantic Ocean. A. The, the B. /, the C. The, / D. /, / 解析 : 该题答案为 A 世上独一无二的事物前要加 the 如: the sun, the moon, the earth, the French Revolution, the Pacific 例句 4: first day of year is called New Year s Day. A. The, / B. /,/ C. The, the D. The, a 解析 : 该题答案为 C 在序数词前要加 the 名师点评 : 定冠词 the 除了要加在序数词前面, 还有其它一些特殊用法 比如 : 放在最高级前, 放在乐 器名称前, 放在表示报刊 杂志名称的名词前, 放在某些专有名词前, 和某些形容词连用表 示某一类人等等 例句 5: If your team (A)loses the game (B)ours will lose it too, so we re (C)both in (D)same boat. 22

解析 : D 错 same 前面要用 the 故改为 the same 名师点评 : 在某些词组中要求用定冠词 (the) 现将 教学大纲 出现的这些词组归纳如下: at the age of, make the bed, at the beginning of, go to the cinema, in the end, on the left/right, in the middle of, the moment, take the place of, on the radio, all the same, all the time, at the same time, by the way, on the way 例句 6: I sat (A)in front of the bus (B)to get (C)a good (D)view of the countryside. 解析 : A 错 句中的意思是指 在公共汽车里面的前部, 而不是 在公共汽车外部的前面, 故改为 in the front of 名师点评 : 有些单词前面用不用冠词, 意思差别比较大, 这需要引起考生的注意 例如 : at table ( 围坐在桌边吃饭 ), at the table ( 围坐在桌边, 但不吃饭 ); in hospital ( 生病住院 ), in the hospital ( 在医院工作 ) 等等 强化训练 1. (A)Could you (B)do me the (C)favour (D)to give this book to your roommate? 2. (A)You d better finish (B)the composition (C)ahead of (D)the time. 3. He (A)prefers (B)bread and butter for (C)the breakfast. So (D)do I. 4. (A)The policeman (B)seized (C)the robber (D)by collar. 5. (A)A native speaker of (B)Chinese (C)as he is, he is not very good at (D)Chinese grammar. 6. Many scientists are now making (A)a study of plant life in (B)the oceans. They hope (C)to find new resourses for (D)the mankind. 7. He is (A)still (B)in the hospital. I m going to (C)the hospital to see him after (D)class. 8. On the (A)National Day we usually (B)attend (C)an evening party and have (D)a good time. 9. I planned (A)to travel (B)all over the country (C)by the bike after (D)getting my master degree. 10. (A)Forks and knives on (B)the table are made (C)of (D)plastic. 11. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. A. / B. the C. one D. a 12. We are in hurry to catch bus. A. a, the B. a, / C. /, the D. the, / 13. What fine weather we are having these days! A. an B. a C. the D. / 14. He was made of the team. A. the head B. a head C. head D. heads 15. Where is Jack? I think he is still in bed, he might just be in bathroom. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, the D. the, the 16. Two years later she teacher. A. turned B. became C. turned a D. became one 23

17. We are paid. A. by the hour B. by an hour C. by hours D. by hour 18. streets are covered with snow. A. The, / B. The, the C. Any, / D. The, a 19. He studies science of light. A. /, / B. /, the C. the, / D. the, the 20. came that the meeting was deferred. A. Words B. Word C. The word D. saying 21. Alice is fond of playing piano while Herry is interested in listening to music. A. /, the B. /, / C. the, / D. the, the 22. Beyond stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space. A. the, / B. /, the C. /, / D. the, the 23.Many people are still in bahit of writing silly things in public places. A. the, the B. /, / C. the, / D. /, the 24. She is newcomer to chemistry, but she has already made some important discoveries. A. the, the B. the, / C. a, / D. a, the 25. I d like information about the managemnet of you hotel, please. Well, you could have word with the manager. He might be helpful. A. some, a B. an, some C. some, some D. an, a 26. Many people agree that knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. A. a, / B. the, an C. the, the D. /, the 27. Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I think I saw it. A. a, the B. the, the C. the, a D. a, a 28. Paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in thirteenth century. A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填 ; the D. 不填 ; 不填 29. Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind unless they kill them for food. 24

A. the; a B. 不填 ; a C. the; the D. 不填 ; the 参考答案 1. C(a favour) 2. D(time) 3. C(breakfast) 4. D(by the collar) 5. A(Native speaker) 6. D(mankind) 7. B(in hospital) 8. A(National Day) 9. C(by bike) 10. A(The forks and knives) 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. B ( 一 ) 人称代词 六 代词 例题解析 : 例句 1:(A)Not all rain water (B)falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of (C)them is lost (D)through evaporation. 解析 : C 错 这里的代词是指代 rainwater, 所以要用单数 故改为 it 名师点评 : 在使用人称代词时, 要避免单复数的误用 例句 2: (A)The only workers who (B)passed the test (C)were Tom, Peter and (D)me. 解析 : D 错 此处的代词指代的是前面的 who, 而 who 在定语从句中充当的是主语 故改为 I 名师点评 : 在使用人称代词时, 要避免主格和宾格的误用 ( 二 ) 物主代词 例题解析 : 例句 1: I haven t brought (A)my pen (B)with me. (C)May I use (D)your? 解析 : D 错 句中需要名词性物主代词作宾语 故改为 yours 名师点评 : 在使用物主代词时, 要避免形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的误用, 前者的后面必须跟名词, 后者的后面一定不可以跟名词 例句 2: (A)Some of us have to rewrite (B)their papers if (C)we expect (D)to get good grades. 解析 : B 错 此处的代词是指代前面的 some of us, 显然, 它们在人称上并不一致 故改为 our 名师点评 : 在使用物主代词时, 其单复数和人称须与所指代的名词一致 ( 三 ) 反身代词例题解析 : 例句 : After (A)he had bought (B)herself a new bicycle, (C)he gave (D)his old one to his sister. 25

解析 : B 错 此处的反身代词与其指代的 he 不一致, 故改为 himself 使用反身代词时, 也要注意其与指代的名词的一致 ( 四 ) 不定代词 例题解析 : 例句 1: If a beggar asks (A)you for (B)some money, will you give (C)him (D)some? 解析 : D 错 some 一般用于肯定句, 而 any 常用于疑问句和否定句 故改为 any 名师点评 : some 和 any 的用法区别在于, some 一般用于肯定句, any 常用于疑问句和否定句中 是在表示请求或邀请, 或在期待对方肯定回答的疑问句中, 也可用 some 例句 2: (A)No of (B)the water (C)was (D)wasted. 解析 : A 错 句中需要不定代词作主语, 而 no 不能作主语, 故改为 None 名师点评 : no 和 none 的用法区别在于,no 通常用作定语来修饰可数名词或不可数名词, 相当于 not any 或者 not a; 而 none 则作为代词来代替可数名词或不可数名词作主语或宾语 例句 3: (A)Much of us (B)were (C)too tired to go (D)further. 解析 : A 错 much 不能代替可数名词 故改为 Many 名师点评 : many 和 much 的用法区别在于, many 用来修饰或代替可数名词, 而 much 则用来修饰或替不可数名词 例句 4: Although he is wealthy, he spends on clothes. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 解析 : 该题答案为 A 根据句意可知他很少花钱在衣服上, 钱是不可数名词, 所以用 little 名师点评 : few, a few, little, a little 的用法区别在于,few, a few 用来修饰或代替可数名词,few 表示 几乎没有, 而 a few 则表示 有几个 ( 但并不多 ) ; little, a little 用来修饰或代替不可数名词, little 表示 几乎没有, 而 a little 则表示 有一点 例句 5: (A)Every of us (B)has got a chance to travel (C)free (D)on buses. 解析 : A 错 every 是形容词, 不能作代词后接 of 引起的短语, 但 each 可以 故改为 Each 名师点评 : each 和 every 的用法区别在于, each 指人或事物的个别情况, 相当于 每个 的意思, 句中作主语 宾语 定语和同位语 ; every 则强调共同性, 相当于 每个都 的意思, 通常作定语来修饰 one, body, thing 等词 例句 6: (A)Here (B)is my new pen. You (C)may use (D)one. 解析 : D 错 one 所指的是非特指的事物, 而此句中特指上文提到的 pen, 故改为 it 名师点评 : one 和 it 的区别在于, one 用来代替同一类事物, 但并非同一个事物 ; 而 it 用来代替同一类的同一个事物 例句 7: We have (A)only two (B)boxes. If you don t want this (C)one, I will show you (D)another. 解析 : D 错 one...the other 用于只有两者的情况下 故改为 the other 名师点评 : the other 和 another 的用法区别在于, the other 常指两个中的另一个 ; 而 another 则指在具 26

体范围以外的事物, 如 : I don t like this shirt. Could you show me another? ( 五 ) 指示代词 例题解析 : 例句 : (A)These styles are quite (B)popular now, but (C)those ones are (D)not. 解析 : C 错 those 本身就已是指示代词, 其后的 ones 纯属多余 故改为 those 名师点评 : 指示代词有 : this, that, these, those, it, such, same 等 this 和 these 一般用来指时间或空间上较近的人或物, 也常用来指后面要提到的事情, 有启下的作用 that 和 those 则常用来指时间或空间上较远的人或物, 也可用来代替前面出现过的名词, 以免重复 考生在使用的时候要加以辨别 ( 六 ) 相互代词 例题解析 : 例句 : If you and John compete (A)together in (B)another game it will be difficult (C)to predict (D)the winner. 解析 : A 错 从句意可看出, 这是两个人之间的竞争, 而 together 表示的是 一起 共同 做某事, 并不表示相互关系 故改为 each other 名师点评 : each other 指的是两者之间的相互,one another 指的是三者或者三者以上的相互 强化训练 1. My friend (A)lives in Wuhan, (B)a city (C)which I would like to live (D)myself. 2. The more one (A)knows about science, (B) the more (C)you understand the importance of (D)it. 3. My uncle has three (A) children and my aunty has (B)two ones. (C)All of (D)them will come to my home tomorrow. 4. I (A)have lost my books, and I(B) can t remember (C)where I left (D)it. 5. I bought two new (A)dresses, (B)all of (C)which were (D)on sale. 6. Have you (A)finished your work (B)yet? (C)No, I will finish it in (D)other ten minutes. 7. (A)No (B)but John is (C)fit for the post. 8. (A)The theory he wrote in this book is (B)too advanced for (C)some of us to (D)understand. 9. Neither she (A)and I (B)was able to wake up (C)early enough to catch (D)the school bus. 10. You (A)have to hurry (B)up if you want to buy something. There is hardly (C)something (D)left. 11. When shall we meet again? Make it day you like; it s all the same to me. A. another B. some C. one D. any 12. I hate when people talk with their mouths full. A. that B. it C. them D. these 13. You may take of the buses over there. A. all B. both C. either D. each 14. Give the tickets to who are fond of rock music. 27

A. those B. somebody C. anyone D. some 15. of the students in her class is active in sports. A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone D. Every one 16. A lot of people have tried, but have succeeded. A. many B. few C. much D. little 17. You can t take photos in the museum.. A. No one can B. Anybody can t C. No other can D. Everyone can t 18. Our professor comes from either Cambridge or Oxford. I can t remember. A. there B. where C. that D. which 19. China is a great country. has a long history. A. He B. She C. That D. which 20. These are the things you must see. A. that, / B. to which, / C. which, to D. to that, to 参考答案 1. C(where) 2. C(one understands) 3. B(two) 4. D(them) 5. B(both) 6. D(another) 7. A(None) 8. C(any) 9. A(nor) 10. C(anything) 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C 七 介词短语 例题解析 : 例句 1: We are anxious his safety. A. on B. about C. to D. in 解析 : 该题答案为 B anxious about 意为 担心 名师点评 : about 表示 : 关于 有关 大约 周围等 如 : quarrel about, talk about, think about, worry about 等等 例句 2: The railway line goes the road at a point. A. across B. about C. on D. from 解析 : 该题答案为 A 28