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38 93 43 59 43

44 1 2 1621 1645 1646 3 1647 1649 4 1 1996 12 121 2 1988 1 54---79 3 1990 2 39 4 1987 8 16 19 1649 27---28

45 1651 5 1656 1662 1664 1667 1668 6 1681 1683 7 13 1958 2 1651 2002 11 67 1961 9 2001 5 1647 1664 1674 38 6 3 31 7 13 1958 2 1964 9

46 1657 8? 1668 9 8 7 1---3 9 7 4---5

47 1683 10 11 12 10 7 35 11 7 45 12 7 47

48 13 14 15 13 7 51---52 14 1960 5 447 15 7 59---62


50 1683 16 16 7 43

51 17 18 19? 20 17 1977 40--41 18 2002 11 25 69 19 1988 12 1987 8 211 1973 653 2000 1 20 1958

52 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 1968 10 22 1994 9 1928 9 190 18 23 1954 9 43 12 456-457 24 25 1963 26

53 27 1 2 3 28 29 30 27 12 28 2002 11 25 89 29 11 30 2001 12 112

54 31 32 33 31 1958 9 1961 9 32 33

55 34 35? 131 34 39--41 35 2001 3 73

56 36 36

57 2003 11 18--19 1 2 1. 1973 1996 12 2. 1983 3 3. 1987 8 4. 1989 6 5. 1990 2 6. 1990 12 7. 1991 1 8. 1994 9 1928 9 1954 9 1 2003 11 20 92 11 21 2 2003 11 17

58 2. 1958 9 3. 1961 9 4. 1988 1 5. 1988 12 6. 2001 12 7. 2001 8. 2002 11 9. 2002 11 10. 2002 12 1. 13 1958 2 2. 13 1958 2 1958 4. 1960 1 5. 1960 5 6. 1963 7. 1964 4 1964 9 9. 1968 10 10. 1969 11. 1977 12. 1983 13. 1987 14. 2000 1 92 10 30 92 1 27 92 1

59 ResearchofShi-lang sproposalsofgivin guporkeepingtaiwan Deng-Shuen Lin Department of Language and Literature Education,National Tainan Teachers College Abstract Shi-lang was a controversial person in the early Ching Dynasty! He might be nobody in the Chinese history of 5000 years; however, he is significantly important to Taiwan. It s still an argument that either he is a race sinner or a hero with an eminent contribution to the national unification. That he devoted himself to protecting Taiwan is a great contribution to the nation. Otherwise, the nation would have lost Taiwan, which had been managed and developed by the Han People, giving up their lives and sweating themselves, for thousands of years. In the late 17 th century, when European countries aggressively and forcefully occupied the Oriental territory, they would not give up taking Taiwan, which was occupied by Holland, Spain, and England before. Therefore, the safety of Taiwan was beyond imagination. In order to examine either the sin or the contribution of Shi-lang, it is essentially important to investigate those questions in the following: (1) Is Shi-lang a sinner as well as a contributor? (2) Why did he argue to protect Taiwan? (3) Did he do it for safety, resource, or geographical advantages? Or did he do it just for his own greediness to grasp all power? It s a good method to examine one historical figure s will and behaviors, right or wrong, according to the value system in their times. Furthermore, we would have a clearer idea about one historical figure by comparing his will and behaviors with those of the figures at that time. After comparison, obviously we would know whether historical figures are over praised or excessively suppressed or not. We can t deny somebody s guilt and immorality in order to protect his integrity or sainted appearance. It is also important for us to know whether the study of guilt and immorality results in our awareness and reflection. Based on the discussion, it is necessary to investigate the cause and result of Shi-lang s devoting himself to protecting Taiwan into the Ching Dynasty territory. This would help us to avoid criticizing, in contrast, one person to be a race hero or a race sinner. Key Words Shi-lang Taiwan give up or keep