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97 1 2 Sony Playstaion 1.7 2004 Wii 2005 290 2011 440 2005 72 2008 113 2005 IDC 2005 2005 2009 19.7% CAGR 2009 2

3 Kleinschmidt and Cooper, 1991 Parasuraman, 1997 Woodruff, Huang and Tai, 2003 Veryzer 1998 Atuahene-Gima 1996

4 97 1 Booz et al. 1982 Boyd and Mason 1999 Kotler 1997 2002 1999 2002 Anderson and Mittal 2000 Zeithaml and Bitner 2000 Kotler 1997

5 Roper 2003 Flint et al., 2002 Kotler 1997 Kotler et al. 1999 Holbrook 1999 Park et al. 1986 Jaworski and Macinnis 1986 Park et al. 1986 Engel et al. 1995 Kotler (1997)

6 97 1 Kotler, 1997 Singh 1991 Singh 1991 Kandampully, 1998 Dick and Basu 1994 Oliver 1997 Oliver 1997 Jones and Sasser 1995

7 Gronholdt et al. 2000 Bowen and Chen 2001 1 2 3 Ingrid 2004 Bowen and Chen 2001 1 Rogers 1995 Hoffer and Alexander 1992 Bourdeau et al. 2002 Jerry et al. (2002) 12 H1

8 97 1 H1 H2 H4 H3 H5 1 1983 Rogers 1995 Engel et al. 1995 Kotler 1997 H2 Rust and Oliver 1994 Anderson 1995 Raval d and Gronroos 1996 Brady and Cronin, 2001 Forneel et al. 1996 Athanassopoulos 2000 Zeithaml and Bitner 2000 2006 H3

9 Doney and Cannon 1997 Sirdeshemukh et al. 2002 Butz Goodstein 1996 H4 Oliva et al. 1992 Anderson and Srinivasan 2003 H5 Ajzen and Fishbein 1980 Lam et al. 2004 - - H6 ( ) 1983 2002

10 97 1 ( ) Park et al. 1986 ( ) Zeithaml and Bitner 2000 ( ) Bowen and Chen 2001 2002 13 Park et al. 1986 11 Zeithaml and Bitner 2000 9 Bowen and Chen 2001 14 Likert 1 2 3 4 5

11 96 4 1 96 8 30 391 28 363 363 40.1% 78% 57.7% 19 24 47.2% 13 18 34.1% 13 24 75% 15,000 75.8% 15,001 25,000 10.7% 47.2% 2.3% 300 56.7% 301 600 32.3% 10 38.9% 11 20 24% 61.8%

12 97 1 1 40. % 38.0% 9.4% 12.5 % 47.2% 27.9% 22.6% 2.3% 3.6% 14.2% 22.9% / 57.7% 1.6% 12 3.0% 13~18 34.1% 19~24 47.2% 25~30 13.3% 31 2.4% 75.0% 1.8% 3.0% 3.2% 9.1% 6.4% 1.6 61.8% 38.2% 15,000 75.8% 15,001~25,000 10.7% 25,001~35,000 7.1% 35,001~45,000 2.8% 45,001 3.6% 300 56.7% 301~600 32.3% 601~900 3.4% 901~1200 2.7% 1201 5.0% 10 38.9% 11~20 24.0% 21~30 13.0% 31~40 8.7% 41~50 5.0% 51~60 2.1% 60 8.3% Hair et al.,1998 Cronbach s α 0.89 composite reliability, CR 2 0.7 Hair et al., 1998

13 2 t- α CR AVE 0.72 0.83 0.83 0.86 0.28 -- 0.88 0.78 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.82 0.61 0.82 0.83 0.30 15.37 0.61 0.74 0.64 0.73 0.64 0.65 0.62 7.21 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.31 -- 0.82 0.70 0.82 0.71 0.57 11.78 0.72 0.68 0.77 0.88 0.77 0.55 0.82 0.64 0.62 0.69 0.53 12.36 0.85 0.80 0.82 0.33 -- 0.84 (GM) 0.76 0.94 0.76 0.62 0.81 0.76 0.75 0.44 11.22 0.71 0.69 0.82 0.73 0.45 0.79 -- 0.80 0.94 0.74 0.59 0.79 0.80 0.38 13.36 0.72 0.80

14 97 1 convergent validity Anderson and Gerbing 1988 p<.05 confirmatory factor analysis, CFA 0.66 0.85 (discriminant validity) 0.50 AVE 0.546 Fornell and Larcker 1981 2003 χ 2 91 2 p 0.00 GFI=0.94 AGFI=0.90 RMSEA=0.067 GFI AGFI 0.9 0.8 0.9 RMSEA 0.08 NFI 0.89 0.9 NNFI 0.93 CFI 0.96 IFI 0.96 PNFI 0.60 PGFI 0.50 Normed Chi-Square χ 2 /d.f. 3.12 3 3 4 γ 11 =0.79 Bourdeau

15 et al. 2002 H1 γ 21 =0.46 Rogers 1962 1983 H2 β 21 =0.29 Kotler et al. 1999 H3 β 31 =0.82 Sirdeshemukh et al. 2002 H β 32 =0.22 Anderson and Srinivasan 2003 H5 2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 5 0.7 0.23 93 H6 3 -- 0.621 -- 0.323 0.323 -- 0.461 0.489 0.316 -- 0.443 0.458 0.260 0.613 -- 0.482 0.431 0.381 0.514 0.465 -- 0.553 0.460 0.298 0.463 0.422 0.584 -- 0.357 0.322 0.236 0.262 0.216 0.457 0.675 -- 0.425 0.414 0.374 0.484 0.411 0.629 0.679 0.567 -- 0.487 0.450 0.388 0.532 0.420 0.675 0.704 0.652 0.425 --

16 97 1 4 T β 21 0.79*** 0.08 12.24 β 31 0.46*** 0.14 3.80 γ 11 0.29** 0.11 2.43 γ 12 0.82*** 0.08 8.55 γ 13 0.22*** 0.07 2.71 5 0.46 0.23 0.7 -- 0.8 0.8 0.82 0.06 0.88 * = p<0.1 ** = p<0.05 *** = p<0.01; ( ) ( ) ( )

17 2008 2006 2007 ( ) 78% 57.7% 13 24 75% 25,000 86% 47.2% 2.3% 600 89 10 38.9% 11 20 24% 61.8%

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19 H6 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

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26 97 1 The Research of Relationship between Product Innovation and Customer Loyalty Tsung-Yu Chou * Department of Distribution Management, National Chin-Yi University of Technology Chia-Lun Hsu Department of Business Adminastration, Ling Tung University Abstract Because the requirements of customers are changing unceasing, all of the enterprises try to attract consumers to consume by product innovation strategy. The product innovation strategy is one of the concepts using in different industry extensively in recent years. The purpose of product innovation is to use the new innovation technique, such as the variety and differentiation of products and service, to strengthen or increase the customer value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty directly. Recently, the online game market develops quickly. Owing to the number of player increasing and he market competition is fierce, business has to produce new products for strengthening market position. Hence, it induces the motivation of this paper. This research will explore the application of product innovation in online game industry and to understanding whether influence the customer loyalty or not. Data were analyzed with SPSS and LISREAL. The results concluding as follows: 1. The product innovation will help and enhance for customer value significantly. 2. Customer value, customer satisfaction will influence loyalty significantly. 3. Both of customer satisfaction and customer value are the important mediators for customer loyalty. Key words: Product Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Value, Customer Loyalty * Corresponding author E-mail: Tel: 04-23924505 ext:6317