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录 1. 简介 2. 正 3. 重点总结

如何写好英 书 较句 李笑来 英 的 较句结构相对中 稍微复杂 些 但更为精确 些 国内的语法书从来就没有任何 本把 较句讲得 够清楚 当年我教写作的时候 这是 乎所有学 都 倍感超值 的 时内容

正 提到 较句 我们 上能够想到的当然是 more/less than as as 先要搞清楚的是词性问题 more/less 以及 as as 中的第 个 as 是副词 那 than 和 as as 中的第 个 as 是什么词 性呢 在书 较句中 它们的词性是 并列连词 conj. 语中 我们可以直接说 A is more beautiful than B. 这时候 than 可以被理解为介词 后 接的是代词的宾格 B 作介 词 than 的宾语 但是 同样意思的书 较句应该这么写 A is more beautiful than B is. 其实这句话是两个句 并列之后组成的 A is beautiful. B is beautiful. 后并列连词 than 放在 B 之前 副词 more 放在第 句话的 beautiful 之前 于是 我们得到这样 个句 A is more beautiful than B is beautiful. 由于并列的两个句 中 第 个句 可以省略与第 个句 相同的部分 于是 最后 个 beautiful 被省略掉 最终就得到 了我们刚刚看到的那个句 A is more beautiful than B is beautiful. => A is more beautiful than B is. 当然 如果把第 个句 的 is 也省略掉 形式上来看就与 语中的表达法没有区别 但显然 在书 较句中 B 是主格 不是宾格 重点1 书 较句其实是 种特殊的并列句 重点2 书 较句第 个句 中的谓语动词建议不要省略 为什么要写成 A is more beautiful than B. 呢 在上 节中 为了避免节外 枝 A 和 B 替代了 较双 因为 B 的主格 是 B 宾格还是 B 没有区别 如果我们要表 她 我更漂亮 的话 那么这个 较句将由两个句 并列构成 She is beautiful. I am beautiful. 由并列连词 than 并列起来之后变成 She is more beautiful than I am beautiful. 并列句中能够省略的是相同的部分 第 个句 的系动词是 am 与第 个句 的系动词 is 是不同的 不能省略 另外 个例 可以 来说明 第 个句 中的谓语动词建议不要省略 是为了避免歧义 如说 我想表达这样 个意思的句 我喜欢她 你也喜欢她 可是我 你更喜欢她 I like her. You like her.

=> I like her more than you like her. 后把相同的部分全都去掉 就变成 I like her more than you. 歧义就出现了 因为 you 既可能是主格也可能是宾格 不要以为 you 特殊 事实上 英 中所有的实义名词都是 主 格 与 宾格 相同的 那应该怎么办呢 应该写成这样 I like her more than you like. => I like her more than you do. 重点3: 第 个句 中的谓语动词如果不是系动词 则可以使 do 的恰当时态替换 重点4: 第 个句 的谓语动词可以倒装 以下是三个 TOEFL 阅读 章中出现过的 个例 Ichthyosaurs had a higher chance of being preserved than did terrestrial creatures because, as marine animals, they tended to live in environments less subject to erosion. The common kestrel nests in larger flocks than does the lesser kestrel. This immunity has been followed by a relaxation of the defenses, and kittiwakes do not react to predators nearly as fiercely as do ground-nesting gulls. 重点5 般来说 相互 较的两个对象应该1) 属于同 范畴 2) 拥有相同属性 我们可以说 苹果 桔 好吃 但很难 较 苹果 与 袜 如果两个对象不属于同 范畴 即便他们 它们 拥有相同的属 性 较起来也没有意义 我们没多 可能说 He is bigger than a chair. 尽管 有 椅 也有 不过 英 的 较句允许 较同 事物的两种不同的属性 既然是同 事物 当然属于同 范畴 另外 我们 法 较 也没必要 同 事物的同 属性 My eyes are bigger than my eyes. 这样的句 很 聊 以下是 个在 乎所有的语法书中都可以找得到的句 A is as smart as beautiful. 先看看这句话是怎么 炮制 出来的 A is smart. A is beautiful. => A is as smart as A is beautiful. 当然这句话还可以写成 A is as smart as she is beautiful. 代词替换 这句话通常被错误地翻译为 A既漂亮 聪明 其实这句话本 并没有说明A究竟有多么聪明 说的只是 A聪明的程度与她漂亮的程度 样 在不知道A有多么漂亮之前 我们仅通过这个句 没办法确定A有多么聪明 如果前 中已经告诉我们A 常漂亮 那么我们可以通过这个句 得知 A 那么漂亮 竟然也 那么聪明 有 建 议把 竟然也 改为 同时也 如果前 中提供的信息告诉我们A的漂亮程度只不过是 相貌平平 那么这个句 告诉我们的是 A 其实 智商平平

所以说 A is as smart as beautiful. 翻译成 她有多漂亮就有多聪明 应该更准确 些 重点6 较句的意义依赖上下 较句中的第 个句 是 参照系 较句中的第 个句 所提供的应该是 已知信息 Known Information 第 个句 提供的是 新的信息 New Information 如果有 突然说 李笑来现在聪明多了 那他的 外之意是 过去李笑来是个 笨蛋 有 建议吧 是个 笨蛋 改成 没 这么聪明 根据以上讲解 进 步 A is as stupid as beautiful. 的意思应该是 A愚蠢的程度与她漂亮的程度 样 有了以上的认识 类似以下的句 这是 道GRE ISSUE作 题 也很容易理解 Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society. 现在 我想表达这样的想法 计算机 操作起来 很复杂 计算机也很有 可是 我想抱怨 计算机并不像它那么复杂地 那么有 要是复杂程度和有 的程度 致 我们作为 有时也就可能认了 凡事 都有代价么 但是 它那么复 杂 却没那么有 的时候 我们就变得很不耐烦了 如Microsoft的操作系统就是很令 恼 的东西 Computers are useful. Computers are complex. => (However,) Computers are not as useful as complex. (这句话还可以写成 Computers are not as useful as they are complex. 现在 再试 较以下 个句 对计算机的抱怨的程度 Computers are not as useful as complex. Computers are (much) less useful than complex. Computers are (much) more useless than complex. 显然 第三个句 能表达最强程度的抱怨 注意 前两个句 较的是 useful 和 complex 第三个句 较的 是 useless 和 complex 任何思想都有很多种表达 法 其中总是 少有 种表达 法 其他 法更加有效更加准确 把可能的表达 法都罗列出 来 仔细甄别 最终选出那个最有效 最准确的表达 法的过程 其实就是传说中的 炼句 了 提到 more/less than 或者 as as 我们直接想到的是形容词与副词的 较级与最 级 可是 我们有的时候需要 较 名词属性 如这个句 He is more of a friend than a father. 这句话是如何 炮制 出来的呢 He is a friend. He is a father. => He is more a friend than he is a father. 可是 more 是副词 副词什么时候可以修饰名词呢 错的时候 副词是不能修饰名词的 那怎么办呢 填 个 of 进 来 of 后 接上 个名词所构成的介词词组相当与那个名词词义的形容词词性 真拗 所以 以下两个句 是等价 的 It is very important. It is of great importance. 于是 填进去 个 of 之后

He is more a friend than he is a father. => He is more of a friend than a father. 这句话的意思是说 他是个好 亲 更是个好朋友 这其中的 好 应该是在前 中已经描述过的 较句是依赖上下 的 重点6 重点7: 较名词属性的时候 more 后 要加上 个 of as 后 要加上 much of 所以 如果我想表达 他是个多好的 亲 他就是个多好的朋友 那么就应该写成 He is as much of a friend as a father. 现在我们可以通通透透地理解下 这个所谓的 难句 了 这是 个托福阅读中出现的句 难倒过不少 Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life. 让我们逆向拆解 下这句话的 炮制 过程 重点1 Life s transition from the sea to the land was an evolutionary challenge. The genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. => Life s transition from the sea to the land was as an evolutionary challenge as the genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. 加上 个程度副词 perhaps => Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as an evolutionary challenge as the genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. 因为 较的是名词属性 as 后 加上 much of 重点7 => Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as the genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. 第 个句 中重复的部分省略掉 谓语动词不省略 重点2 => Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as the genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. 第 个句 的谓语动词倒装 重点4 最终得到我们之前看过的句 => Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life. 这句话的意思是说 如果说 命的起源是个进化的挑战 的话 那么 命从海洋到陆地的演变是个更 程度的进 化挑战 由于 较句中的第 个句 重点1 是参照系 重点6 所以 在读到这个句 之前 肯定有笔墨描述 The genesis of life was an evolutionary challenge. 在那篇 章中 这个 较句是第三句话 Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years after the Earth was formed. Yet another three billion years were to pass before the first plants and animals appeared on the continents. Life s transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life.

再看 个 GRE ISSUE 作 题 中的句 When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers. 现在能够完全明以下句 是如何构成的 以及这句话究竟是什么意思了吧 exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. GRE ISSUE 作 题库 还有这样 个句 In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect. 这个句 是怎么构成的呢 Competition has a negative effect. Competition has a positive effect. => Competition has more a negative effect than competition has a positive effect. => Competition has more of a negative effect than competition has a positive effect. 现在 还有两个 effect 是重复的 于是 这句话最终可以有两个版本 Competition has more of a negative effect than a positive one. 代词替换 Competition has more of a negative than a positive effect. 第 个 effect 省略掉 这两个版本都是正确的 通常推荐使 第 个版本 因为它更简洁 TOEFL 作 题 中有这样 道题 It has been said, Not everything that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? 这道题并不像看起来那么简单 如若没有 提醒 很多 考 会在作 中去 较 书本 与 经验 不知不觉作 就写得越来 越乱 为什么呢 因为 书本 与 经验 并不属于同 范畴 重点5 很难进 有意义的 较 其实 题 中要求的是 较 (A) 从书本中获得的知识 与 (B) 从经验中获得的知识 都是 知识 于是属于同 范畴 于是 可以做这样的 较 1) 从书本中获得的知识要 从经验中获得的知识更 博 或者 2) 从经验中获得的知识要 从书本中获得的知识更深 这两句话应该怎么翻译呢 绉绉 的书 形式应该写成什么样呢 读者不妨先尝试 下 我们先讲点别的东西 会 回 头再讲这个句 有的时候我们需要 较的不是A和B 是属于A的 个事物与属于B的 个事物 也就是说 我们要 较的是 A s X 和 B s X 较句是两个句 构成的 于是 最终的 较句 抵上应该含有以下结构 A s X than/as B s X 绉绉 的书 语讲究 避免重复 甚 会 避免重复结构 A s X 和 B s X 就是结构上的重复 英 中的所属格有两种表 式 A s X 和 X of A B s X 和 X of B 于是 书 较句的第 个句 使 A s X 和 X of A 中的任何 个 第 个句 中往往使 X of B 的形式

A s X than/as X of B 可是 X 还是重复了 那怎么办呢 换成代词 that 他的眼睛 我的眼睛 语中直接说 His eyes are bigger than mine. 就完事 了 绉绉 点的书 语要写成 His eyes are bigger than those of mine. 注意 要 those 不是 that 因为 我 不是独眼 重点8 较句中的第 个所属格往往表 为 that/those of 的形式 以下是 个托福阅读 章中的句 Baskets produced by other Native Americans were less varied in design than those of the Pomo people. Lavoisier s interpretation was more reasonable and straightforward than that of the phlogiston theorists. This amount of change that has occurred in fossil bone, even in bone as old as that of dinosaurs, is often remarkably small. 事实上 除了 than/as 之外 还有很多 较结构 都可以使 这种 所属格代词结构替换 same as:the values of the news media are the same as those of the elite, and they badly want to be viewed by the elites as acceptable. similar to: Their composition is thought to be similar to that of Earth s iron core, and indeed they might have once made up the core of a large planetoid that disintegrated long ago. differ from:how did the work of American carvers in 1776 differ from that of contemporary sculptors? prefer to:they prefer the temperature and climate of the canopy to that of other environments. favor over:rather, the denominator ideology is to favor businesses interests over those of individuals. superior/inferior to:the position of the women, lie says, is miserably inferior to that of English and American working women, and the hours of work of English people a whole age ahead of those of their Continental brethren. parallel to: The author discusses the development of flight in birds as resulting from a separate but parallel development process to that of pterosaurs. 现在 让我们回到前 提到句 从书本中获得的知识要 从经验中获得的知识更 博 之前 多数 会把这个句 翻译成 Knowledge gained from books is broader than knowledge gained from experience. 这样翻译当然完全没错 不过 如果应 下刚刚讲解过的内容 那么这句话可以写成 Knowledge gained from books is broader than that gained from experience. 应 重点2 书 较句第 个句 中的谓语动词建议不要省略 那么 Knowledge gained from books is broader than that gained from experience is. 再应 重点4 第 个句 的谓语动词可以倒装 那么 Knowledge gained from books is broader than is that gained from experience. 再给提供两个例 In particular, the responses of less-educated individuals are far more sensitive to issue framing than are those of highly educated individuals.

Thus, Darwin concludes in the last sentence of the book, we are brought face to face with a difficulty as insoluble as is that of free will and predestination. 如果我们想表达 今天的学 实际上并不 过去的学 更聪明 但由于有了计算机的帮助 今天的学 懂得 过去的学 更多 这句话在托福作 中可以 得到 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 多数 原本的表达可能是这样的 Students nowadays are in fact not smarter than students of the past. 应 之前的各个重点 现在读者可以炮制出 Students nowadays are in fact not smarter than were those of the past. 英 当中有 个词 本质上是 代词 却在任何词典或者语法书中都没有被当作代词处理过 这个单词是 counterpart 重点9 counterpart 本质上来看是 较句中的代词 之前的句 今天的学 实际上并不 过去的学 更聪明 还可以这样写 Students nowadays are in fact not smarter than were their counterparts of the past. 再补充两个使 counterpart 的例句 The idea that antioxidant supplements are the same as their counterparts that are naturally present in food is a myth. In international comparison, Swiss labor force is cheaper than its counterpart in neighboring countries.

重点总结 1. 书 较句其实是 种特殊的并列句 2. 书 较句第 个句 中的谓语动词建议不要省略 3. 第 个句 中的谓语动词如果不是系动词 则可以使 do 的恰当时态替换 4. 第 个句 的谓语动词可以倒装 5. 般来说 相互 较的两个对象应该 1) 属于同 范畴 2) 拥有相同属性 6. 较句的意义依赖上下 较句中的第 个句 是 参照系 7. 较名词属性的时候 more 后 要加上 个 of 较名词属性的时候 as 后 要加上 much of 8. 较句中的第 个所属格往往表 为 that/those of 的形式 9. counterpart 本质上来看是 较句中的代词