compared with London, Canada and London, USA. We call this corrective mark of origin. 另外一些国家要求在进口货物上注明原产地标志, 缺少此标志会导致对这些货物的原产地产生误解 在商品的生产地与进口国某地同名的情况下

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Chapter 24 Export Marking I. Objectives To have a good understanding of the roles of export marking and documentation To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. II. Introduction Why is the export marking of so great an importance in the commercial practices? What requirements should the exporter meet in export marking? These problems are to be solved in this chapter. 在商业实践中为什么出口标志如此重要? 在出口标志方面出口商必须满足哪些要求? 这些问题将在本章中得到解决 III Main points of the text 1. What s the significance of export marking? 2. The most important one is shipping mark agreed upon by the both parties. 3. The marks of origin 4. The corrective mark of origin 5. marks about special handling IV. Background and terminology 1. the compulsory mark of origin 强制性原产地标志 Many countries require that the imported goods and the packages in which they come, be marked in a conspicuous place with the name of the country of origin, Without it, heavy fines or penalties are imposed against the exporter by the importing country. This is called the compulsory mark of origin. 在进口货物及其包装上的显著位置标上原产地国名 没有原产地标志, 进口国会对出口商课以重税或重金罚款 这叫做强制性原产地标志 2. the corrective mark of origin 纠正性原产地标志 Some other countries require that a mark of origin be placed on imported goods if its absence would create a false impression about the origin of such goods. This can occur if the goods show a place of manufacture with the same name as that of a place in the importing country, e.g. London, England, 1

compared with London, Canada and London, USA. We call this corrective mark of origin. 另外一些国家要求在进口货物上注明原产地标志, 缺少此标志会导致对这些货物的原产地产生误解 在商品的生产地与进口国某地同名的情况下可能发生这种情况, 例如 : 英国的伦敦, 以与加拿大的伦敦和美国的伦敦相区别 我们称之为纠正性原产地标志 1. export marking 出口标志 2. commercial practice 商业惯例 3. marks of origin 原产地标记 4. port of destination 目的港 5. country of origin 原产国, 启运国 6. shipping mark 发货标记, 运输标志, 唛头 7. consignee the one to whom something, such as goods or merchandise, is consigned 收件人, 收货人, 受托人 8. manufacture 制造, 制造业, 产品 9. instruction detailed directions on procedure 指示, 用法说明 ( 书 ) 12. Introduction What is export marking? 出口标志 It is used for the consignor and consignee to identify the packages in shipment. It usually takes the form of geometrical patterns, letters, figures and words, shown on the outer package, including the name or code name of the destination, the short form or code name of the consignor s or the consignee s name, case number, size, weight, origin of country, etc.. 13. What is shipping mark ( 运输标志 )like? simple, large enough, and easily readable ; a simple design: a circle, diamond, a square, a star or a triangle or any other pattern the buyer s initials the order number or contract number the exporter s initials the name of the final port of destination (via ) unit number and total number V. Language Points a) Selecting the proper package is closely related to export marking. 选择适当的包装与出口标志是密切相关的 本句有两点值得注意 : (1) be (closely) related to 意为 与 ( 密切 ) 相关, 其中 related 是形容词, 与介词 to 或 with 连用, 如 : Northwest China is geographically and historically closely related to Central Asia. 中国西北部, 在地理和历史上, 与中亚有密切的关系 The DNA data proved that humans are closely related to chimps. DNA 数据证明人类与黑猩猩有亲缘关系 It is reported that high blood pressure is closely related to body weight. 据报道, 高血压与体重有密切关系 (2) Selecting the proper package 是动名词短语, 用作主语 2

2 For the purpose of aiding the exporter and importer in handling packages in accordance with the best commercial practices, a scientific marking policy to cover all shipments must be adopted. 要想帮助进出口商按照最佳商业惯例来处理包装事宜, 就必须采用一种科学的标志政策来对待所有的货物 此句的结构为 : 主语 a scientific marking policy, 谓语 must be adopted, For the purpose of ( 为了 的目的 ) 可以看作复合介词, 后接动名词短语作宾语 : aiding the exporter and importer in practices 动名词短语本身带有两个介词短语, 即 in handling packages 和 in accordance with the best commercial practices, 作状语 for the purpose of 为了 的目的 Did you go to London for the purpose of doing business? 你去伦敦是从商吗? For what purpose did your committee invite me to come here? 委员会邀请我来这里目的是什么? in accordance with 可视为复合介词, 意思是 根据, 依照, 与 一致, 合乎, 后接名词, 例如 : In accordance with your instructions, we have suspended our work. 按照你方的指示, 我们已中止了我们的工作 In accordance with cables exchanged, we are glad to have sold you 50 tons castor seeds. 按照双方往来电报, 我们很高兴已售给你方 50 吨蓖麻籽 Party B shall guarantee that the machines to be provided are in accordance with party A s requirements and specifications. 乙方保证其供给的机器符合甲方的要求和规格 He did not act in accordance with the orders that were given him. 他没有按照所给指令行事 The goods will be sent in accordance with your instructions. 货物将按照你们的指示发送过来 3. Markings facilitate identification of packages and enable the particular shipment to be readily recognized and picked out from the many others arriving at a busy port 标志使包装易于识别, 让特定的货物能轻易辨认并从许多其它的到港货物中挑选出来 facilitate: to make easy or easier 使容易, 使便利 The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. facilitate 和 enable 均是及物动词 : facilitate 意为 to make something easy or easier to do( 使便利 ), 例如 :To facilitate this project and to improve communications, it was agreed that each side would establish a liaison office in the city of the other. 为了使这个项目顺利发展, 改进通讯条件, 双方同意各自在对方的城市建立联络办公室 enable 意为 to make something possible( 使成为可能 ), 例如 :Strategic research enables the agency to understand better how consumers use a product or service and how they regard the product 3

or service. 战略研究使得代理商能更好地理解消费者是如何使用产品和服务的以及他们是如何看待产品或服务的 例如 : The punctual shipment of the goods enabled us to place them on the market just ahead of the season. 准时交货正好使我们能在季节到来之前将货物投放到市场 We shall be very much obliged if you will effect shipment of the goods as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. 如贵方尽快装船, 使货物能赶上季节开始时需求旺盛的高潮, 则我方不胜感谢 identification: recognition 4.pick out: to discern from the surroundings; distinguish: 分辨出 ; 辨别出 ; 挑选出 To pick him out from the crowd 从人群中认出他 It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store. 玛丽花了很长时间在那个商店里挑选新衣服 The box was so dirty that we couldn t pick out the directions on the label. 盒子太脏, 我们辨认不出标签上的说明 5. Markings facilitate the singling out of a particular package of shipment for such purposes as sampling, repacking, expediting by express, etc. 为了诸如取样 重新包装 加速投递等目的, 标志有利于从同批货物中挑选所提货物 single out: pick out 挑选 sampling 取样 repacking 重新包装 expediting by express 加速投递 6. Markings make known the contents of a package without removing the outer packing case and unpacking the goods. 标志可以使人们了解货箱内所装货物, 而不需取掉外包装箱, 拆开包装 make known( 使 被了解 ) 中的 known 是过去分词, 用作宾语补足语 它被置于宾语之前, 是因为本句的宾语太长, 避免 头重脚轻 remove: to take off or take away 取下, 拿走 to remove your hat to remove a child from a class unpack: To remove from a container, from packaging, or from packing 打开包裹取物 ; 将 从一个容器 包裹或包装中取出 To unpack objects from a container. 解开包裹拿出东西 7.Then, markings facilitate the obtaining of information about the ultimate consignee through the symbols so as to reduce the number of marks on the case and keep the trade information 4

secret. 然而, 通过一些符号, 标志有助于获得有关最终收货人的信息, 以减少货箱上标志的数量, 并使商业情报不致泄露 (1)consignee( 收货人, 受委托者 ) 的 -ee 是后缀, 接在动词之后, 构成名词, 表示 受 者 之意 例如 :employee 雇员, 雇工 ; addressee 收信人, 收件人 ; trainee 受训练者 (2) so as to do something( 以便做某事 ) 用作目的状语 to 不是介词, 而是不定式符号, 须接不定式 例如 :We hope you will manage to reduce your prices so as to stand the competition. 我们希望你方设法降低价格, 以便经得起竞争 还可接否定的不定式, 例如 : They lowered their prices so as not to lose the order. 为了不失掉这项定货, 他们降低了价格 so as to 与 in order to 是同义词语, 但 so as to 不可用于句首, 下句中 in order to 不可用 so as to 代替 : In order to help you to develop business in this line, we are prepared to offer you a discount of 5%. 为了帮助你方开展这类商品的业务, 我们愿提供你方 5% 的折扣 下句中 so as to 可以换成 in order to : Please confirm your acceptance of our new price so as to enable us to mail our contract. 请确认接受我方新价, 以便邮寄合同 8. Finally markings further aid in forwarding and distribution. 最后, 标志有助于进一步运送和分发 to aid (in doing something) 意为 有助于做某事 再如:The government finally intervened to aid in the building of its private industry. 政府最后出面援助其私有工业的建设 aid 在这里同 help 的意思是相同的, 用法不同 例如 : VCD aids in giving people more information. 光盘有助于人们获得更多信息 VCD helps people with more information. 光盘帮助人们获得更多信息 forward: To send on to a subsequent destination or address; to send 发送, 转送 ; 发送或转送到一个地址或目的地寄送 forwarding agent 运输商 forwarding business 运输业 forwarding station 转运站 distribution: The act of distributing or the condition of being distributed; apportionment 分配, 分发 9.The most important one is shipping mark agreed upon by both parties. 最重要的标志是经双方同意的运输标志 shipping mark: 运输标志 agree (up)on: 对... 达成协议 ; 对... 取得一致意见 5

We agree on this count. 在这一点上, 我们的意见一致 agreed upon by the both parties 是过去分词短语, 用作后置定语, 修饰 shipping mark 当分词用作后置修饰语时要注意其时态 ( 现在分词表示进行, 过去分词表示完成 ) 和语态 ( 现在分词表示主动, 过去分词表示被动 ); 另外, 用作后置定语的过去分词一定是及物动词 请分析本课文中其它含有分词作定语的句子 : There are about one hundred indicative marks being used in the world today (=which are being used in the world today). 现在世界上正在被使用的指示性标志大约有一百种 句中 being used 是现在分词的被动态, 修饰限制 indicative marks, 所以译为 世界上正在被使用的 The exporter, while marking the package, must ensure that the goods being shipped abroad(=which are being shipped abroad) have the required marks of origin. 出口商在刷唛时要保证向国外运送的货物标有符合要求的原产地标志 句中 being shipped abroad 跟上句相同, 是现在分词的被动语态, 修饰限制 the goods, 译为 正被运往国外的 On the top and at the sides outside the design, there may be two or three other letters, representing the exporter s initials. 在图案的顶部和外边, 可有另外两个或三个字母, 代表出口商的字头 representing the exporter s initials 是现在分词主动语态, 该分词短语前有逗号, 如同非限制性定语从句 which represents the exporter s initials 10.Inside the design will be one, two or three letters (usually the buyer s initials), and underneath (will be) the order number or contract number. 在图案里, 有一 二个或三个字母 ( 通常是买方名称的字头 ), 下面是订单号码或合同编号 Below the design will be the name of the port at which the buyer will receive the goods. 在图案的下方是买方接收货物的港口名称 以上两句采用了全倒装语序, 主语在后, 用作表语的介词短语放在句首 11. Many countries require that the imported goods and the packages in which they come be marked in a conspicuous place with the name of the country of origin. 许多国家要求在进口货物及其包装上的显著位置标上原产地国名 Some other countries require that a mark of origin be placed on imported goods if its absence would create a false impression about the origin of such goods. 另外一些国家要求在进口货物上注明原产地标志, 缺少此标志会导致对这些货物的原产地的误解 以上两句结构相同 : 谓语动词 require 后跟 that 引导的宾语从句, 从句中的动词用原型或 should + 原型虚拟式 The marks of origin 原产地标志 (1) the compulsory mark of origin the imported goods and the packages in which they come, be marked in a conspicuous place with the name of the country of origin conspicuous: adj. easy to notice; obvious 易见的 ; 明显的 6

hang a picture in a conspicuous place 把画挂在一个显眼的地方 She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style. 因为她衣着鲜艳, 发型古怪, 所以总是惹人注目 12. Without it, heavy fines or penalties are imposed against the exporter by the importing country. 没有原产地标志, 进口国会对出口商课以重税或重金罚款 impose: To establish or apply as compulsory; levy: 强制地建立或运用 ; 征收 : impose a tax. 征税 13. This can occur if the goods show a place of manufacture with the same name as that of a place in the importing country, e.g. London, England, compared with London, Canada and London, USA. 在产品的生产地与进口国某地同名的情况下可能发生这种情况, 例如 : 英国的伦敦与加拿大的伦敦和美国的伦敦相比较 此句是一个复合句, 主句在前, 后接 if 引导的条件状语从句 过去分词短语 compared wit 在条件状语从句中充当状语 例如 : If you compare our products with theirs, you will agree that our price is not high at all. 如果拿我们产品同他们的产品相比较, 你们就会同意我们的价格根本不高 Compared with the previous year, the average retail price was reduced 9 per cent. 同前一年相比, 平均零售价格降低了 9% The quality and prices of our products compare very favorably with those of other suppliers. 我们的产品同其他供应商的产品比较, 质量不次, 价格不高 14. compare with 和... 进行比较 Please compare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard. 请将你的译文与黑板上的译文标准进行比较 The police compared the forged signature with the original. 警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较 15. In the case of goods which require to be specially handled, such instructions are always expressed on the package in words such as This Way Up, Keep Away From Heat, or in the form of internationally recognized symbols. 对装卸时需加以特别注意的货物, 包装上总是标有诸如 此端向上 防热 等文字或世界上通用的指示性符号 In the case of: (1) =as far as; as for 就... 来说, 至于 In the case of you, no remedial writing course is needed. (2)=in case of 在 情况下 ; 万一 ; 假如 In (the) case of fire, call 119. 7

indicative marks: 指示性标志 keep from 阻止, 隐瞒, 制止 The newspaper refused to keep the facts from the public. 报纸拒绝对公众隐瞒事实真相 Bad weather may keep the ship from arriving on schedule. 坏天气可能会使轮船不能如期到达 16. These apply to markings on the outer cover of the packages. 这些指示性标志适用于外包装上的标志 apply to( 适用于 ) 中的 to 是介词 例如 : These prices quoted will apply only to orders received on or before may 31. 报出的价格仅适用于 5 月 31 日及其以前所收到的订单 This part of the new law does not apply to Scotland. 新法律的这一部分不适用于苏格兰 We have to apply the same rules to everyone, showing no favor. 我们应该使人人都得遵守这些规则, 无一例外 VI. Summary of the lesson Selecting the proper package is closely related to export marking. For the purpose of aiding the exporter and importer in handling packages in accordance with the best commercial practices, a scientific marking policy to cover all shipments must be adopted. The most important one is shipping mark agreed upon by the both parties. The exporter, while marking the package, must ensure that the goods being shipped abroad have the required marks of origin. In the case of goods which require to be specially handled, such instructions are always expressed on the package in words such as This Way Up, Keep Away From Heat, or in the form of internationally recognized symbols. VII. Comprehension questions 1. Which is the most important one of all the marks? 2. What should a shipping mark be like? 3. What simple design does shipping mark usually have? 4. Where is shipping mark always shown? 5. What s the compulsory mark of origin? 6. What is the corrective mark of origin? 8