2 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 t255a. 6. more + adj. + 名词, 会有歧义, 因为不知 more 修饰谁 :adj 还是名词? 如 more gasolineefficient cars, 可以考虑使用如此结构 :

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1 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 OG-SC 完全归纳 总原则 : 符合逻辑 平行结构 时态一致 指代清楚 主谓一致 表达地道 说明 1. 所有总结纯属个人理解, 希望大家共同修改完善 2. 大家斟酌使用 3. 所有的题目均来自 offical guide.t203bc 表示 offical guide 上 sc 部分的第 203 题 bc 选项 4. 全文分为一下几个部分 : 简洁 / 没有歧义 / 单复数一致 / 平行结构 / 比较 / 代词指代 / 词义差别 / 有选项 / 时态 / 习惯用语 / 大杂烩等几个部分 5.sth. 为某物,sb. 为某人,n. 为名词,un. 为不可数名词,cn. 为可数名词,v 为动词 6. 排列的序号可能不对, 但不影响理解 7. 祝各位好运! 简洁 1. because of + 物主代词 + 动作性名词不如 because+ 名词 + 动词简洁, 即 because of 只用于非常简洁的结构,t48 2. 虚拟语气中的 should 一定要省略 3. 句子中不得有重复的成分, 如 soaring 与 rise/ increase/ grow/ raise 等 (t13), amount to a sum 其中 a sum 就多余 t101,annual 与 a year 重复 t110, attempt, attempt 与 try (t6), never regain again 重复错误.t246, whether or not 应为 whether 4. n + that is + adj. 为 wordy 的表达, 正确的是 : 过去分词 / adj.+ 名词,t34,t151. 如 dioxins t hat are currently uncontrolled 应为 currently uncontrolled dioxins 5. not any 应改为 no,t59; at one time -> oncet188, the thing that ->what (t30) 6. 主语加两个动作, 如果两动作有同一主语, 则两个动作并列, 不能在第二个动作前重复主语 t65,t22e,t135ac 7. 不要用双重所有格,t202 (sth of sb s 错 ), t2 (the size of colorado s 错 ) 没有歧义 1. a+ 修饰短语 ( 如现在分词短语 )+b, 如果修饰短语既可以修饰 a 又可以修饰 b, 则有歧义, 错.t245,t179,262e 2. a and b + 定语从句, 要明白定语从句到底修饰哪个, 可以考虑使用 a + 定语从句 and b 的形式来解决.t27,t85; 在 a 与 b 都是单数以及定语从句修饰 a 和 b 的话, 则可以使用复数谓语的定语从句 t128e 3. increase twice 有歧义 t72 ( 两倍 / 两次 ) 4. a of b and c, 有歧义, 解决办法是 c and a of b,t128. 5. 注意从句主语和谓语省略的用法, 如果该从句位于句首则省略的主语即为主句主语, 如果在句中则省略的主语是该从句之前最近的名词,e1; 答案中应尽量指明主语与谓语,t69ab,

2 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 t255a. 6. more + adj. + 名词, 会有歧义, 因为不知 more 修饰谁 :adj 还是名词? 如 more gasolineefficient cars, 可以考虑使用如此结构 : cars more gasoline-efficient. t112 7. 在描述 a 拥有 b 的时候, 如果 ab 都使用单数, 则有歧义 : 每个 a 拥有复数 b 还是复数 a 拥有复数 b, 解决办法是把 a 换澈氓数,t252 单复数的一致 1. 复合主语, 谓语用复数 t249. bluegrass musician bill monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style were influential on generations of bluegrass artists. was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included elvis presley and jerry garcia. whose music differed significantly from his own. (a) were influential on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to many musicians, that included elvis presley and jerry garcia, whose music differed significantly from (b) influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including elvis presley and jerry garcia, whose music differed significantly from (c) was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, was also inspirational to many musicians, that included elvis presley and jerry garcia, whose music was different significantly in comparison to (d) was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, who included elvis presley and jerry garcia, the music of whom differed significantly when compared to (e) were an influence on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to many musicians, including elvis presley and jerry garcia, whose music was significantly different from that of 2. each of every one of 为单数 3. a and b + 复数动词, 即无论 a,b 是 cn 还是 un. t107 4. there be 句型中, 单复数应有后面的句子主语来决定. 5. 一本书应用单数 t174 6. 在以下结构中注意数的一致, 名词 a+ be 动词 /act as/ + 另一名词 b, 应该保证 a 与 b 在单复数上一致. 如 t1, t3. men and women when a child ( 有 a child 与 men and women 不一致 ); some bat caves have residents that take on different duties such as defending, acting as sentinels ( 这里 residents 与 sentinels 一致 ) 7. 考虑主谓一致的时候, 不仅要注意主语的单复数, 同时也要注意指代主语的代词的单复数, 以此来排除一些选项,t265d 8. 注意复数对应复数 t61,t97,t122. eg. iguanas are still prized as game animals 平行结构 1. 在以下平行结构中, adj+ 名词 1 and/or + 名词 2 以及 动词 1 and/or 动词 2+ 名词, 应分别考虑能否搭配的问题 t107 2. 注意大平行中有小平行, 而且平行结构最后一个 item 之前要有 and 连接 t233 3. 搞清楚谁与谁平行 t135,t160: to help preserve ancient egyptian monuments threatened by high water tables, a swedish engineering firm has proposed installing pumps,perhaps solar powered,to lower the underground water level and dig trenches around the bases of the stone walls. (a) to lower the underground water level and dig trenches

3 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 (b) to lower the underground water level and to dig trenches (c) to lower the underground water level and digging trenches (d) that lower the underground water level and that trenches be dug (e) that lower the underground water level and trench digging 4. 平行结构应尽量保持对称 : 形式对称 (t25, t30,t93, t106,t155, t225); 主动与被动表达上 (t16, t133); 语法上 (t33) 对称, 如 to do is to do..; 单复数对称,t16,t109, 如 unlike a typical automobile loan, a lease loan; 时态上对称,t16, t28, t46, t113; 比较级别上对称 t207; 意义上对称, 如动作性名词对称结构,t99; 且各部分语法对称 t99 如果不能完全对称, 亦可部分对称, 比如 in part 就与 partly 不对称. t204,t190,t201 5. 需要用平行结构的短语 :rather than (t55, t40),instead of..,as,or..(t138, t148),not x but (rather) y (t22, t172),more x than y, the same to x as to y (t54), as well as, besides (t241), unlike (t244a) 6. 注意从划线部分推断未划线部分的结构 / 意义 / 形式, 如代词指代 (t163, t181), 平行结构 (t188), 划线部分的主语 (t167)t8,t96, t138, t219, t169 7. 首先注意是不是平行结构, 或者划线部分与非划线部分能否构成平行结构, 谁和谁平行对称.t104 8. the way to do sth. is to do sth. t4 9. the more the more 10. 在 a and b + c 的结构中, 如果 a 与 b 平行, 则应分别考察 a 与 b 是否能够正确的与 c 搭配, 即考察平行结构的各部分是否前后搭配得当 反例 :t224-e,t246 多个动词或者动词短语左右平行结构具有相同的宾语的时候, 应注意各个动词或者动词短语能否语并与搭配得当, 特别要注意是否少了介词否. t53 比较 1. more + rather than/ instead of/ compare with/ comparison with 错, 有比较 ( 如 more, better 之类 ) 就有 than,t116, t118, t254; 有 than 就有比较 t106 2. 注意比较的对象要具有可比性 t268, t64 3. 要么 as...as.. 要么 more than 而不要混用 4. 主句从句对比时, 尽量保持平行 t188 5. (1) 名词 1+ 不及物动词 + 介词 + 名词 2 的结构, 如果有对比, 如 higher than / in the same way as /instead of + x, 其中 x 部分通常有两种形式 : 名词 3+ 助动词 以表示名词 3 与名词 1 对称 ; 或 介词 + 名词 4 以表示名词 4 与名词 2 对称. 此处名词换成代词同样适用 t12 (2) 对于 名词 1( 或代词 1)+ 动词 + 名词 2( 或代词 2) 的结构, 如果有对比, 则对比部分的形式为 名词 3( 或代词 3)+ 助动词 关键是此结构已毫无歧义的表明名词 3( 或代词 3) 在与名词 1( 或代词 1) 对比, 而不是与名词 2( 或代词 2) 对比 如 t19, t40, t224, t254 (3) 对于 名词 1( 或代词 1)+ 动词 + 非名词 ( 或代词 ) 做宾语的其他成分 的结构, 如果有对比, 则对比部分的形式为 名词 2( 或代词 2) 关键是此结构已毫无歧义的表明名词 2( 或代词 2) 在与名词 1( 或代词 1) 对比 如 t149 formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them ( 指 new small business) in the same way as to established big business 6. than usual/ than ever before(t98) 为习惯表达, 如 the weather is wetter than usual.. 7. as as, 如果是过去的事情与现在的事情比较, 要注意时态的问题,t265, t60 8. x times more than(t199) 以及 x times as as (t187) 表达都是可以的

4 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 代词指代 1. 在同一句子中, 同一代词指代相同的对象.t12,t159 2. 代词要有明确的指代对象 t35,t42,t43,t83, t209a, t247;there,where,those,these,they,its, 出现时, 也要有明确的指代对象 (t35a, t29), 并且该对象不能出现在定语成分中 t38,t60ab, t80cde,t181, t237, t83e, t90abe 3. 名词 1+ 动词 + 名词 2+ 代词 往往有歧义, 不知道代词指代谁, 从语法上来说首先指代名词 2, 如实际上指代名词 1, 则句子表达不清, 如 t227ce 解决办法(1) 名词 1 以及 2 中一个用单数一个用复数 (2) 不用代词, 但是此处重复名词 1 或名词 2 的部分内容 t248c 4. 动词后面用来指代一个动作只能用 so, 如 think so,do so. t41, t215 5. 指代前面提及的 examples or instances 时, 用 such 而非 theset116. 6. do 可以代替动词不定式, 如 t129,their wines are priced to sell and they do ( 代替 sell) 7. 指代人的时候只能用 who(m), 不能用 that/which t188 8. 如果代词指代的是一个被修饰的名词或代词, 则该代词的含义是指整个意思 ( 包括修饰成分的含义 ), 如 t231b 词义差别 1. disadvantaged ( 地位低微的 ) 与 disadvantage 的区别 t30 2. variation among 与 variation in 的区别 ( 横向与纵向 ) t62 3. cost 两个意思 :1: 生产成本, 常用复数 ;2: 价格, 费用, 常用单数 t52 4. as 与 like 的区别 :like 象, 不是同一类, 用于比喻 ; as 作为, 是同一类, 可用于类比 as 表示比较的时候, 一定要用句子, 而非短语 t126, t147; like 则加名词短语 如果用 as 或 like 来比较, 其中一个为肯定, 一个为否定, 则最好使用 like, 而不用 as.. 如 like a,b doesn t.. 5. 表示是否用 whether 不要 if. whether to do sth. 6. native to sth. 与 native of sth. 的区别 t36 7. force 做名词与动词意义的差别 t13 8. as 与 when 之间的区别,as 表示一个渐进的过程, t84. 注意 as people age 与 when people age 之间的区别 9. 现在分词短语 (v-ing) 或现在进行时态的从句做定语 (eg. market that is becoming ), 表示动作正在进行或持续进行 ; 而一般现在时没有这个含义 (eg. market becomes ). 这两类结构相互改变的时候要注意原文想表达的意思 t85, t86abd, t102b, t103 另外, come to do sth. 也表示一个动作持续进行, 如原选项有, 则应保留 如 have come to signified 与 have signified 之间就有很大差别 t77, 一个表示动作在继续, 一个表示动作已经完成 v-ed 表示一个结果, 动作已经结束或者有被动含义. t106 10. 注意 recent extended sales slump 与 recently extended sales slump 之间的区别 t108 11. 比较 develop independently from a 与 develop independently of a 之间的区别 t143. 12. significant 与 significantly 之间的区别 t144 13. economical 节约的 / economic 与经济有联系的, t136 14. be 与 become 有区别, 如果原文有 become 则正确答案要保留 t223 优选项 1. 同位语 2. 出现一个新词, 概括前面的含义. t2 (an area), t38 3. rather than 优于 instead of t143

5 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 4. 介词 +which 优于 where t137 5. 主动优于被动 t138 6. 动词优先于动作性名词 ( 如 manifestation, development), t190 7. 新东方笔记 : 实义名词 > 动词 > 形容词 > 抽象名词 > 分词 动名词 > 从句 (> 在此表示优于的意思 ) 注 :(1) 分词优于从句特指过去分词优于定语从句 ;(2) 对于半抽象名词 ( 指既可以是动词又可以是名词的词如 cost, result, base, help), 动词优于名词, 如 t110 时态 1. 划线部分的时态一般不要改变, 除非有明确的提示 t235,t265 2. 在含有条件从句 (if/unless) 时间状语从句的复合句中, 主句用将来时, 从句用一般现在时, 不用过去, 将来时或 would be 结构 t37,t146-b,t161,t75, t231. t46 例外 : 从句用一般时态, 主句也用一般时态描述规律 另外, 再意义明显不对的时候时态也可能改变 t137 3. since (then ) 要用完成时态, t90 4. 描述过去的事情不能使用现在的时态, 如完成时等 t265 5. 描述过去同时发生的动作, 用一般过去时,t202,t235 6, 描述过去一段时间 ( 从过去到过去 ), 动词用一般过去时 t203 7. having been done 表达有问题,t192d 习惯用语 1. in part 为副词, 不能够用来做连词 t204 3. aim at doing sth. or with the aim of doing sth. t212 4. and also 表示并列, 与短语 not only but also ( 此处不能使用 and also) 同义 t216; 单独的 but also 表示转折,not only..but also 表示递进, 两者有很大差别 5. the rivalry between x and y 或者 the rivals x and y. t217 6. sb. base sth. on sth. 如 one should always base one's opinions on facts. ets 倾向于它 (base) 的两种用法 : n +based on sth. ( 做定语 ); based on sth, sth.( 主语不能是人 ). basing a on b.., sb., 如果 a 是代词的话, 则好像 ets 认为 awkward and imprecise t11 7. during/over a period of 100 years.. 8. withhold from the public the identities t222 9. credit sth/sb. with having had some effect or give credit to sth for having had some effect.t226 10. damage to sth. 11. attempt to do sth t227 12 liken sth to sth t229 13. 在如下结构中,the bag is too heavy to carry,carry 的宾语 it 不需要. t234 14. apprenticeship as t235 15. helpful in doing sth. or help do sth 16. necessity of sth. 而非 for sth. t242 17. able 只能用于人, 不能物 t234 18. there are more birds,but not more numbers. t251 the gyrfalcon, an arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of ddt was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.. (a) extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than (b) extinction; its numbers are now five times more than (c) extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were

6 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 (d) extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had (e) extinction, now with numbers five times greater than 19. pay for jobs, t109 20. 表示原因,sth is determined by sth. 21. elect to do sth. t55 22. lead sb. to do sth. 23. attribute to sb. 归功于 t21 24. likelihood of sth. or likelihood that do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it? 25. regard as sth.,regard as doing sth or sth. is regarded as sth.;prize sth as sth. t97;view sth as sth. t47;think of x as y t182;use sth. as sth. 26. model after 27. prohibit sth. or prohibit sb. from doing sth., 没有 prohibit sb. to do sth. 以及 prohibit that 的结构 t100,t127;forbid sb. to do sth.;keep/prevent sb. from doing sth. 28. propose doing sth. or propose to do sth. or propose that 29. look to sb./sth. to do sth. 指望 30. encourage sth. or encourage sb. to do sth. 31. despite/in spite of 后面不能够跟句子 32. be likely to do sth., t70 33. be liable( 可能 ) to do sth. ( 一般为 bad outcome), 不能用 be liable that 形式, t70 34. allow that / allow for /we must allow him to be a good teacher 承认,allow sb. to do sth. t90ce 35. never before 的用法 :never before had taxpayers confronted so many changes at once as they confronted in the tax reform act of 1986. 36. so much as 用于否定句,as much as 用于肯定句中 p105, 注意 never 不算否定句,t92 37. require sb. to do sth.,require of sb. that,require that,n + required of sb. to do sth. t181, require of sb. to do 以及 require sb. that 为错误的表达 38. order sb. to do sth. t121 39. owe sth. to sb. t130 40. invest millions of dollars in research to do sth. ( 不是 for doing) t112 41. use sth as sth or use sth to do sth. t120 42. one another t126; some others 43. substitute sth. for sth. t127 44. restitution to sb. for sth. ( 表示原因 ) t130 45. equal 以及 equivalent 不仅仅指数量相同, 而且常常修饰 un; as many as 修饰 cn. t132. eg. an equivalent amount of resistance,a volume of water equal to the lake michigan. 46. 介词 + which 优于 where t137 47. suggest doing sth. t160 48. consider sth. sth. t65,79,154 49. require that x be y.t227 50. expect sb. to do sth.,expect sth. to be.,expect that, expect to do sth. or expect sth. 51. sth. is believed to do.;believe x to be y t9;sth. is expected to do sth. t131; x orders y to do sth / be + 过去分词 or x orders that y do sth / be + 过去分词 52. 动词的名词形式 +of +a by b 可以做如下理解, b+ 动词 +a; 如 requirements of irrigation by earlier high-yielding varieties 即 earlier high-yielding varieties require irrigation t128

7 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 53. demand / mandate / propose that + 无 should 虚拟语气,(t142/t145); 注意无 demand/mandate sb. to do sth. 的用法 54. contend that 不要虚拟语气 t157,t229, 没有 contend a to do b 的结构 55. on condition that 虚拟语气 ( 无 should) 56. as if /as though 表示虚拟语气, 不能与 as 对换. t180 57. mistake x for y t150 58. eat 为级物动词 t151 59. with 与 have 表示表示拥有 (possess)t158,t165 60. underlie- underlay-underlain t11. rate 表示 prices charged 的时候用 rates for sth. 的结构 t13. eg. soaring rates for liability insurance. 61. estimate sth. to be years old t14. 63. distinguish between x and y. t15 64. without doing sth/ sth. 不要在 without 与 doing 之间加任何东西 t 15 65 attribute sth. to sth. 66. be known to do sth. t49, 又如 i have known him to run faster than that 67. be difficult to do sth, t26, t103, 不能够说 sb. is difficult. 68. in the coming month 而非 into 如 the economy will continue to expand in the coming month. t28 69. no less than, 而非 none the less..than, 也非 no less as t30 70. admit to sth. 承认. t31 72. a method of doing sth 而非 to do/doing sth., t39 73. worry about sth. 74. range from sth. to sth. or a wide range of sth. t58 / t77. density 是一个 population 的特征, 而非一个个体的属性, 且与 great 连用. t161 75. provided (that) 假若. you may keep the book a further week provided (that) no one else requires it. 76. it is better to use the singular in referring to an anatomical feature common to an entire species. t176 as a result of the ground-breaking work of barbara mcclintock, many scientists now believe that all of the information encoded in 50.000 to 100.000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely three percent of the cell's dna. (a) 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely (b) 50,000 to 100,000 of the human cell's different genes are contained in a mere (c) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in human cells are contained in merely (d) 50,000 to 100,000 of human cells' different genes is contained in merely (e) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in a human cell is contained in a mere 77. persuade sb. to do sth t177 78. the same year that t174 79. x is why ( 错 ),x is the reason why 罗索 t177 80. help to do sth. t177 81. instead of doing sth. 82. target at sb. ( 非 to ) t195 83. research to do sth. t112

8 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 84. damage 作为名词的时候, 用法为 damage to sth. ; 有些题目中把 damage 作为名词使用, 往往缺少介词 to, 结果就未能表示一个事物毁坏了另外一个事物的意义, t125ce 85. necessity of, t242 大杂烩 1. 原文的语气不要轻易改变, 如原文表示让步的语气 (however=no matter how t10)/ 表示强调 ( 如倒装某部分以示强调, t10; 如双重否定以示强调 t51) 等. 2. 根据主动与被动语态来选择答案的话是一个很弱的条件, 一般应首先考虑语法 结构 句意等 t61,t200 3. if the period of time covered began and ended in the past,the verb should be in the simple past tense. t203 4. 注意目的状语与原因状语 结果状语 (so that 与 so as...to 的区别,t67; such that, t29; ) 不要搞混,for 表示原因,to 表示目的. t204. 5. 被动语态如有动作发出者, 要明白从逻辑上说这是不是真正的动作发出者. t204-d 8. 注意限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的区别 t234,t258, 介词短语相当于限定性定语从句 t141. 9. 情态动词 can, may, would ( 表示虚拟 ) 等 (t10, t152, t159), 表示程度的副词 just (t54,t60, t91) 与 some( 大约,t29) 等副词, 不要随便添加和删除 t25,t93, t159,t10. 但是如果前文已有类似词义的词出现, 则要去掉该情态动词 t237 10. population change 不如 change in population 准确 [ 新东方总结 : n + n vs. n + 介词 + 名词, 选用后者 ]t239 11. 在通常情况下, 定语从句中无意义的 that 必须省掉 ( 例外 :t243), 而宾语从句中的 that 必须有, 而且宾语从句要用陈述语气 t93,t9,t16; 12. would 用来修饰一个 promised but not certain 的动作, 不能用来修饰一个已知的事实 t260 13. 定语从句应该搞清楚被修饰成分.. with its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land,cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the great lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses. (a) is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract (b) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract (c) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract (d) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting (e) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract 14. 注意句中独立的介词短语 形容词短语 副词短语是否有正确的修饰对象. t2 (b,e 中独立的 about the size of colorado 没有修饰对象 ),t38, t60a 介词短语 副词短语可以修饰其前面的一个动作 t113,t119, 介词短语 ( 在该短语之前有逗号 ) 也可修饰前面的名词, 如 t179c; 形容词短语则不能修饰动作 孤立的形容词短语修饰前面的一个事情是, 可以考虑再该形容词短语前加一个概括性的名词, 使句子完整,t38 15. 语义的表达必须符合逻辑, 如 t17 是 algonquian-speaking people 而非 algonquian-speaking culture 特别对于难于求解的题目可以考虑从意思 逻辑上区分选项. 如 平行 部分第 3 条, t32, t50 16. 先扫描 5 个选项, 看看有何区别 don t try to read every options word by word. spot the key words. 17. 对人的修饰只能用 who 不能用 which:t17

9 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 18. 一个句子的时态, 注意整体保持一致 t30-a, t46, t88-bc, t55-ab, t230 19. 修饰 cn. 用 many,few, 修饰 un 用 much,little,t34,t59,t107 20. 名词,+ 同位语 / 插入语,+ 动词, 两边的逗号必不可少,t35,t149 21. which 不能用来修饰整个句子, 如果要表达这种意思则有两个解决方案 :(1) 但是 动词 +ing 形式引导的短语可以用来修饰整个句子,t49,t74;( 2) 用一个概括性的名词来代表前面这句话的含义, t38d 如果选择项中使用了 which 则修饰之前的一个名词 t229 22. 现在分词短语位于句首则修饰句子主语, 位于句末且其前有逗号分离的修饰前面的一句话或者动词, 位于句中, 其前无逗号则修饰其前面的名词,t234b, t154,t158 如果现在分词短语放在句中, 前面有名词, 后面有句子, 则往往有歧义, 因为不知道该短语修饰谁, t178bc, t179de 23. 介词短语位于句首与在句中有差别 如在句首, 且用逗号和主句分隔, 则修饰整个句子 ; 放在句中, 则修饰之前的名词 t147c, t256a, t263a 42. also 为副词, 非连词, 不能用来链接句子 t42be 24. twice 为副词, 非 n 故以下表达错误:the number increases by more than twice( 应该为介词 + 名词结构 ),t72 25. 注意句子的逻辑,t50,t33, 以及因果关系 t110 26. sth.1 is sth 2, 注意 sth 2 是否包含 sth1,t56e 27. sth by sth..,by 表示 被, 则句子应该用被动语态 t57 28. so as to 与 so that 之间的区别, 前者为两动作发出这一致,t67,t88, t136 29. 副词短语位于句首, 使用倒装 t85,so..that 结构中,so 位于句首要倒装,t20; 否定词位于句首要倒装 t30c 30. 定语从句尽量紧跟被修饰成分,t113,t117 a + 介词 (eg. of) b + 定语从句 / 过去分词短语 (c) 做定语结构中, 首先考虑 c 修饰紧接着在其前面的名词, 即 c 从语法上首先考虑修饰 b, 再则考虑修饰 a,t109, t229 31. often,first(t170) 与 only 在句中的位置不同, 意义也不尽相同,. 如 can t often do sth., often can t do sth. t70. 故 only 在句中的位置不要轻易改变 t37,t46 32. 注意词序对句意的影响 :more gasoline efficient cars / cars more gasoline-efficient t112; 又如 t154, more than the 500 slaves who were considered his property 与 the more than 500 33. unlike,besides,other than 位于句首, 则修饰主句主语, 即在一下结构中 unlike / besides / other than a, b, a 与 b 应该属于同一类型的, 应该具有可比性 (for example, transplant 与 patient 都不具有可比性 ). t141 如 34. 句子强调的重心应该保留 t153 35. a of b, 中心词为 a 36. 注意定冠词与不定冠词 物主代词的区别 仔细体会 :50 genes in a cell/ 50 genes in the cell/ the 50 genes in cells/ 50 genes in cells t176 注意 the hands 与 his hands 的区别, 一般表达使用物主代词形式 t61, t86. the 表示上文已经提及的对象 (t106, t54), such 也表示上文已经所有提及 t106,t181 37. as as 位于句首应与主句主语一致, 且表现前后比较,as as 表示让步, 如 :as illprepared as they are,they nevertheless find good jobs. t177 38. 现在分词与过去分词做定语时候的区别, 现在分词表示一个正在进行或持续进行的动作, 而过去分词表示一个已经结束或被动状态的动作 :t210 that 从句与现在分词短语修饰, 区别在于一次性 / 多次性, 连续性 t178, t80,t237,t1;that 从句与过去分词短语修饰, 无意义差别, 一般选用过去分词

10 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 39. yet,but 等连词连接独立句子时, 前应该有分号 t184, 连接短语不必用逗号 t114 40. 多动词结构, 特别是混有被动语态时且各动作发出者各不相同时, 应该保证中心动词 ( 划线的部分或其前后的动词 ) 的逻辑主语明确 t171,t181,t183 而且在可能的情况下应该说明被动语态的动作发出者,t210c 41. 被动语态加动词不定式, 则不定式逻辑主语为被动语态动作发出者 t183. 42. 动词 + 宾语 +that 从句为错误的表达, 应为动词 +that 从句 t61 43. 一前一后的两个动作用 and 连接可以表示因果关系. the only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit. 44. 一个事件 a, 发生在某物或某人 b1 身上, 产生某效果 c1; 如果事件 a 发生在另外某人或者某物 b2 身上, 则会产生另外某效果 c2; 但是事件 a 有不可能既发生在 b1 上又发生在 b2 上. 注意体会一下两个例子的表达方法 : a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the west; an adult with such vision. 而不是使用 如果 a 发生在 b2 的话, 就 的表达 ( 就如 t199b 以及 t50a) 例如 t199: because the earth's crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves, an earthquake of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern united states than it does in the west. (a) of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern united states than it does in the west (b) of a given magnitude will typically devastate 100 times the area if it occurs in the eastern united states instead of the west (c) will typically devastate 100 times the area in the eastern united states than one of comparable magnitude occurring in the west (d) in the eastern united states will typically devastate an area 100 times greater than will a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the west (e) that occurs in the eastern united states will typically devastate 100 times more area than if it occurred with comparable magnitude in the west 又如 t50: as a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500. or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision. (a) as a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision. (b) a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult (c) as a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult (d) a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind. (e) as a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about 20/500. 45 with 引导的独立主格结构 t86 46. 用于举例使用 such as 而非 like 如使用 such adapted spaces 而非 these adapted spaces. t116 47. 介词 s 后尽量用名词 t241, t6, t66 48. although 可以引导一个分词短语 t158, 但是 although 不能够作为关系代词来修饰名词, 即 although/though 出现的必须有完整的整句与从句. 如以下句子就有问题. with crests

11 如果你想咨询留学申请以及办理事宜, 请立即拨打首席留学专家热线 010-58695522 and troughs that remain stationary although the they are formed by rapidly moving air t205 49. 介词短语位于句首修饰整个句子或是句子主语, 此时应特别注意该介词短语是否能够符合逻辑的修饰该句子, 特别是在比较结构中 t133a 50. 一个定语从句修饰一个名词, 如果把定语从句变为单独的一个句子的话, 有可能使得这个名词和该句子的关系不明朗, 且表达的意义有变化, 需仔细周酌,t192e 51. there be 结构中的 there 不是 那里 的意思, 在此表达中,there 不作任何地方上的限制 t168d 52. whereby: 从属连词, 含义为 by, through, or in accordance with which., eg. the means whereby we achieved our goals. 又 a system whereby a new discovery may arise. t41