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Web Online Testing System Based on Web : : :S2002253 : : : 2002 4 1

...1 Abstract...1...2 1.1...2 1.2...2 1.3...3...5 2.1...5 2.1.1...5 2.1.2...5 2.2...12 2.2.1...12 2.2.2...13 2.2.3...13...18 3.1...18 3.1.1...18 3.1.2...21 3.1.3...22 3.1.4...23 3.2...23 3.2.1...23 3.2.2...25 3.2.3 Java ASP JSP...26...30 4.1...30 4.2...31 4.3...32 4.4...33 4.4.1...33 4.4.2...33 4.4.3...33 4.4.4...33 4.4.5...34 4.5...34 4.5.1...34 4.5.2...38 4.5.3...39 4.6...39 4.6.1...39 4.6.2...40 4.6.3...40 2

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Web / Java Asp Jsp,,, / 1

Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, more and more web-based (or Internet-based) applications came into being in recent years. Online Testing System (OTS), as a part of the Distance Learning System, is one typical application especially in universities and educational organizations. Although the traditional paper-based testing format is still commonly being used, Online Testing System has become more and more necessary along with the development of web-based Distance Learning technologies. However, due to the fairness nature of the testing itself and technological difficulties in reality, Online Testing System is not highly recommended. Our research works was mainly focused on the various aspects of Online Testing System including theoretical analysis, overall architecture, components designing, operating mechanism, applicable technologies and concrete implementation, etc. This dissertation is a summary of all the above-mentioned aspects. More importantly, we put more emphasis on the corresponding Test Bank designing and test-sheet generating, Testing Process Controlling and Testing Securities. Also the theory of Client/Server model, Distributed Database Management System, Java, Asp, Jsp, are presented in this dissertation. Finally, the characteristics and advantages of the Online Testing System are summarized; future development and application perspective are also given. [Keywords] online testing, test bank, test-sheet generating, Client/Server 1

1.1 Internet 21 ( ) Web 1.2 Web 2

CAT) Web Internet Web Internet Internet Internet Web 1.3 3


2.1 2.1.1 CCT IRT p (1) (2) (3) (4) 2.1.2 5

, 3 1. S j Pj = 1 (1) F j (1) P j j S j j F j j n, (2) j j : P j = n X ji i= 1 1 (2) nf j (2),X ji i j 0 1 1, 0 (3) P j C j Pj = 1 (3) n (3),C j, P j=1 1 Pj=0 P j =0.5 2. d H c Lc d = (4) m (4) m H C L C d=0 d>0 d<0 3. 6

D 1.702 a b c 7

a b c IRT IRT CAT IRT 1 CAT (1) IRT logistic (2) 8

(3) IRT (4) CTT IRT IRT 2 (1) (2) (3) 3 CAT j ( 1 0) n i i (4) Newton-Raphson ( (5) 9

(6), t+1 t (6) ; ; (7) D 1.702 i 7 i i i 1 0 Web Web Web Web Internet IRT 1. 10

IRT 2. 3. Server IRT Server Server Server Server Server IRT Server 11

2.2 Server IRT Internet 2.2.1 100 120 12

2.2.2 <V,L,S,C> V={v 1 v 2 V n} L={L 1 L 2 L n} S={S 1 S 2 S n} C={C 1 C 2 C n} C V L S 2.2.3 20 20 current_score i accumulated_ score i, final_ 13

score i 20 I ruler i IF accumulated_ score i+current_score i <=final_ score i*(1+0.1) THEN accumulated_ score i= accumulated_ score i+ current_score i n n n IF rule1 AND rule2 AND AND rulen Then C=C+[c] IF time>=6 THEN exit WITH MESSAGE TIMEOUT 1. G { < x, y, z > x X, y Y, z Z, SCOREx + SCOREy + SCOREz <= G} X Y Z 14

< x, y, z > G 2. 15

W = rest _ score aver _ score (1 comprate) num rest_score aver_score comprate num 3. N {ruler1,ruler2, rulern} H N C={C1 C2 Cn} C Ci(i=1 to m), Di={di1 di2 din} Di dij {d1i d2j dmk} {C1 C2 Cn} H N-H N 120 100 100 120 16


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1 2 3 19

4 5 20

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3.1.3 22

3.1.4 Web 3.2 3.2.1 = Web Web 23

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