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口腔健康與年齡增長 ORAL HEALTH AS WE AGE 紐約大學牙醫學院齲齒全方位護理與牙科衛生學系 Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care and Dental Hygiene Programs 良好的口腔等於身體健康 Good oral health equals Good overall health 沒有健康的牙齒就沒有健康的身體 You re not healthy without good oral health C. Everett Koop 今日課題 What you will learn today 口腔健康和全身系統的相關性 Oral health and systemic health: what is the connection? 假牙 Dentures 牙齦疾病 Gum disease 蛀牙 Cavities 口腔癌 Oral cancer 口乾 Dry mouth 一生維持口腔健康 Maintaining good oral health for a lifetime 1

為甚麼好的口腔清潔非常重要? Why is having good oral health important? 口腔衛生與身體健康息息相關 There is a strong connections between oral health and overall health 糖尿病 Diabetes 心臟病 Heart disease 體重減輕 Weight loss 藥物引起的口腔乾燥提升蛀牙機率 Dry mouth from medications increases risk of cavities 骨質疏鬆 Osteoporosis 口腔與系統健康的相關性 : 糖尿病 The oral and systemic health connection: Diabetes 血糖控制不良會增加患牙齦疾病的機會, 反之亦然 Poor control of your blood sugar increases the risk of severe gum disease, and vice a versa. 牙齦疾病負面影響血糖控制 Gum disease worsens blood sugar control. 治療牙齦疾病並維持牙齦健康可以幫助控制血糖 Treating gum disease and maintaining healthy gums will help you control your blood sugar. 控制血糖可以有效控制牙齦疾病 Controlling your blood sugar will help you reduce your gum disease. 口腔與系統健康的相關性 : 口腔乾燥和營養 The oral and systemic health connection: dry mouth and nutrition 掉牙, 假牙, 和唾液減少可能會造成飲食改變 Tooth loss, dentures, and decreased saliva can lead to alteration in diet 用零食飲品改善口腔乾燥, 例如含薄荷糖或喝甜的飲料, 可能會造成 :Compensatory habits such as sucking mints or consuming sweetened beverages to treat dry mouth, may result in: 增加不必要的熱量 Increased caries risk 蛀牙機會增加 "Empty calories" 2

隨著年齡增長會產生哪些常見的口腔健康問題? What are the most common oral health problems as we age? 假牙 Denture problems 牙齦疾病 ( 牙齦炎和牙周炎 ) Gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) 蛀牙 Cavities 口腔癌 Oral Cancer 口腔乾燥 Dry mouth 假牙 Dentures 我有甚麼選擇? What are my options? 活動式全口假牙和部分假牙 Full and partial dentures 為什麼要戴假牙? Why should I consider dentures? 如果你所有的牙齒已脫落 If you have lost your natural teeth. 如果一部份的牙齒已脫落 If you need to replace missing teet.h 損壞或過鬆的假牙需要更換 Dentures may need to be replaced if they become loose and if they chip or break. 不適合的假牙需被更換 Poor fitting dentures need to be relined or replaced. 假牙黏劑可用在適合的假牙來提供額外支持, 但不應用在不合的假牙上 Denture adhesive can provide additional support for well fitting dentures but denture adhesive should not be used on poor fitting dentures. 假牙該如何保養? How do I take care of my dentures? 不使用時將假牙泡在清水裡 Keep your dentures in water when you are not using them. 睡覺時將假牙取出 Remove dentures at night. 每天使用假牙專用牙刷清洗假牙 Brush your dentures every day with a special denture toothbrush. 3

牙齦疾病 ( 又稱牙周病 ) Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) REMEMBER, NORMAL GUMS DO NOT BLEED 記得, 健康的牙齦不會流血 是甚麼? What is it? 牙齦疾病是牙齒周圍的軟組織和骨骼受到感染破壞因此可能造成牙齒脫落 Gum disease is an infection that destroys the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth and may cause tooth loss. 有哪些症狀? What are the signs and symptoms? 牙齦紅腫或發紫 Swollen, bright red or purple gums 牙齦受觸碰時脆弱易出血 Gums that feel tender or bleed when touched 牙齦和牙齒分離 ( 牙齦下陷 )Gums that pull away from your teeth (recede) 牙齒中間空隙增加 New spaces between your teeth 持續的口臭或口腔異味 Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth 蛀牙 ( 又稱齲齒 ) Cavities (also known as tooth decay) 發生在各個年齡層 You are never too old to get cavities. 由牙齒上的細菌造成 Cavities or tooth decay is also caused by bacteria on your teeth that when combined with sugar produce acid. 細菌分解糖產生酸進而侵襲牙齒表面 Acid dissolves away tooth enamel. 徵兆 Warning Signs 口腔癌 Oral Cancer 口腔裡軟組織顏色改變 ( 紅 / 白 )Color changes in the oral tissues (red/white) 吞嚥 咀嚼 說話困難或難以移動上下顎或舌頭 Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving the jaw or tongue 腫痛長時間不癒合 A persistent sore or irritation that will not heal 4

口腔癌 Oral Cancer 徵兆 Warning Signs 口腔內任何一部分或嘴唇疼痛, 壓痛或麻 Pain, tenderness or numbness anywhere in the mouth or lips 腫塊, 組織增厚, 硬化或脫落 A lump, thickening, rough spot, crust or small eroded area 牙齒排列改變 A change in how teeth fit together 造成口腔癌的原因 Oral Cancer: Risk Factors 百分之七十五與吸菸及喝酒有關 75% of oral cancers are attributed to tobacco and heavy alcohol use. 口腔乾燥 Dry Mouth Also known as XEROSTOMIA (Pronounced ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah) 口腔乾燥是指口腔裡口水持續分泌不足夠 What is dry mouth? A persistent feeling that there is not enough saliva in the mouth. 年紀大不是造成口腔乾燥的原因 Dry mouth is NOT a normal part of aging. 口腔乾燥可以造成嚴重的牙齒問題 Dry mouth can cause serious dental problems. 5

口腔乾燥可以造成蛀牙導致牙齒脫落 Dry Mouth can lead to loss of teeth due to tooth decay 也可能造成 :It can also cause: 咀嚼, 吞嚥, 說話, 和味覺障礙 Difficulties in tasting, chewing, swallowing, and speaking 使口腔組織疼痛不適 Make your mouth tissues sore and uncomfortable 容易使口腔感染 Make the mouth more likely develop some infections to 口腔乾燥是許多藥物常見的副作用 Dry Mouth is a very common side effect of many Medications 其他原因 Additional Causes: 癌症化療 Chemo therapy for cancer 頭部接受放射線治療 Radiation to the head and neck 某些健康狀況 Certain health conditions 好的口腔健康來自好的口腔衛生 Good Oral Health Starts with Good Oral Hygiene 6

你可以一輩子擁有好的口腔健康 You can have good oral health throughout your life 年紀漸長不代表你一定要失去牙齒 Getting older does NOT mean having to lose your teeth Its never too late to start 現在開始永遠不嫌遲 保持口腔衛生的技巧 Tips for maintaining good oral health 吃東西講求營養均衡和低糖 Eat a balanced diet that is low in added sugars. 避免零食飲料 Avoid sipping sugary drinks and avoid snacking on sugary foods between meals. 如果一定要吃甜食, 盡量在用餐時候食用 If you must eat sweets, eat them with your meals. 每天使用牙線或其他工具清理牙齒間縫細 Floss or use another between the teeth cleaner every day. 如果您嚼口香糖, 選擇無糖的口香糖 If you chew gum, chew sugarless gum. 定期讓牙醫為您洗牙 做檢查以及牙周 X 光照射 Visit your dentist regularly for cleanings, checkups, and periodic x rays. 保持口腔衛生的技巧 Tips for maintaining good oral health 每天用含氟的牙膏刷牙兩次, 可使用電動牙刷 Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste use an electric toothbrush if you find it easier 7

保持口腔衛生的技巧 Tips to maintaining good oral health 更換用久的牙刷 Change your toothbrush whenever worn 保持口腔衛生的技巧 Tips to maintaining good oral health 幫你的牙齒上氟 : 氟不是只有給小孩 Get the fluoride you need to keep you teeth healthy: its not just for kids! 喝含氟的自來水 ( 非瓶裝水 ) Drink fluoridated (not bottled) water. 用含氟的漱口水 If you use mouthwash make sure it contains fluoride. X 需要牙醫嗎? Need a dentist? 我們可以幫你! We can help! 專線 Call 212 998 9800 8