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eforea, the global spa experience from Hilton, combines three distinct ranges of treatments focused on organic, natural and scientific, results-driven practices, giving every type of traveler the unique therapeutic journey they seek. eforea spa

eforea invites you to explore eforea the essentials journey, made up of powerful, technologically advanced treatments that show instant results the escape journey, a set of holistic experiences that integrates nourishing organic plant ingredients and traditional healing practices the men s journey, a collection of problem-solving re-energizing experiences designed especially for men bringing balance and wellness to the body, we promise to take you on a transformative journey of the senses, helping you to emerge brighter.

the essentials journey

eforea Signature Correcting Facial (With or without Microcurrent) signature acupressure scalp massage. A cooling eye and face treatment completes this solutions-driven experience. A personalized home program is included. eforea Customized Cleansing Facial Firming Facial Antioxidant Facial Sensitive Skin Facial THE ESSENTIALS JOURNEY / FACE / Customized to your skin type, this facial provides visible results in a luxurious, relaxing experience. It includes a professional peel exfoliation, a deep-cleansing masque that infuses vitamins and botanical extracts into the skin to nourish and brighten the skin, a relaxing 16-point acupressure facial massage, and acupressure scalp massage to completely rejuvenate. Leaves the skin smooth, hydrated and glowing. Energize, tone, and firm skin while lifting and creating improved muscle tone with advanced Microcurrent technology and red, LED light therapy. This customized treatment includes cleansing, toning, light extractions and a multi-acid exfoliation, including glycolic, phytic, lactic and salicylic acids. It concludes with the ultimate in hydration therapy, featuring a cooling and relaxing beauty globe treatment. This collagen-stimulating facial delivers immediate, as well as, long-term results, leaving the skin glowing and rejuvenated. Based on the ancient and influential art of Aromatherapy, this deluxe treatment combines skin renewing organic botanicals with antioxidants and vitamins to leave the skin radiant. Performed in harmony with sounds of nature and a bouquet of organic oils, this aromatic facial infuses moisture into the skin as it imparts vitality and relaxation of the mind. It includes a natural enzyme peel; a deep-cleansing acupressure facial and scalp massage to release facial tension, and the use of cold and warm stones to reduce puffiness and clear energy pathways. Enjoy a revitalizing eye treatment with healing rose porphyry stones, followed by a brow shaping. The ultimate treatment for sensitive skin, this facial corrects, protects and rebuilds skin that has been affected by environmental elements, rosacea, aggressive medical peels and laser treatments. Using natural products and healing techniques, this facial includes a gentle enzyme exfoliation. A unique mineral-rich algae masque is applied to hydrate, calm inflammation and nourish sensitive skin and redness. Bask in a luxurious foot soak and foot massage. An acupressure scalp massage releases tension and clears energy pathways to provide deep relaxation. LED 16

eforea Signature Full Body Repair Welcome to our signature journey of the senses. Enjoy this head-to-toe health and sensory experience, synchronized to music. After a cup of herbal tea, we begin with an treatment. eforea eforea eforea eforea THE ESSENTIALS JOURNEY / BODY / Jet Lag Body Remedy Inhale the soothing and harmonizing benefits of organic aromatherapy essences as they envelop your senses in this aromatic Vichy experience. Earthly minerals are combined with a nurturing blend of botanicals in a full body exfoliation. A relaxing Swedish massage with healing crystal-rich stones prepares your body for a warm wrap. This indulgent experience also includes a signature scalp massage and a warm foot treatment. The perfect jet lag remedy. Instant Glow Body Polish A gentle, two step, gentle body exfoliation utilizing granulated pumice stone in a créme base, followed by a loofah scrub with chamomile shower/bath gel, rich in botanicals. The renewing exfoliation is followed by a relaxing massage application of chamomile body spray and chamomile body lotion. Optional application of sunless tanning lotion available in lieu of chamomile spray and lotion. Slimming Detox Body Wrap Using an all-natural spirulina algae, this active seaweed treatment imparts essential vitamins, minerals and protein to nourish and revitalize the body. A warm wrap is followed by a revitalizing massage with detoxifying organic juniper and fennel oils. Very effective when used as part of a slimming or nourishing program. After-Sun Rescue The perfect hydrating and remineralizing treatment for dry or sun exposed skin. A warm, mineral-rich crème is blended with individually chosen organic essential oils and applied to the body followed by an enveloping wrap. The face is cleansed and a remineralizing mud or algae gel masque is applied. While in a deep state of relaxation, the guest will enjoy a Chinese acupressure head, face and foot massage.

the escape journey

eforea Signature Radiance Facial helps to increase circulation and maintain a healthy skin, while mother of pearl saturates the skin with super hydration, leaving the skin plump and radiant. eforea - THE ESCAPE JOURNEY/ FACE / Melt Away Tension Facial With so much tension held in the upper back and neck area, this is a facial that will work to alleviate stress that shows in your face. By starting with a back steam cleanse, exfoliation and massage. The facial continues with a skin analysis to determine your individual needs, working to address specific skin concerns. A facial that goes beyond the usual realms leaves you refreshed and renewed. Rebalancing Facial Targeting the skin types that are oily, problematic and breakout-prone, this facial sequence integrates products that work to purify and balance.with specific facial techniques and massage techniques designed to cleanse and nourish. This facial works to deeply cleanse, purify and rebalance, leaving your skin clean and refreshed.

THE ESCAPE JOURNEY/ BODY / Invigorate & Revive Body Scrub An energizing full-body exfoliation therapy cleanses the spirit, revitalizes the energy meridians and brings tone and clarity to the skin. Your choice of native Australian aromatic oils are applied to the body, followed by desert salts to exfoliate and purify skin. A warm water massage washes away the stresses of the outside world followed by a MIii Pekiri to relieve muscular tension. A sensory experience for the body that leaves skin invigorated and the spirit revitalized. Rest & Restore Body Wrap Unwind, relax and nourish your body with this complete anti-aging rejuvenation experience. To begin, you will be energized and nourished with a complete mother of pearl body exfoliation. Then you will be cocooned in warm and vitaminpacked pearl and kelp body mud, which works to cleanse and deliver essential nutrients to the skin, while you enjoy an Aboriginal inspired LI TYA PAUDI scalp massage. You will then surrender your body and soul to a rhythmic application of hydrating, body treatment oil to complete this truly holistic experience. Total Healing Body Experience Unwind, invigorate and celebrate with this complete body rejuvenation experience. After an invigorating exfoliation with your choice of Australian desert salts or aromatic oils, your body will be cocooned in a layer of your chosen silky, warm, mineral-rich Mapi body mud. An Aboriginal inspired LI TYA PAUDI waterfall scalp massage allows you to drift away to another realm and calms the soul. You will then surrender to the healing, grounding and spiritually uplifting rhythmic full-body massage to complete this truly holistic experience. Sound Steps Hand and Feet Repair Rescue tired, rough and parched hands and feet with this intensive, soothing and replenishing treatment. Tension from your hands and feet will be soaked away, as they are soothed and nourished with lotions and massaged, leaving them refreshed and renewed. Head-totoe Revitalization This all-encompassing treatment combines the hands, feet and scalp, working in unison, to relieve the body of tension and stress, while revitalizing and nourishing hands, feet and scalp. You will be revitalized as the massage melts away tension, leaving your body recharged with a balanced equilibrium. MIii Pekiri LI TYA Paudi Mapi LI TYA PAUDI

Meditation Massage Nurturing Massage Tandem Massage THE ESCAPE JOURNEY /MASSAGE / With a focus on instilling a deep sense of mental and physical relaxation, this massage is perfectly suited to the overworked, overtired and sleep deprived. Integrating deep flowing, nurturing and relaxing techniques to create a seamless massage and rhythmic body massage, Pekiri is inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, which work to reduce muscular and mental tension and enable the body to start healing itself. A choice of native aromatic oils is prescribed to suit your individual needs to rejuvenate, harmonize or detoxify. 60 OR An intense and rhythmic body massage inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, integrating pressure point work, stretching techniques and spiraling movements, this massage integrates the use of hot Guberra rocks to relieve muscular aches and pains, rebalance and realign energy flow to refresh and renew. Excellent maintenance therapy against the stress of the modern world, this massage enables the body to start healing itself, relieving physical and emotional tension. A choice of native aromatic oils is prescribed to suit your individual needs to rejuvenate, harmonize or detoxify. This comforting and decadent massage involves two therapists working their hands in unison to bring greater harmony to mind, body and spirit. A four-hand rhythmic body massage, inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, works the body s energy meridians to renew, refresh and revitalize. It enables the body to start healing itself as a combination of pressure points and spiraling movements that work to ground and uplift, enhancing mind and body wellness. 60

the men s journey

MEN S JOURNEY /FACE / De-Stress Face Treatment This masculine treatment includes an exceptionally de-stressing massage technique that relieves muscular tension of the shoulders, neck and jaw. Knowing all men want to look their best, a skin renewal facial treatment is then performed. Cleansing, smoothing and hydrating, the treatment includes a unique anti-oxidant, red wine, hydrating face masque. This treatment will have you feeling and looking your best. Perfect for making that important business or social first impression.

eforea Signature Three-Part Recharging Massage neck, sending the body into the deepest sense of relaxation possible. Lastly, all stress disappears with the full-body relaxing massage, which includes a deep head and scalp massage, leaving you totally relaxed and rejuvenated. eforea THE MENS JOURNEY/ MASSAGE / Realigning Sports Massage Aimed at the sports enthusiast and/or active gentleman to alleviate muscle soreness, aches and pains. Increasing circulation to heal minor soft tissue injuries and is perfect for pre- or post-physical activities, this deep tissue, tension releasing massage works to ease and eliminate the pain and stiffness accompanying minor muscle strains. A specific and uniquely formulated muscle rub and sports oil are combined for fast and effective results.

eforea Signature Body Repair and De-Stress Face Treatment A complete body and face de-stressing treatment combines a warmed bamboo massage and a deep, slow muscle massage of legs, back and shoulders followed feeling and looking totally relaxed. eforea Total Body Overhaul All-Over Detox Hands, Feet, and Scalp Rescue THE MENS JOURNEY/ BODY / All men will love this deluxe body treatment: A complete body rejuvenating experience offering all over body cleansing and exfoliating, eliminating dull, dead skin cells, while aiding problem skin often found on the hard to reach back area. Targeting both the upper chest and back areas, the body is also treated to a warm, rain-like water massage while reclining as multiple shower heads cleanse the body. A luxurious, relaxing full-body massage follows. To finish, a short, facial detailing treatment which deeply cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and a scalp massage releases all tension. A true body rejuvenating experience you deserve. This treatment commences with a masculine, warmed bamboo massage of the legs to ease muscle tension and muscle tightness. A deep cleansing and exfoliation of the upper back and chest unblocks the skin s pores in those hard to reach areas. Then follows a warm body mud that draws out toxins and renews excellent for problem or oily skin. The body is then re-hydrated with a luxurious back, shoulder and neck massage. The treatment finishes with a relaxing scalp massage, which releases all head tension, while increasing blood circulation to help nourish the hair and scalp. After a long day, your lower legs and feet are rejuvenated with our sea salt scrub and intense, pressure-point massage. This is followed by a tension releasing neck and shoulder massage, both common problem areas for men with stress. Finally, a deep scalp massage will leave you feeling in a totally relaxed state.

additional services - the essentials journey

Express Lifting Express Congestion Express Eyes ADDITIONAL SERVICES /FIRMIN FACIAL ADD-INS Short in time, but quick in lifting. This express treatment helps clear the system of excess fluid and toxins while it strengthens individual facial muscles and helps to firm and tighten pores and wrinkles. Collagen production, blood circulation and cell activity are all increased to help create a youthful glow. +20 MINS Clear away unwanted fluids and toxins from the skin while drawing out excess sebum.this upgrade is perfect to treat an oily or congested skin and stabilize it s chemical balance, providing a healthy-looking, clear appearance. +20 MINS Banish dark circles and puffiness with this stimulating and lifting treatment. This program has been designed to help increase circulation and strengthen the muscles around the eyes to brighten, lift and tighten. +20 MINS +20 +20 +20

ADDITIONAL SERVICES /FIRMIN FACIAL ADD-INS Eye and Lip Rescue This intensive eye and lip treatment treats the delicate areas that deserve special attention. This specialized treatment is designed to diminish fine lines and wrinkles up to 27%. Improves dark circles and puffiness, and improves clarity for a brighter, more luminescent eye area. The concentrated lip treatment begins by exfoliating the lips with a gentle gommage masque based on eleven plant oils and naturally-derived clay. Following, is a massage to increase circulation and treat fine lines around the mouth. A lip balm with sun protection finishes this luxurious service. +30 MINS +30 Foot and Leg Invigoration Revive weary feet and legs with this treatment designed to renew energy. Begins with a foot soak in thermal mineral salts enhanced with Eucalyptus oil. Rough skin is exfoliated with a creamy Eucalyptus salt mixture and natural pumice paddle. A stimulating massage which includes reflex points with a natural foot balm rich in Menthol, Eucalyptus and Lavender. +30 MINS +30 Ageless Hands Your hands reveal your age. Treat your hands to this deluxe experience which incorporates a unique multi-acid, anti-aging hand exfoliation treatment followed by a rejuvenating masque. Hands are soaked in thermal minerals and essential oils, cuticles are enriched with our special Myrrh Nail Oil. Enjoy a deluxe hand, arm and neck massage including reflex points, with organic Ylang Ylang, Melissa and Lavender essences. +30 MINS Myrrh +30

ADDITIONAL SERVICES / / PRODUCT ENHANCEMENTS Pure Vitamin C Ampoule This antioxidant treatment, which improves the quality and appearance of the skin, strengthens skin elasticity and helps prevent premature aging caused by UV exposure. C Pro 30 Multi Acid Peel This exclusive 30% multi-acid peel combines glycolic, lactic, phytic and salicylic acids along with naturally-derived botanicals to achieve a safe, yet highly beneficial refining treatment. Effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines and problematic skin to promote a brighter, more even skin tone. Pro 30 30% Chitosan Mask with Chamomile This super soothing alginate peel-off masque hydrates, calms and reduces the appearance of redness. Dramatically improves skin texture, tone and color. Recommended for calming and healing the skin. Also soothes irritated or sensitive skin. Bio-Matrix Sheet Dramatically reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This unique masque, rich in soothing and plumping marine extracts, cools, calms and hydrates the skin while nourishing it with easy-to-absorb nutrients. A serum based on your skin s needs is also applied, further enhancing this exclusive treatment. Product Enhacement Add-Ins do not add time to the service

EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH EXPERIENCE PRICE LIST ORIENTAL FOOT MASSAGE 90 MIN... 650 This signature foot therapy helps to stimulate circulation, restore energy flow throughout the body as well as revitalize tired feet. A thorough exfoliation with aromatherapy foot salts is followed by a rejuvenating herbal footbath. A reflexology massage with Fu Balm completes this experience. IMPERIAL TREATMENT 60 MIN... An ancient luxurious treatment specially reserved for the royalty. This luxurious golden bits massage is high in anti-aging, good skin moisturizer, leaving skin with radiant, healthy glow and induce to further relaxation. 90... 650 60... the essentials journey face eforea Signature Correcting Facial (with or without Microcurrent) Customized Cleansing Facial Firming Facial Antioxidant Facial Sensitive Skin Facial body eforea Signature Full Body Repair Jet Lag Body Remedy Instant Glow Body Polish Slimming Detox Body Wrap After-Sun Rescue additional services / firming facial add - ins Express Lifting 20min Express Congestion 20min Express Eyes 20min additional services / experience add ins Eye and Lip Rescue 30min Foot and Leg Invigoration 30min Ageless Hands 30min additional services / product enhancements (no additional time required) Bio-Matrix Sheet Chitosan Mask with Chamomile ph Neutralising Conditioner Pro 30 Multi Acid Peel Pure Vitamin C Ampoule nails therapy Spa Manicure Spa Pedicure French Manicure French Pedicure 60min 60min 60min 60min 1180 600 1180 720 1180 760 760 1180 680 480 280 180 180 420 420 520 the escape journey face eforea Signature Radiance Facial Melt Away Tension Facial Rebalancing Facial body Invigorate & Revive Body Scrub Rest & Restore Body Wrap Total Healing Body Experience Sound Steps Hand & Feet Repair Head-to-toe Revitalization massage Meditation Massage Nuturing Massage Tandem Massage the men s journey face De-Stress Face Treatment massage eforea Signature Three-Part Recharging Massage Realigning Sports Massage body eforea Signature Body Repair and De-Stress Face Treatment Total Body Overhaul All over Detox Hands, Feet and Scalp Rescue 60min 60min 60min 60/ 60min 60min 60min 60min 60min 1180 880 880 760 880... 680/780 780 760 1180 680 1180 820 620 eforea( / ) eforea / / / ph Pro 30 C 20 20 20 30 30 30 1180 760 760 1180 1180 600 1180 720 680 480 280 180 180 420 420 520 eforea eforea eforea 1180 880 880 760 880 60/... 680/780 780 760 1180 680 1180 820 620 广州天河新天希尔顿酒店 HILTON GUANGZHOU TIANHE 中国广州市天河区林和西横路 215 号邮编 510500 215 Linhe Xi Heng Road Tianhe District Guangzhou 510500 China 电话 T: +86 20 6683 9999 传真 F: +86 20 6683 3888 电邮 E: