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條 件, 以 及 個 人 內 在 的 消 費 能 力 的 提 昇 與 中 國 人 傳 統 所 講 究 的 福 祿 壽 閉 目 段 時 間 的 充 裕 之 利 基 下 ; 休 開 時 代 的 喜 J. 正 是 人 生 追 求 的 終 極 目 標, 即 使 到 了 來 臨, 已 從 生 活 中 更 是

屏 東 教 大 運 動 科 學 學 刊 第 九 期 ( ) 壹 緒 論 休 閒 (leisure) 是 現 代 人 應 付 繁 鎖 生 活 調 劑 身 心 不 可 或 缺 的 活 動 近 來 研 究 顯 示 : 民 眾 為 紓 解 日 常 生 活 與 工 作 壓 力, 進 而 改 善 健

目 录



1 Erikson1963 integrity versus despair

Fry, 2000; Young, 1993 Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult Herth Forbes Tongprateep Frankl 1992 Ameling Povilonis Burbank ;Hermann Sims Fry, 2000 2

Crumbaugh Reker Adams, Bezner, Drabbs, Zambarano, Steinhardt Fry ; Hermann Reker, Peacock, & Wong Sherman Tongprateep Moore, Metcalf, & Schow, 2000 3


5 Haas Happiness Fraquae Haas Sousa HoltkampKerkstraRibbeCampen Van Ooms

perceived autonomy perceived safety health related quality of life, HRQOL global cure Meeberg health functioning well-being Sousa 6

Rustoen Begnum developmental nature Boswell, Dawson, & Heininger Rustoen Begnum Meeberg1993 Zhan, 1992 7

Ferrans Powers Quality of Life Index Cronbachs Cronbachs n=, n=82, World Health Organization, WHO WHOQOL-100The WHOQOL Group 8


WHOQOL-BREF WHOQOL-100 WHOQOL-BREF Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult 10

11 Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult

2001 Frankl 1993 MooreMetcalf Schow 12

O Connor Chamberlain1996 1995Baum & Stewart, 1990; DeVogler & Ebersole, 1980; McCarthy, 1983; O Connor & Chamberlain, 1996 13

Frankl Greening, 1998 14

instinctual drives Frankl, 1963 Frankl Frankl1985a, 1985b existentially frustrated noogenic neurosis 15

1997 Young, 16

Baum1988 Meier Edwards1974, 1990 Crumbaugh Crumbaugh Maholick1964 Frankl PILPurpose in Life 225 17-50 Meier Edwards1974 200 13-1517-1925-3545-55 65 13-20 25 25-35 45-55 65 1990 17-24 56-69 70-96 25-55 17

RekerPeacock Wong well-being life purpose death acceptance goal seeking future meaning life control will to meaning existential vacuum Ross Adam, et al 18

Boswell, et al, Ross, Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult Smith & Zautra, 2000 Tongprateep Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult, 19

Zhan modified Karnofsky performance status scale Doyle, Hanks, & MacDonald, 1998 20


22 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.

ommunity elderly eaning in l ealth status elf-perceived health status 23

uality of life 24

Daniel1999 determination of sample size for estimating means n=z 2 1- /2 2 /e 2 95 55.34 9.52 115 3780 65 (stratified random sampling) 25

Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964 Frankl Purpose in life test Likert 4 1986 600 65 Cronbachs 26

Likert 65 Cronbachs World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF Taiwan Version)WHOQOL-BREF overall quality of life general health Likert 5 27

= Q3+Q4+Q10+Q15+Q16+Q17+Q18 7 4 = Q5+Q6+Q7+Q11+Q19+Q26 6 4 = Q20+Q21+Q22+Q27 4 4 = Q8+Q9+Q12+Q13+Q14+Q23+Q24+Q25+Q28 9 4 Cronbach s 0.91N=1017 Cronbach s. 2-4 N=142 Pearson r Pearson r p.05 Cronbach s 0.92 Cronbach s. 28

4 3 2 4 3 2 1 3-4 3.5 3.2 3.25 29

4-3-1 4-3-1 3 3.50 9 26 7 6 6 3 4 9 3.20 3.70 3.70 3.25 3.68 3.50 3.55 3.71 Cronbach s 8.6 30

31 25.7 4-3-3 Cronbach s 4-3-2 Cronbach s Cronbach s N=35 N=115 4-3-3 N=35 N=115

pilot study 32

SPSS 8.0 for Windows/PC 33

34-1 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4.

independent t test one way ANOVA Kolmogorov-SmirnovK-S p p Q-Q Plot Levene p F p Scheffe N= K-S p.05 p.01 p.001 35

Pearson product moment correlation multiple regression dummy variable Durbin-Watson VIF TOL 36

n=67 n=84 n=3 n=25 % n=2 n=69 n=44 37.4 n=43 37

38 n=106 83 n=42 N= )

39 N=

96.5 N=115 40

M=, SD= M=, SD= N= 36 41

42 n=45 n=62 n=41 n=43 n=25 n=37 N=115

SD=3 SD= SD= SD= SD= N=115 20 n=28 n =26n =15 n =28 n =12 n =97.8 ± ± ± 43

44 N

45 N N=115

N= M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD=. M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD= M=, SD= 46

N=115 47

t t, p t, p. t, p t, p. t, p. t N=115 t 1.. 16 80 p.05 p.01 p.001 48

F F pf p. F p. Scheffe p N 1.69 1. 2. 33 33 33 16 1. 24 1.09 2. 3 3. 88 23.31 21 13 60 42 31 32 12, 13 21. 16 80 p.05 p.01 p.001 49

t p tp tp tp F p F p F p Scheffe 5001-1000 10001 65-74 75-84 tp p F p F p Scheffe 5001-1000 10001 F p tp F Scheffe 50

51 5001-1000 t p t p t p F p F p F p F p Scheffe 5001-1000 10001

52 N n M t / F M t / FM t / FM t / F a a a a a 1. 2... scheffe 1. 2. 3. scheffe scheffe a scheffe. a Independent Samples t-test t b One-Way ANOVA p.05 p.01 p.001

t t, p. t, p. t, p t, p t, p. Scheffe 65-74 75-84 5001-1000 10001 t, p. t, p. t, p. F, p.05 F p.001 F p.001 Scheffe 53

5001-1000 10001 t, p. F p.05 N M±SD t / F M±SD t / F M±SD t / F a ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 1. 2... ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± scheffe 1. 2. ± ± ±3.61 13.33±1.53 ± ± 3. ± ±3.05 ± 54

N M±SD t / F M±SD t / F M±SD t / F ± ± ± ± ± scheffe ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± scheffe ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± scheffe ± ± 36 a b Independent Samples t-test t One-Way ANOVA p.05 p.01 p.001 t p t p t p t p t p 55

56 F F p F p p t p t p

57 N115 M±SD t / F M±SD t / F a ± ± ±1.37 ±1.33 a ± ± ±1.41 ±1.28 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± a. ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 1. 2. 3. ± ± ± ±1.34 ±2.08 ±1.32 ± ± ± 2 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 20 p.05 p.01 p.001 a Independent Samples t-test t b One-Way ANOVA

58 r=-, p r =- p r =- pr=- p r=, p r = p r= p r= p r= p r=-, p r=- p r=- pr=- p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p

59 r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r= p r=- p

N=11 p p p 60

61 dummy variable stepwise multiple Regression F=89.35, p 0.23

N=11 B F p p p 62

63 stepwise multiple Regression F=91.81, p

N=11 B F p p p stepwise multiple Regression F=81.19, p 64

N=11 B F p p p 65

stepwise multiple Regression F=68.60, p N=11 B F p p p 66

67 stepwise multiple Regression F=39.67, p

N=11 B F p p p stepwise multiple Regression 68

N=11 B F p p p stepwise multiple Regression N=11 B F p p p 69

stepwise multiple Regression N=11 B F p p p =0.48 =0.39 70

-.24 -.20.18 R 2 =.11 -.43.33 R 2 =. R 2 =.34 R 2 =.81 71


73 59.3 33.6 39.1 20.9 1996 1987 1993b 11 20.63 9.9 12.28 Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult, 2000 37.4 61.16 75 1996 1987 1993b

74 9.8

75 Farquhar1995 1.5 11.3

5 2001 2001 76


78 Farquhar, 1995 Schultz & Winstead-Fry, 2001 Farquhar1995 85 65-85

79 n

Farquhar1995 80

81 Hunsberger 1985 Fry2000 1994 Scheffe 65-74 b

82 Baum1988Meier Edwards1974

83 Karnofsky

Fry2000 84

Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult, Zhan1992 Klaas, 1998; Reker, 1997; SmithZantra, 2000 Anderson r0.56 r0.57 r0.70-0.59 85



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89 range: 4-20, SD



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