A study on the counseling psychologist examination qualification of examinees with foreign school records Chia-Hsin Lin Abstract Due to the increasing

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A study on the counseling psychologist examination qualification of examinees with foreign school records Chia-Hsin Lin Abstract Due to the increasing numbers of examinees with foreign degrees taking the counseling psychologist examination and the complexity in determining their qualification, the purpose of this study was to investigate from which countries the examinees earned their degrees, years and majors of study, number of subjects and credits earned from foreign universities and the made-up number of subject credits and length of internship after returning to Taiwan. A total of 38 examinees registered counseling psychologist examination between 2004 and 2010 was used as subjects in this study. Their application documents were analyzed to answer the research questions. The findings of the study were: of the 38 examinees, 33 (86%) earned their masters degrees in the United States; there were 10 different titles for the counseling major; there were very diverse in terms of the numbers of subjects and credits taken in foreign university; and half of them were lack of one year fulltime internship. The findings of the study were discussed. Suggests for examination qualification review were proposed in order to maintain a fair and reasonable examination system of counseling psychologists. Keywords: counseling psychologist, foreign school records, examination qualification 106 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

2001 2011 1 2494 2011 2 3 1. 2. 7 21 3. 7 21 28 100 390 1 96 4.25 2008 3 4 107

1 100 1 21 6 2 12 3 3 7 4 8 5 14 3 6 16 5 7 20 5 8 3 9 3 10 9 11 23 5 15 12 12 5 13 16 4 14 25 9 15 3 16 9 17 6 18 22 6 19 15 5 20 20 8 21 50 22 30 10 20 11 6 23 17 5 24 14 9 25 5 26 3 27 11 4 28 15 6 390 100/6/14 108 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

3000 3000 Committee for Professional Counselors, 2011 1. 2. 5 6 48 3. 2 3000 1200 15 3000 1500 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, BACP accreditation 1. BACP 2. 3. 4. BACP 450 1.5 150 8 9 3 BACP, 2011 BACP knowledge based learning therapeutic competencies 109

development of self awareness professional development skills work practice placements BACP 150 3 The University of Norttingham, 2011 180 credits 360 20 BACP 2 training units 1 practice unit BACP 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 110 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

5 13 31 82 2 5 33 86 3 8 1 3 2 93 99 45 45 4 3 38 38 2 111 % % % % % 5 13 5 13 26 68 1 3 3 8 1 3 31 82 2 5 2 5 33 86 1 3 3 8 1 3 38 100

.292 1.0 33 86 3 8 3 10 3 3 Art Therapy 2 5.26 Counseling 12 31.59 Counseling Psychology 6 15.79 Counselor Education 4 10.53 Drama Therapy 1 2.63 Education Psychology 2 5.26 Forensic Psychology 1 2.63 Human Relations 1 2.63 Marriage & Family Therapy 4 10.53 Psychology 1 2.63 Rehabilitation Counseling 2 5.26 School Counseling 1 2.63 1 2.63 38 100 112 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

4 12 31.59 6 15.79 4 10.53 4 10.53 4 4 2.47 0.76 19.89 8.29 59.97 28.43 2 2 5 50 27 180 9.54 5.34 698.21 476.56 1500 1500 4 36 2.47.76 2 5 37 19.89 8.29 5 50 37 59.97 28.43 27 180 Practicum 37 1.51 1.50 0 6 Internship 37 1.08 1.12 0 4 34 9.54 5.34 0 16 26 698.21 476.56 0 1529 16 238.53 253.83 0 890 32 48.99 32.27 0 135 37 1.05 2.03 0 6 38.42.79 0 3 38 4.47 5.42 0 14 38 19.61 23.79 0 60 113

38 10 26.32 8 21.05 238.53 253.83 2011 350 48.99 32.27 2011 50 7 0 3 21 0 6 38 10 2 5 7 2 5 3 2 0 12 4.47 50 0 50 19.61 1. 2. 3. 114 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

6 15.79 32 84.21 5 28 15 6 21.43 4 14.29 3 10.72 27 180 32 36 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, 2011 5 N N 1 3.57 1 3.57 1 3.57 4 14.29 3 10.72 1 3.57 1 3.57 1 3.57 3 10.72 2 7.14 6 21.43 1 3.57 1 3.57 1 3.57 1 3.57 115

48 100 2 14 21 program 21 21 1. 2. 7 21 3. 116 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期

internship 1500 4. 105 1 1 5. 2 32 40 6. 105 1 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 117

2011 10 2008 2011 2011/6/18 http://www.twcpa.org.tw/ service_a03.php British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy 2011. Counsellor/psychotherapist accreditation scheme. Search date: 2011/3/12. http://www. bacp.co.uk/accreditation/accreditation%20 Counsellor%20&%20Psychotherapist /index.php Committee for Professional Counselors 2011. Requirements for professional counselor licensure. Search date: 2011/3/12. http://pr.mo.gov/ boards/counselors/lpcslidesgeneralwebsite.pdf Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related EducationalPrograms CACREP 2011. 2009 Standards. Search date: 2011/ 6/ 30. http:// www.cacrep.org/template/page. cfm?id=49 The University of Norttingham 2011. School of Education Masters in Counselling Program Information. Search date: 2011/3/13. http://www. nottingham.ac.uk/education/documents/masters/prospectusmasterscounselling.pdf 118 國家 NATIONAL ELITE NO.27 第七卷 第三期