Victor Vasarely for different years is as below: 1. Construct of Shape list by the frequency of using: Abstractbetween Abstract and ConcreteConcrete.

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A Study on the Application of Shape of Victor Vasarely s Artifacts, 1929-1992 Sue-Ya Huang* Tao-Chi Yu** (Optical Art) (Victor Vasarely) 1929 1992 720 / / 1929 1992 1966 1970 1971 1975 Abstract The study is an advanced research on the application of shape applied on the artifacts of Victor Vasarely, one of the progenitors of Optical Art. The study analyzed 720 artifacts of Victor Vasarely from year 1929 to 1992 by the Cluster Analysis method and Expert method. The analysis and statistic are proceeding based on five portions: Construct of Shape, Shape Element, Visual Perception, Principles of form and Principles of Composition. The analysis is generalized to a result that the trend of the application of shape applied on the artifacts of 55

Victor Vasarely for different years is as below: 1. Construct of Shape list by the frequency of using: Abstractbetween Abstract and ConcreteConcrete. 2. Shape Element list by the frequency of using: Compound Combination(PointLineCurvePlaneSolid)Single Combination(Point LineCurvePlaneSolid). 3. Visual Perception list by the frequency of using: SpaceTexture3 DimensionVolumeSpeedTransparent. 4. Principles of form list by the frequency of using: ProportionOrderBalanceHarmonyUnityRepetitionRhythmContrastSimplicity SymmetryGradation. 5. Principles of Composition list by the frequency of using: DivisionProportionPerspectiveSeries and ProgressionDeformationConnect SpreadCentralityReproduceSeparateMoire effectoverlap. To generalize the analysis result listed above. We can get a trend from the 720 artifacts of Victor Vasarely since year 1929 to 1992. The items of Abstract, Compound Combination, SpaceTexture, ProportionOrder, and Division are applied most frequent in the trend of the application of shape. Besides, these items get the most application frequency of shape during year 1966 to 1970 and the second application frequency of shape during year 1971 to 1975. KeywordOptical Art, shape, Victor Vasarely, Expert method, Cluster Analysis method

)(5) ( 1. (Victor Vasarely) (Optical Art) (Bauhaus) 3. (Mondrian) (Kandinsky) 1. (1) [3] Gestaltung ( ) (geometrical abstraction) (Planetary Folklore) (Gestalt theory) (1990) (two-dimensional surface) (Plastic Unity) (optical illusion) 1929 1992 (2002) 2. (1) ( ) (2) ( (1979) (1984) (1984) (1990) ) (1990) (1991) (1991) (3) ( (2002) (2002) )(4) ( 1 2 1979 22-23 1984 24 307 2 1984 30 1. 1990 9-10 2. FormShapeplastic 8 1990 23138 1990 45 20 (Abstraction) 1991 1. 2. 131 3. 4. 514 1. (1) (2) 1991 24-31 2.

2002 (1) (2) ( ) 18-19 2002 (Semiabstract) (nonrepresentational) (nonobjective) 5 2. 1990 p. 1984 pp1-3 1984 pp1-3 (2) (Kandinsky) (Hiroshi Ohchi1984) (Tension) 3 1991 () P.71 1990 pp.8-9 1984 P.58 1984 ( ) (CS ) pp. 48-94 (1999) (mass) (volume) 4 4. 1990 pp.154 1990 pp.154 1990 pp.140 1990 pp.145 1990 pp.137 1990 pp.131 (3) (1996)

5 6 5. 6. 1996 p.142 1990 pp.154 (1999 pp.164) 1984 p.42 1990 pp.130 1990 pp.130 (4) 7 (1991) (Unity of Multiplicty) 8 7. (emphasis) 8. (1999 pp.158-159) 1990 pp.121 (Composition of Centrifugal) (Composition of Centripetal) (1997) (1996) (1997) ( ) (a) (b) 9 10

9. (Proportion) ( ) (Golden mean) (Arithmetic Progression) (Harmonic Progression) (Geometric Progression) (Fibonacci Series) (Pell s Series) moiré 10. (progressive ) [18]1969 1970 (Crystal Period) (Kinetic period) (White-Black) (Plastic unity) (Planetary Folklore) MC 1995 1990 1995 p.20 pp.145 p.68 2. Victor Vasarely (1908-1997) (Moholy 3. Victor Vasarely Nogy) 193338 (Checkerboards) (Harlequins) (Zebras) (Tigers) (Martians) 1940 (1) 193040 (Graphic work) 1947 form-color( ) 爲 顔 1940 43 form () (wrong roads)1947 54 (Plastic Unity)[20]1947 Denfert Rochereau 1947 Belle Isle (Plastic 1948 Gordes unity) 1948 Crystal period( )1955 Crystal period( )1950 (biform) (bicolor) 1955 [14] (Yellow Manifesto) 1956 (Cinetic Art) 1960

[10] [21] - [5] (2) [15] 11 (4) [5] [11] [5] (3) [1] (5) [5] [4] MC 10 [12] 11 11. Victor Vasarely 4. (Gestalt theory) 1960 (Visual perception) Optical Art (Retinal Art) (Max Wertheimer1880-1943) Moire( WaterSilk) (Gestalt) [5] 12 (Gestalt gesetz) (Gestalt laws 12. of organization) Moire

[19] 1. (Perceptual segregation) 720 Thus identifiable things are transmuted into abstractions, and, passing over the threshold of the Gestalt, begin their own 720 8 independent life.[20] 8 2. (1) (plastic unity) 爲 1929-1992 720 (13) 5-7 12 (a)1929-1935 (b)1936-1940 (c)1941-1945 (d)1946-1950 (e)1951-1955 (f)1956-1960 (g)1961-1965 (h)1966-1970 (i)1971 1929-1975 (j)1976-1980 (k)1981-1985 1992 720 (l)1986-1992 1929 1992 1 1929 1935 2 1936 1940 3 1941 1945 4 1946 1950 5 1951 1955 6 1956 1960 7 1961 1965 8 1966 1970

9 1971 1975 10 1976 1980 11 1981 1985 12 1986 1992

(2) 3 5 720 (14) ( ) SPSS 14. 1. 2. 3. 1. ( ) 2. (. ) ( ) 1. ( () ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) (3) 720 SPSS 15 1. 720 SPSS 16 20 16. 622 70 28 17. 91 47 1 0 0 283 463 337 500 274 18. 649 682 383 682 631 563 19. 652 554 628 672 614 662 655 565 575 672 655

20. 670 594 651 586 601 393 (1) (2) / (3) / (4) / / (5) 2. 21 25 21. 8 7 2 (1966-1970) (1961-1965) (1936-1940) 150 15 18 22. 8 5 11 8 8 8 8 9 (1966-1970) (1951-1955) (1981-1985) (1966-1970) (1966-1970) (1966-1970) (1966-1970) (1971-1975) 38 17 1 0 0 84 74 52 96 88 23. 8 8 8 8 8 8 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966-1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) 156 163 90 162 162 156 24. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966-1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) 163 133 160 162 148 163 162 153 157 163 (1966-1970) 163 25.

9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a (1971 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966 (1966-1975) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) -1970) 162 b 84 143 135 103 157 161 162161 136 153 108 (a b ) (1) 1966 1970 1961 1965 1936 1940 1965 1936 1940 (2) 1966 1970 1951 1955 1981 1985 1966 1970 1971 1975 1966 1951 1981 (3) 1966 1970 (4) 1966 1970 (5) 1971 1975 1966 1970 3. 8 8 12 SPSS 26 26. 8 (1) 1929 1935 (2) 1936 1940 (3) 1946 1950 (4) 1956 1960 (5) 1966 1970

(6) 1971 1975 1929 1992 ( ) 1966 1970 1971 1975 1966 1970 1971 1975 爲 1960 1. 1984 p.230. 2. 1990 3. 1991 p.34. 4. 1998 p.168. 5. 1999 pp.157-163. 6. 1991 7. 2002 8. 1979 9. 1984

10. 2002 pp.870-871. 11. 1998 pp.251-252. 12. 1984 p.74. 13. 1997 () 14. 1986 183 pp.125-128. 15. 1997 pp.118-119. 16. 1997 17. 2002 18. 1986 22 pp.242-246 19. Henry Gleitman 1997 p.189. 20. Joray Marcel Chevalier Haakon 1965VASARELY:Plastic Arts Of The 20th Century NO.1ed, Griffon Neuchatel, Switzerland4th edition 1974p.4p.29. 21. Phaidon Press Limited 199820 p.47