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46 戲劇學刊 A Study of Shangdang Buddhist Temple Theatre Lu-wei Wang* Abstract Drama performance in Buddhist temples and at specialized performance venues


: (1728 1949) Ξ : 1728 1949,,,,,,, : 2007,, 8000 1 1 4, 18 20,,, :,, + ;,,,,, ( ),, 118 Ξ (08BZS031) (2008DL S001) (08ZS14) 4, 8 1 1 4 1000,, : (1728), 1949

: (1728 1949),,,,,,,,,, 10 (1921),,,,,,,,,,, [],,,,,,,,,,, [],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, 22,,,,,, 22, 30,,,, (1865), :,, [ ], [ ],, [ ],,,, [ ],,,,,,,,,,,,, 600 (1875), :, ; :, [ ], ( ), 119

2010 3 300, :,, 600,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ ],,,,,,, [],,, [],,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5000,, 5000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, (1781) :,, (),,,,,,,,, :, :, 2005, 41 120

: (1728 1949),,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, :,, 15,,,,, ;, (1803),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 4,,, (1832) :,,,,,,,, [ ],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, 47, 80,,,, : : 6, :, 2003, 110,,,,, 50cm 121

2010 3,, 40,,, (),,,,, :, 1800, + 1 113,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [],,,,,,,,, [],, ; [],,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 122,,,

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2010 3,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, 24, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4,, 20 %,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,, ;,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 4,, 1, 124

: (1728 1949),,, [],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?, 5215, 31, :, 9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 21,,,, 1716, 314,, 52 46, 1115 %,, 1612 %,,,, (1859), 12,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 125

2010 3, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,, ;, ;, ;,, 6,, ; ; ;,,,,, 4 6, (4 ) 4 011, 412 %,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 126 [],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [],,,,,,,,,,

: (1728 1949), ;,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,, [],, [], [],,,, :,,, 34,,, 20 40, :,,,, [ ],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 4,, 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(),,,,,,,,,,, 4, 1 1 4,, 1 1 4 127

2010 3,,, 1 1 4,, :,,, 20,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8cm, 26cm,,,,,,, 8,,,,, : 1 1 4,,,, 95 %, 34,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 4 80 128 :,, :, 1988, 238 253

: (1728 1949),, :,, ;,, ;, ;,,,,,, 1 38, 616, 3, 2,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (), [] 129

2010 3,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, ( Harold Demsetz),,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,, :,, 91 133 ; :, 41 Harold Demsetz, Toward a Theory of Property Right s," A merican Economic Review, vol. 57, May 130 1967, p. 347.

: (1728 1949) ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,, 200240 ;, ;, ( : ) 131

HISTORICAL RESEARCH NO1 3, 2010 the same origin as t he Western Xia Dynastyπs music Yegetangw u ( Great Xia), whose musical score was still pop ular in t he Ming and Qing court. Abdication" and Initial Year of a Dynasty" : Change of Dynasty and the Writing of Dynastic History during the Wei2Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties Xu Cho ng (104) The abdicatio n mo del of dynastic change fir st too k place in t he Wei2J in dynasties. Accordingly, in writing t he dynastic history, the practice was to write abdication prior to year One," meaning t hat t he biograp hy of t he founder of a dynasty in power was usually p ut into the annals of t he preceding dynasty. Year One of t he ruling dynasty was counted from after the completion of t he abdication. But a dramatic change occurred in t he Liu2Song Dynasty, when Xu Yuan co mpiled t he official history of t he dynast y. Fro m t hen o n, in all t he official histories during the Nort hern and Sout hern Dynasties, t he first year of each new dynasty was p ut back ; that is, t he first year of t he new dynasty was counted f rom when t he founder of the dynasty initiated his enterprise. At t he same time, t he calendar of the preceding dynasty was abandoned before t he abdication was completed. This shows t hat alt hough t he abdication model of dynastic change model still existed during Sout hern and Nort hern dynasties, t he legitimacy" of a new empero rπs power was significantly different f ro m t hat of t he Wei2J in dynasties. The term Founder of t he Empire" replaced t he term Meritorious Servant of t he Preceding Dynasty. " In ot her words, the violent act of founding t he empire, instead of meritorio us deeds" fo r t he proceeding dynasty, became the new starting point for new emperorπs power. The transfer of Incomplete Property Rights" : A Study of the Deed Back" of Shicang ( 172821949) Cao Shuji, Li Nan & Gong Qisheng (118) In t he rural areas of Southern Zhejiang f rom 1728 to 1949, there existed a kind of transaction behavior and instit utional arrangement known as ceding ( t ui) " It reflected t he complex diversity of land transactions in t he Chinese countryside. Such transactions did not necessarily involve f ull land ownership. On t he contrary, t hey were often undertaken as partial transactions involving land use right s, t he right to derive benefit f rom t he land and land transfer. For this reason, the inco mpleteness of land owner ship and t he separatio n bet ween t he right s of land use, deriving benefit from t he land and land transfer offer a new cognitive framework and interpretive model for understanding and redefining the traditional system of rural property right s. A Study of Qing Rehabil itation Centers and the Indigenous Traits of the Transformation of the Penal System in the Late Qing Chen Zhao si (132) The system of rehabilitatio n centers ( Zi x i ns uo) was fir st created in t he tent h year of Emperor Qianlongπs reign. It s original p urpose was to detain thieves in order to rehabilitate t hem through education. This aim, similar to t hat of the Westπs new prison system, was a good one. However, because of political and judicial corruption since the reigns of Emperors Jia Qing and Daoguang, t he rehabilitatio n center s gradually t urned into black jail s abused by co rrupt yamen underlings to seek profit s. In addition to t hieves, large numbers of innocent people were falsely accused and detained, leading to seet hing resent ment. Therefore, most centers were eit her closed 191