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1274~2000 20 2010-09-23 1978~ 650091 Muslim Communities in Kunming: 1274-2000 Ma Xuefeng Abstract: In Yuan Dynasty, a comparatively larger Muslim community had been formed in Kunming city. During a period of nearly 600 years from the 13th century to the 19th century, this community had been developing peacefully in Kunming. As a result, five mosque-centered -Jama ats came into being as the traditional residential pattern of Muslim in Kunming. However, the Muslim community was completely destroyed in Xiantong Incident in the middle of 19th century. During the next 100 years, the Muslim community of Kunming had been restored progressively. Therefore, by the end of the 1950s, the five mosque-centered -Jama ats had been revived. Half a century later, however, under the influence of various factors of modernity, the traditional community structure has been changed in many aspects, which in turn led to its gradual disintegration. Key words: Kunming; Muslim community; five-mosque-centered-jama ats; disintegration Current Situation of Teaching Staff s Supplement, Improvement and Management in Ethnic Minority Areas of China and its Countermeasure Research Wang Jiayi Zhao Mingren Abstract: In the context of improving the quality of education in minority regions and promoting balanced development of education, it is a fact that strengthening teaching staff s supplement, improvement and management is a prerequisite and decisive factor to improve the quality of education in minority areas. Based on the experiences of developing education in minority regions and under the guidance of Scientific Concept of Development, the following policy recommendations are suggested to solve the key problems: fully understanding the great strategic significance in strengthening the teaching staffs in minority areas in new era; improving the treatment of teachers in minority areas; creating innovative resource allocation mechanism for teachers in minority areas; increasing the counterparts support and communication between urban and rural areas; carrying out cultivation and training of bilingual teachers, improving teachers management level and strengthening research on teachers in minority areas. Key words: ethnic minority regions; teachers; current situation; problem; countermeasure See P.29 1 1980 77