2. The factors that impact her life is social culture, buddhism and family relation. 3. The emotion in her last life includeslonelyself-containedfearf

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Love start from here : A cancer youth s life history. Abstract Love start from here : A cancer youth s life historyopened to piece together. By taking empthy as starting point, It makes us change and remove, And it makes me to complete my responsibility. This research was not only to reach her unique experience, But provides others the difference view about life. By reading, analysis, generalizing and interpretation contiously, finally I get some conclusions 1. The life philosophy of this youth is open and clear. He wish to be the one who is expected. 1

2. The factors that impact her life is social culture, buddhism and family relation. 3. The emotion in her last life includeslonelyself-containedfearfuldejected scareloss positionto be content with one has had and to treat with indifference. 4. The contribution of this research was as follow: 1provide positive stimulate that inspires patients. 2provide consult that helps family members and nurses accompany with patients. 3form combinative bridges between patients and doctors. 4search meanings of life. 5prove soothing effect of religious brift. 6take death as lifelong education. 5. In research aspect, This research proves possible and uniqueness that use narrative method to research one s lifein practical aspect, this research makes family members reform agree by implication each other to me, this research makes me realize different life. Actually this research whose research method is life history has many limits,including vanishing memory and selectivity memory, and balance that keeps research morals facts, etc. It is un endless story. Maybe life is vanish finally, but story is never end. Key wordbrain tumoryouthlife historycancerlife philosophynarrativestory 2

3 energy motion action creation peak experience 1

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