1933~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ khams khams

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23 2 2012 4 VOL.23 NO.2 Apr.2012 C55 A 1005-5681(2012)02-0070-13 Commencement of Modern Tibetology in China: Three Academic Values of Tibetan Studies in Kang Region during the Republic of China Abstract: SHI Shuo YAO Le-ye Based on the three academic periodicals Tibetan Studies Pioneers in Kang Region, Tibetan Guide Monthly, and Tibetan Studies in Kang Region Monthly, which are concerning Tibetan studies during the Republic of China, the paper expounds completely and systematically their backgrounds, time characteristics, articles contents and academic values. Meanwhile, by use of literature metrology, the numbers of publications and types of the three academic periodicals are made a comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, this paper probes into two issues: (1) the reasons why the emergence of Tibetan professional academic journals, as an important mark of the rise of modern Tibetan studies in the first half of the twentieth century, has the close connection with Tibetan studies in Kang region; (2) the position of the studies in Kang region in the process of the rise of modern Tibetology in China. Key words: Tibetan Studies Pioneers in Kang Region; Tibetan Guide Monthly; Tibetan Studies in Kang Region Monthly; research on Tibetan studies in Kang region 20 20 20 20 2012-01-13 70

1933~1939 1946~1949 1938~1948 20 1933~1938 1946~1948 1938~1948 1937 khams khams 1933 1939 19381948 1946 1949 1933 1949 16 1904 1933 71

19385, 1938411 1939 63 1 1939 63 17 151 8 1933 1939 613 1938 5 3 4 89 15.51% 1.5 2.7 1935 171 29.79% 20 30 72

. 72 22 1935 1935. 20 30 73

1933 1939 10 1934, 1934 74

1938 1947 667 1000 1940 1942 500 100 200 10 1941 19471 75

76 1937 150 48 200 10 16 1939 8 1947

42 3 55 48 25 77

Francis Goré Notes surles Marches Ttibétaines du Sseu-Tch ouan etdu Yun-Nan 194712 15 194908 29 24 25 69,400 19467 10 19461030 1949930 29 28 29 32 16 30 31 32 4~5 28 15 65 78

65 79



82 65. [J]., 1996 (3). [1] 1933~1939 [Z].1~6 57. 65 [2] 1938~1947 [Z].1~6 67. 5 [3] 1946~1949 [Z].1~29. 5 1 2 10% 1948 17 4 Charles Bell 1948 18 2600 1948 20 21 4900 19 20 Francis Goré Notes Sur les Marches Tibétaines du Sseu- T'chouan et du Yun-nan 194712 15 194908 29 24 25 69,400 1907 15 1923 [] []