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TP319 10290 UDC LBS Research and Application of Location Information Management Technology in LBS



Abstract The operational principle of Location based services (LBS) is that the user terminals (cell phones, PDA, etc) using satellite positioning and other means to gain user position, and then sends the location information to the server through the mobile communication network, the server processes the data,and then sends the result to the client as a response. In mobile computing environment, with spatial positioning technology, GIS technology and wireless transmission technology, LBS provides location based information services to the moving terminals. However, due to the narrow mobile network bandwidth, mobile equipment s characteristics of weak processing, less storage space and less electricity, the client low ability and information transmission between server and mobile terminals, restrict the development of LBS. For the problem of geospatial data expression in the mobile-side and transmission between server and client, this article summarizes the advantages of SVG used in LBS, puts forward SVG five layer structure organization model with grade block model, and the methods based on the five layer model of on-demand transmission. LBS system needs to query vast amounts of location-based information, one by one to find information on the system clearly can not meet the requirements of the people, so this article suggest the position quadtree coding algorithm, and indexing the value of coding to quickly narrow search range. Location based service is a service, should try to automatic serving people, make people from the shackles of system operation, make people heartily happy work and enjoy life. This paper studies the active service technology, and applies active service to Location based service system. According to location and the user's interest, the system actively and timely services for customers. The paper also shows the prototype of active service based Campus LBS system using the SVG technology, location coding technology, and active service technology, realize map location services, position querying services and active services, and other functions. Experiments have proved that this system can well to the client hardware environment, and also effectively reduces the bandwidth requirements of wireless networks, and can make with initiative and intelligent, Which affirmed the value of this study. Keywords: LBS; active service; SVG; location coding XIII


... XI... XV... XIX... XX...21 1.1...21 1.2 LBS...22 1.3...25 1.4...25...27 2.1 LBS...27 2.2 SVG...29 2.3...32 2.4...34 SVG...35 3.1 SVG...35 3.2 SVG...36 3.3 SVG...37 3.4...38 4...39 4.1...39 4.2...39 4.3...42 4.4...43 4.4...52 5 LBS...53 5.1...53 5.2...54 5.3 LBS...54 XV

5.4 LBS...56 5.5...59 6 LBS...61 6.1...61 6.2...63 6.3...67 6.4...70...71...73...77...79...81 XVI