2013 年部分重要外事活动 活动地点时间 波恩 - 成都低碳可持续发展合作项目 波恩 1 月 领事官员新春联谊会 成都 1 月 欢乐春节 ( 以色列 英国 ) 活动 以色列 英国 2 月 成立 美国成都留学中心 成都 2-3 月 澳大利亚之春 成都 3-4 月 2013 走进荷兰 荷兰 3-4 月

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2013 年部分重要外事活动 活动地点时间 波恩 - 成都低碳可持续发展合作项目 波恩 1 月 领事官员新春联谊会 成都 1 月 欢乐春节 ( 以色列 英国 ) 活动 以色列 英国 2 月 成立 美国成都留学中心 成都 2-3 月 澳大利亚之春 成都 3-4 月 2013 走进荷兰 荷兰 3-4 月 我和珀斯合个影 成都学生游学珀斯 珀斯 3 月 走进成都 珀斯学生游学成都 成都 3 月 2013 年春季糖酒会 成都 3 月 海法国际儿童艺术节 海法 4 月 友城青少年足球友谊赛 欧洲 4 月 财富全球论坛 成都 6 月 高校友城教育推介会 美国 加拿大 6 月 蓉港杯 羽毛球精英赛 成都 6 月 成都企业赴埃塞俄比亚投资说明会 成都 7 月,9 月 第二届 成都 ( 杨通六 ) 国际小提琴邀请赛 成都 7 月 当本期 成都外事 呈现在手中时, 浓墨重彩的 领事拓展年 2012 年已经翻过了 这一年对于成都而言, 无疑可以在城市的现代化和国际化进程中书写下精彩的篇章 : 澳大利亚获准在成都设立总领馆, 驻蓉外国领事机构增至 10 个 ; 国际友好城市新增 2 个, 总数升至 18 个 ; 成功承办第三届中国国际友好城市大会等国际会议 ; 荣获国际友城战略发展奖和国际友好城市合作交流奖 成都要当好四川全省发展的 首位城市, 在对外开放方面就要发挥主阵地的功能 2013 年被确定为全市 国际会展突破年, 成都市外办则把外事工作的主题定为 国际机构促进年 其实, 国际会展与国际机构从来都是相辅相成 共生共荣的 如何借势国际会展形成提升城市综合实力的 大事件效应, 助推成都奋力打造西部经济核心增长极, 加快建设开放型区域中心和国际化城市, 这是每一个外事人思考的问题和为之努力的方向 无论是抢抓重要国家设领主动权 密切国际友城往来, 还是积极引进国际组织 国际赛事 国际会议, 在成都持续深入推进现代化和国际化进程的长路上, 外事部门的工作思路和实施路径已了然于胸 百尺竿头, 更进一步 在 2013 年的春天即将来临之际, 这样的愿望已经开始破土 发芽 成都国际青年音乐周成都 8 月 埃德蒙顿多元文化遗产节暨成都城市形象推介加拿大 8 月 2013 成都欧洲月成都 9 月 第十二届华商大会成都 9 月 伏尔加格勒国际少儿艺术节俄罗斯 9 月 成都外事 2013 年 1 月 成都与林茨结好三十周年庆典林茨 9 月 友城高校教育合作论坛成都 11 月 01 FOREIGN FOREIGN AFFAIRS

目录 CONTENTS VIEW 主办 : 主任编委 : 副主任编委 : 编委 : 责任编辑 : 设计 : 采编制作 : 单位 : 地址 : 邮编 : 电话 : 传真 : 网址 : 成都市人民政府外事办公室毛志雄邱海明卢胜钟来招吕天一闫树生张妍玮崔龙雷鸣王丽莉陈媛媛曹晓丽闻立勇中嘉设计印务成都市人民政府外事办公室成都市锦城大道 366 号 610041 86-28-61888470 86-28-61888471 http://www.cdfao.gov.cn 黄兴初出席 2013 成都财富全球论坛筹备工作全市动员大会 1 月 24 日, 成都市举行 2013 成都财富全球论坛筹备工作全市动员大会 由此, 成都进入 财富论坛倒计时, 各项筹备工作全面进入最后决战阶段 省委常委 市委书记黄新初在会上强调, 各级各部门要以抢抓机遇的意识 事必责实的作风和追求卓越的劲头, 全力抓好最后阶段的筹备工作, 确保财富论坛取得圆满成功, 为成都加快现代化国际化进程 更好地担负起 首位城市 的发展重任开辟广阔空间和创造良好条件 资讯 03 外事风采 纵深 07 封面故事借力国际会展成都谋划突破 WeGO 亚洲区总部落户成都 2015 第 14 届 IVV 来到成都丹麦养老产业进军成都 风采 28 财富 成都全球媒体聚焦解码 财富成都 32 友好人士李励达 : 成都是中国很重要的城市! 36 友好往来中韩 友好城市之声 唱响成都成都老年网球队挥拍谢菲尔德 42 友城合作公务员足球外交成都与金泉友城互动新模式成都与斯洛文尼亚再结四组 姊妹学校 成都棉兰 牵手 十年铸就友城交往典范清迈 : 友城升级进行时释放友城关系新活力, 助推国际交流新发展 葛红林会见加拿大新任驻华大使赵朴 2012 年 12 月 4 日, 成都市长葛红林会见了加拿大新任驻华大使赵朴 葛红林介绍了近年来成都在经济社会方面的快速发展, 以及与加拿大在经贸方面的合作, 并就进一步深化成都与加拿大合作提出三点建议 : 一是借力成都与加拿大温尼伯 埃德蒙顿 蒙特利尔等友好城市和温哥华 多伦多等重点城市的沟通交往, 全面升级合作水平 ; 二是依托成都至温哥华航线, 促进两地旅游 教育 建筑设计等方面深度合作 ; 三是借助明年大熊猫赴加, 推动开展更多学术交流和科研合作 赵朴表示, 成都近年来的快速发展让人印象深刻, 也吸引着加拿大各界越来越多的目光 加拿大看好成都在中国西部的重要地位, 十分愿意也十分期待不断加强与成都在更多领域更深层次的友好合作 他将积极介绍更多加拿大企业来蓉寻找投资合作机会, 推动两地优势产业 优势资源对接互补, 实现互利共赢 64 蓉港交流蓉港交流从音乐延伸到全方位 68 总结展望 2012 国际化成都优雅起航 0 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

VIEW 孙平会见以色列新任驻华大使马腾 域的合作提供积极地支持 外事风采VIEW 2012 年 10 月 30 日, 成都市委常委 常务副市长孙平会见了以色列新任驻华大使马腾 孙平向马腾介绍了成都的基本情况, 回顾了成都与以色列人民间深厚的友谊和丰硕的交流成果, 并希望大使能继续为两地在领馆建设 友城建设 文化教育 旅游 航空物流 水技术 医疗器械等领 马腾表示, 这是他就任以色列驻华大使 2 个月以来的第一次离京访问, 选择成都作为其任期的首站有几个原因 : 一是成都在中国西部重要的地位和与以色列长久的友好合作关系 ; 二是作为新任驻华大使, 他的首要任务就是设立以色列驻蓉领事机构 他同时还希望在任期内进一步促进与成都在旅游 农业 水技术方面的合作 Party Secretary Huang Xinchu Attend the Launching Meeting of Preparing for the 2013 Chengdu Fortune Global Forum On January 24 th, the launching meeting of preparing for the 2013 Chengdu Fortune Global Forum was convened in Chengdu. The whole Chengdu is counting down to the forum, with all preparatory efforts well underway. Mr. Huang Xinchu, standing member of Sichuan provincial CPC Committee and Party Secretary of Chengdu CPC Committee stressed at the meeting that, it is required that relevant departments responsible for preparing the forum should seize the opportunity, be pragmatically and accountable to make the Forum a complete success. He also emphasized the importance of shouldering our responsibility to broaden the scope and create favorable conditions to accelerate the process of internationalization and grow Chengdu to a Primate City. Gou Zhengli, Vice Mayor of Chengdu was also at the meeting. 白刚会见越南 人民报 编委会委员潘辉贤 极为促进两地友城结好工作牵线搭桥, 大力推动越南在蓉设立领事机 2012 年 11 月 29 日, 成都市委常委 宣传部长白刚会见了以越南 人民报 编委会委员潘辉贤为团长的越南 人民报 代表团 白刚说, 当前成都正深入学习贯彻党的十八大精神, 大力实施 五大兴市战略 成都经济发展迅速 文化旅游资源丰富, 希望越南 人民报 加大对成都的报道力度, 增进双方交流, 希望代表团积 构, 不断加强双方旅游 商贸领域合作 潘辉贤说, 成都地理位置优越 旅游资源丰富 百姓生活很有活力, 尤其是城市规划 社会保障工作等方面的经验值得我们学习 回去后, 我们要向越南的广大读者详细介绍四川和成都, 让更多的越南人民和企业了解成都, 积极促进友城结好和在蓉设领 敬刚陪同新加坡文化 社区及青年部代部长黄循财考察 新加坡 - 四川贸易与投资委员会新方主席黄循财考察了新川创新科技 2012 年 11 月 28 日, 成都市委常委 高新区党工委书记敬刚陪同 新加坡文化 社区及青年部代部长兼通讯及新闻部高级政务部长, 园, 并向黄循财介绍了该园区的总体规划 建设和招商的情况, 希望 中新双方共同努力, 继续加强新川创新科技园的招商工作 赵苗会见英国博闻公司总裁宝拉 米尔伯恩 2012 年 12 月 11 日, 成都市副市长赵苗会见了英国博闻公司总裁宝拉 米尔伯恩 赵苗介绍了成都经济 文化发展等基本情况和物流 会展行业现状, 他表示, 成都具有良好的会展场地以及专业的展会经验和相关人才, 非常欢迎英国博闻公司将其旗下知名展会项目, 如 全球空中交 通管制大会 等放在成都举办, 成都将尽全力予以支持 宝拉简要介绍了英国博闻公司及其旗下知名展会项目的情况, 表示成都近年来的快速发展让人印象深刻, 吸引全世界的目光 成都举办国际会议的经验相当丰富, 她非常希望能积极促进博闻公司与成都在会展方面的合作 首届 全球空中交通管制大会 在荷兰马斯特里赫特市, 该市已 2012 年 9 月份与成都正式缔结 友好城市 关系 Ge Honglin Meets with Guy Saint-Jacques, New Canadian Ambassador to China On December 4, 2012, Ge Honglin, Mayor of Chengdu, met with Guy Saint-Jacques, the new Canadian ambassador to China. Ge Honglin introduced the rapid economic and social development of Chengdu and economic and trade cooperation with Canada in recent years. He made three suggestions with respect to deepening the cooperation between Chengdu and Canada: First, to elevate the level of cooperation with support from the communication among Chengdu and Winnipeg, Edmonton, Montreal, as well as other key cities such as Vancouver and Toronto; second, promote further cooperation regarding tourism, education and architectural design between the two regions with support from the flight from Chengdu to Vancouver; and third, to carry out more academic exchanges and scientific cooperation during the panda visit to Canada next year. Guy Saint-Jacques noted that the rapid development of Chengdu in recent years has been very impressive and is gaining more and more attention from all across Canada. Canada values the important role Chengdu plays in western China and is very much willing to strengthen friendly cooperation with Chengdu on a deeper level in more fields. He plans to encourage more Canadian enterprises to invest in Chengdu and to promote a more competitive market environment. 成都外事 0 0 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 外事风采VIEW Sun Ping Meets with New Israeli Ambassador to China On October 30, 2012, Sun Ping, member of Standing Committee of CPC Chengdu Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Chengdu, met with Matan Vilnai, the new Israeli ambassador to China. Sun Ping briefly introduced the overall situation of Chengdu to Matan and reviewed the profound friendship and rich communication between Chengdu and the people of Israel. He hoped that Matan will continue to support bilateral cooperation such as consulate settlement and sister cities, cooperation and exchanges in culture, education, tourism, aviation and logistics, aquatic technology and medical equipment. Matan indicated that this was the first tip out of Beijing in two months since he took office. He chose Chengdu to be the first destination because of three reasons. First, Chengdu plays a crucial role in western China and has a long, friendly cooperative relationship with Israel. Second, as the new Israeli Ambassador to China, it is his priority to set up an Israeli consulate in Chengdu. Lastly, he hopes to further the cooperation regarding tourism, agriculture and aquatic technology between Chengdu and Israel during his term of office. 2013 国际会展突破年借力国际会展成都谋划突破 文 / 萧繁 Bai Gang Meets with Phan Huy Hien, Member of Editorial Committee of Nhan Dan On November 29, 2012, Bai Gang, member of Standing Committee of CPC Chengdu Committee and Director of Publicity Department of CPC Chengdu Committee, met with Phan Huy Hien, member of editorial committee of Nhan Dan and the Nhan Dan delegation. Bai Gang said that Chengdu is studying the spirit of the 18 th CPC National Congress and implementing Five City-booming Strategies. Chengdu enjoys a rapid growing economy and a rich cultural tourism resource. He hoped that Nhan Dan can widen its coverage on Chengdu to promote communication of both sides and that the delegation introduce sister cities of both sides, establish Vietnam consulate in Chengdu and continue to accelerate cooperation in tourism, commerce and trade. Phan Huy Hien remarked that Chengdu is a vibrant city that enjoys advantageous location and rich tourism resource. Its experience in city planning and social security is worth borrowing. Nhan Dan will introduce Sichuan and Chengdu in detail to Vietnamese readers when going back to let more Vietnamese and enterprises know about Chengdu. He planned to work actively to promote sister cities and Vietnam consulate settlement in Chengdu. 2012 年 9 月, 成都市国际化城市建设行动纲要 (2012-2016 年 ) 确定了成都国际化城市建设的目标任务和行动举措 其中 2013 年被定为国际会展突破年, 成都将以提升会展国际化水平为主 届全球大会, 同时还成功争取 WeGO 亚洲区总部落户 ;11 月 29 日, 第二届 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛 暨企业洽谈会在成都举行, 丹麦养老行业代表团来蓉推广丹麦养老产业的丰富经验, 并与成都同 题, 以财富全球论坛 第 12 届世界华商大会等重点 行建立合作伙伴关系 会展活动为龙头, 通过办好重大会展 节庆活动, 近期召开的市委经济工作会议, 明确了今年成 提升办会办展水平, 提高城市国际知名度 都经济工作将继续坚持 稳中快进 领先发展 的 Jing Gang with Lawrence Wong, Acting Minister of Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth of Singapore in Chengdu visit On November, 2012, Jing Gang, member of Standing Committee of CPC Chengdu Committee and Party Secretary of Working Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, accompanied Lawrence Wong, Acting Minister of Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Senior Minister of the Department of Public Information and Singaporean President of Singapore-Sichuan Trade and Investment Committee, on a visit to Singapore-Sichuan Hi-tech Innovation Park and introduced general layout, construction and investment invitation of the park. Jing hoped that both sides could work together and continue to bring more investments to the park. 经过多年发展, 成都已经成为全国前列 中西部第一的中国会展名城和国内外重大会展活动布局中国西部的首选城市 财富全球论坛和世界华商大会两大具有国际影响力的盛会 2013 年齐聚蓉城, 成都也成为迄今为止唯一一个在同一年度吸引两大盛会落户的城市 这标志着成都国际会展经济步 基调 市委 市政府将 2013 年确定为国际会展突破年, 既进一步增强了成都发展国际会展经济的信心, 也设定了清晰的路径 : 以精心承办财富全球论坛和世界华商大会为总牵引, 借势形成提升城市综合实力的 大事件效应, 助推成都奋力打造西部经济核心增长极, 加快建设开放型区域中心和国际 入了快速发展的轨道 化城市 其实, 在过去几个月, 成都已经接连斩获多项 对于外事部门而言, 今年将紧紧围绕 国际会 重大国际性活动 :10 月底, 成都打败奥地利陶普利 展突破年 主题, 抓住加快推进国际化城市建设的 Zhao Miao Meets with President of UBM Live On November 11, 2012, Zhao Miao, Vice Mayor of Chengdu, met with Paula Milburn, President of UBM Live. Zhao Miao introduced general economic and cultural development of Chengdu as well as current situation of logistics and exhibition industries. He indicated that Chengdu has mature exhibition venues, rich experience in exhibition affairs and talents. Chengdu welcomes UBM Live holding its famous exhibition projects here such as the ATC Global. Paula briefly introduced UBM Live and some famous exhibition projects it owns. She indicated that the rapid development of Chengdu in recent years has been very impressive and attracted the world s attention. Chengdu has a rich experience in hosting international conferences and conventions and she is willing to promote the cooperation regarding exhibition work between UBM Live and Chengdu. The first ATC Global was held in Maastricht, Netherlands, which officially became sister cities with Chengdu in September, 2012. 兹和巴西里约热内卢, 赢得 2015 年第 14 届 IVV 国际市民奥林匹克运动会的举办权, 这是被誉为世界上参与度最广的 市民奥运会 首次来到中国 ; 11 月, 喜讯从西班牙巴塞罗那传来, 成都战胜墨西哥首都墨西哥城和俄罗斯乌里扬诺夫斯科州, 成功申办 2014 年世界电子政府组织 (WeGO) 第三 有利时机, 以外国领馆落户 国际机构引进和友城建设为抓手, 以开展国际交流活动为手段, 落脚点同样是推进成都开放型区域中心和国际化城市建设 明确的工作思路和有效的实施路径, 让我们有理由对今年成都加快现代化和国际化进程充满希冀 成都外事 0 0 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

International Exhibition & Convention, a Further Step to City Breakthrough Text / Xiao Fan WeGO 亚洲区总部落户成都 成都成功申办 2014 年 WeGO 第三届 全球大会并当选该组织的执行副主席城市 文 / 安好 In September 2012, Action Plan on Building international convention and exhibition economy Municipal Party Committee and Chengdu Chengdu into an International City (2012-2016) has entered a fast track. Municipal People s Government set that 2013 was issued, confirming the goal and action of In fact, Chengdu won several bids to host as a breakthrough year for the development Chengdu s globalized urban construction. 2013 major international events in the past several of international exhibition and convention. is set as breakthrough year for the development months. At the end of October, 2012, Chengdu This does not only strengthen Chengdu s of international convention and exhibition won the host of 14 th IVV Olympiad, which is confidence in developing international exhibition of Chengdu. With a theme of enhancing honored as citizen Olympic Games with and convention but also gives it a clear path the internationalization of conventions and the widest participation in 2015, beating for the future. Hosting Fortune Global Forum exhibitions, led by key conventions and Tauplitz of Austria and Rio de Janeiro of and World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention exhibitions including Fortune Global Forum Brazil. In November, good news came from will produce Major Event Effect that works and the 12 th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Barcelona that Chengdu won over Mexico City to improve city s comprehensive strength in Convention, Chengdu will improve its and Russia s Ulyanovsk Oblast to host the establishing Chengdu as a core growth pole in convention and exhibition coordination to gain 3 rd World e-government Organization Global western China, an open regional center and an further worldwide popularity through hosting Convention in 2014. It also became the location international city. major conventions, exhibitions and fairs. of WeGo Asian Headquarter. On November On foreign affairs sectors, this year, as a Thanks to years of development, Chengdu 29, the 2 nd Annual Chengdu Denmark breakthrough year for international has become a well-known convention and Cooperation on Health Care for the Elderly exhibition, Chengdu will seize the exhibition destination in China. It ranks among was held in Chengdu where Danish delegation opportunity to globalize the city. With aid from the top host cities in China and the NO.1 came and popularized their rich experience in foreign consulates settlement, international destination in western China both for domestic nursing sector and established cooperation organizations entry and sister-city ties and and foreign clients. Chengdu will have two relationship with Chengdu counterparts. through international exchanges, Chengdu influential events in 2013: Fortune Global Forum The Working Conference of CPC Chengdu will accelerate the building of an open regional and World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention. Municipal Party Committee explicated that center and international city. A clear work It will be the world's only city to host two Chengdu s economic development adheres plan and an effective implementation path will important events at such a grand-size in to the basic economic policy of sustainable support Chengdu towards modernization and the same year. This marks that Chengdu s and swift development. CPC Chengdu globalization. 世界电子政府组织 (WeGO) 第二届全球大会 成都外事 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 成都市成功申办 2014 年第三届 WeGO 全球大会! 2012 年 11 月, 喜讯 从西班牙巴塞罗那传来 2012 年, 世界 电子政府组织 (WeGO) 第二届全球大 会在西班牙巴塞罗那举行, 经过激烈角 逐, 成都市最终战胜墨西哥首都墨西哥城和俄罗斯乌里扬诺夫斯科州, 成功申办 2014 年 WeGO 第三届全球大会 同时, 成都还当选该组织的执行副主席城市, 并成功争取 WeGO 亚洲区总部落户成都 WeGO s Asian Headquarter Settled in Chengdu Chengdu won the bid of hosting the 2014 WeGO 世界电子政府组织 (WeGO) 成立于 2010 年, 总部设于韩国首尔, 现有会员城市 72 个, 与联合国公共行政网 世界 参会代表合影 3 rd General Assembly and was voted as the Vice President City of the Executive Committee. 银行和国际电信联盟等国际组织和机构建立了合作伙伴关系, 致力于为世界城市 会发展情况 国际交流成果和国际会议组织经验向 64 个国际组织和世界城市做 智能城市建设的肯定, 同时成都企业可以通过 WeGO 交流合作平台, 促进交流与 Text / An Hao 和地方政府提供交流学习有关电子政务 了近 10 分钟的详细介绍, 并播放了视频 合作 久远新方向董事长向生建则认为, 和智能城市建设经验的平台, 通过更加高 短片, 给与会代表留下了深刻的印象 最 WeGO 选择成都是成都市在扩大开放方 效和透明的政务服务和公共行政管理模 终, 成都战胜了墨西哥首都墨西哥城和俄 面一个较大的成效 式提升世界公民的生活品质和参与社会 罗斯乌里扬诺夫斯克省, 全票通过成为下 成都九州电子信息系统股份公司总经 事务的水平 WeGO 全球大会每两年举行一次, 第一届大会和第二届大会分别在韩国首尔和西班牙巴塞罗那举行 11 月 12 日至 一届 WeGO 全球大会和执委会会议的主办城市 如此集中高效的城市宣介有效提升了成都在国际组织和世界城市中的影响力 理张兵认为, 成都目前已聚集了多家世界 500 强企业 成都是中国的老牌子电子基地之一, 超过 50 年的电子产业积累, 市区和周边城市聚焦了大量的电子制造企业 Chengdu won the bid to host the 2014WeGO 3 rd General Assembly! The good news came from Barcelona, Spain in November, 2012, where the 2 nd General Assembly of World e-governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments was held. After fierce years. The first and second took place respectively in Seoul, South Korea and Barcelona, Spain. The 2 nd General Assembly staged from November 12 to 14 in Barcelona. It was attended by more than 200 delegates from 64 international organizations and cities such as 14 日在巴塞罗那举行的第二届全球大会吸引了包括联合国 世界银行 世界经合组织和首尔 巴黎 赫尔辛基 法兰克福 布宜诺斯艾利斯 内罗布 哥本哈根 包括罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特 莫桑比克首都马普托和德国法兰克福等世界知名城市的代表均纷纷主动向成都示好, 希望密切与成都的联系, 广泛开展各领域交流 WeGO 大会能够在成都举办, 其亚洲总部选择落户成都, 说明成都已经在全球电子产业区域中具备了一定的竞争优势 在这样的区域发展, 成都电子企业更有信 competition, Chengdu triumphed over Mexico City, capital of Mexico and Ulyanovskaya Oblast of Russia and succeeded in winning the bid for 2014 WeGO 3 rd General Assembly. At the same time, Chengdu was voted as the Vice President City of the Executive Committee and United Nations, World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as officials from Seoul, Paris, Helsinki, Frankfurt, Buenos Aires, Nairobi and Copenhagen. 等共计 64 个国际组织和城市的 200 余名代表参加 借助 WeGO 平台扩大成都国际影响力 合作 业界声音 :WeGO 落户成都将带来 大事件经济 效应 心将产品推向全世界 国腾电子主营的北斗卫星导航产品为智能城市建设提供卫星导航定位 授时等地理位置信息服务 国腾电子副总经理杨国勇表示, WeGO 在成都设立亚洲区 managed to attract WeGO Asian headquarter to settle. World e-governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments, based in Seoul, South Korea, was established in 2010. Now, it has 72 member cities and partnerships with organizations such as United National Public Administration Network, World Extend Chengdu s Influence by WeGO International forum is a fast lane to enhance Chengdu s global influence. Chengdu made full use of the platform built by WeGO when bidding for 2014 WeGO 3 rd General Assembly, campaigning for Asian headquarter and the 国际组织是提升成都国际影响力的一条捷径和便道 在申办 2014 年第三届 WeGO 全球大会和竞选 WeGO 亚洲区总 目前成都市的智能城市建设已涉及到很多领域, 成都本地电子信息众多企业认为在 2014 年在成都召开的 WeGO 第三届全球大会将带来 大事件经济 效 总部, 能够有效提高成都的国际知名度和影响力, 更有利于成都市电子产业的良性发展和高端技术型人才的引进 成都通过举办类似 2014 年 WeGO 第三届全球大会 Bank and International Telecommunication Union. It is devoted to offer a platform for exchanging ideas and knowledge among members based on their experience in e-government and building smart cities. It aims to improve the quality of living and the level of participation in Vice President City of the Executive Committee. At the General Assembly, Chengdu presented a video clip and a 10-minute detailed introduction about its socio-economic development and experience from organizing international conferences. These left a deep impression to participants 部和副主席城市的过程中, 成都充分利用 WeGO 搭建的平台, 将成都市的经济社 应 对此, 四川华体照明总经理梁熹说, WeGO 选择成都是对成都的电子政务和 的重大活动, 将吸引更多优秀的企业和人才到成都来共同建设智能城市 social affairs for global citizens through more efficient and transparent government services. The General Assembly of WeGO is held every two from 64 international organizations and cities around the globe. In the end, Chengdu won over Mexico City, capital of Mexico and Ulyanovskaya Oblast of Russia. It was 成都外事 10 11 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 unanimously elected as the host city for the General Assembly and the Vice President City of the Executive Committee. This highly efficient way of presenting Chengdu has expanded its influence among international organizations and cities around the world. Many famous cities such as Bucharest, capital of Romania, Maputo, capital of Mozambique and Frankfurt, Germany, have expressed their hope to build close relationship with Chengdu and engage in cooperation and exchange activities. Voice of Industry: Wego S Settlement to Bring Major Event Economic Impact to Chengdu. At this stage, building a smart city in Chengdu involves many areas. Many local electronics enterprises think that the 3 rd General Assembly of WeGO in 2014 will generate Major Event Economic Impact to Chengdu. In this regard, Liang Xi, general manager of Sichuan Huati Lighting Corporation, remarked that, by choosing Chengdu, WeGO showed their positive attitude towards the e-government and smart city efforts of this city. In the meantime, Chengdu s enterprises will be able to promote their exchanges and cooperation to foreign enterprises through WeGO. Xiang Shengjian, chairman of Sichuan Fornew technologies Co., Ltd. expressed that being chosen by WeGO can be marked as an achievement in opening-up effort. Zhang Bing, general manager of Chengdu Jiuzhou Electronic Information System Co., Ltd, said that Chengdu, for the time being, is home to about 130 enterprises of top Fortune 500. Chengdu is one of the electronics bases producing famous brands with long history. With more than 50 years experience in electronics industry, a large number of electronics enterprises have gathered in this city and neighboring areas. The fact that General Assembly of WeGO will be held in Chengdu and settle its Asian headquarter here proves that Chengdu has the competitive advantages in global electronics industry. Electronics enterprises in Chengdu are more confident to promote our products worldwide because this is the place where we are based. The main business of GoldTel is making Beidou navigation satellite products to offer satellite navigation positioning and time service and other geological information service for building a smart city. Yang Guoyong, general manager of GoldTel Electronics, noted, the settlement of WeGO s Asian headquarter in Chengdu will increase international reputation and influence of this city. It is more favorable to the sound progress of electronics industry of Chengdu and attracts high-end technical talents. By hosting major events such as 2014 WeGO 3 rd General Assembly, more excellent enterprises and talents will be drawn to Chengdu to jointly build it into a smart city. 大会现场 体验典型中国徒步熊猫故乡 2015 第 14 届 IVV 首次来到成都 中国成都与奥地利陶普利兹和巴西里约热内卢竞争, 最终赢得 2015 年第 14 届 IVV 国际市民奥林匹克运动会的举办权, 这是中国第一座举办 IVV 奥林匹克运动会的城市 届时,IVV50 多个成员国将从世界的四面八方派出代表来成都参与这次国际市民间的奥运大聚会 这不仅对于宣传成都, 提高成都乃至中国的国际影响力具有无比巨大的作用, 也对推广市民运动 开展全民健身 增进民间国际交流具有重要意义 Attending Meeting 文 / 萧繁 成都外事 12 13 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 民奥林匹克运动会正式落户成都 2013 年 6 月, 第 13 届 IVV 国际市民奥运会将在意 大利举行 届时, 成都市政府及 CVA 将组织中国代表 继 2008 年北京成功举办奥林匹克运动会之后, 又一次世界规模的奥运盛事光临中国 国际市民体育联盟 ( 简称 IVV)2012 年年会期间, 在成都市政府与国际市民体育联盟中国总部 ( 简称 CVA) 的共同努力下, 中国成都打败奥地利陶普利兹和巴西里约热内卢, 赢得 2015 年第 成都魅力征服现场评委 2012 年 10 月底,IVV 2012 年会首次来到亚洲 在广东肇庆隆重举行 总结过去与畅想未来之余, 此次 IVV 年会有一个重要的使命, 就是通过代表投票决定 2015 年第 14 届国际市民奥林匹 团参与其中, 代表团包含政府 高校师生 体育及旅游领域研究者 实践者, 以及普通爱好户外运动的中国市民等 按照 IVV 奥运会惯例, 成都市与 CVA 作为下一届 IVV 奥运会的举办方, 将在第 13 届 IVV 奥运会期间举行接旗仪式及相关合同签订, 同时可以更早体验到 IVV 奥运会的国际赛事, 学习先进理念 14 届 IVV 国际市民奥林匹克运动会的举办权 IVV 奥运会被誉为世界上参与度最广的 市民奥运会, 这是继世界大力士赛 WBC 世界拳王争霸赛 ATP 巡回赛 世界体育舞蹈节 中国马术节之后, 成都又一次在国内创下先河 : 中国第一座举办 IVV 奥林匹克运动会的城市 届时, IVV50 多个成员国将从世界的四面八方派出代表来成都参与这次国际市民间的奥运大聚会 这不仅对于宣传成都, 提高成都乃至中国的国际影响力具有无比巨大的作用, 也对推广市民运动 开展全民健身 增进民间国际交流具有重要意义 克运动会举办城市的归属地 这也是每次 IVV 年会上最令人紧张激动的环节 作为 IVV 在中国的总代表,CVA 牵头经长达半年准备工作, 与成都市达成协议, 共同申办 2015 年第 14 届 IVV 国际市民奥林匹克运动会 10 月 21 日上午,2012 IVV 年会上, 奥地利陶普利兹市 巴西里约热内卢市和中国成都进入最后的角逐 凭借以往参与申办流程的经验总结, 以及与主席团的多次沟通, 成都市副市长傅勇林率领的由市体育局 市政府外办 市旅游局 市博览局共同组成的申办团队与 CVA 密切配合, 在文化展示上做足文章 : 大会现场发放了成都体 成都申办团古筝表演育 旅游 会展及综合介绍材料, 组织了精彩的文艺表演, 用 PPT 和视频的方式进行了城市形象推介 傅勇林副市长 市外办主任邱海明 市外办干部司蓓蓓用英文分别代表成都市政府 成都市申办团队 成都市民向所有与会代表做了精彩的申办陈述, 最全面地展示成都 随着 IVV 代表投票结束,IVV 主席朱塞佩 科兰托尼奥宣布 让我们为成都市成功取得 2015 年国际市民奥林匹克运动会举办权表示祝贺 与会代表纷纷起立, 向成都市副市长傅勇林为团长的成都市代表团热烈鼓掌表示祝贺 至此,2015 年第 14 届国际市 体验成都要做的 5 件事此次成都提出的申办口号是 体验典型中国, 徒步熊猫故乡, 对于外国人而言, 成都为何有信心举办一届别具东方魅力的 IVV 盛会呢? 体验一座城市, 可以有多种多样的选择, 在成都, 有许许多多精彩纷呈的事情恭候 2015 年, 你们将在成都度过愉快的时光 一名普通的成都市民这样建议 : 体验成都, 至少要做 5 件事 : 去一个地方, 吃一餐美食, 看一个朋友, 留下一个晚上, 空出一个下午 去一个地方, 会有 172 种选择 成都拥有 172 处风景名胜,25 个自然保护区 森林公园和地质公园, 傅勇林副市长 市外办主任邱海明 市外办干部司蓓蓓作申办陈述 成都申办团熊猫舞蹈表演 成都外事 14 15 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 Experience Authentic China and Trek the Town of Panda the 14 th IVV to Open in Chengdu in 2015 for the First Time 成都申办团队合影 17 处全国重点文物保护单位,9 个历史文化名城小镇, 在成都及其周边汇集了 8 处世界自然和文化遗产 减少选择难度的方式就是在成都多待上一些时间, 或者多来几次成都 吃一餐美食, 选择有点难 成都是著名的世界美食之都, 是举世闻名的川菜的发祥地 因为川菜的卓越地位和精湛厨艺,2010 年被联合国教科文组织命名为亚洲首个 世界美食之都 选择一餐美食的难度在于即使每天吃 10 种不同的菜式, 也需要 16 个月的时间, 因为有文献记载的川菜食谱就超过 5000 种 看一个朋友, 当然就是去看熊猫, 他是全世界的朋友 全世界现存的大熊猫约为 1500 多只, 全都在中国,80% 生活在四川 成都大熊猫基地是联合国环境规划署颁发的全球 500 佳基地, 是了解大熊猫 回归大自然的标志性景区 留下一个晚上, 是要去体验夜成都生活的多姿多彩, 体味一种别样的都市风情 兰桂坊酒吧街 宽窄巷子风情街 一品天下美食街等等, 都是夜成都的最佳去处 空出一个下午, 可以有三种完全不同的选择 : 一是去学一段太极拳, 太极是把身心都融于自然的一项古老的健身运动, 或许太极是了解博大精深的东方文化的一扇窗户 ; 二是去选购一些蜀锦蜀绣, 带回去送给家人朋友, 它们都是享誉中外的非物质文化遗产 ; 三是可以什么都不做, 到宽窄巷子去, 找一间很传统的四合院, 饮一杯很成都的盖碗茶, 体味一番原汁原味 悠悠闲闲的成都生活 新闻背景国际市民体育联盟 (IVV) 是致力于发展市民非竞争性休闲运动 促进国际间合作交流的国际民间组织,1968 年由德国 瑞士 奥地利等国联合成立, 总部设在德国 其运动形式包括徒步 滑雪滑冰 自行车及游泳, 其中徒步是主体性的运动项目 截止 2012 年,IVV 拥有 53 个成员国,6000 个俱乐部, 近 2 亿会员 IVV 奥运会, 即 IVV 国际市民奥林匹克运动会, 是由 IVV 举办的 以普通市民为参赛对象的国际体育赛事, 每两年在 IVV 的成员国举行一次 该活动是 IVV 成员国 会员俱乐部和户外运动爱好者的盛会, 能够促进各国参与者之间的友谊和相互交流, 极大地影响各国国民健康及休闲进程 IVV 奥运会项目容包括徒步 游泳 自行车等, 每个参与者都能在找到最适合自己的项目, 享受这项盛会 首届 IVV 奥运会于 1989 年在荷兰举行, 德国 法国 意大利 希腊等国都有举行, 至 2011 年已举办了十二届 After competing with Tauplitz of Australia and Rio de Janeiro of Brazil, Chengdu finally won the bid to host the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. It will be the first city to organize this sports event in China to which over 50 member countries of IVV from all over the world will come. It will play an important role in promoting Chengdu and enhancing its and China s international influence, as well as popularizing people s sports, developing fitness and improving international communication. Text / Xiao Fan During the 2012 Delegation Congress of World Dance Sport Festival and China Equestrian International Volkssport Verband (IVV), with Festival, Chengdu makes another record in China joint efforts by Chengdu Municipal People s by becoming the first city to host IVV Olympiad. It Government and China Volkssport Association will be the first city to organize this sports event in (CVA), Chengdu, China defeated Tauplitz, Australia China to which over 50 member countries of IVV and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and won the bid to host from all over the world will come. It will play an the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. important role in promoting Chengdu and enhancing IVV Olympiad has been reputed as Olympic Games its and China s international influence, as well as for People which sees the greatest participation popularizing people s sports, developing fitness in the world. After hosting World Strongman and improving international communication. Competition, World Boxing Competition, ATP Tour, 成都外事 16 17 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 Chengdu: Winning the Hearts of All End October 2012 saw the 2012 IVV Delegation Congress of International Volkssport Verband (IVV) open for the first time in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, Asia. Reviewing the past and looking into the future, the IVV Congress completed an important mission - delegates voted for the host of the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. It has been one of the most exciting moments of each IVV Delegation Congress. CVA, as the chief delegate of IVV in China, with half a year s preparation and an agreement with Chengdu to jointly apply for bidding for the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. In the morning of October 21, Chengdu, Tauplitz and Rio de Janeiro entered as the finalists. With experience in application and communication with presidium, Chengdu s applying team, led by Fu Yonglin, Vice Mayor of Chengdu, with Chengdu Sports Bureau, Foreign Affairs Office of People s Government of Chengdu Municipality, Chengdu Municipal Tourism Administration and Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Exposition, worked closely with CVA and gave a thorough presentation on the culture of Chengdu. Materials on Chengdu s sports, tourism, convention & exhibition and comprehensive information were handed out. Wonderful artistic performances were organized and the image of the city was showcased by PPT and videos. Fu Yonglin, Vice Mayor of Chengdu, Qiu Haiming, the Director-General of Foreign Affairs Office of People s Government of Chengdu Municipality and Si Beibei, deputy chief of Foreign Affairs Office of People s Government of Chengdu Municipality respectively gave an excellent speech in English about the application to all the attendants Group Photo and showed them the beauty of Chengdu, on behalf of Chengdu Municipal Government, Chengdu s applying team and Chengdu citizens. Upon the revelation of the voting result, the IVV chairman Giuseppe Colantonio declared, Congratulations to Chengdu on winning the host of the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. All stood up, applauded and extended their congratulations to Chengdu s delegation. This marked the official approval for Chengdu to host the 14 th IVV Olympiad in 2015. In June 2013, the 13 th IVV Olympiad is to be held in Italy. On the occasion, a team from Chengdu will attend the event, consisting of government officials, teachers and students from universities and colleges, researchers and practitioners in sport and tourism fields, as well as people who are fond of outdoor activities. In accordance with the practice of IVV Olympiad, Chengdu and CVA, as the next host, will be in the ceremony of taking over the flag and sealing relevant contract and get a good preview of the grand event. Attending Meeting 成都外事 18 19 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 Five Things to Do to Experience Chengdu The application slogan proposed by Chengdu is Experience Authentic China and Trek the Town of Panda. Foreigners may want to know how Chengdu is going to hold an IVV Olympiad with oriental flavor. Various things can be done to experience a city. In Chengdu, there are many wonderful things to do. In 2015, you will have a joyous time in Chengdu. Words from a Chengdu citizen, at least five things: a visit to one scenic spot and one friend, one delicious dinner, stay for one night and grand yourself one free afternoon. The visit to one scenic spot will see 172 options available. Chengdu is home to 172 places of interests, 25 nature reserves, forests and geological parks, 17 national key relic protection sites and 9 famous historical and cultural towns and 8 world natural and cultural heritages. When the decision is hard to make, stay in Chengdu for longer or come back. A delicious dinner is not an easy pick-up. Known as the City of Gastronomy, Chengdu is famous as the original place for Sichuan cuisines in the world. It was granted with the title of the first Gastronomy City of the World in Asia by UNESCO in 2010 due to prominent Sichuan cuisine and exquisite culinary skills. Ten different dishes every day will take at least 16 months to have them all, as there are over 5,000 Sichuan cuisine recipes recorded in bibliography. The friend you must see? Panda of course! All the over 1,500 pandas are living in China, 80% of which are in Sichuan. Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base is one of the top 500 bases in the world ranked by UNEP, with its distinct scenic spot to learn about pandas and nature. One night in Chengdu will be experiencing the colorful night life Chengdu. Lan Kwai Fong Bar Street, Kuai & Zhai Alley and Yiping Tianxia Gourmet Street are all good choices for a wonderful Chengdu evening. One free afternoon in Chengdu can be filled with, 1. Taiji Boxing. It is an ancient exercise which combines spirit, body with nature. It is a window to learn the profound oriental culture. 2. Getting some Sichuan brocades & embroideries as souvenirs to your families and friends. These are intangible cultural heritages enjoying high reputations at home and abroad. 3. Strolling in Kuai & Zhai Alley. Find a traditional courtyard house, have a drink of authentic Chengdu Gaiwan tea (tea served in a set of cups) and have a taste of authentic Chengdu life in a leisure time. 丹麦养老产业进军成都 签约仪式 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛 在新都北欧知识城举行 文 / 安好 Background IVV Olympiad is organized by International Volkssport Verband (IVV). It is an international sports IVV is an international organization devoting itself to develop noncompetitive leisure activities for citizens and enhancing international cooperation event held for ordinary people in member countries every two year, a grand moment for IVV member countries, member clubs and outdoor enthusiasts. 成都人有望享受丹麦式养老服务 2012 年 11 月 29 日, 第二届 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛 暨企业 府外办 市民政局 市投促委和丹麦驻重庆总领事馆联合协办, 新都区人民政府和北欧知识城承办 and exchange. It was established by Germany, Switzerland and Austria in 1968 and headquartered in Germany. Its competition events cover hiking, skiing, driving bicycle and swimming. Among them, hiking is the major sport event. Up until 2012, IVV It promotes friendship and communication among participants from different countries and brings great promoting effects on health and leisure. The first IVV Olympiad was held in the Netherlands in 1989, then in Germany, France, Italy and Greece, 洽谈会在新都北欧知识城举行, 丹麦养老行业代表团来蓉推广丹麦养老产业的丰富经验, 并与成都同行建立合作伙伴关系, 开展广泛合作 丹麦驻重庆总领事林汉祥表示, 丹麦有望于 2013 年在西部建设 该论坛是继 2012 年 5 月 2012 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛暨企业洽谈 后成都与丹麦再次携手合作 此次论坛的宗旨是为中国和丹麦养老领域的投资商 供应商以及教育机构提供一个合作共赢的平台, 推 has 53 member countries, 6,000 clubs and almost 200 million members. etc.. There have been 12 IVV Olympiads so far. 养老产业中心 此次论坛由丹麦王国驻华大使馆主办, 成都市政 动丹麦养老康复中心项目的成功运营 成都外事 20 21 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 项目落地 : 丹麦将在蓉企业建立养老项目孵化室 成都是一个经商环境很好的城市, 丹麦企业到中国做生意, 成都是必不可少的一个城市 林汉祥说 丹麦在养老康复领域有着广泛而丰富的经验, 丹麦代表团此行的目标是在中国西部建立一家私人运营的低碳型养老康复中心 论坛上, 丹麦霍森斯市政府健康保健部主任塔克 卡尔森对丹麦养老院的运行模式进行了陈述, 向与会嘉宾介绍了丹麦在养老产业的先进技术和管理经验 在接下来的分组对接会中, 丹麦养老产业公司和组织介绍了丹麦养老产业发展情况, 特别是丹麦在国家养老福利政策制定 养老金投资 养老院经营管理 老年病的康复 老年公寓的信息化管理和专业设计, 以及社会福利工作人员的教育培训等 丹麦驻重庆总领事馆还与新都北欧知识城签署了 关于建立丹麦在蓉企业孵化室合作协议, 该孵化项目旨在为丹麦公司进驻成都提供帮助, 双方合作, 未来使成都的公司也能提供丹麦式 养老服务, 最终使成都人有望享受丹麦式养老服务 丹麦驻华大使馆医疗参赞莫杰表示, 根据预计, 到 2015 年, 成都 60 岁以上的老人 论坛现场 将超过 244.8 万人 这表明中国的养老工作任重道远 在成都, 发展养老产业有巨大潜力, 我们希望重新定义 如何对待老年人 莫杰说, 最早人们对养老机构的认识就是 给老年人提供一个住所, 现在, 养老机构希望给老年人更好的居住环境, 能让他们融入社会 丹麦建造养老院的基本要素就是老人的生活及他们的生活故事, 养 老院会从他们自身的故事出发, 为他们提供具有针对性的生活和心理照顾与服务, 尊 重他们对日常事务的自主权, 确保其尽可能独立地生活 对接合作 : 成都养老产业未来将大有可为 根据测算,2015 年全市机构养老床位需求为 7.4 万张 成都全市现有养老机构 198 家, 总面积约 3675 亩, 床位约 4 万张 其中, 中心城区 ( 五城区含高新区 ) 现有养老机构 30 处, 床位约 0.8 万张 根据 成都市养老设施布局规划 (2011-2020), 到 2020 年, 成都全市共规划机构养老设施 395 处 ( 现状保留 159 处 ), 总面积 11709 亩, 床位约 21.7 万张 成都与丹麦的养老产业领域的公司均看好成都养老产业在未来的发展, 认为双方合作将大有可为 在第二届 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛 暨企业洽谈会活动中, 通过一对一的企业对接, 丹麦在养老机构建设 医疗康复 养老建筑 养老设备 护理 教育 设计 技术 咨询和 IT 软件等多领域的养老产业公司和组织与我市有意向投资养老产业的公司开展了实质洽谈, 部分项目达成了合作意向 丹麦在养老康复领域有着广泛而丰富的经验, 成都有意愿投资养老产业的企业与丹麦养老行业通过此次论坛加强交流与合作, 努力达成共建共赢的美好愿景, 来共同推进成都养老事业的发展 参会中外代表发言 成都外事 022 23 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

纵深 封面故事 未来目标 : 宜人成都老有颐养 随着经济快速发展, 居民生活水平和医疗水平的提高, 成都老年人口出现平均预期 寿命提高, 高龄老年人比重不断增加的趋势 截至 2011 年底, 全市 60 岁以上老年人口 已达 213.98 万人, 占全市户籍总人口的 18.39%, 在成都的常住人口当中, 有 700 多位百岁及以上老人, 比 2000 年增长了一倍多, 平均每年递增 8.5% 预计到 2015 年, 全市 60 岁以上老年人口还将增加 42 万人, 达到 244.8 万人 为扶持养老事业发展, 向老年人提供更好的养老服务, 成都市陆续出台了 关于推进我市城乡老龄事业发展的意见 关于全面推进居家养老服务工作的意见 等一系列措施 2011 年底相继出台的 成都市城乡养老事业发展第十二个五年规划 和 成都市人民政府关于加快社会化养老机构发展的意见, 更是为未来五年的养老事业发展绘就了发展蓝图, 并提供了社会化养老机构发展的一系列保障措施 2012 年, 成都市第十二次党代会提出建设宜人成都的美好愿景和奋斗目标, 要更大规模 更高标准地推进为民办实事民生工程, 朝着 人有普保 劳有应获 学有良教 病有适医 老有颐养 住有安居 的方向迈出坚实步伐 通过第二届 成都 丹麦养老产业论坛 暨企业洽谈会, 成都与丹麦在养老领域达成诸多合作意向 成都市政府外办 Danish Health Care Sector for the Elderly Coming to Chengdu T h e 2 n d A n n u a l C h e n g d u D e n m a r k Cooperation on Health Care for the Elderly Staged in Nordic City of Living & Learning, Xindu Text / An Hao 同丹麦霍森斯市卫生和社会服务局签署 养老产业合作意向书, 北欧知识城同丹麦王国驻重庆总领事馆签署了 关于建立丹麦在蓉企业孵化室合作协议, 北欧知识城同丹麦执事家园签署了 关于开发养老院的合作意向书, 四川聚信发展股权投资基金管理有限公司同丹麦执事家园签署了 养老产业合作备忘录 成都大学 成都职业技术学院 成都技师学院与来访的丹麦高校 职业培训机构分别对接开展校际交流和未来培训方面的合作 丹麦养老产业进军成都, 必将为成都 老有颐养 注入强劲动力 论坛现场 The elderly in Chengdu will be able to enjoy Danish health care. On November 29, 2012, the 2 nd Annual Chengdu Denmark Cooperation on Health Care for the Elderly Staged in Nordic City of Living & Learning, Xindu. Delegates from Denmark shared their rich experience in senior nursing and forged partnership with trade counterparts in Chengdu to develop extensive cooperation. Mr. Hans Halskov, Consul General of Danish Consulate in Chongqing, noted that, by 2013, Denmark will build Danish nursing homes in West China. This Forum was hosted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in China. It was organized by Foreign Affairs Office of People s Government of Chengdu Municipality, Chengdu Civil Affairs Office, Chengdu Investment Promotion Commission and Royal Danish Consulate General in Chongqing, cohosted by People s Government of Xindu and Nordic City of Living & Learning. This forum marked the second cooperation between Chengdu and Denmark following the previous Annual Chengdu Denmark Cooperation on Health Care for the Elderly held in May, 2012. The aim of this Forum is to build a mutually beneficial platform for Chinese and Danish investors, suppliers and educational institutions in senior nursing home sector and facilitate the successful operation of Danish Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Ripe Fruit: Denmark to Set up Elderly Health Care Project Incubator in Chengdu. Chengdu boasts sound business environment. It is a must-to-go city for Danish enterprises doing business in China, said Hans Halskov. Denmark has an extensive and rich experience in nursing and rehabilitation and Danish delegation aimed to set up a private low carbon nursing and rehabilitation center in Western China. Tage Carlsen, Head of Division of Health and Care, spoke at the forum regarding how nursing homes operate in Denmark. He also briefed the audience in terms of advanced technology and management 成都外事 24 25 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

On average, the number increases by 8.5% each year. Matchmaking Cooperation: Promising Future for Chengdu s Senior Nursing Sector It is predicted that by 2015 the number of seniors above 60 will be 420,000 people, making the total number up to 2.448 million. To support the development of nursing sector for It is predicted that 74,000 beds will be needed for seniors and offer better nursing services, Chengdu senior nursing in Chengdu by the year 2015. There are government announced a series of measures such currently 198 nursing institutions in Chengdu, covering as Opinions on Facilitating the Work for Urban and an area of 3,675 mu and providing around 40,000 beds. Rural Seniors, and Opinions on Advancing the Work of Among which, 30 nursing institutions are located in Home-based Nursing Care Service. The 12 th Five-Year central urban area (five urban districts including Hi-tech Plan for Urban and Rural Nursing Sector in Chengdu Zone) with 8,000 beds. According to Chengdu Nursing and Opinions of People s Government of Chengdu Facility Distribution Plan (2011-2020), the total number Municipality on Accelerating the Development of Nursing of planned nursing facilities of Chengdu will be 395 (159 Homes were launched at the end of 2011 to frame the to remained from status quo), which will occupy 11,709 development of nursing home sector in the next five mu with 217,000 beds. Enterprises from the senior years and to serve as a series of measures to guarantee nursing sector of Chengdu and Denmark are full of hope the socialization of nursing homes. on Chengdu's senior nursing sector in the future. Both In 2012, at the 12 th Party Congress of Chengdu, of them see their cooperation promising. delegates brought forward the vision and objective of One-on-one matchmaking was held during the 2 nd building a livable Chengdu. Greater efforts will be made Annual Chengdu Denmark Cooperation on Health to fulfill livelihood programs and bring tangible benefits Care for the Elderly, during which companies and to the public. Concrete targets of the programs are organizations of Danish senior nursing sector talked set to guarantee that each citizen will receive social with potential investors in the following areas such as insurance, good education, health care service, house, building nursing homes, medical rehabilitation, nursing job with pay and enjoyable life after retirement. Through building, nursing facility, care, education, design, the 2 nd Annual Chengdu Denmark Cooperation on Health technology, consulting and IT software. Some projects Care for the Elderly, Chengdu and Denmark have yielded Signing Ceremony were intended to be launched. Denmark has a broad many cooperation results. For instance, government of and abundant experience in nursing and rehabilitation. Chengdu signed Letter of Intention on Cooperation in Companies from Chengdu wishing to invest in Nursing Home Sector with Health and Social Service senior nursing home sector reinforced exchange and Bureau of Horsens, Denmark. Letter of intention on experience of senior nursing home sector in Denmark. During the matchmaking group discussion, Danish companies and organizations specialized in senior nursing sector introduced the industry status quo in Danish. Special focus was given to the formulation of Danish national pension benefits policy, pension investment, operation and management of nursing homes, rehabilitation of geriatric diseases, information management and professional design of senior apartments, and education and training of social workers. Agreement on Establishing Incubator for Danish Enterprises in Chengdu was signed between Royal Danish Consulate General in Chongqing and Xindu Nordic City of Living & Learning. The goal of the preliminary project is to offer support to Danish companies that plan to settle in Chengdu. Under the cooperation, Chengdu s companies will be able to providing Danish senior nursing service in the future. In the end, Chengdu senior residents will be able to enjoy Danish nursing service. Mr. Jens Moth, medical counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark, expressed that it is estimated that by 2015, the number of seniors above 60 years old in Chengdu will exceed 2.448 million. This indicates that China is facing a daunting task in senior nursing. Chengdu has a great potential to develop senior nursing sector and we hope to redefine the concept of how to treat seniors. He noted that people previously thought nursing homes are shelters for seniors but now nursing homes are thinking about how to provide better living environment for seniors and integrate them into the society. The basic element of building nursing homes in Denmark is the life and stories of seniors. Nursing homes will offer targeted care and service to individuals based on their stories. Seniors are respected to choose their own live styles and they are ensured to live independent lives to the greatest possible degree. cooperation with the counterparts from Denmark through this Forum. They will make joint efforts to promote mutual benefits in the future and advance the development of Chengdu s nursing home sector. Future Goal: Livable Chengdu, Carefree Elderly With the fast economic development, rising living and medical standards, the average life expectancy of seniors in Chengdu has increased and the proportion of seniors is growing. By the end of 2011, the number of seniors above 60 has reached 2.1398 million, composing 18.39% of all the registered population. Among the permanent residents in Chengdu, 700 are one hundred years old or above, which doubled the number in 2000. Cooperation in Developing Nursing Homes was signed between the Nordic City of Living & Learning and Royal Danish Consulate General in Chongqing. The Nordic City of Living & Learning signed Letter of Intent on Cooperation in Developing Nursing Homes with Danish Deacon Homes. Sichuan Juxin Equity Investment & Fund Management Co., Ltd. signed Memorandum of Understanding in Nursing Home Sector Cooperation with Danish Deacon Homes. Chengdu University, Chengdu Polytechnic, Chengdu Technician College exchanged opinions with Danish colleges, universities and vocational training institutions. They also discussed future cooperation to set up international training programs. The participation of Danish counterparts in nursing home sector will provide Chengdu seniors better nursing care services. 成都外事 26 27 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

风采 财富 成都 自 2012 年 4 月 9 日 财富 杂志全球 发展速度非常快, 建设水平比预期的要高 摘要直接陈述了他对成都最深刻的印象 总编辑苏安迪正式发布第 12 届财富全球 很多 他把重点放在落户成都的外企身 成都城区高楼林立, 新的现代化建 论坛将在成都举办的消息, 这座代表着 上, 着重分析了成都成为外商投资热土的 筑不断拔地而起 目睹城市繁忙的建设 中国的新未来 的城市就日益成为全球 原因 他走访了通用电气 (GE) 中国创 现状, 他感觉到这是 一个新兴城市的 媒体瞩目的焦点 美国 法国 英国 比 新中心 全球 IC 设计巨头台湾联发科技, 崛起, 成都的经济正在腾飞 城市经济 利时 新加坡等国家的主流媒体先后派出 了解了他们在成都的发展状况 他还与欧 的快速增长吸引了多内利的关注, 考察期 采访团纷至沓来, 发表了多篇极具影响力 盟项目创新中心内孵化企业德国商会 法 间, 他对成都的产业发展尤其关注 位于 的大篇幅深度报道, 深入解码成都这座 国商会的负责人直接对话, 深入龙泉驿汽 龙泉驿区的成都经济技术开发区, 欧洲和 财富之城, 成功之都 的崛起之道 车产业基地, 实地考察汽车产业发展 塞 亚洲汽车制造商的集聚, 使区域经济迅 巴斯蒂安对成都的发展非常感兴趣, 和每 速发展, 让他看到一个蓬勃发展中的中国 成都成外企投资新乐园 一位采访对象都做了深入地沟通和交流 汽车城 在连续几日的采访和实地考察中, 他 坐落在成都高新区的天府软件园, 到西部去! 已成为海外大公司 认为, 成都正在承接国际的产业转移, 完 面积不大, 却吸引了华为 IBM 通用电 的集结号 从两年前开始, 它们纷纷涌向 善的硬件设施 周全的软件服务 广阔的 气 飞利浦 戴尔等国际知名企业纷纷入 这个地区 2012 年 9 月 11 日, 法国的综 市场成为不少外企聚拢的必备条件, 这 驻 通过深入采访, 多内利了解到园区企 合性日报, 也是法国国内发行量最大的报 也使这座城市越发具有国际化气质 业涉及高新技术的各个领域, 未来发展前 纸 费加罗报 用超过半版的规模, 景广阔, 高质量的毕业生源源不断, 为园 刊发了 成都成外企投资新乐园 的深度 成都是正在腾飞的城市 区提供坚实的人才支撑 多内利对园区的 报道 观察很细致, 他在文章中写道, 园区墙上 全球媒体聚焦解码 财富成都 费加罗报 一直是法国最具影响力的报纸, 此次深度报道不仅在经济的头版占据了超过半个版的篇幅, 配发了展示成都所处地理位置的地图 成都现代化城市夜景 在建的环球中心和现代艺术中心共 欧盟主流媒体比利时 新欧洲 周报在 2012 年 10 月第 3 期的报纸中, 以一个整版的大篇幅对成都进行了关注, 推出了题为 成都 : 正在腾飞的城市 的深度报道 文章图文并茂, 毫不吝啬笔墨, 详致 随处可见潮流的动漫涂鸦 动漫人物甚至是史蒂夫 乔布斯的肖像, 从某种意义上说, 园区像一个大学校园 多内利不断称赞成都是一个宜居城市, 成都人总能将工作和生活很好地平衡 成都正在承接国际的产业转移, 完善 的硬件设施 周全的软件服务 广阔 的市场成为不少外企聚拢的必备条 四张图片, 而且还在版面导读位置进行了强调, 称 成都是中国经济整体放缓环境下的一片投资乐土 这是该报首次以如此大的篇幅对成都进行关注和深度报道, 介绍了成都的基本情况 经济发展现状 产业特色等情况, 并配发了富有成都民俗文化特色的大幅图片 新欧洲 记者西里安 多内利 西部大开发战略, 将会进一步促进成都经济的活力 高端产业的聚集, 世界知名企业的云集, 城市建设的发展, 使多内利认为将于 2013 年在成都举办的财 件, 这也使这座城市越发具有国际化 在法国读者中产生了很大的影响 (Cilian Donnelly) 经过在蓉一周的采访 富全球论坛将会非常精彩且具有实效 气质 该报道的作者是 欧洲政治日报 费加罗报 记者塞巴斯蒂安(Falletti 考察, 通过与不同采访对象的交流沟通和自己的实际体验, 从多个视角观察成都, 这是一次很好的契机, 既可以让外界更好地了解和认识成都, 也可使成都自身得 文 / 萧繁 Sebastien Louis),2012 年 9 月, 他专 写出了这篇报道 成都已成为中国最具 到更快更有效率的成长! 首次来到成都 程赴成都进行考察采访, 对成都经济社会 活力的城市之一, 同时也是中国最适宜投 采访的多内利高兴地表示, 他很快将会重 的全面高速发展留下了深刻的印象 资的城市之一 另外, 成都悠久的历史文 返成都采访财富论坛 2013 年 6 月, 成 第一次来到成都, 塞巴斯蒂安对这个 化 现代化的城市管理和规划完美结合, 都, 财富全球论坛见! 西部城市的发展速度有些惊讶 : 成都的 也促进了成都的飞速发展 文章的开篇 成都外事 28 29 FOREIGN AFFAIRS

风采 财富 成都 fast, and the construction level is much higher than what was expected. He focused on foreign enterprises in Chengdu and analyzed Global Media Focus: Decoding Fortune Chengdu the reasons why Chengdu was popular among foreign investors. He visited GE China Innovation Center and the global IC design giant Media Tek of Taiwan to find out their development track in Chengdu. He interviewed officials from the German Chamber of Chengdu is undertaking the international industrial transfer. With sound hardware facilities, comprehensive software services and a broad market to satisfy the needs of foreign enterprises, this city is becoming more and more globalized. Commerce, French Chamber of Commerce and enterprises from the innovation center of EU projects. In addition, he went to Longquanyi Automobile Industrial Base to see the development of automobile industry on site. Text / Xiao Fan After several days of interviews and on-site visits, he believed that Chengdu has begun undertaking an international industrial transfer with sound hardware facilities, comprehensive culture as well as the modernized urban high-quality graduates as a solid talent support software services and a broad market management and planning. In the opening for the Park. Donnelly observed the Park to attract foreign enterprises. The city is abstract, he talked about the deepest carefully and wrote in his report that the walls undoubtedly becoming a globalized city. impression of Chengdu. High buildings of Park are covered with fashionable cartoon are found everywhere in urban Chengdu and scrawls, cartoon figures and even the image of On April 9, 2012, Andy Serwer, the managing editor of Fortune, officially released the news on how Chengdu Becomes a New Paradise for Foreign Investment. Chengdu, a Rising City new modern construction are rising straight from the ground. Witnessing the flourishing Steve Jobs. In some sense, the park is like a campus of a university. Donnelly couldn that the 12 th Fortune Global Forum will be held in Chengdu. Since then, this city, representing the China s New Future, has become the focus of global media. Mainstream media from the US, France, UK, Belgium and Singapore sending their teams to Chengdu and delivered influential features to show how Chengdu has become the City of Fortune and the Capital of Success. Chengdu, New Paradise for Foreign Investment Go West! Since it became the calling for overseas enterprises two years ago, they have followed kept coming to the western part of China. On September 11, 2012, Le Figaro, France s most circulated newspaper, dedicated half of its content to publish an in-depth report As the most influential newspaper in France, Le Figaro not only devoted half of its economy front-page to coverage on Chengdu, including a map of Chengdu s geographic location, a image of night scene of Chengdu, a picture of Global Center under construction and a picture of the Modern Art Center, it also highlighted Chengdu as a Paradise for Investors amid an Overall Economic Slowdown in China. This was the first time the newspaper made a report on Chengdu with such a large scale. The report s journalist was Falletti Sebastien Louis. In September, 2012, he came to Chengdu to conduct interviews and was deeply impressed by the rapid development of both the economy and the social life of Chengdu. On his first visit to Chengdu, Sebastien was surprised by the city s speed of development. The development speed of Chengdu is very As a mainstream press of EU, New Europe Weekly of Belgium covered Chengdu in October, 2012 calling it a Rising City. The report was with excellent essays and pictures to introduce Chengdu to Europeans. It covered the general description, the current situation of economic development, industrial characteristics and showed pictures of folk cultures of Chengdu. After one week s interviews and visit in Chengdu, Cilian Donnelly, a journalist of New Europe, observed Chengdu from multiple perspectives, interviewees and his own experiences. Chengdu is becoming one of the most dynamic cities in China and one of the most suitable cities for investment in China. In addition, the rapid development of Chengdu is boosted by the perfect combination of time-honored history and Chengdu, he noted that it was the rise of a burgeoning city and the economy of Chengdu is boosting rapidly. He paid great attention to the industrial development of Chengdu during his visit. Automobile manufactures from Europe and Asia gathered in Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone in Longquanyi District. This has given a push to regional economy which he saw as the sign to make Chengdu as the Automobile Town of China. Tianfu Software Park in Hi-tech Zone of Chengdu, though not large in area, attracts many world famous enterprises to including Huawei, IBM, GE, Phillips and Dell. Through in-depth interviews, Donnelly learned that enterprises in the Park are involved in all fields of advanced technologies, and the future development is promising with continuous t stop praising Chengdu as a livable city. People in Chengdu can keep a good balance between work and life. The Western Development Strategy will bring more vigor to the economy of Chengdu. The gathering of high-end industries, the cluster of world famous enterprises and the development of urban construction made Donnelly believe that the Fortune Global Forum to be held in Chengdu in 2013 will be very splendid and effective. This is a very good opportunity to show Chengdu to the out world. It benefits Chengdu with faster and more effective development! On his first visit in Chengdu, Donnelly expressed happily that he would return Chengdu soon to conduct interviews during the Fortune Forum. See you in Chengdu in the Fortune Global Forum in June, 2013! 成都外事 30 31 FOREIGN AFFAIRS