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: 1946 6 7,,,, :,, 1946 6 7,,,,,,,,,,, 1946 5 22,,,,,, 5 24,, 4, 1893 1949,, 1993, 85 (, 1991 ) 56, 400,,, (, 1992 ), 1946 5 22,, 1991 67

2002 2,,, 24,, :,,, :,,,,,,, :,,, 5 26,,,,,, :,,,, 24,,,,,,, 24,, :, ;, ;, 5 28,, 5,,, :,,,,,,, 29 :, 4 : () 1 10 ; () 2 25 7 (3),, 1981, 127128 ) 7 (3), 129, 1946 5 25,, 1990 7 (3), 131 7 (3), 133134,, 1996, 359360 5 : (), ; () 7 (3), 138 68 ; () 2 11 ; ; () ;, ; () :,,,,, 3, 3 ( () () ( 7 (3), 135 137 )

,, 29, 30,,, 29, :,,,,,,,,, 5 30, 28, : () ; (), ; (),,, :,,,,,,,,, 5 31,, 5 29, :,,,, 31, 30,,,, 31 :,,,,,,, 31 :,,,,,,? 6 1,, :,,,,,, 6 2 :,,,, gλυ 6 3, 11, 6, 7 15,,,, 1946 5 29 30 28 (,, 1981 ) 140141 7 (3), 139 7 (3), 140, 372373, 375 1946 5 31 7 (3), 142 5,, 1987, 714 gλυ, 1946 6 2 69

,,,,,,,,,,, 1946, 1 10,,, 6 7,,,,, 5 19,,,,, 5 27,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,, 6 :,,,,, 1949 6 :,,,, 5 21, : 3,, 1993, 224, 1946 5 27, 2001 4 5 27 :,, 3, 236 ) 21,, 1984, 236 7, 130 70,, (

,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, 5 21, :,,,,,,, 5 23 ( ),, :, 30,,,,,,, 5 28,,,, : (),,,, 5 30,,,,,,,, 5 30 :,, 5, 10, 11 : () () 10, 6 10, 11 5 31, :,,,,,, 6 1,, :,,,,,,, 1898 1969,, 1996, 46 3, 231 3, 243 1, 4748 3, 242 3, 245 3, 1946 5 30,, 1987 3, 244 71

, :, 6 1,,,, 10, :,,,,, 6 4 : (),, 10 6 5, :,, 6 6 : 11 (), 7, 12 6 7,, 6 11,, :,,,,,,, 6 12, :,,,,,,,,, 6 12 :, 6 19, :,,,,, :,, 21, :, gλυ,, 6 26, gλϖ 6 12,, :,, gλω,,, 3, 248, 383, 1946 6 4 3, 248 1, 1946 6 6 7 (3), 363364, 90 91, 420 3, 275 gλυ, 94 gλϖ,, 6 28 : (: gλω 3, 269 72 ),, () (, 489 )

, :, ;, ;,, ( ),,,, :,, 6 9,,,, 6 21,,, 6 11, :, 6 14, :,,,,,,, :,, 6 17,,,,,,,,, 6 10, :,,,,,, 5 15,, 6 12,, :,,,,,, 3, 267,,,,,, 1946 6 11 1946 6 18 6 19,, 51 1 7 (3), 336, 411, 1946 6 12 73

6 9,,, 6 13,,, :,,, 6 15,,, ;,,,, 6 18,, :,,,, 6 19, :,,, :,,,,,,, 6 20, :,,,,,,,, 6 21,,,, :,,,,,,,, 6 21, :,,,,,,, :, 6 22,,, :,,,, 1946 6 9, 2,, 7 (3), 183, 432433, 1946 6 18,, 1946 6 19, 5,, 1979, 107, 50 51, 1946 6 21, 469, 1946 6 22 74

, :, :,,,,,,,,, 6 24 6 24,, 2 25 6 24,,,,, 6 7,, : 1 13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : ; 2 25, 60, 5 1, 50 10 10 1, 7, 2,, 4 23 :,, 5 21 : 2 25,,,, 5 28 :,,,,,,,, 1984, 240 2 25, 5 15, 16 000, 24,, 5, 24,,,, 446 267335349 75

, :,, 6 9, :,,,,, :,,, 11,, :,,,,, 6 17, 60, 3, 1, 2, 2,,, 1, 7, 2,,, 2,,, 3 2, 1 5,,, 6 18, :,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 19,,, :,, ( ),,,,, :,,,,,,, :,,,, 6 19 :,,,, 1946 5 28 6 4, 1946 6 9, 1946 6 11 7 (3), 326 328340, 442, 1946 6 18,,, 455 76

,,,,,,,,,, :,,, 6 20, :,,,, :,,,,,,,?? :,,,,,,, 6 21,, 8 6 30,, :,,,, :,,,,,?, 6 22,,,,,, :,,,,, 6 22 : : () (),,,, :,, 6 24,,, :,,,,, 1946 6 19, 1946 6 19, 457, 459 463 7 (3), 184, 1946 6 21, 1946 6 22 5 (4), 201 1898 1949,, 1989, 675 77

, :,,, 6 22,, :, ;,, 6 25 4, 13,,, :,,,, 30 90,,,,,,, 6 25,, (),, :,,;,, ;, ;,,,,,, 6 26,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, 676, 51, 475476 7 (3), 349 353, 6 27, 1946 6 25 7 (3), 347348, 477 483 78 303 6 27 6 25 :,,,, (, 476 ) 6 25,

, 6 28,, : ( ) ( ) ( ) :,,,, 4,,, 6 7,,, 28, :,, :,,,,,,,, :, 6 29,,,,,,,,, 8 6 30,, 6 29,,, :,,,,,,, 6 30,,, :,,, :,,,, : :,,,,,,,, 6 30, :,,, 493 7 (3), 189, 1946 6 28, 1946 6 28 7 (3), 189190, 1946 6 29 7 (3), 191 194 79

,,,,,,,,, 7 2,,, 4, :,, :,,,, :,,,,, :,,, :,,,,, 7 2,, :,, 7 2,,, :, :,,,,,,,,,,, 7 2,,,, 7 2, 6 6, 6 78,,,,, :,,, 6 12, :,,,,,,,,, 507508 7 (3), 196 198, 1946 7 2, 1946 7 2 21, 324 333 80

,, 6 16, 22, :,,,,,,,, :,, 6 5, :,, 7 26,, : (1) ; (2),,,, 7 2,,, 7 3,, 11 12,,,,, :,,,,,,,, 7 5,, :,, :, 6,,, 6 19,,,,,,, 7 10,, :,,, 1946 6 12, 1946 6 16,,, 1991, 623, 1946 6 17, 1946 6 5,, 622, 1946 7 26, 5,, 1979, 113, 1946 7 3, 516 7 5, 1946 7 5, 1946 7 10 81

,,,,, 7 11,,,, 7 12, : 7 14,,, 7 15,,,, 15 :,, 6,,,,, 6 17 :, 10,, 6 27 :,? 8 :,,,?:,,,,,,, :!!,,,,,,,, 1947 7 4 18,,,,,, 1946 7 11, 681 1947 1 29,,, 1946 7 15, 442443 14, ( ), 1986, 62 21 382 384 82 (16,, 1992, 397 ),

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;, ;,,,, :,, :,,,,,,, (),,, 6 19 :,,,, ;, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1954, 100006 ( : ) 4 23, 24 :,,,,, (, 1946 4 24 ) 4,, 1996, 200, :,, (,, 1994, 429 ), 93 83

CONTENTS Zhang Zhidong and Three Memorials from the Governors2general of Jiang and Chu Provinces to the Throne for Reform Li Xizhu (42) After the incident of the 1900 when Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria sent troops to suppress the Yihetuan Movement (known to the West as the Boxer Rebellion), the Qing court declared it would adopt new political measures and asked all the ministers, high officials and am2 bassadors to make suggestions. The initiative by Zhang Zhidong and Liu Kunyi for a joint memorial of all the governors2general and governors led tothree Memorials from the Governors2general of Jiang and Chu Provinc2 es to the Throne for Reform jointly submitted by Zhang and Liu. The memorial was written by Zhang himself and was an embodiment of his thinking for reform as expressed in his articleexhortation to Study. It promot2 ed the adoption of new political measures during the late Qing dynasty and helped establish Zhang Zhidongπs own role and position in this period. The Businessmen Group of Guangzhou and Its Rebellion against the Revolutionary Government A Ne w Probe from the Perspective of the Businessmenπs Group Qiu Jie (53) Previous accounts and studies of the rebellion of the businessmen group in Guangzhou were mainly from the perspective of the revolutionary government with little effort to delve into the group itself. The traditional argument that the rebellion was plotted by the British government and the northern and southern warlords in China has no strong evidence. It was a concentrated expression of the conflicts between the merchant communi2 ty and the government led by Dr. Sun yat2sen and was counter2revolutionary in nature. It was closely connect2 ed with the special political and social background in Guangdong province and the historical features in the de2 velopment of the business community. The Nanjing Negotiations and the End of the Second Cooperation bet ween the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China Deng Ye (67) The negotiations held in Nanjing between the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China during J une and J uly 1946 were a direct outcome of the Siping Campaign. The agenda on the negotiating table became the order of the day of Jiang Jieshi himself. The negotiations focused on the powers of the American side in China, the areas of military presence of the Chinese Communist armed forces and the administration in the areas evac2 uated by the Communist Party of China. The political rules of war and peace were clearly laid out in the course of the talks, which ushered in the end of the second cooperation between the two parties. Relations bet ween the United States, the Soviet Union, the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China ( CPC) from 1945 to 1949 Niu J un (84) The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was coming to an end, complex and unique relations evolved between the United States, the Soviet Union, the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China con2 190