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目 錄 (1) 我 們 的 學 校 學 校 簡 介 學 校 管 理 班 級 組 織 學 生 出 席 率 中 六 畢 業 生 狀 況 教 師 資 歷 教 學 經 驗 教 師 專 業 發 展 (2) 關 注 事 項 的 成 就 與 反 思 重 點 發 展 項 目 一 : 深 化 研 習 英 語 之 優

第三章 国内外小组合作学习的应用情况

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致 谢 本 人 自 2008 年 6 月 从 上 海 外 国 语 大 学 毕 业 之 后, 于 2010 年 3 月 再 次 进 入 上 外, 非 常 有 幸 成 为 汉 语 国 际 教 育 专 业 的 研 究 生 回 顾 三 年 以 来 的 学 习 和 生 活, 顿 时 感 觉 这 段 时 间 也


中 國 語 文 卷 一 : 閱 讀 能 力 考 核 考 試 範 圍 : 新 高 中 中 國 語 文 新 編 第 三 冊 單 元 九 十 十 一 ; 第 四 冊 單 元 十 二 小 說 與 文 化 ( 選 修 單 元 ): 英 雄 與 俠 義 考 試 模 式 : ( 全 答 )( 佔 全 科 30%)

深 信 學 校

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在 美 國 學 習 中 文 有 二 種 情 況, 一 種 是 把 中 文 當 作 一 門 外 國 語 言 來 學 (Chinese as a Foreign Language, CFL); 一 種 是 把 中 文 當 作 第 二 語 言 來 學 (Chinese as Second Language

不 同 合 作 學 習 法 在 除 法 學 習 成 效 之 提 升 - 以 國 中 七 年 級 為 例 The Learning Achievement of Different Cooperative Learning into Enhancement of Seventh Graders' Di



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Standards 标 准 : x interpersonal communication x interpretive communication x presentational communication x cultures x connections x comparisons x com

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2005-2006 7 1. 1. 2.

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2005-2006 2. / A. Curricular Activities Collaborative lesson planning Task-based Learning (S1 S3) Skill-based Learning (S4 S7) Interactive Learning (All Levels) Split Classes for Remedial Purpose Co-teaching for Remedial Purpose Collaborative Learning (Optional) Extensive Reading Scheme for S1 S4 Workout English with Newspaper Language Arts (S1 S3) Peripheral Learning Whole Year Whole Year 70 % of the students understand1. Consolidation exercises each & every object of learning 2. Lesson observation 70 % of the junior students are Survey on English Learning able to learn from this learning mode 70 % of the students are able to1. Performance in term learn from this learning mode work / tests / exams 2. Teacher s observation 3. Survey on English learning 50 % of the students are able to 1. Book reports master the language learnt from2. Conferencing the ERS books 50 % of the students are able to master the language learnt from the newspaper 3. Teacher s observation 1. Performance in term work / tests / exams 2. Teacher s observation 3. Survey on English learning 50 % of the students are able to 1. Teachers observation master the language learnt from2. Students performance poetry, songs, short plays, etc. 50 % of the students are able to 1. Vocabulary test master the language learnt 2. Dictation LWK Subject Teachers Subject Teachers ERS Teachers Subject Teachers Subject Teachers - $ 5207-13

2005-2006 / B. Co-curricular Activities Speech Festival Sep - Dec 60% of the participants score 80 or Performance in Speech above Festival Poetry Appreciation Oct / 70% of the participants show better Teacher s observation Mar understanding of poetry & the language Reading Workshop Nov - May 70% of the participants show better in-depth analysis & presentation skills Forum May 1. 60% of the participants show an acceptable standard in speech delivery 2. 30% of the participants are able to render response to other students Debate July 1. 60% of the participants show an acceptable standard in speech delivery 2. 30% of the participants are able to render refutation E-Learning Program E-Pal Program Whole Year 60% of the participants show improvement in scores 60% of the participants show improvement in expression NET $1625 LWK $ 300 LWK $ 300 Performance in Forum NET $ 500 Performance in Debate NET $ 500 Performance in e-practice LYW - Performance in writing LWK - 14

2005-2006 / Journal Exchange 1. 60% of the participants show improvement in expression 2. 30% of the participants show improvement in critical thinking Performance shown in Student s Portfolio LWK $ 300 Show Time 60% of the participants show an acceptable standard in pronunciation, intonation and fluency, etc 1. Students performance 2. Teacher s observation NET $ 300 News Broadcast 50% of the listening figure Survey on English Learning NET adequately understand the broadcast - DVD Shows 70% of the viewers adequately NET $1,000 understand each show News Magazine & 50% of the listening figure NET Song Dedication adequately understand the broadcast - Community Service Whole 60% of the participants are able to Teacher s observation LWK - Language Games Year communicate reasonably well in NET $ 800 English Rendezvous NET - with the Net C. Others [such as remedial and bridging courses] Bridging Course for S1 Entrants 09 10 /05 Bridging Course for S6 Entrants 08/05 Enhancement Course for S5 & S7 Remedial Course for S5 & S7 Remedial Course for S4 Christmas Holidays 70% of the participants show improvement in the post-test 1. Pre-test / Post-test results 2. Teacher s observation 3. Students response LWK Service paid by students $3750 15

Remedial Course for S5 & S7 Remedial Course for S1 S4 Enhancement Course for S3 S4 Remedial Course for S1 S4 2005-2006 / CNY Holidays Easter Holidays Remedial Course for S6 Oral Practice Whole Service paid Year by school Summer Program for S1 Entrants 08/06 $4500 $3500 $3750 Science subjects [Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology] / A. Curricular Activities 1. Encourage students to use learning aids such as dictionaries of science and grammar books so as to strengthen their vocabulary and mastery of sentence structure 2. Encourage students to be more interactive in class. Whole Year Students are able to master 1. common terms and sentence structures used in science subjects. 2. the technique of looking up the meaning of terms on the Internet. Students are ready to learn and respond in lessons 1. Students class performance 2. Students performance in homework, tests and examinations HOD and subject teachers 16

2005-2006 / 3. Run Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology bridging courses for S3 classes. Term time or summer vacation 4.Introduce the English version of teaching materials to all S1-S3 classes. A set of the English version of Maths, Physics, Chem & Biology will be put in each S1-S3 Whole Year classroom 70% of students attending the course pass the test Students learn with EMI materials in class - Students will take the English Proficiency Test for Maths and Science [Compulsory for D and E classes but open to all students in S1-S3] HOD and subject teachers HOD and subject teachers Prizes for top two students in each class $ 800.00 in total 5.Teach S1 to S3 top classes [D and E] selected chapters/topics in English 6.Teach S3 students supplementary science reading materials written in English 70 % pass for D & E classes 80 % pass for D & E classes - English Test on subject matter (one test each term) HOD and subject teachers National Geographic $ 2400.00 17