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72 (Pleck, 1979, cited in Tripp-Reimer & Wilson, 1991) 86 86 (a competent breadwinner ) (Pollack, 1998) (Tripp-Reimer & Wilson, 1991; Frodi, 1980) 87 (Levant, 1980; Pollack, 1998) Russell Radin (1983) (cited in Snarey, 1993, p.33)

73 (Snarey, 1993, p.34-37) (Chapman, 1987; Larossa, 1988) (the market place s mistake) (Pollack, 1998, p.130) 82 Heath (1978) (cited in Tripp-Reimer & Wilson, 1991) ( 87 Anderson, 1968, Herzog & Sudia, 1972, cited in Tripp-Reimer & Wilson, 1991; Pollack, 1998) Santrock (1970) (cited in Snarey, 1993) (Stern, 1981)

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77 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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90 (B106) 7. (A104) 8. (B106) 9. (A102)

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92 (B103) 2. (A103) 3. (B104) 4. (B105) 5.

93 (A102) 6. (B102) 7. (B102) 8.

94 (B102) 9. (B104) 1. (A103) 2.

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100 Roberts Zuengler (1985, cited in Hanson & Bozett, 1985)




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107 Father image how college students perceive their fathers? Jane Chiu Dept. of Educational Psychology & Guidance National Ping-tung Teachers College ABSTRACT How children perceive their fathers? Has traditional father image ever changed over these years amid societal transitions? How college students perceive their own fathers? How those fathers express or perform their concerns and caring? This study is an attempt to explore college students perspective of their fathers by using focus-group discussion. The results showed that father image had been changed from rigid and conventional to resilient and caring one over chronological years. The father-child relationship became more content and intimate. Regardless if the action was initiated by either party, the approach and effort to enhance the father-child interaction also circularly had positive impact on the whole family relations. Fathers were restricted by his male stereotypes, parenting training, or parenting participation style, and eventually showed aloof or stringent attitude toward their children; however, their urge to get intimate with children and express their tenderness is always there, deep in the hearts. Without a father figure at side, the path to maturity is hard for these growth children. The most difficult part to get through, however, is still the loneliness and loss of losing contact with their fathers. Key words: father image, college students, father figure