劉 純 君 等 2003 (1) 2008 (2) ( nutrition assessment ) ( nutrition diagnosis ) ( nutrition intervention ) ( nutrition monitoring and evaluation ) ( ) SOAP

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原 著 論 文 營 養 診 斷 與 介 入 於 糖 尿 病 營 養 門 診 之 應 用 摘 要 ( international dietetics and nutrition terminology, IDNT ) ( nutrition diagnosis ) ( nutrition intervention ) 1352 (excessive carbohydrate intake)( inadequate fiber intake ) / ( overweight/obesity ) 38.3%15.1% 13.6% ( modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients within meals or at specified time ) ( general/healthful diet ) 33.3% 24% 前 言 ( nutrition care process and model, NCP&M ) ( American dietetic association, ADA ) 60 08-73686836 2530 08-7374337 nu001@ptch.org.tw TJD 2010;2(2):23-30 Taiwan Journal of Dietetics

劉 純 君 等 2003 (1) 2008 (2) ( nutrition assessment ) ( nutrition diagnosis ) ( nutrition intervention ) ( nutrition monitoring and evaluation ) ( ) SOAP ( the Dutch association of dietitians ) ( systemized nomenclature of medicine-clinical term, SNOMED ) NUTRITION ASSESSMENT NUTRITION DIAGNOSIS NUTRITION MONITOR AND EVALUATION NUTRITION INTERVENTION Nutrition Care Process and Model (NCP&M) Lacey K, Pritchett E. Nutrition care process and model: ADA adopts road map to quality care and outcomes management. J Am Diet Assoc 2003; 103: 1061-1072.. 24.

(3) 方 法 2010 03 2010 06 2255 1352 IRB226A ( international dietetics and nutrition terminology, IDNT ) ( nutrition care process and model, NCP&M ) ( nutrition assessment ) ( nutrition diagnosis ) ( nutrition intervention ) ( nutrition monitoring and evaluation ) ( intake, NI ) ( clinical, NC ) / ( behaviorenvironmental, NB ) / ( food and/or nutrient delivery, ND ) ( nutrition education, E ) ( nutrition counseling, C ) ( coordination of nutrition care, RC ) / ( food/nutrition-related history, FH ) ( anthropometric measurements, AD ) ( biochemical tests and procedures, BD ) ( nutrition-focused physical findings, PD ) ( client history, CH ) (comparative standards, CS ) PES ( problem ) ( etiology ) ( signs&symptoms ) SPSS 10.0. 25.

劉 純 君 等 323 4 5 2007 2003 IDNT 2008 IDNT 結 果 1352 662 ( 49.0% ) 690 ( 51.0% ) 6112.4 9 92 293 ( 21.7% ) 517 ( 38.2% ) 207 ( 15.3% ) 234 ( 17.3% ) 101 ( 7.5% )( ) ( excessive carbohydrate intake ) 518 ( 38.3% ) ( inadequate fiber intake ) 204 ( 15.1% ) / ( overweight / obesity ) 184 ( 13.6% ) / ( not ready for diet/lifestyle change ) 139 ( 10.3% ) ( ) ( modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients within meals or at specified time ) 450 ( 33.3% ) ( general/healthful diet ) 325 ( 24.0% ) ( goal setting ) 307 ( 22.7% ) ( motivational interviewing ) 263 ( 19.5% ) ( bioactive substance supplement administration schedule specify alcohol ) 7 ( 0.5% ) ( ) 662 (49.0%) 690(51.0%) 1352 1 () 60 12.9 62 11.9 6112.4 67(10.2%) 226(32.8%) 293(21.7%) 233(35.2%) 284(41.2%) 517(38.2%) 139(21%) 68(9.9%) 207(15.3%) 149(22.5%) 85(12.3%) 234(17.3%) 74(11.2%) 27(3.9%) 101(7.5%) 1. n (%). 26.

(n=1352) (%) ( excessive carbohydrate intake ) 518 (38.3%) ( inadequate fiber intake ) 204 (15.1%) /( overweight/obesity ) 184 (13.6%) /( not ready for diet/lifestyle change ) 139 (10.3%) ( excessive energy intake ) 105 (7.8%) ( excessive fat intake ) 41 (3.0%) ( excessive alcohol intake ) 25 (1.9%) ( inappropriate intake of types of carbohydrate ) 24 (1.8%) ( inability or lack of desire to manage self-care ) 23 (1.7%) ( food and nutrition-related knowledge deficit ) 17 (1.3%) 1. n(%) (n=1352) (%) ( modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients within meals or at specified time ) 450 (33.3%) ( general/healthful diet ) 325 (24.0%) ( goal setting ) 307 (22.7%) ( motivational interviewing ) 263 (19.5%) ( bioactive substance supplement administration schedule specify alcohol ) 7 (0.5%) 1. n(%). 27.

劉 純 君 等 討 論 74% 45.4% ( excessive carbohydrate intake)( inadequate fiber intake ) / ( overweight/ obesity ) 67% / ( not ready for diet/ lifestyle change ) 10.3% / ( not ready for diet/lifestyle change ) ( excessive energy intake ) 7.8% ( excessive fat intake ) 3.0% ( excessive alcohol intake ) 1.9% / ( overweight/obesity ) (4) ( foodand nutrition-related knowledge deficit ) 1.3% ( modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients within meals or at specified time ) ( general/healthful diet ) 57.3% ( goal setting ) ( motivational interviewing ) ( bioactive substance supplement administration schedule specify alcohol ) 7 25 ( excessive alcohol intake ). 28.

( excessive alcohol intake ) ( bioactive substance supplement administration schedule specify alcohol ) ( excessive alcohol intake ) ( modify distribution, type, or amount of food and nutrients within meals or at specified time ) ( general/healthful diet ) ( excessive alcohol intake ) ( bioactive substance supplement sdministration schedule specify alcohol ) ( Likert ) 4.25 4.59 (5) 結 論 誌 謝. 29.

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