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34 BIBLID1012-8514(2004)34p.381-402 2004 12 381~402 2004.3.29 2004.4.30


383 1 1 1944 2

384 2 3 political solipsism 4 Sinocentrism 5 Sinocentric world order 6 2 1977 441~480 442 443 3 286 1964 42 281 1963 14~17 4 1981 10 16 54 5 John K. Fairbank ed., The Chinese World Order (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968), 1. 6 Lien-sheng Yang, Historical Notes on the Chinese World Order, in Faribank ed., op. cit., 20.


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389 10 緜 11 12 10 1942 13 226 11 234 12 234

390 13 ~1783 14 1652~1711 15 2. 13 250 14 1978 4 1 15 1982 418

391 16 1772~1859 17 16 416 17 1990 227

392 18 1666~1728 18 2004 1986 59~250 5 1968 21~40

393 19 20 19 1973 82 20 79 82 149 297 324 308 1982 200

394 21 22 23 1583~1657 24 21 1980 1997 38~56 22 1914~1996 1952 71~139 23 82 24 1982 12~13

395 25 1472~1529 26 25 21 26 1992 254~256 255

396 1893~1964 27 28 27 1987 150 28 1988 5

397 29 1472~1529 30 31 1696~1773 32 1877~1944 33 1732~1817 34 29 41 701 30 10 1993 396 31 296 345 32 83 33 1990 2 819 34 10 40

398 35 1933~ 36 35 15 2002 21~44 36 47 2004

399 (1) 37 1020~1077 38 (2) 39 40 41 37 28 2001 193~205 Chun-chieh Huang, Mencius Hermeneutics of Classics, Tao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, vol. 1, no. 1 (2001, New York), 15-30 38 1978 276 39 40 2002 46~66 41 4 42 2836

400 1200~1253 42 1613~1682 1619~1692 1610 ~1677 1619~1682 43 42 1996 111~129 43 1816 3 4 ~ 5

401 * 2003 12 13

402 On the Contextual Turn in the Hermeneutics of Classics: An East Asian Perspective Huang, Chun-chieh * Abstract This article discusses the contextual turn and related issues in reinterpretations of the Confucian classics in the East Asian cross-cultural context. It indicates that notions in the classics are deeply baptized in the spirit of a given culture and carry the characteristics of that culture. The notions of China and kingly way in the Confucian classics exhibit cultural traits characteristic of China. In reinterpreting these notions, the Tokugawa Japanese Confucianists had to undertake some sorts of contextual turn so as to make these Chinese notions more congenial to the Japanese intellectual soil. It also discusses the methological issues and the problem of meaning-recreating activities involved in the contextual turn in cross-cultural contexts. Keywords: contextual turn, Tokugawa Japan, Confucianism, hermeneutics. * Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University; Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica.