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2003 9 211 234 1 5 7 8-1 6 4 5 1 2 1 1 974 1998 2-211-

3 4 5 3 1 49-150 4 1980 17-19 5 1980 8-9 2000 12-16 39-42 -212-

6 7 8 6 1-22 7 1 9 9 7 7 47 8 8 149-213-

1 0 11 1 2 1 3 14 9 9 151 10 77 11 1955 15 265 12 42 13 2000 22 14 23-214-

15 16 1 7 18 19 15 149 16 150 17 1 983 331 18 1991 254 19 1955 220-215-

2 0 21 22 23 2 0 1 2 1 993 1 253 21 1 955 2 941 92 22 1 979 4 2 3 4 1 45-158 13 2 2003 6 198 201 23 1 955 456-216-

24 25 26 2 7 28 29 30 24 459 25 26 879 27 890 28 880 29 983 30 860-217-

32 33 34 35 31 31 900 906 32 17 33 1967 240 241 34 1 998 1 0 7 22 35 2000 23-218-

36 3 7 38 39 40 36 1 961 2 22 23 37 1 955 647 38 195 39 18 40 http://www.jianbo.org/wssf/liangtao5.htm, 2000.6.4. -219-

4 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 4 8 41 39 4 2 1 986 4 6 2 1502 43 1503 4 4 1992 3 119 45 84 46 34 47 1997 2 353 48 352-220-

49 50 51 52 5 3 5 4 5 5 49 351 50 448 51 424 52 86 53 2 458 160 54 349 55 4 60 1422-221-

56 56 884-222-

57 58 59 6 0 57 983 58 7 59 4 6 0 2 1 6 333 332-223-

61 62 61 1 762 62 761-762 -224-

63 64 65 66 63 2 466 64 5 49 65 45-46 66 5 2 8 2 5 2 2-225-

67 68 67 28-30 68 29-226-

69 70 71 6 9 1997 6 12 5 70 1 976 642 7 1 1 955 27-227-

73 74 7 5 76 77 72 72 379 423 429 73 379 429 74 646 75 1952 83 98 76 632 78 648 77 31-228-

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 78 302 304 79 17 291 80 292 81 1 5 2 63-264 1983 420 82 4 77 8 3 258 266 84 266-229-

8 5 86 87 88 85 266-267 86 269 87 88-230-


89 2 27 30-232-


On the Confucian Doctrine of Shendu TAI Lian-chang Within the transmitted Confucian texts, the doctrine of shendu, being watchful over one s actions, with others as well as alone, appears in works including the Liqi, Zhongyong and Daxue chapters of the L i j i, as well as in the Bugou chapter of the X u n z i. In addition, this doctrine appears in the Wuxing text in the recently excavated materials such as the Mawangdui silk manuscripts and the Guodian bamboo strips. The Shuo section of the Mawangdui materials and the historical commentaries on the transmitted texts all have their individual explanations of shendu. However, since their viewpoints differ, their understanding of this doctrine differs as well; no consensus is reached as yet on the meaning of shendu. This paper discusses the doctrine of shendu within each of the historical schools of thought from three aspects: its philology, its commentary, and how it is embodied in practice. An analysis of the different understandings of this doctrine in each school exposes its multiple meanings and its significance in the history of thought. A survey of the different explanations of each school shows the meaning of shendu in terms of self-cul tivation. As a result, we can see the importance of this doctrine s practical embodiment in the explanation of the Confucian classics. Keywords: Shendu Chu bamboo strips Mawangdui silk manuscripts Liu Zongzhou -234-