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364 21 1 The Dream of the Red Chamber and the Thought of the Iconoclastic Literati of the Wei and Jin Dynasties Yuh-Wen Kuo Abstract This paper compares the attitudes towards life of the iconoclastic literati of the Wei and Jin dynasties (namely Ruan Ji and Ji Kang ) and Cao Xueqin (or Jia Baoyu, his voice in The Dream of the Red Chamber ). In the first section, we discuss anti-confucianism and antimonarchism and how the iconoclastic literati of the Wei and Jin objected to empty ritualism and Confucianism being turned into a vehicle for slaughter in the hands of the ruling class (Ji Kang, for instance, placed himself above social strictures and followed nature while Ruan Ji proposed a kingless society). For his part, Cao expressed similar ideas in The Dream of the Red Chamber in making no distinction between high and low, superior and inferior. The next section looks at the great importance attached to sentiment by these literati. Ruan was well known for his expression of true love and deep affection, while Jia Baoyu breaks through the limits and controls on ethical relations to express his love for not only young maids but also all living things. Finally, we focus on a sense of mourning over the passage of time that is a fundamental theme of Ruan s yunghuai (expressing the feelings of the heart) poems and * Yuh-Wen Kuo is a professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University.

365 attempts by the iconoclastic literati of the period to summon up the past and preserve memories in their writing in an effort to combat the passage of time and a coming death. We find similar themes and creative motifs in The Dream of the Red Chamber and note that Cao lets Baoyu live in the Daguan Garden because a retreat to such a garden is reminiscent of the ideal life-style of those iconoclastic literati. Keywords: The Dream of the Red Chamber, Wei and Jin dynasties, iconoclastic literati, Confucianism, nature