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344 19 2 1 2 perception representation 3 4 5 1574-1646 1527-1602 1559-1 Leo Steinberg, The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and Modern Oblivion (New York: Pantheon Books, 1983). 2 Roy Porter, History of the Body, in Peter Burke, ed., New Perspectives on Historical Writing (Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992), pp. 206-232. Caroline Bynum, Why All the Fuss about the Body? A Medievalist s Perspective, in Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt, eds., Beyond the Culture Turn (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999), pp. 241-280. 3 10 4 1999 129-141 4 10 4 1999 5 1987 1938

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366 19 2 187 Oedipus complex 46 74 175 156 46 Sophocles

367 227 217 47 216 221 47 1924-1934 21 4 157 2

368 19 2 192 223 220 48 224 223-224 48 551 568

369 204 205 44 56 121 207 49 49 1998 166-172

370 19 2 206

371 Mikhail Bakhtin 50 safety valve 51 50 Mikhail Bakhtin, Rabelais and His World, trans. Helene Iswolsky (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984). 1995 261-305 51 Hsu Pi-ching, Feng Meng-lung s Treasury of Laughs: Humorous Satire on Seventeenth- Century Chinese Culture and Society, p. 1064.

372 19 2

373 Joking About Sex and the Body in Late Imperial China: An Analysis Based on the Jest Book Xiaolin Guangji Ko-wu Huang and Hsin-yi Lee Abstract Using the famous Qing jest book Xiaolin guangji (Extensive Gleanings from the Grove of Laughter, ca. 1790) edited by Youxi Zhuren (Master of Playfulness, a pen name), this paper explores the representation of the body and sexual desires in humorous literature in late imperial China. In theory, humor may escape or defy social norms; therefore, the body and sexual desires become important topics in jokes. This paper argues that jokes about the body, gender, and sexual behavior (including man-woman and man-man relations) in this book reveal an important aspect of people s mentality in Ming-Qing times. These dirty jokes made people laugh, but their laughter was mixed with sorrow, obsession, and the presumption that humor was the only tool with which to confront problems like incest and love affairs. Using wild imagination and the shock of sex, the creators of the dirty jokes challenged the established moral order and tested the boundaries of obscene behavior in the public and private sphere. To a certain extent, this phenomenon was similar to the subversive mode of carnival laughter identified by Mikhail Bakhtin. Yet the jokes in this book did not have such a strong revolutionary * Ko-wu Huang is an associate research fellow in the Institute of Modern History at Academia Sinica. Hsin-yi Lee is an assistant at the same institute.

374 19 2 character. Its representations of the body and sexual desires were by and large congruent with commonly accepted values placed on health, beauty, and normality in Confucian orthodoxy. They appear to have functioned as a safety valve which in the end only helped to maintain the status quo. Keywords: Xiaolin guangji, body, sexual desires, humor, Mikhail Bakhtin