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133 5?-1630 6 7 8 1605 1622 1628 9 10 1628 5 4 25 6 1994 2 20-36 7 Carrington Goodrich and Chaoying Fang, eds., Dictionary of Ming Biography 1368-1644, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976); Frederick W. Mote and Denis Twichett, eds., The Cambridge History of China vol. 7: The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, pt. 1, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988); 1993 8 1986 321-323 9 1570-? 1977 3 4 10 1959 81

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139 34 35 36 37 1630 34 2 34 37 35 30 406-409 22 39 43 46 50 23 13 2 30-42 3 36-43 36 23 13-44 25 429 37 24 1

140 20 1 38 Gonçlvo Teixeira Correa,?-1632 João Rodrigues, 1561-1633 31 30 39 1630 40 38 47 21-22 39 67 4 1996 911-966 40 22 43

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142 20 1 45 46 1631 45 25 430 46 24 65

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144 20 1 1631 48 1. 49 48 49 3 49

50 2. 1631 145 51 1682 3. 52 53 50 1638 12 20 51 8 34-36 1770 52 24 16-17 53 24 17 48

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147 60 6. 61 5 10 7. 62 8. 63 60 24 13 61 9 62 25 430 63 1631 9

148 20 1 9. 64 1 65 66 8 64 45 12 243 65 1592-1636 1997 192-209 66 31 27-28

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150 20 1 73 74 75 1 76 2 10. 73 36 10 37 7 2 41 4 26 74 24 29-30 75 45 6 76 1930 88

81 151 77 78 11. 79 11 1739 80 1633 1631 77 16-18 78 10 79 11 80 271 6967 81 23 315

152 20 1 82 13 1682 9 83 84 82 9 83 1633 33 29 84 4 26-27

153 85 86 87 88 89 1631 10 85 2 26-45 86 2 31 87 62 88 8 10-11 89 12 22

154 20 1 90 1630 91 2 5 10 92 1631 90 10 91 40 1 24 47 92 53 13

155 93 1594-1646 94 8 1630 95 1 7 96 1631 97 1631 93 2 94 1913 1890 15-16 95 96 28 41 97 27

99 1631 156 20 1 98 13 19 100 101 1631 102 98 32 514 99 10-11 100 241-250 101 24 48 25 29-31 102 52 30 25 42 1987 147-149 1

157 1631 103 1633 104 105 1636 106 1637 107 108 1637 103 911-966 26 1 1996 31-70 104 1994 6 86-88 105 1987 2 11-13 106 28 52 107 34 20 4 11-26 1693 4 172 1972 18-115 1986 106-128 1987 1-71 108 1982 3 84-89

158 20 1 109 110 1631 109 259 6720 1976 234 9416-9418 271 6969 110 91 5537-5538

159 111 111 53 2-5

160 20 1 Liu Xingzhi Brothers and the Collapse of the Naval Defense Line in the Yellow Sea during the Late Ming Period Yi-Long Huang Abstract The Chinese government formed a line of defense along the coastal islands near the Liaodong Peninsula during the late Ming period. It even appointed a commander-in-chief stationed at Pi Island, an island to the east of the outlet of Yalu River, hoping to achieve a role of both attacking and defending the Manchu army from its back. But unfortunately, most of the military leaders at Pi Island from its first appointment of Mao Wenlong (1576-1629) did not regard the national affairs as their highest responsibility. Instead of defending the Ming frontiers, they traded with Koreans and Manchus for personal profit, and even coveted money from soldiers pay. This article focuses on the family of Liu Xingzuo (?-1630) and Liu Xingzhi (?-1631) who rose abruptly after the death of Mao Wenlong. The seven Liu brothers all served as high-ranking military officers. They wavered between supporting the Ming and Manchu, and once attempted to establish a sovereignty of their own. But they finally started to fight each other because of their different political standpoints. After the Liu brothers fought with each other, the survivors were killed by Ming or Manchu government because they * Yi-Long Huang is a national chair professor in the Department of History at National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

161 were of little use anymore. A series of mutinies took place at Pi Island after this, and finally led this important line of defense in the sea to collapse as a result. The chaos at Pi Island also became one of the several important incidents that triggered the fall of the Ming dynasty. Keywords: Ming and Qing history, military history, Liaodong, Liu Xingzuo, Liu Xingzhi