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Modern Chine se History Studie s No. 1, 2006 Reflection on the Last 20 Years of Modern Chinese Social History Research Xing L ong (1) Cooperation and Confrontation Bet ween the Magistrate and Local Gentry : The Case of Guangning County in Guangdong Province during the Tongzhi Period Qiu J ie (20) Du Fengzhi, who had served successively as magistrate of Guangning, Sihui and Nanhai counties during the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods, left us a detailed dairy. It is valuable historical source for us to study late Qing Guangdong. Mainly using the dairy written by him when he was magistrate of Guangning County, this article discusses the cooperation and confrontation between the magistrate and the local gentry. The four important tasks of building schools, collecting taxes, conducting trials and arresting criminals advocated by Du Fengzhi required the cooperation and support of the gentry. However, Du used a lot of threats and coercion to collect grain and funds. This caused discontent among the gentry, resulting in them making an appeal to higher authorities, and disrupting the imperial civil examinations. After a few clashes, the magistrate and the gentry reached a compro2 mise. Though both parties suffered some losses, they retained respectively their official post and scholarly honor. The Xianfeng and Tongzhi reigns were the key period for the change in the official2gentry relationship, and the situation in Gauangdong was unique. The case of Guangning county during the Tongzhi period can help to in2 crease our understanding of late Qing political power and society at the basic level. The Geography of Shanxi and Shaanxi and the System for Protecting Water Rights in Modern Times Han Maoli (40) Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces are made up of arid and semiarid areas. Because of a lack of water resources, water rights became a key part of people s lives in this region. Centering on water rights, this article explores the management of the water rights protection system, and the differing maintenance principles and characteristics of rights in different irrigation channels. It also points out that when the water supply relied on irrigation channels, as it did here, the distribution of water resources tended to develop two levels of beneficiaries : the irrigation chan2 nels and the residents who acquired the water resources. Corresponding to these two levels, the water rights pro2 tection system formed geographical water rights circles, based on irrigation channel systems and villages, and con2 sanguineous water rights circles, centered on clans. These two kinds of circles mingled with each other, and mixed with social conventions and social inertia, playing important roles in country society. Water Wells and Northern Rural Society : Based on Field Research on Rural Water Wells in Some Areas of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan Provinces Hu Yingze (55) Using stelae from water wells and oral materials collected during field research, this essay examines water well customs in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and gives a sketch of how water was used in rural life in North China. Research into the water well system indicates that in northern villages wa2 ter wells played important roles in building community space, establishing social order, managing the population of the community, constructing public space, and influencing relations between villages. The water well system