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On December 2, a group of 25 English teachers from Beijing visited our school. These senior teachers hold posts such as deputy principals, heads of academic departments and research departments etc. Two teachers from our sister school, Shenzhen High School, were also invited. Also present at this happy occasion were Miss Angela Tsung, Principal of Fukien Secondary School (North Point) and Dr. Jenny Chung, Principal of HKFEN Wong Cho Bau Secondary School.. The visiting team had a very tight schedule. They observed two lessons in the morning. The first lesson was a Secondary One class conducted by Miss Jane Wong, Secondary One Co-ordinator and the topic was Preparing an itinerary for tourists. Taking the visiting teachers as tourists, students actively involved them in interviews and discussions. The final product was an itinerary tailor-made to cater for the preferences of the tourists. The subsequent presentation was eloquently delivered. 3

The second lesson was a Secondary Four class conducted by Miss Maria Wong, the Panel Chairlady. The lesson was about how to counsel friends. After briefing students on the necessary skills and language items, Miss Wong asked students to role play and again, the visitng teachers were involved. Our visitors were all impressed by the interactive teaching strategies adopted by our two teachers. In the afternoon, a briefing session hosted by Dr. Jenny Chung, the Adviser of Joint English Teacher Circle was arranged. Dr. Lam, the Principal extended the warmest welcome to the teachers. Then the Deputy Principal, Miss Pauline Chow, gave a powerpoint presentation of the teaching and learning of English language in Hong Kong. Relevant books, publications and documents were also distributed for teachers reference. The talk was followed by question-answer session. The guests and our teachers were engaged in very enthusiastic discussions over issues of common interests. Though the whole schedule was quite rushed, all the visitors found the trip most informative. Teachers exchanged contact addresses to extend a professional relationship so fondly built. 12 15 On December 9, Miss Pauline Chow, Deputy Principal, attended Backchat, RTHK phone-in programme, as one of the guest speakers. The topic for discussion that morning was Is our English up to scratch? Other speakers included Sir Yang Ti Liang, Former Chief Justice, Mr. Chris Wardlaw, Deputy Secretary for Education & Manpower, Dr. Philip Hoare of the Department of English, Hong Kong 4

Institute of Education. On Saturday, December 4, a joint school function was held in our school hall. About 120 S7 students from Ning Po College and our school met for English speaking activities. The meeting began with our students showing the guests around the school and at the same time they began to chat in English. Then it was down to the serious business of practicing for the UE Oral Exam. All students were serious and worked conscientiously. The event ended with a sharing session. Students from both schools reported that they treasured the occasion and were looking forward to having similar meetings in the future. We are pleased with the performances of our students in this year s Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. Of the 29 students who participated in solo-verse speaking, 28 finished with merits. Chan Shuk Yan of 4C got the first place while Shum Ka Wa and Ng Kwok Kan of 6A finished second. Sheung Ching Man of 4S and Yvonne Qi of 3C came third. We also had an S.1 Girls team and an S.2 mixed team participating in choral speaking, and they both were awarded merits. On December 10, an Indian teacher who was visiting Hong Kong came to our school and was kind enough to do a paper cutting demonstration. A piece of paper would be folded and cut and in seconds, the paper was turned into a rose, a lily or a tree. Students who were utterly amazed learned this simple but beautiful art of paper cutting. The finished products were as good as the teacher s. 9 12 5

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