学校编码 :10384 学号 :X 分类号 密级 UDC 硕士学位论文 Characterization in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach 会话分析理论与 玩偶之家 人物性格解读 肖晶 指导教师姓名 : 林晓英

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学校编码 :10384 学号 :X2007114007 分类号 密级 UDC 硕士学位论文 Characterization in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach 会话分析理论与 玩偶之家 人物性格解读 肖晶 指导教师姓名 : 林晓英副教授 专业名称 : 外国语言学及应用语言学 论文提交日期 : 2 0 年月 论文答辩时间 : 2 0 年 3 月 学位授予日期 : 2 0 年 月 答辩委员会主席 : 评 阅 人 : 20 年月

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Abstract Abstract The first real light of conversation analysis can be traced back to the mid-1960s. In this period, conversation analysis is primarily focused on naturally occurring conversation, because people believe that it is the basic form of all talks. Then, in the course of its development, conversation analysis has turned to be the study of talk-in-interaction. It has been used to analyze different types of talk, such as talk in daily life, talk in novels, talk in drama, talk in interview, talk in news etc. Besides, it has received the attention of various fields, such as psychology, socio-linguistics, anthropology, and pragmatics and so on. When poetry and fiction have been subjected to extensive linguistic analysis, drama has long remained a neglected field for detailed studies. As a matter of fact, the subsequent interaction that occurs on stage is a rich and fruitful source of analysis and can be studied by using methods that linguists employ for real-life interaction. With the publication of A Doll s House by Ibsen, readers/audiences focus much on the controversy of Nora s leaving. But to date, they have not reached an agreement on what contributes to Nora s leaving. In addition, critics usually put too much emphasis on the analysis of Nora s character, neglecting the analysis of other characters in the play. The present paper aims to put an end to the dispute of Nora s leaving and make up for what has been missed by previous studies. In order to support the arguments in a scientific way, the present paper chooses CA theories as the framework to carry out the study. What is worth mentioning is that the present thesis adopts both static analysis and dynamic analysis to our research in an effort to avoid a mechanical use of CA theories. The present thesis consists of six parts. Part one, the introduction, is the rationale, objectives, methodology and also the outline of the present thesis; Part two, Chapter one, is an introduction of the concept Conversation Analysis with literature review of what has been done by previous researchers; Part Three, Chapter two, refers to the theoretical framework of the present thesis, that is, the Conversation Analysis I

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach Theories; Part Four, Chapter Three, designs to give a brief introduction of the play, providing with linguistic features of the play and review of the criticism on the play; Part Five, Chapter four, is to analyze the characterizations within the framework of CA theory. Part Six, the conclusion of the present paper, sums up the findings of the research, pointing out the limitations and implications of the study, and provides some suggestions for further researchers as well. This study is an explorative attempt to use CA theory in the analysis of drama and to give a creative account of A Doll s House with CA theory. The discussion of the like not only paves the way for similar research, but also offers a new perspective on the study of CA models. It is hoped that the findings of the present paper can make some contributions to the study of the play A Doll s House and provide some valuable information for future researchers who engage in the study of drama under CA theories. Key words: Conversation Analysis; Characterization; A Doll s House II

摘要 摘要 会话分析的出现可追溯到 20 世纪 60 年代中期 在这一时期, 会话分析对象主要是日常生活中随意发生的会话, 因为人们认为随意的会话是进行交流最基本 的形式 随着会话分析研究的发展, 它开始研究现实交际中的对话 这个时期所 研究的会话类型不一, 有日常会话, 小说对话, 戏剧对白, 采访交谈, 新闻访谈 等等 同时, 会话分析也引起了各个领域的关注, 如心理学, 社会语言学, 人类学及语用学等等 可以这么说, 到目前为止, 人们已经利用语言学知识对诗歌和小说进行了大量的分析, 而利用语言学知识对戏剧的研究却是不多 事实上, 戏剧对白也是会话分析丰富的语料之一 因此, 我们可以参考语言学家分析现实生活对话的一些方法来研究戏剧语言 自易卜生的戏剧 玩偶之家 出版以来, 剧中主人翁娜拉的离家问题始终是人们争议的焦点 直至今日, 评论者尚未对娜拉离家的原因达成一致的看法 此外, 评论家们往往过分强调了对娜拉性格的分析, 而对剧中其它的主要人物却少有评议 本文的研究意义在于利用会话分析理论解决该剧关于娜家离家出走的问题所引起的争议, 并弥补前人研究的空白 值得一提的是, 为了避免生搬硬套语言学理论知识, 本文所采用的会话分析是在静 动态相结合的模式下进行的 本文由六部分组成 第一部分是序言, 阐述本研究的理据 目的 方法并简述该论文的纲要 ; 第二部分是第一章, 旨在弄清 会话分析 这一概念, 并概括描述国内外对该理论在戏剧中研究的现状 ; 第三部分是第二章, 是本文的理论框 架, 即会话分析理论 ; 第四部分是第三章, 简要概述该戏剧的主要内容, 指出该 剧的语言特征, 回顾对该剧的评论观点 ; 第五部分是第四章, 主要是在会话分析理论框架下对剧中的人物性格及关系进行分析 ; 第六部分是本文的结束语, 进一步总结了本文的研究成果, 指出本文的局限性及其蕴涵意义, 同时也对今后的研究提出一些建议 本文是将会话分析理论应用于话剧分析的一个尝试性研究, 是对 玩偶之家 中的人物关系进行重新阐释 本文不仅为与 玩偶之家 相关的研究铺平道路, 还为会话分析模式的研究提供新的新视角 通过实证分析, 本文期望能为戏剧 玩偶之家 的研究贡献绵薄之力, 并为今后有兴趣用会话分析理论分析戏剧语言的 III

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach 研究者提供一些有参考价值的信息 关键词 : 会话分析人物关系玩偶之家 IV

Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction.. 1 Chapter One Literature Review....6 1.1 Introduction 6 1.2 Conversation Analysis 6 1.2.1 Definition of Conversation Analysis.6 1.2.2 Development of Conversation Analysis...7 1.2.3 Some findings of Conversation Analysis and its applications..9 1.3 Previous researches on Conversation Analysis in drama. 10 1.3.1 Researches overseas....11 1.3.2 Researches at home.....12 1.4 Summary...14 Chapter Two Theoretical Framework of the Study..16 2.1 Introduction..16 2.2 Turn-taking...16 2.3 Adjacency Pair..19 2.4 Preference Organization..20 2.5 Discourse Role..22 2.6 Pragmatic Ambivalence and Conversational Strategies...24 2.7 Speech Activity Type...26 2.8 The frame work of the present study.........28 2.9 Summary... 29 Chapter Three A Doll s House A Case Study......30 3.1 Introduction..30 V

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach 3.2 About A Doll s House...30 3.3 Review of the Criticism on A Doll s House....34 3.4 Linguistic features of A Doll s House......37 3.5 Summary...41 Chapter Four A Detailed Analysis of the Main Four Protagonists with CA Theory......42 4.1 Introduction..42 4.2 Static Analysis of the characterization in the play with CA.42 4.2.1 On Nora...42 4.2.2 On Torvald Helmer..45 4.2.3 On Mrs. Linde. 47 4.2.4 On Krogstad... 52 4.3 Dynamic Analysis of the characterization in the play with CA...56 4.3.1 On Nora...56 4.3.2 On Torvald Helmer..58 4.3.3 On Mrs. Linde. 61 4.3.4 On Krogstad... 63 4.4 Summary...64 Conclusion 65 Work Cited......70 Acknowledgements... 78 VI

目录 目 录 引言.. 1 第一章文献回顾..... 6 1.1 介绍. 6 1.2 会话分析.. 6 1.2.1 会话分析的定义.......6 1.2.2 会话分析的发展...... 7 1.2.3 会话分析成果及其应用......9 1.3 戏剧会话分析研究回顾... 10 1.3.1 国外研究.....11 1.3.2 国内研究..... 12 1.4 总结...14 第二章理论框架.. 16 2.1 介绍...16 2.2 话轮...16 2.3 毗邻对...19 2.4 优选制度...20 2.5 话语角色...22 2.6 语用模糊及其策略...24 2.7 会话活动类型...26 2.8 本文的理论框架...28 2.9 总结...29 第三章 玩偶之家 个案研究.. 30 3.1 介绍...30 VII

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach 3.2 关于 玩偶之家...30 3.3 玩偶之家 的评论回顾...34 3.4 玩偶之家 的语言特征...37 3.5 总结...41 第四章会话分析理论下四位主人公的具体分析.......42 4.1 介绍...42 4.2 会话分析理论之静态分析下剧中人物性格的解读...42 4.2.1 娜拉....42 4.2.2 海尔茂...45 4.2.3 林丹太太. 47 4.2.4 克拉特申克..... 52 4.3 会话分析理论之动态分析下剧中人物性格的解读....56 4.3.1 娜拉.....56 4.3.2 海尔茂.....58 4.3.3 林丹太太. 61 4.3.4 克拉特申克... 63 4.4 总结...64 结论.65 参考文献...70 致谢 78 VIII

Introduction Introduction Conversation analysis, the study of talk-in-interaction, represents a methodological approach to the study of social organization of a wide range of every conversational phenomenon. The play A Doll s House is chosen as the subject for the research in this thesis. This chapter is to give the rationale and objectives of the present study, with a brief introduction of the methodology and the outline of the thesis. 1. The rationale of the study Is there any possibility to use linguistics analysis in literature? Some argue that linguistics is the science of language, whereas literature is the science of art. Therefore, the two fields seem to be two opposing camps due to the irrelevance between art and science. It is true that the conventional literary criticism is capable of revealing the whole picture of literature and remaining mainstream in literature studies. But it does not mean that the traditional criticism includes everything, it still needs testifying and perfecting. And this is the reason why we look into the literature in a functional way in the present study. As a matter of fact, there is an inevitable connection between linguistics and literature. On the one hand, language is the material for literary creation and the chief medium for literary communication (Feng Zongxin, 2002:2), and therefore literary works can provide abundant corpora for linguistic studies. On the other hand, the linguistic theories and research methods can offer new perspectives for literary research. Due to these, when modern linguists began to take an interest in the analysis of literature, there was quite a lot of discussion about whether linguistics could really be of help to literary criticism or not, and such debate at once became very heated and incredibly silly (short, 1996:2). However, up till now, it is widely accepted that linguistic analysis introduces an objective, entirely fresh and valuable atmosphere into the literary world, and makes literary criticism more scientific and convincing (Leech & Short, 1981; Short, 1996; 1

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach Thomborrow & Wareing, 1998). Then, does it work to adopt Conversation Analysis (CA in short ) to the interpretation of drama? The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as langue and parole. According to Saussure (1916:112), langue refers to the system of the regularities of the language; whereas parole is of individual character and subject to will, intellectual thinking and attitude. It is the concept of parole that makes the conversation analysis in dialogues become possible. The first real light of conversation analysis can be traced back to the mid-1960s, by a group of ethnomethodologists such as Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson. At the very beginning, the study focused on talks in telephone only. Then, its research scope has been greatly broadened to analyze various kinds of talk, such as talk in classroom (Mchoul, 1978:183-213), talk in court (Atkinson&Drew, 1979), talk in news (Clayman, 1988:474-492), talk in service encounters (Lamoreux, 1988-1989: 93-114), and talk in interview (Frankel, 1990:231-262), etc.. Thus it can be seen that the basic data studied by conversation analysis derives from naturally occurring conversation, which shares some intrinsic relations with dialogues in plays. As to drama, one crucial aspect in which it differs from poetry and fiction is in its emphasis on verbal interaction, and the way relationships between people are constructed and negotiated through what they say. Just as Burton (1980:96) said, Drama dialogue which sounds like naturally-occurring conversation, if used and analyzed as if it were a transcript of real conversation, is an extremely powerful heuristic device for the discourse analyst trapped into a way of seeing by other styles of data. Therefore, it is possible to apply the theories and analytic methods of Conversation Analysis to the literary genre of drama. Finally, it comes to the questions of how to study drama and why the author chose A Doll s House as the analytical model for the present study. In contrast with fiction and poetry, it has long been a dilemma for linguists to find out an effective way to analyze drama language. In other words, how is drama analyzed? Joanna Thornborrow (2000:118-21) has described some of the approaches practiced in the 2

Introduction analysis of drama texts: (1) drama is treated as poetry, of which sound patterning is characteristic; (2) the play can be treated more or less like fiction for its analysis of character and plot; and (3) drama is treated as conversation due to the immense amount of work on what people do when they talk and on how communication and miscommunication occur. In this thesis, the author picked up the third tip as a guide to analyze the characterizations in A Doll s House. It is an 1879 play by Henrik Ibsen, who is considered as the father of modern prose drama. Ibsen s play was notable for exchanging the last act s unraveling for a discussion, one which leaves the audience uncertain about how the events will conclude. In the drama, the final scene of Nora s slamming door shocked the whole European at that time, and Nora s character remains controversial. What is more, although he was later be embraced by feminists, Ibsen said that he was no champion of women s rights. In regards to the critical articles on this drama, the author finds that almost all the articles focus on the character analysis of Nora with feminism criticism (Zheng Jie, 2003; Shao Jindi, 2004; Qin Wen, 2005; Tian Zhanmin, 2008), and without detail information of other characters in the play. To our surprise, scholars still hold different opinions on Nora s characters by now. These are what have prompted the writing of the present study. 2. The purpose of the study For the sake of exploring how the analysis works in practice, the analytical model is applied to a particular play, A Doll s House. Up till now, except Nora, the other characters in the play have not received enough attention as they should have done. The present study has a main goal to adjust or even change the traditional critics claims on the characterizations in the play, and to help to make the study of drama be perfect, by producing verbal findings different from or even against what the critics have believed. What s more, the present study is also to check the theory of Conversation Analysis as the spin-off of the research. The descriptive apparatus of the model enables the description and interpretation of the characterization in the play and also makes it possible to verify the interpretative statements made on the basis of the 3

Characterizations in A Doll s House: A Conversation Analysis Approach description. This thesis is written in hope of making up for what has been missed in the previous research. In a word, this paper attempts to investigate the contribution of Conversation Analysis in the study of drama A Doll s House. What s more, we can summarize the techniques that used to show the relationship between characters, and finally can get a better understanding of the characterizations in the play. It is hoped that the analysis of the personalities of the characters and the relationship between them in the play will benefit the future researchers in their studies on drama. 3. The methodology of the study As far as the methodology is concerned, the present study is a qualitative research that is both data-driven and theory-driven. Since the present study is a tentative investigation of conversation in the drama A Doll s House, the main task of this thesis aims to apply Conversation Analysis to the appreciation of the characterization in A Doll s House rather than develop any comprehensive linguistic theory for analyzing the dialogues. And the analytical models of Conversation Analysis here include turn-taking, adjacency pair, preference organization, repair, discourse role, pragmatic ambivalence and speech activity type. One thing to be mentioned is that the application of CA in A Doll s House will be carried out under the dynamic perspective by the use of discourse role, pragmatic ambivalence and speech activity type which are seldom mentioned in the traditional studies. 4. The outline of the study This thesis is made up of six parts including an introduction, a conclusion and four chapters. Introduction serves as a lead-in to the rational, the purpose, the methodology and the organization of the present study. Chapter One presents a review of the literature on Conversation Analysis and its application in drama study both at home and abroad. In this chapter, the definition of Conversation Analysis in this paper is explored. With regards to the previous 4

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