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CO NTENTS THEOR Y OF BORDERLAND STUDIES A Humble Opinion on the Conf iguration of State and Territory as well as Situ( ) in Pre - Qin Dynasty Taking the Shang Dynasty as Centre Li Sheng( 1) This paper discusses the configuration of state and territory, Wangji ( ), Bangguo ( ) and Situ ( ) in pre - Qin dynasty. It believes the formation and development of the State of ancient China went through a historical course. Though the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties had the basic elements to form a state,which had entered the early stage of formation of state, the states in this period mean the regional towns belonging to the feuds. The makeup of the Wangji - centred multi - stated ally presented in the early state didn t change the fact of political decen2 tralization in a tribal union society. The multi - state ally means the Wangji and the relatively in2 dependent feudal states( ) were juxtaposed. The paper further points out that the state was composed by the Wangji and Situ in the era of pre - Qin dynasty, the king ruled the Wangji di2 rectly and the Situ indirectly. So there was no concept of frontier in that historical era. Key Words : Pre - Qin - dynasty Era Configuration of State Territory Situ An Introduction to the Types of Civilization Plate to Form China s Territory and Their Pat2 tern of Conf ormity Yu Fengchun( 9) This paper probes into the formation of China s territory. It thinks China s territory con2 sists of 5civilization plates nomadic plate in the desert of north China, agricultural plate in pan - cent ral - China, fishing - hunting - herding - cultivating plate in nort heast China, Tibetan herding - cultivating plate in sout hwest China and marine plate, which have different historical o2 rigin and cultural tradition. From 200 B. C to 1820 A. D, after long - process of mutual impact, mutual attack and mutual defense, they amalgamated each other and comprised each other, and finally were developed into one nation. The paper thinks that the bond to conform the five civi2 lization plates is t he conditions of humanity and geograp hy and cult ural t radition. Key Words : China s Territory Civilization Plates Great Unification On thefanshu( ) andzongfan( ) Liu Zhiyang Li Dalong( 25) The thesis makes a review on the cognitions and meanings as well as uses of the two words, Fanshu and Fanshu, in ancient China and in today s academe. It points out, the wordfanshu came into use in Ming and Qing dynasties, it was used to describe the relations between Qing dy2 nasty and its frontier ethnic groups or peripheral states, though this kind of relationship was al2 ready calledfanchen ( ),Waichen ( ) andshuguo ( ) in Han dynasty. The wordzongfanhas already been used inshiji( ),its meaning was all about the royalty and its members who had got a feudal land. Today, a lot of scholars use the wordzongfan to describe the relationship between the China s dynasties in ancient time,especially Ming and Qing dynasties, and their peripheral states. This misuse contradicts with the traditional meaning of the word and tend to make some misunderstanding. So we should use the wordfanshuinstead when refer to this kind of relationship. Key Words :Fanshu Zongfan, Dynasties in China s History Frontier Ethnic Groups 147