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HK$16,800 HK$16,800 2016 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$,600 D 20160 P C 2016 5 (6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.) 4 15/00028/L4 Diploma Programme in Drawing and Painting 161-421500-01 21 HK$19,800 2016 1 1 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$ 19,800 D 19252 P C 2016 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) 15 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.)611 07/00115/ 1 0 2 15 0 4 20 5 20 6 0 7 0 8 24 9 24 10 24 11 5 160 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Diploma Programme in Fine Arts 161-421600-01 1 24 2 24 0 4 45 5 45 6 45 7 5 1) 2) 21 HK$19,620 2016 4 2 HK$150 I L $ HK$ 19,620 D 218 P C 2016 6 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Design Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) T70100 240 For details, please refer to P.240 Bachelor of Digital Media (Graphic Design) T50100 240 For details, please refer to P.240 Diploma Programme in Graphic Design 161-441400-01 1 20 2 20 20 4 0 5 20 6 0 7 20 8 20 9 20 10 20 11 20 12 20 1 5 New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 161

1) 2) 21 HK$2,850 2016 4 9 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$2,850 D 265 P C ( ) 2016 5 (7:0p.m.- 9:0p.m.) Music Diploma Programme in Chinese Music Performance Studies 511521 0 511522 40 51152 CEF Ref. No. 40 28Z09461A 511524 50 511525 CEF Ref. No. 28Z09461A 40 55 21 (i) (ii) (i) (ii) CD-ROM / DVD 15 HK$150 I L $ HK$ 28,800 D 18 P 45 7 C 2016 6 (7:00p.m.-9:0p.m.) 14/00286/L 161-511520-01 2209-0451 scs-music@cuhk.edu.hk 162 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Certificate Programme in Collaborative Piano Studies 162-51160-01 2209-0451 scs-music@cuhk.edu.hk This programme is developed with the objectives to let pianists explore and develop different aspects of the professional accompanists skills through working with instrumentalists in a class setting with individual coaching by the instructor. In order to fully collaborate with a soloist musically, pianists are not just playing but also speaking the musical language. Acquiring a set of collaborative skills will enable pianists to become fine performance partners. Students are expected to get familiarized with a selection of repertorie, and improve both technical and interpretive mastery of the set pieces. Programme Structure Module Title Hours 51161 Introduction to Collaborative Skills 20 51162 Practical Keyboard Skills 40 5116 Piano Collaborative Playing Duo Sonata 5 51164 Piano Collaborative Playing Vocal and Graded Examination 5 Admission Requirements All students must possess a Grade 8 or above in any keyboard instrument and a Grade 5 Theory from the ABRSM or equivalent. AND A minimum of 5 subjects with Level 2 in HKDSE or a minimum of 5 passes in HKCEE or equivalent (such as satisfactory completion of Project Yi Jin). OR Mature applicants at the age of 21, or above who do not meet the above minimum admission but possess a demonstrated ability (e.g., good musical background or relevant musical background) to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission. Graduation Requirements: To qualify for the award of Certificate in Collaborative Piano Studies, students are required to complete all courses and pass the assessments and have an attendance of at least 70% for each course. Application Deadline: two weeks before commencement date Application Fee: HK$ 150 I Ms. Shirley Ip; Mr. Shum Kin-wai; Ms. Lily Yeung; Ms. Linda Yim L Cantonese and English $ HK$ 18,800 D 18 months P Tsimshatsui Learning Centre C July 2016 (Monday and or Tuesday Morning) 15/000081/L Diploma Programme in Piano Teaching and Performance 162-511510-01 2209-0451 scs-music@cuhk.edu.hk This programme provides students with the latest concepts in piano pedagogy and performance so as to broaden students intellectual ability by equipping them with the latest ideas and development in piano teaching and performance. Students will be able to consolidate practical motor skills required of professional piano playing and to provide students with the necessary tools to become competent players. Through discussions, observations and learning, students will sharpen their thinking and develop a set of technical skills in tackling new problems with confidence. Programme Structure Module Title Hours 511511 Performance and Pedagogical Concepts 25 511512 Style and Interpretation 40 51151 Piano Collaborative Playing 40 511514 Practical Keyboard Skills 40 511515 Performance Project 55 Admission Requirements 1a) A minimum of 5 passes in HKCEE, or 5 subjects with Level 2 in HKDSE, or equivalent qualification. OR 1b) Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above who do not meet the above minimum admission but posses a demonstrated ability (e.g. good musical background and relevant music teaching experience) to pursue the programme. 2) Applicants should have passed Grade 5 or above in music theory and Grade 8 in the Piano Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music or other music institutions of similar standing. Remarks 1) Proficiency in both Chinese and English is preferable. 2) An audition may be required for the selection of applicants. Graduation Requirements: To qualify for the award of Diploma in Piano Teaching and Performance, students are required to complete all courses and pass the assessments and have an attendance of at least 70% for each course. Application Deadline: three weeks before commencement date Application Fee: HK$ 150 I Dr. Jane Cheung; Mr. Ma Cong; Ms. Grace Lau; Mr. Shum Kin-wai; Mr. Raymond Young L Cantonese and English $ HK$ 28,500 D 24 months P Tsimshatsui Learning Centre C June 2016 (Tuesday and Friday morning) 14/00486/L New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 16

Certificate Programme in Composition and Digital Music 161-51150-01 2209-0451 scs-music@cuhk.edu.hk 1 0 2 20 20 4 20 5 0 21 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$ 18,000 The Humanities Diploma Programme in Cultural Management 161-465100-01 2209-0445 scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk 1 40 2 40 40 4 40 5 40 21 HK$ 150 D 12 P I L C 2016 4 $ HK$ 18,000 D 22 15/00027/L P C 2016 5 164 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Certificate Programme in Creative and Critical Thinking 161-461200-01 2209-0445 scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk 1 15 2 15 15 4 15 5 15 6 15 7 15 8 15 9 15 21 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$ 12,000 D 12 Certificate Programme in Traditional Chinese Literati Thought 161-461100-01 2209-0445 scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk 1 16 2 16 16 4 16 5 16 6 16 21 HK$ 150 I L $ HK$9,000 D 12 P C 2016 4 2 15/00099/L2 P C 2016 14/0049/L New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 165

Certificate Programme in Chinese Philosophy 161-465000-01 2209-0445 scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk 1 16 2 20 20 4 16 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 16 9 16 21 HK$ 150 I L Business & Management Degree Programmes Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) T80100 240 Bachelor of Business (Marketing) T0100 240 Bachelor of Business (Management) T20100 240 Bachelor of Business (Event Management) T90100 240 $ HK$14,500 D 12 P C 2016 14/00548/L Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management T10100 240 166 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk