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目录 一 留学生守则... 1 二 留学生报到须知... 2 三 留学生文明礼仪规定... 4 四 留学生学籍管理办法... 7 五 考勤与请假... 12 六 留学生有关费用的规定... 14 七 留学生宿舍生活制度... 16 八 留学生宿舍防火制度... 18 九 留学生借阅图书规定... 19 十 留学生医疗须知... 20 十一 留学生办理有关证件须知... 21 十二 奖学金管理规定... 23 十三 留学生违纪处分条例... 24 十四 留学生离校须知... 28

留学生守则 1 遵守中国的法规和学校的规章制度 ; 2 努力学习, 认真完成学校规定的学习任务 ; 3 同学之间互敬互爱 团结友好 ; 4 尊重学校的教师和工作人员 ; 5 讲究卫生, 参加体育锻炼 ; 6 尊重中国人民的风俗习惯 ; 7 维护和增进各国人民之间的友谊和团结 1

留学生报到须知 1 新生持护照 录取通知书按规定时间报到, 逾期到校者, 应说明原因并办理补假手续 开学后两周内不报到者, 取消其入学资格 新生报到需持以下证件 : 1 广州医科大学录取通知书 ;2 JW202 表 ;3 护照及 X 签证 ( 原件及复印件 );4 体检表 ( 原件 );5 护照规格照片 10 张 2 在国外进行体检并持有 体格检查记录 的学生需要到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心验证 验证不合格者, 须在广东国际旅行卫生保健中心补检有关项目或重新体检, 体检费用自理 身体不达健康标准者不予注册 3 新生到校后, 应在七天之内缴纳各项费用 缴费时直接支付相应的人民币, 一次性付清 无故不按规定缴费者不予注册, 不予办理来华居留许可 4 新生按期缴清所有费用并交验所需材料后方能注册 开始上课 5 新生报到后办理学生宿舍住宿手续, 按规定房间住宿, 并遵守住宿的各项规定 6 新生入学报到应持 X 签证 ( 即学习签证 ) 办理入校手续, 并在 2

来华后的 30 天内向广州市公安局出入境管理处申办居留许可 7 每学期开学, 留学生要按规定时间返校, 并在正式开学前一天到留学生管理办公室报到, 并在规定的时间内交清学年学费, 然后办理注册手续 未经请假而不按期报到者, 以旷课论处 无正当理由, 开学两周仍未注册者, 以自动退学论处 3

留学生文明礼仪规定 为了对留学生进行规范化管理, 根据留学生在校生活的实际, 特规范留学生文明礼仪标准 第一条作为将成为救死扶伤 受人尊敬的医生, 留学生要注意培养和保持良好的医学生形象, 衣冠要整洁卫生, 不许敞胸露怀 脚穿拖鞋 男生不许留长发 衣帽要端庄, 不猥琐 不邋遢 不脏不乱 第二条举止礼貌, 尊敬老师, 进入办公室要先敲门, 服从师长的教导, 服从学校管理人员的统一管理 第三条言语文明, 不得使用粗鲁言语, 举止动作文明大方 第四条遵守课堂纪律, 不得迟到 早退 无故旷课 在课堂上做与学习无关的事情, 如听音乐 睡觉 相互交谈 说笑等影响其他人上课的举止 对其多次警告仍不悔改者, 按规定给予警告以上处分 第五条遵守学校规定的作息时间, 准时上课, 晚上 11 点之前必须停止一切运动和活动 对违反者, 按照相关规定给予处分 第六条严禁大声喧哗 不准在宿舍 教室大声播放音乐 广播, 影响他人上课和休息 对于在宿舍 教室等公共场所, 大声喧 4

哗影响他人学习和休息, 不听劝阻, 后果严重的, 视情节给予处分 第七条严禁平日, 尤其在节假日酗酒滋事, 造成不良后果的, 给予警告以上处分 第八条严禁在公共场所吸烟, 学生教室 实验室及教学楼道等严禁吸烟, 同时禁止在校园行走时吸烟 第九条不得干扰 阻碍国家工作人员或者学校管理人员依法或按照校纪校规执行公务的, 否则视情节轻重给予警告及其以上处分 第十条不得挑逗滋事 打架 斗殴以及盗窃他人和公共财物, 否则按照规定给予警告或以上处分, 情节严重者送中国执法机关处理 第十一条不得参与吸毒 贩毒或为吸毒 贩毒提供方便, 否则视情节轻重和造成后果的严重程度, 按中国法律处罚 第十二条自觉遵守学校管理制度, 爱护公共财产, 自觉维护教室 实验室 图书馆 宿舍 食堂 体育馆 运动场 校园以及其他公共场所的秩序, 不得任意搬动 损坏一切物品和设施, 否则按照相关规定给予处罚 第十三条不得进行赌博, 传播 复制 贩卖非法书刊等有损 5

社会的行为, 否则视情节轻重按中国法律处理 第十四条进行课外活动不得影响学校正常教学秩序和生活秩序 第十五条进行宗教活动, 必须在指定的宗教场所进行, 不得在中国境内成立宗教组织 设立宗教办事机构 设立宗教活动场所或者开办宗教院校, 不得在中国公民中发展教徒 担任宗教教职人员和进行其他传教活动, 不得在学校举办宗教或传教活动 第十六条使用计算机网络, 应当遵守学校关于网络使用的有关规定 第十七条遵守考场纪律 违反考试纪律或者作弊的, 该课程成绩记为无效, 并视其情节给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分 视情节给予警告及以上处分 6

留学生学籍管理办法 为维护我校正常的教学秩序和生活秩序, 保障外国留学生合法权益, 提高留学生的教育教学质量, 根据国家教育部 高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定 ( 中华人民共和国教育部 中华人民共和国外交部 中华人民共和国公安部令第 9 号 ) 参照 广州医科大学学分制学生学籍管理办法, 结合我校实际, 特制定本规定 本规定适用于我校普通高等教育全日制本科外国留学生 一 入学与注册第一条新生持录取通知书及学校规定的有关证件, 按规定的日期到校办理入学手续 新生入学后, 在规定时间内按照国家规定的体检标准进行复查 复查合格者予以注册, 取得学籍 第二条每学期开学时, 学生应当按学校规定办理注册手续 不能如期注册者, 应当履行暂缓注册手续 未按学校规定缴纳学费或者其他不符合注册条件的不予注册 第三条学生注册后, 方可取得该学期的在校学习资格, 所修课程的成绩和学分有效 二 课程与学分第四条开设课程分为以下两部分 : 7

1 必修课: 指根据专业培养目标和毕业生基本培养规格, 要求学生必须掌握的基本理论 基础知识 基本技能, 所确定的该专业学生必须修读的课程或环节 2 选修课: 指为加深专业基础 拓宽专业技能或扩大学生知识面, 提高学生综合素质的课程, 学生可选择性修读 第五条学生应修满人才培养方案规定的必修课 ; 选修课修满 8 个学分 三 学习年限第六条留学生学制为 6 年四 考核与成绩记载第七条学生应当参加学校本专业人才培养方案规定的课程和学生选定修读的课程的考核, 考核成绩记入成绩档案 第八条学生必须按规定的时间参加考核 因患重病 急病等特殊原因不能按时参加课程考核的, 可申请缓考 未办理缓考擅自缺考的, 该课程本次成绩视为零分, 标注缺考, 不予安排重考 同一科目只能申请一次缓考 选修课不办理缓考, 可以另选其他选修课程修读 重考不办理缓考 重考不合格者, 可以在毕业前再次重考, 仍不及格者不能毕业 8

第九条成绩评定采用百分制记分,60 分为及格, 详见 广州医科大学考试工作规定 第十条学生违反考核纪律或者作弊的, 按 广州医科大学考试违纪作弊处理办法 规定处理 给予留校察看处分的, 解除处分后, 方可给予该门课程重考机会 五 学业警告第十一条每学年经重考后必修 限选课程有五门或以上不及格者给予学业警告 学业警告由学校以书面形式送达留学生本人 六 转学第十二条学生一般应当在本校完成学业 如确有特殊困难无法继续在本校学习的, 可以申请转学到其他学校学习 七 休学与复学第十三条学生有下列情况之一者, 应予休学 : 1 因伤 病经学校指定医院诊断, 须停课治疗 休养占一学期开课总学时三分之一以上者 ; 2 根据考勤, 一个学期请假累计超过开课总学时的三分之一者 ; 3 因某种特殊原因, 本人申请或学校认为必须休学者 ; 休学时间最长不能超过一年, 在校期间只能申请休学一次 9

八 退学第十四条学生有下列情况之一者, 应予退学 : 1 不论何种原因( 含休学 ), 在校学习时间累计超过学制一年者 : 2 经重考, 必修 限选课程不及格门数累计达到或超过 10 门者 ; 3 休学期满, 超过两周未提出复学申请或者申请复学经复查不合格的 ; 4 经学校指定医院确诊, 患有疾病或者意外伤残无法继续在校学习者 ; 5 未请假离校连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动者; 6 无正当理由, 开学两周仍未注册者 ; 7 本人申请退学者 九 毕业与学位结业肄业第十五条有正式学籍的学生, 在学校规定年限内, 修完人才培养方案规定内容, 达到毕业要求, 准予毕业, 并发给毕业证书 符合 中华人民共和国学位条例 中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法 广东省普通高等学校学士学位条例暂行实施办法 及 广州医科大学学分制本科授予学士学位工作细则 者, 经学校学位评定委员会审核确认, 授予学士学位 毕业时未达到授予学位条 10

件的或结业的学生不再补授学位 第十六条学生修完人才培养方案规定的课程, 但未达到毕业要求的, 准予结业, 发给结业证书 结业后一年内可申请返校重考课程 ( 实践环节, 含毕业设计和毕业论文 ) 一次, 重考合格, 达到发放毕业证书条件的, 可换发毕业证书 重考仍不合格者, 不再给予重考机会, 以后不再换发毕业证书 第十七条在校学习一学年以上 ( 含一学年 ), 但未完成人才培养方案规定的课程中途退学者, 发给肄业证书, 学习不满一学年者, 仅发给学习证明 十 附则第十八条本办法适用于留学生, 从公布之日起实施 第十九条本办法未涉及到的事项, 参照国家教育部 广东省教育厅有关留学生学籍管理规定执行 第二十条本办法解释权在广州医科大学教务处 补充说明从 2011-2012-2 学期开始, 参照 广州医科大学学分制重修细则, 留学生课程考试如经重考后仍不及格的, 可允许申请在校期间跟班重修 11

考勤与请假 1 根据课程表规定时间按时上课, 不得旷课和无故迟到 早退 2 考勤计算方法 : (1) 考勤计算的基本单位为学时 ( 节 ); (2) 迟到 2 次按旷课 1 学时 ( 节 ) 计 ; (3) 早退视为旷课, 按实际情况计算学时, 不足 1 学时, 按 1 学时计算 ; (4) 学校统一安排的活动可折合学时计算 ; (5) 一天按 9 学时计算 ; (6) 只按中国法定的节假日安排休假 3 因病 因事请假应办理请假手续, 填写请假申请表 请假申请表由留学生管理老师负责管理 学生因病请假, 凭医生证明向管理老师办理请假手续 学生请事假, 要附有效证明 请假三天以内由管理老师批准, 三天以上经管理老师同意后, 报国际教育学院 教务处审批备案 学生获准请假后, 须将请假条第一联交给管理老师保管 备案, 以便需要时查询 若请假期满仍不能参加学习者, 需办理续假手续 ; 请假期满复课或请假未满复课者应向管理老师报 12

告销假 请假期间涉及获取成绩的教学活动, 如考试 论文答辩等, 不能参加的需另行申请缓考等手续 4 学生必须按请假时间期限按时返校, 并在 1 个工作日内向管理老师提出销假申请 管理老师批准后, 出具销假单, 报国际教育学院备案 ; 未按时返校或销假者, 超出部分按旷课处理 5 因事 因病不能坚持学习者, 可由学生自己提出休学申请 学生休学一般以一年为限 凡到期不复学者, 以自动退学论 6 一学期内连续旷课 2 周或累计达 50 学时以上 ( 含 50 学时 ) 作退学处理,50 学时以下按下列规定处理 : (1) 连续旷课 2 天至 4 天或累计达 10 至 20 学时者, 给予警告处分 ; (2) 连续旷课 5 天至 6 天或累计达 21 至 30 学时者, 给予严重警告处分 ; (3) 连续旷课 7 天至 8 天或累计达 31 至 40 学时者, 给予记过处分 ; (4) 连续旷课 9 天至 10 天或累计达 41 至 50 学时者, 给予留校察看处分 13

留学生有关费用的规定 1 学费:30,000 元 / 人 / 学年 2 教材费: 分年预收, 学年结束时按实际成本结算 3 住宿费:6000 元 / 人 / 学年 4 报名费:500 元 / 人 ( 只收第一年 ) 5 居留许可办证费:800 元 / 人 / 次 6 医疗保险费( 至少包括意外伤害和住院医疗两个险种 ):600 元 / 人 / 年 7 在国外进行了体检并持有 体格检查记录 的学生需要到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心验证 验证不合格者, 须在广东国际旅行卫生保健中心补检有关项目或重新体检, 体检费用自理 8 所有费用均以人民币办理结算, 学费 住宿费 教材费 医疗保险费按学年缴费, 其中教材费等收费项目分年预交, 按实际成本多退少补办理结算 9 留学生的学杂费于每学年开始一次性收取 10 学生缴纳学费后, 转学 休学或因各种原因退学的, 注册而未入读的 ( 开课前 ) 按所缴学费 住宿费的 90% 退还 ; 开课后中途辍学 退学的, 所缴学费 住宿费按留学生实际在校时间计算清 14

退 学费 住宿费清退标准 = 每学年学费 住宿费标准 10 个月 (10- 实际在校月数 ) 被开除学籍者, 已交学费 住宿费不予退回 注 : 实际在校时间 ( 月数 ) 从注册当日起计至办妥退费手续之日止, 未满一个月按一个月计算 11 无故不按规定缴费者不予注册, 不予办理来华居留许可 15

留学生宿舍生活制度 为保证留学生享有安定的生活环境 保障留学生的人身和财产安全, 各位学生应自觉遵守如下的规章制度 : 1 留学生须按指定的房间住宿, 未经同意, 不能自行调换床位或强行占用房间 不得私自在校外租住 2 不得利用宿舍从事违反法律和校规的活动 所住房间不得私自转让 转租和留宿他人 3 爱护宿舍内的公共物品和设备, 不得私自拆卸和改装宿舍内的家具和设备 如有损坏和丢失, 照价赔偿 4 留学生应自己打扫房间, 保持房间整洁, 不要在楼道堆放物品, 不要向窗外乱扔物品 严禁在宿舍内饲养宠物 5 注意保管好个人财物, 离开房间时要随手锁门, 如有大量现金请放进保险柜存放或存入银行 6 房间钥匙及保险箱钥匙要妥善保管, 请勿转借他人 请勿私配钥匙 自行在房门上加锁或换锁 7 请保持宿舍和楼道安静, 不要干扰其他人 严禁在宿舍内跳舞 高声喧哗或大声播放音乐 8 节约用水用电, 宿舍用水用电实行 定额使用, 超用自理 16

的办法, 超标准用电和用水者须按规定缴纳费用 如遇到房间或楼道泡水 断电 空调等设施出现问题, 请立即报告值班人员维修 9 按照作息时间按时就寝 23:00 熄灯 如不能按时就寝, 要保持安静, 不得影响他人休息, 禁止夜不归宿和留宿外来人员 值班人员将检查留学生就寝情况, 学生须服从值班人员的管理 10 宿舍管理人员因工作需要进入房间时应予以配合, 不得拒绝, 更不能阻挠宿舍管理人员履行职责 17

留学生宿舍防火制度 1 不得在留学生宿舍内焚烧任何物品, 严禁在宿舍内吸烟 不得在楼内燃放烟花爆竹, 不得存放易燃易爆等物品 2 不得私自变动室内的原装供电线路, 不得乱拉乱接电线电源 3 宿舍内严禁使用电炉等大功率电器, 禁止在宿舍内烧煮东西 生活用房配备的电器要正确使用, 保证安全 人离开房间要关灯关电源 4 宿舍内所有的电源保险, 必须使用校电工室制定的型号, 如出现故障, 要及时报告值班人员联系修理 恶意损坏宿舍内或生活用房的电器物品等, 要照价赔偿 5 因实习 旅游或其他原因长期外出时, 要切断室内所有电源 6 不得私自移动消防器材和灭火器 7 凡不遵守有关规定, 酿成火灾者, 须赔偿一切损失 严重者将由中国司法机关追究刑事责任 18

留学生借阅图书规定 1 凭我校一卡通借书, 证件只限本人使用 2 借阅图书期限为一个月, 到期不能归还, 需办理续借手续 3 爱护图书, 不得涂改 损坏, 如有遗失, 需按有关规定赔偿 4 工具书不外借, 需用时可到阅览室查阅 5 毕业离校时, 须将所借图书还清后, 方可离校 19

留学生医疗须知 1 持 X 签证入境的新生到校后必须到指定的广东省国际旅行保健中心进行体检验证 未通过体检验证者要重新体检 体检费用自理 凡患有不适宜学习的疾病的留学生不予注册, 应立即离校回国 2 根据中国教育部规定, 凡在华学习半年及半年以上的自费外国留学生必须购买中国大陆内保险公司的综合医疗保险 在我校学习的外国留学生需在每学年开学注册时办理, 购买保险的保费在新学年报到时与学费同时缴交, 并作为我校外国留学生入学报到注册的必备条件 3 参加综合医疗保险的自费留学生在中国的医疗门诊费用自理, 住院治疗凭发票 护照复印件等向保险公司索赔符合规定的医疗费 药品费和住院费等 外国留学生办理入院手续时需及时告知留学生管理办公室, 以便办理有关理赔手续 4 镶牙 配眼镜 人工流产 购买营养滋补药品及某些按规定不能报销的药物, 概由本人自理 5 违反校纪 法律而造成的伤害事故所支付的一切费用, 由肇事者自理 20

留学生办理有关证件须知 1 居留许可: 留学生自入境之日起 30 日内必须办理居留许可 办理居留许可需提供以下文件 :1 体检证明 ;2 居留许可申请表 ; 3 持有学习签证 (X 签证 ) 的有效护照 ;41 张护照规格的照片 ;5 广州医学院录取通知书 ;6 有效住宿登记证明 ;7 外国留学人员来华签证申请表 (JW201/JW202 表 ) 注 : 未满 18 周岁的来华留学生办理居留许可时, 申请者需同时提供监护人保证书和经公证机关公证的书面保证 公证费用由学生自理 2 根据中国政府的有关规定, 来华学习半年期限的外国留学生可持 F 类签证, 如学习期满后继续在华学习, 必须申办学习签证 (X 类签证 ), 并办理居留许可 手续是 : 需至少提前一个月向留学生办公室申请办理 外国留学人员来华签证申请表 (JW202 表 ), 并在广东省国际旅行保健中心进行体检, 在 F 签证的有效期前凭录取通知书 JW202 表 居住地所属派出所出具的 境外人士临时住宿登记 凭证 学校证明 体检合格记录 有效护照 护照复印件 ( 照片页 签证页和最后一次入境签章页 ) 和经检索的数码签证照片和回执等向公安局出入境管理处申请变更签证, 并办理居留许可 由 21

于未事先办妥 JW202 表和体检所引起的一切问题均由留学生本人负责 3 在居留许可有效期期满后需继续在中国学习的留学生, 应在有效期满前申请延长 手续是 : 填写 外国人签证申请表, 经留学生管理老师签字和加盖公章后, 持有效护照 居住地所属派出所出具的 境外人士临时住宿登记 凭证 护照复印件 ( 照片页 签证页和最后一次入境签章页 ) 经检索的数码签证照片和回执等前往公安局出入境管理处办理 过期未办理延期手续者, 公安局将处以罚款, 情节严重者还有可能被拘留或限期处境 各项签证 证件不得私自涂改 损坏, 违者将受到处罚 4 留学生在学习期间因病 因事回国或去港澳台地区及其他国家旅行, 经学校同意后方能办理出境手续 5 留学生办理出入境签证 居留许可时, 需按有关规定交纳手续费 22

奖学金管理规定 为吸引更多优秀的外国留学生到广东学习, 对品学兼优的留学生给予奖励和鼓励, 广东省政府设立了来粤留学生奖学金 1 评选基本条件: 符合 广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金管理暂行办法 的基本申请条件 2 有下列情况之一者, 不能参加奖学金的评选 : (1) 有违纪违法行为, 受到处分者 ; (2) 有一门或以上必修课或限选课考试不合格者 ; (3) 没有完整修完评选学年所有课程者 3 广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金的评选程序: 由管理老师根据奖学金的评定办法选出符合条件的推荐人, 并向全校公示初评结果 学生个人对奖学金初评结果有异议者, 可在公示期内向院系提出申诉 公示无异议后把符合条件的学生材料上报国际教育学院, 经审核后报学校审批 最后获奖名单以广东省教育厅经公示后分配给我校的名单为准 23

留学生违纪处分条例 为加强校纪校风管理, 建立正常的教学秩序, 确保留学生学习 生活的良好环境, 根据国家教育部和省教育厅制定的高等学校学生管理有关规定, 结合我校实际情况制定本条例 第一条凡在校留学生违反校纪的, 视情节轻重给予警告 严重警告 记过 留校察看 开除学籍五种处分 受留校察看处分的留学生, 经考察半年以上, 有进步表现者, 可提前解除留校察看处分 ; 对表现差或留校察看期间出现新的违纪现象者, 给予延长留察期 或开除学籍处分 第二条留学生有下列情形之一者, 开除学籍 : (1) 反对中国政府, 破坏安定团结, 扰乱社会秩序的 ; (2) 因故意触犯中国的法律, 构成刑事犯罪的 ; (3) 违反治安管理法规受到处罚, 性质恶劣的 ; (4) 拉帮结伙, 欺侮同学 老师及学校工作人员, 或以任何形式向同学 老师及学校工作人员收取保护费的 ; (5) 由他人代替考试 替他人参加考试 组织作弊 使用通讯设备作弊及其他作弊行为严重的 ; (6) 剽窃 抄袭他人研究成果, 情节严重的 ; 24

(7) 违反学校规定, 严重影响学校教育教学秩序 生活秩序以及公共场所管理秩序, 侵害其他个人 组织合法权益, 造成严重后果的 ; (8) 屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分, 经教育不改的 第三条违反中国法律法规, 受到司法部门处罚者, 给予留校察看以上处分 第四条违反学校防火消防管理规定, 造成失火者视责任大小 损失程度给予下列处理 : (1) 尚未造成严重损失, 给予警告或严重警告处分 ; (2) 造成严重损失, 给予记过以上 ( 含记过 ) 处分 ; (3) 对认定故意纵火者, 造成严重损失, 给予开除学籍处分 ; 第五条留学生在校内 校外肇事 参与策划打架 斗殴或故意提供伪证 凶器等, 视情节给予下列处理 : (1) 用各种语言 动作挑衅, 或用某种方式触及他人肇事, 本人未动手打人, 但造成打架后果者, 给予警告以上 ( 含警告 ) 处分 ; (2) 教唆他人打架 造成不良后果的, 给予严重警告以上 ( 含严重警告 ) 处分 ; (3) 动手打人未伤他人者给予严重警告处分, 致他人受伤者, 25

给予记过以上 ( 含记过 ) 处分 ; (4) 以劝架为名, 参与打架为实, 促使殴打事态发展, 并产生不良后果的, 给予严重警告以上 ( 含严重警告 ) 处分 ; (5) 持械打架的, 给予留校察看以上 ( 含留校察看 ) 处分 ; (6) 为他人打架提供凶器, 未造成不良后果的, 给予记过以上 ( 含记过 ) 处分 ; 造成不良后果的, 给予留校察看以上 ( 含留校察看 ) 处分 第六条留学生聚众赌博, 酗酒寻衅滋事, 败坏校风者, 情节轻微的, 给予警告或严重警告处分 情节严重, 经教育对问题有深刻认识并愿意悔改者, 给予记过或留校察看处分 对多次聚赌 酗酒 败坏校风屡教不改者, 给予开除学籍处分 第七条违反学校的有关规定, 未经许可在宿舍私自留宿他人 ; 不按照宿舍管理规定 不按时作息及不听从不配合管理人员工作, 经批评不改者, 给予警告或严重警告处分 第八条偷窃 诈骗国家 集体或个人财物者 : (1) 经保卫部门或者公安部门确认作案未遂的, 给予警告处分 ; (2) 作案价值 500 元以下 ( 不含本数 ) 的, 视情节给予警告以上 ( 含警告 ) 的处分 ; 26

(3) 作案价值 500 元以上 ( 含本数 ) 的, 视情节给予严重警告以上 ( 含严重警告 ) 的处分 ; (4) 情节特别严重的, 送公安部门处理 第九条凡被勒令退学 开除学籍的留学生应在接到处分决定的一周内, 办理完离校手续 凡无理取闹, 拒不离校者, 学校将采取强制措施, 限期离校 第十条本条例适用于留学生, 从公布之日起实施 本办法解释权在广州医科大学国际教育学院 27

留学生离校须知 1 留学生离校( 包括转学 退学 毕业 ), 应持 办理离校手续表 到留学生管理办公室 图书馆 财务处 教务处 保卫处 宿管办等办理离校手续 : (1) 结清各项费用 ; (2) 交还宿舍的钥匙和公用财物 ; (3) 还清图书, 交还借书证 ; (4) 退还学生证, 领取毕业证 学位证等 2 毕业( 或修业期满 退学 ) 的留学生, 应于一周内办理完手续离校 不按期离校者, 不再享受留学生待遇 3 毕业或结业的留学生, 在离校前两天要通知宿管办, 并办理退宿手续 28

Contents Ⅰ Guidelines for International Students... 30 Ⅱ Guide on Registration for International Students... 31 Ⅲ Regulations on Manners & Etiquette for International Students33 Ⅳ Student Status Regulations... 37 Ⅴ Class Attendance & Excused Absences... 46 Ⅵ Regulations on Expenses for International Students... 49 Ⅶ Dormitory Regulations... 51 Ⅷ Regulations for Fire Prevention... 53 Ⅸ Regulations on Borrowing Library Books... 54 Ⅹ Regulations on Medical Treatment... 55 XI Notice for International Students on going through various procedures to obtain Certificates... 57 XII Regulations on Reward for International Students... 60 XIII Regulations on Disciplinary Procedures for International Students... 62 XIV Regulations for International Students on Leaving the Campus 67 29

Guidelines for International Students 1. Observe the relevant policies of China and the regulations worked out by the university authorities. 2. Study hard and complete all the necessary courses required by the university. 3. Advocate respect and love between classmates and promote unity and friendship among schoolmates. 4. Respect the faculty and staff members of the university. 5. Pay attention to hygiene and take part in physical training. 6. Respect the social customs and habits of the Chinese people. 7. Maintain and promote friendship and unity among peoples of all countries. 30

Guide on Registration for International Students 1. International students have to bring with them to China the Admission Notice, and arrive at the campus for registration according to the given schedule. Those who do not arrive on time will need to explain the reason for their lateness and to complete formalities to ask for leave of absence after the event. Students who have not registered two weeks after the commencement of the semester will be immediately disqualified from enrollment. International students have to bring the following documents: 1) Guangzhou Medical University Admission Notice 2) JW202 form 3) Passport with X visa (original and 1 copy) 4) The Health Certificate (original) 5) Ten photos of the same size as in the passport. 2. Those who have taken the physical examinations abroad should go to the Guangdong International Travel Health Center for the medical verification with the the Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (PERF). Those who fail to meet the verification requirements will have to take another health examination for some or all of the items at the Center within the prescribed time. All the expenses occurred should 31

be covered by himself/ herself. Registration will be denied to those whose state of health is not up to the requirements. 3. Students should pay the fees in Yuan in full within 7 days after registration. Students who fail to pay tuition fee within the specified time will not allowed to register and not allowed to apply for the Residence Permit. 4. Students who could pay off the fees and hand in all the documents as requested are allowed to register and start the classes. 5. Students should sign an agreement and then be assigned a room to live in. Students must observe all dormitory regulations. 6. Students should register in Guangzhou Medical University and apply for the Resident Permit for Foreigner Registration within 30 days after arrival in China. 7. At the beginning of each semester, students are requested to return to the university no later than the fixed time. They have to check in at the International Students Office and go through registration formalities. If they fail to return on time and not ask for permission in advance, they will be punished for absence without asking for leave. If they delay registration for more than two weeks, they will be considered as leaving the university automatically. 32

Regulations on Manners & Etiquette for International Students Rules of etiquette for international students have been especially worked out in order to standardize the management of our university. Article One: All international students shall maintain a good image and have a neat appearance and tidy clothes. No one is allowed to have his shirt unbuttoned and his chest bared. Male students are not permitted to have long hair and all students are forbidden to wear slippers outside, in class or in public and wear their hats askew. Article Two: International students shall be polite, respect teachers and accept teachers advice by following their instructions. Article Three: International students should talk and behave politely. Article Four: All the international students must comply with class discipline and are not allowed to do anything irrelevant to the class teaching content whilst in class, such as listening to music, sleeping, whispering to others, disturbing other students, etc. If a student is caught doing any of the above, he/she shall be given a warning that will go on their record. If they fail to correct their mistakes, serious punishment will be given and they will 33

ultimately be expelled from the university. Those who defy discipline, are always late for class, consecutively leave class early and are absent from class without any reason will be given a warning punishment. If they turn a deaf ear to the warning, a serious warning and final expulsion from the university will be given. Article Five: Students must obey the work-and-rest schedule, attend class punctually and stop outdoor activities and sports before eleven o clock at night. Any violators will receive punishment based on the rules and regulations. Article Six: Talking loudly in public places is forbidden, such as in the classroom, dormitory, etc, those who refuse the persuasion and cause severe disturbance to others will be dealt with strictly. Article Seven: Students will receive punishment based on the rules and regulations if their affrays result from addictive drinking, particularly on festivals or holidays. Article Eight: No smoking in public, in the lab, corridors or on campus while walking. Article Nine: Those who interfere with the performance of duties by others will be given punishment according to the university rules. Article Ten: Those who make affrays and steal other s belongings will be punished according to the Public Security Law of China. Article Eleven: Students involved in using drugs, selling 34

drugs or who provide this kind of service will be punished severely according to the Law of China. Article Twelve: Students must consciously observe the rules and regulations, protect public property and maintain the regulations of libraries, classroom, labs, dormitories, dinning halls, gymnasiums, sports-ground, campus and other public sites. Students should not move randomly and damage the property or equipment of the university. If caught committing this kind of offense, the students will be given a strict penalty. Article Thirteen: Gambling, promulgating or selling illegal or obscene books and periodicals are strictly prohibited. Any offender will be dealt with according to the Law of China. Article Fourteen: Any activities after class must not disturb the regular teaching and life order of the university. Article Fifteen: The freedom of religious belief of foreigners within Chinese territory is respected and protected by the Law. Religious activities are only allowed in designated religious sites. Foreigners shall not establish religious organizations, set up religious offices, sites for religious activities or run religious institutions, not may they develop followers, appoint religious personnel or engage in other missionary activities. No person or organization is allowed to do missionary work on campus. Article Sixteen: When utilizing the computer network, students must obey the relevant regulations, must not enter illegal websites or spread harmful information. Article Seventeen: When attending exams, anyone who is 35

found cheating will have his mark annulled and concurrently will be criticized and published. They will be dealt with according to the seriousness of his case-warning, a serious warning, a demerit or be put on probation, or be expelled from the university. 36

Student Status Regulations In order to maintain the normal order of teaching and life in our university, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of international students and improve the quality of education and teaching of international students, Guangzhou Medical University makes the regulations based on Regulations over Admission of International Students of Higher Education Institutions (decree of the Ministry of Education of People s Republic of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People s Republic of China, Ministry of Public Security of the People s Republic of China, No. 9) as well as Credit System-based Student Status Regulations of Guangzhou Medical University and the actual conditions in our university. The regulations apply to all full-time international undergraduates taking part in the regular higher education in our university. 1. Enrollment and Registration Article One: all Students have to enroll in on their designated day of enrollment with letter of admission and the relevant documents required by the university. The school will conduct 37

physical reexamination over the newly-enrolled students within three months in accordance with the standards set by the state. Those who pass the reexamination are to be registered and obtain status. Article Two: at the beginning of each semester, students have to register in accordance with the regulations of the school. For those who failed to register on time should apply for a suspension of registration in advance. You are not eligible to register if you haven t paid your tuition fees according to the regulations of the school or failed to meet the registration requirement. Article Three: only after registration can students obtain qualification of studying at this university and validity of the results and credits of their courses. 2. Curriculum and Credits Article Four: types of courses ⑴. C om pulsory C ourses: the C om pulsory C ourses are the courses that have been determined by the basic theory, knowledge and skills which the students are required to obtain according to the training objectives of their majors and the basic training standards of undergraduates. 38

⑵. Elective C ourses: Elective C ourses are the courses that aim at strengthening the students professional foundation, improving professional skills, broadening their knowledge and raising their comprehensive quality. And students are free to choose. Article Five: students must complete the Compulsory Courses required by the Talents Training Program and get at least 8 credits for the Elective Courses. 3. Duration of Study Article Six: the duration of study for international students is six years. 4. Examination and Grades Article Seven: international students must sit for all the quizzes and exams of the Compulsory Courses required by the Talents Training Program of their majors and the Elective Courses they chose. All the achievement will be recorded in the academic files. Article Eight: students should take the exams on the designated time. You can apply for suspension if you are suffering 39

from serious illness, acute disease or can not attend for other particular reasons. Students who miss the exams without applying for suspension ahead of time will receive a zero grade for the exam. They will be marked absent and no reexamination will be arranged for them. There is only one suspension for the same subject and no suspension for the Elective Courses. Instead, students can choose other Elective Courses to make up for it. Furthermore, there is no suspension for reexamination. Those who fail in the reexamination can apply for another chance to resit before they graduate. But they are not eligible to graduate if they still fail in the exam. Article Nine: grades are given in the form of percentages. The passing grade is 60%. You can refer to Rules of Work about Tests of Guangzhou Medical University for details. Article Ten: students who disobey the exam disciplines or committed plagiarism will be punished based on the Disciplinary Approach to Exam Cheating of Guangzhou Medical University. Those who are put on disciplinary probation will not have the chance to resit until the punishment is lifted. 5. Academic Warning 40

Article Eleven: For each academic year, those who failed to pass five or more exams of the Compulsory Courses and Elective Courses after reexamination will be given academic warning. It will be delivered to the student himself by the university in the written form. 6. Transferring to another School Article Twelve: Students should generally be in this university to complete their studies. If you can not continue your education for some particular difficulty, you may apply for a transfer to other schools. 7. Suspension and Resumption of Studies Article Thirteen: students are to be suspended when belonging to one of the following situations: ⑴.Those who/the students are suffering from injury and disease and the diagnosis of prescribed hospital shows that treatment and rest are needed for about one third of the total lessons of one semester; ⑵.According to the attendance record, the students were asking for leave which exceeds one third of the total lessons of 41

one semester; ⑶.For some particular reason, the student himself applies for suspension or the university thinks it necessary for him. The longest duration of suspension can not be over one year, and there is only one suspension while at university. 8. Dismissal Article Fourteen: The arising of one of the following situations will lead to the dismissal of a student from the University: ⑴. For whatever reason (including suspension) time in school accumulated to be one year longer than the prescribed duration of schooling; ⑵.Failure in the Compulsory Courses accumulated to 10 units (not including the passed retaking courses); ⑶.Failure to apply for resumption of one s study two weeks after the expiration of suspension of schooling, or not eligible to regain one s student status upon examination for the resumption application; 42

⑷.Incapable of keeping on study in the university due to accidental disability or diseases diagnosed by the prescribed hospital of the University; ⑸.Unexcused absence from prescribed teaching activities for two continuous weeks; ⑹. Failure to make registration before deadline without proper reasons; ⑺.Voluntary withdrawal from the university. 9. Graduation and Degree, completion of study and non-completion university study Article Fifteen: the students (with formal student status) who have finished all courses required by the Talents Training Program within the prescribed duration of study and reached the standards of graduation will be qualified for graduation and obtain the certificate of graduation. For those who fit in with Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of China, Interim Measures of Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of China, Interim Measures of Regulations Concerning Bachelor Degree of Regular Institutions of Higher Learning in Guangdong Province and Working Rules of 43

Bachelor Degree Granting of Credit System-Based Undergraduates of Guangzhou Medical University will obtain bachelor degree after they re through the confirmation of the academic degree evaluation committee of the university upon examination. Students who fail to reach the standards of bachelor degree granting and who got certificate of completion of study are no longer granted the bachelor degree. Article Sixteen: students who have completed the courses required by the Talents Training Program but haven t reached the standards of graduation will be granted the certificate of completion of study. There is one chance for students to apply to resit within one year after graduation (practice session, including graduation design and thesis). Students who passed the reexamination and reached the standards of graduation will be granted the certificate of graduation. Those who still failed are not entitled to reexamination and will no longer obtain the certificate of graduation. Article Seventeen: Students who studied at this university for more than one year (including one year) but withdrew without completing the courses prescribed in the Talents Training Program 44

will be granted certificate of non-completion university study; for those who studied at this university for less than one year will only obtain a certificate of study once at Guangzhou Medical University. 10. Supplementary Articles Article Eighteen: the Status Regulations are applicable to international students and takes effects from the day of promulgation. Article Nineteen: Situations not covered in the above Regulations can be determined by making reference to relevant student status regulations released by China's Ministry of Education and Education Department of Guangdong Province. Article Twenty: The explanation rights of the regulation belong to the Teaching Affair Department of Guangzhou Medical University. Supplementary Regulation According to Course Retaking Rules of Credit System-Based Undergraduates of Guangzhou Medical University, students who fail in the reexamination can apply for retaking the course from 2011-2012-2 nd semester on. 45

Class Attendance & Excused Absences 1. International students are expected to attend classes in accordance with the timetable. Absences from school without asking for leave, or being late or leaving early from classes without reasons are not allowed. 2. Attendance calculation method: 1) The basic unit of attendance calculation is class hour. 2) Be late for two times will be calculated as one class hour absence. 3) Leaving early from classes will be considered as acts of truancy and the class hour is calculated as real situations. If the time is less than one class hour, one hour absence will be also recorded. 4) Unified activities arranged by the university can be converted to class hour. 5) A daytime can be calculated as nine class hours. 6) Only the Chinese legal holiday arrangements are allowed. 3. If a student is ill or has a special reason to be absent, he/she should ask for leave of absence and fill in the application for absence. And application is handled by administrator of international students. In the case of absence from class due to illness, a certain certificate from the doctor must be presented to the administrator. A valid certificate for affairs 46

should be enclosed in the case of leave on affair. For absence within 3 days can be ratified by the administrator; for more than 3 days, will need to obtain prior approval from the administrator, and put on record by the School of International Education and the Teaching Affair Department. Students resuming classes, whether their leave is due or not, are expected to report in time to the administrator. In case they have to extend their leave, they should go formalities of extension. Those who can not take part in teaching activities such as examination and thesis defense during the leave, he/she should apply for a postponement of examination. 4. Those who ask for leave should return according to the given schedule, and report to the administrator to terminate his/her leave within one working day. After being approved by the administrator and showing the voucher, submit the voucher to School of International Education for records. Those who do not return on time or not ask to terminate his/her leave, the exceeding amount will be considered as truancy. 5. Those who cannot continue study due to illness or affairs should submit the application. And the time allowed for suspension is no more than one academic year. Those who fail to resume studying on time will be ordered to withdraw from the university. 6. Those who are absent for 2 weeks continuously or more than 50 class hours (including 50 class hours) in accumulation in one semester will be asked to quit school and those who are 47

absent for less than 50 class hours will be handled in accordance with the following principles: 1) A warning will be given to those who are absent for 2 4 days continuously or 10 20 class hours accumulatively. 2) A serious warning will be given to those who are absent for 5 6 days continuously or 21 30 class hours accumulatively. 3) A demerit will be registered for those who are absent for 7 8 days continuously or 31 40 class hours accumulatively. 4) Those who will be put on probation for the absence of 9 10 days continuously or 41 50 class hours accumulatively. 48

Regulations on Expenses for International Students 1. Tuition Fee: RMB30,000/annum 2. Textbooks: Actual charge 3. Hostel Fee: RMB6000/annum 4. Registration Fee (1st year only): RMB500 5. Residence Permit: RMB800/permit 6. Medical Insurance(at least including Accidental Injury Medical Treatment Insurance and Hospitalization Medical Insurance): RMB600/annum 7. Those who have taken the physical examination abroad should go to the Guangdong International Travel Health Center for the medical verification with the The Physical Examination Record for Foreigner. Those who fail to meet the verification requirements will take another health examination for some or all of the items at the Center within the prescribed time. Students have to bear all the expenses themselves. 8. All the fees should be paid in RMB. Tuition fee, hostel fee, textbooks fee and medical insurance fee should be paid once an academic year. Textbooks fee is charged in advance. 9. Students are required to the above fee on one-time at the beginning of the academic year. Students who fail to pay 49

tuition fee and hostel fee within the specified time will not be allowed to register. 10. Those who would like to apply for transferring, suspending schooling and dropping out of school after the payment of school fees, 90% of the tuition and hostel fee will be refunded before the classes begin. After the classes begin, those who would like to apply for dropping out school, the refund of tuition and hostel fees will be charged according to students school days. The refund standard for tuition fee and hostel fee=tuition fee(one academic year)+ hostel fee/10 (10 stayed month). No refund will be made for students being expelled from the university. 11. Students who fail to pay tuition fee within the specified time will not allowed to register and not allowed to apply for the Residence Permit. 50

Dormitory Regulations In order to maintain good order for daily life and to ensure the personal security of international students and their belongings, we expect all the residents to observe the following regulations: 1. International students are required to stay in the assigned rooms in the international student dormitories. Please do not change beds or occupy others room without permission. Renting houses outside by oneself is not allowed. 2. Activities that are illegal or against the regulations of the university are prohibited. Leasing the room and accommodating other people are forbidden. 3. Please take care of the public property. Don t dismantle and change public property by yourself. Any damage or losses will be paid for as required. 4. You should clean your room and keep it clean and tidy. Don t stack your articles in the corridor; don t throw articles out of windows. Pets keeping are not allowed in the dormitory. 5. Students should take care of their belongings and lock the door when going out. Large amount of cash can be left in the safe or in the care of the bank. 6. Take good care of the keys and do not give them to anyone else. Please do not make extra keys, add or change locks. 7. Please keep quiet in the room and the corridors. Don t disturb others; don t dance, make a loud noise or turn the music up 51

loud in the dormitory. 8. Please conserve water and electricity, and use the energy on the basis of quotas and pay his/her own expense if exceed. Please let the personnel on duty know immediately if something is wrong with water, electricity, air conditioner, etc in the room or corridors. 9. Please go to bed on time according to the schedule. Lights go out at 23:00 pm. If you do not go to bed on time, please keep quiet and don t disturb others. Staying outside for night is prohibited. The personnel on duty inspects the situation of students going to bed, students should be submitted to the management of the personnel on duty. 10. Students should cooperate with dormitory administrator. Obstruction in the performance of duties by the dormitory administrator is not allowed. 52

Regulations for Fire Prevention 1. International students are not allowed to burn any articles in the dormitory. Smoking is strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to set off fireworks in the dormitory. 2. Students are not allowed to change the power supply system without permission. 3. Electrical cooking utensils are strictly prohibited in the dormitory. Use the electricity properly. Please turn off lights when leaving. 4. Safety devices in students rooms must be of the type appointed by the campus electrician team; if there is a breakdown, please report it to the person on duty for repair. 5. Students leaving the dormitory for a long time for field work, travel or for other reasons should turn off the electricity supply of their rooms. Compensate the damage caused by your improper use according to the compensation table. 6. Please do not move the fire equipment and fire extinguishers. 7. Any students who disregard the relevant regulations and cause a fire, must take responsible and pay for all consequential losses. In grave cases those are responsible for the fire will be prosecuted by the judicial department. 53

Regulations on Borrowing Library Books 1. Books are to be borrowed by using the Guangzhou Medical University E-Card. Students are not allowed to lend their E-Card to others. 2. Books can be borrowed for one month. If a student cannot return books on time he should apply for an extension for a loan. 3. Students are asked to take good care of books. It is not allowed to scribble on them or do any damage to them. If books are lost (by them), students should compensate for the lost books according to the relevant rules. 4. Reference books are not to be borrowed but the students can consult them in the reading room if necessary. 5. Students must return all borrowed books before leaving the university upon graduation. 54

Regulations on Medical Treatment 1. Newly-arrived students who enter China with X Visas should go to Guangdong International Travel Center for medical verification upon arrival. Those who fail to satisfy the requirement may be asked to complete the medical examination again at the Center. Students have to bear all the expenses themselves. Those who are not suitable for study because of illness are requested to return home immediately. 2. In accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, the self-funded international students who will study in the Chinese universities for half a year or more will have to purchase the Overall Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in the insurance company in mainland China. This plan is a prerequisite to the registration, 3. The self-funded students who join the Overall Insurance & Benefit Plan for International Students will have to bear the expenses for the clinic visits to doctors. For the costs of hospitalization, with the receipt and passport copy, they could claim for part of the compensation such as medical treatment, medicine and hospitalization from the insurance company. Please inform the International Students Office once you have to be hospitalized so that we could process the procedures for your medical insurance. 4. International students should pay the expenses on such items 55

as dentures, glasses, abortion, nutriment, tonics and other medicines that cannot be applied for reimbursement according to the relevant regulations. 5. Anyone who violates the law and regulations resulting in accidental injuries should be responsible for all the subsequent expenses incurred. 56

Notice for International Students on going through various procedures to obtain Certificates 1. The Residence Permit: International students should obtain their residence permit from the Public Security Bureau within 30 days after entry into China. The following documents are requested: 1) The Health Certificate (original) 2) Residence Permit Application Form 3) Valid passport and Students Visa/X Visa 4) 1 passport size photo 5) Admission Letter from GMU 6) Valid proof of students housing arrangement/ Accommodation Certificate from the local police station 7) Foreign Students Visa Application Form(JW201 form/ JW202 form) Note: Applicants, who are younger than 18 years old, should provide a notarized guarantee certificate of the guardian. Students should bear the notary fees themselves. 2. In line with the regulation by the Chinese government, those who come to China for their study program can hold F visas for half a year. If they would like to continue their study 57

programs after completing six-month program, they should apply for the X visas. The formalities are: Come to the International Students Office to fill out the Visa Application For Study in China (JW202 Form) at least a month in advance, take your medical check-up at the Guangdong International Travel Health Center. Before you validity your F visas, you should apply to the Section of Aliens Administration of the Municipal Public Security Bureau for the X visas and residence permit with your Admission Notice, the approved JW202 From, an official letter from the university and the qualified Physical Examination Record, Registration Certificate of Temporary Residence for Visitors, copies of the passport (photo page, visa page and the page with the stamp indicating your latest entry into China), a photo and the receipt of digital photo. Anyone who fails to apply for the JW202 Form and the medical check-up will be responsible for any problems incurred him/herself. 3. Those who would like to continue their study when their residence permits expire should apply for the renewal before the expiration. The formalities are: fill out an Visa and Residence Permit Application Form, and then, with the signature from the administrator of international office and the office seal on the application form, valid passport and residence permit, Registration Certificate of Temporary Residence for Visitors, copies of the passport (photo page, visa page and the page with the stamp indicating your latest 58

entry into China), a photo and the receipt of digital photo, go to the Section of Alien Administration of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to for the pertinent formalities. A fine will be imposed on those who fail to renew their visas or residence permits before their expiration. No alteration of or damages to the visa or other official certificates are permissible. Violation of the rules will result in a penalty. 4. If any international students who go back home for sick leave or any other purpose, or pay a visit to the regions of Hong Kong and Macao or other countries during their study period, should inform the university. After the university s approval, they can obtain their entry and exit visas. 5. International students needing entry and exit visas, residence permit should pay the relevant service charge in accordance with the relevant regulations. 59

Regulations on Reward for International Students In order to promote the internationalization of higher education in Guangdong, encouraging more international students to study, Guangdong Government for Outstanding International Students Scholarship is set up to reward those with excellent performance. 1. Eligibility of the scholarship: the candidates should meet the requirements of Regulation of Guangdong Government for Outstanding International Students Scholarship 2. Students who are under any of the following circumstances are not eligible for scholarship review: 1) Those who break the law of PRC or violate the regulations of GMU; 2) Those who fail in one or more Compulsory Courses or Elective Courses; 3) Those who have not completed courses of the academic year as required. 3. Process of appraisal: The initial candidates of scholarship will be recommended by the administrator of international students according to eligibility and criteria of the scholarship. Then supporting materials should be submitted to School of International Education by the administrator. The School of 60

International Education reviews the materials, which are to be approved by the school executives. The final list is subject to the announcement by Guangdong Province Office of Education after their public displays. 61

Regulations on Disciplinary Procedures for International Students In order to strengthen the university discipline, establish a regular teaching order and guarantee a good environment to study and live in, the following regulations are stipulated in accordance with relevant rules in Administrative Methods of Colleges and Universities Students worked out by the MOE of PRC and Education Department of Guangdong Province. Article One: International students who break university discipline will be given a warning, a serious warning or a demerit recording, will be placed on probation, or be expelled from the university. According to the students conduct during the probationary period, the disciplinary action may be rescinded at or before the expiration date. If they fail to improve their conduct or break discipline again, the students will be placed on prolonged probation, or be expelled from the university. Article Two: International students who commit the following will be expelled from school: 1) Those who oppose Chinese government, undermine stability and unity, disturb public order; 2) Those who violate the Chinese laws intentionally, if the act constitutes a crime; 62

3) Those who violate regulations on the administration of public security have to be punished; 4) Those who bully others and obtain protection money in any form; 5) Those whose examinations be replaced by others, those who organize cheating, use communications equipment for cheating and other serious acts of cheating; 6) Those who plagiarize of research result in serious cases; 7) Those who violate the university discipline and disturb the teaching order, living order and public place order, and caused serious consequences; 8) Those who repeatedly violate the university discipline and fail to correct their mistakes. Article Three: Students who violate the laws, decrees or regulations formulated by the Chinese government will be placed on probation or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case. Article Four: According to who has been held responsible and the extent of the losses, students violate regulations of fire control and cause fire disasters will be given the following punishment: 1) If the loss is not severe, the students will be given a warning or a serious warning; 2) If the loss is severe, the student will be given a demerit recording, be placed on probation or be expelled from the university; 63

3) Students proved to have committed arson and who caused severe loss will be expelled from the university. Article Five: According to the seriousness of his case, students creating disturbances on and off campus, taking part in plotting fights, gang-flights or intentionally providing false witness or weapons will be given the following punishments: 1) Those who do not raise a hand but cause the fight will be given a warning, a serious warning, be placed on probation or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case; 2) Those who stir up the fight and cause serious consequence will be given a serious warning, be placed on probation or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case; 3) Those who raise a hand in the fight but not injure others will be given a serious warning ; Be given a demerit recording if they cause injury to others; 4) Those who cause severe injury to others and/or the adverse effects are severe will be given a serious warning, be placed on probation or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case; 5) Those who take part in the fight with weapons will be placed on probation or be expelled from the university; 6) Be given a demerit recording if they provide weapons but not cause adverse effects; Be given a serious warning if they cause the adverse effect; 64

Article Six: Students who gamble together, get drunk and create disturbance, corrupt university values will be given a warning, a serious warning, a demerit recording and be expelled according to the university regulations dependent on the seriousness of their cases. Article Seven: Those who violate the university disciplines, put up others without permission, do not obey the work-and-rest schedule and fail to correct his/her mistake will be given a warning or a serious warning. Article Eight: According to the seriousness of his case, students who steal or being caught swindling the public will be given the following punishments: 1) Those who commit offence uncompleted that is confirmed by the security department and police department will be given a warning; 2) If the amount of offence is less than 500 Yuan, the students will be given a warning, a serious warning, a demerit recording, be placed on probation, or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case. 3) If the amount of offence is above 500 Yuan, the students will be given a serious warning, a demerit recording, be placed on probation, or be expelled from the university according to the seriousness of his case. 4) If the case is extremely serious, it will be transferred to the public security department. 65

Article Nine: Those who are asked to withdraw or be expelled from the university should go through the leaving formalities within half a month. Article Ten: The regulation is applicable to international students and takes effects from the day of promulgation. The right of interpretation and explanation of the detailed regulations is reserved by the School of International Education in GMU. 66

Regulations for International Students on Leaving the Campus 1. Students who are going to leave the university (including transferring to another university, suspension of studies, withdrawal and graduation) should go through the following formalities: 1) Settle all outstanding accounts. 2) Return the keys and public property 3) Return books and library cards. 4) Return students I.D. Cards and other relevant certificates, and receive the.certificate of Graduation and the Degree. 2. After graduation (completing the course) international students should leave the university within two weeks after the conclusion of the term. If they don t leave on time, they will no longer be regarded as international students. 3. Students who graduate or complete their course must inform the Dormitory Management Office two days before leaving and go though the formality of returning the room. 67