Aromatherapy and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 芳香療法和腸易激綜合徵 (IBS) 芳香疗法和肠易激综合征 (IBS) What is IBS? 什麼是 IBS?/ 什么是 IBS? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is

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Aromatherapy and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 芳香療法和腸易激綜合徵 (IBS) 芳香疗法和肠易激综合征 (IBS) What is IBS? 什麼是 IBS?/ 什么是 IBS? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the name given to a longstanding illness consisting of frequent abdominal discomfort and bowel symptoms that cannot be explained by any other disease, according to the IBS Network. The main symptoms include: 根據 IBS 網絡, 腸易激綜合徵 (IBS) 是長期疾病的名稱, 包括頻繁的腹部不適和腸道症 狀, 這是任何其他疾病都無法解釋的 主要症狀包括 :/ 根据 IBS 网络, 肠易激综合征 (IBS) 是长期疾病的名称, 包括频繁的腹部不适和肠道症状, 这是任何其他疾病都无法解释的 主要症状包括 : abdominal cramps 腹部絞痛 / 腹部绞痛 bloating 腹脹 / 腹胀 diarrhoea 腹瀉 / 腹泻 constipation 便秘 / 便秘 What causes IBS? 是什麼導致 IBS?/ 是什么导致 IBS? IBS is a common condition affecting the digestive system and is usually a lifelong problem. The exact cause is unknown it has been linked to things like food passing through the gut too quickly or too slowly, oversensitive nerves in the gut, stress, and a family history of IBS. IBS 是影響消化系統的常見病症, 通常是終身問題 確切原因尚不清楚 - 它與食物通過腸道 過快或過慢, 腸道過敏, 緊張和 IBS 家族史有關 / IBS 是影响消化系统的常见病症, 通常是终身问题 确切原因尚不清楚 - 它与食物通过肠道过快或过慢, 肠道过敏, 紧张和 IBS 家族史有关

It is more common in women than men (3:2), tends to start in teenage years or twenties and may persist on and off throughout life. You have more chance of having IBS if a parent or sibling has it. 女性比男性更常見 (3:2), 往往是在十幾歲或二十幾歲開始, 並且可能在整個生命中持續 存在 如果是父母, 你有更多機會擁有 IBS, 或兄弟姐妹有它 / 女性比男性更常见 (3: 2), 往往是在十几岁或二十几岁开始, 并且可能在整个生命中持续存在 如果是父母, 你有更多机会拥有 IBS, 或兄弟姐妹有它 IBS can also cause: IBS 還可能導致 :/ IBS 还可能导致 : indigestion 消化不良 / 消化不良 headaches 頭痛 / 头痛 backache 腰酸 / 腰酸 tiredness 疲勞 / 疲劳 nausea 噁心 / 恶心 flatulence 脹氣 / 胀气 passing mucus 通過粘液 / 通过粘液 frequent urination 尿頻 / 尿频 incontinence 失禁 / 失禁 anxiety 焦慮 / 焦虑 depression 抑鬱症 / 抑郁症 There are days when symptoms are better but flare-ups can be triggered by food or drink. It can be very frustrating to live with and can have a big impact on everyday life. 有些日子症狀好轉但食物或飲料會引發突然發作 住在一起會非常令人沮喪, 並且會對日常 生活產生重大影響 / 有些日子症状好转但食物或饮料会引发突然发作 住在一起会非常令人沮丧, 并且会对日常生活产生重大影响 The most common risk factors are: 最常見的風險因素是 :/ 最常见的风险因素是 :

an attack of gastroenteritis 胃腸炎發作 / 胃肠炎发作 a traumatic or upsetting event 創傷或沮喪的事件 / 创伤或沮丧的事件 a course of powerful antibiotics 一系列強效抗生素 / 一系列强效抗生素 These factors can stimulate the immune system in the gut, inducing mild inflammation, increasing sensitivity & depleting healthy colonic bacteria. As symptoms can be similar to other more serious conditions, if they last for longer than a month, there is a family history of disease or there is a sudden onset after age 50, medical tests for Crohnʼs disease, ulcerative colitis, bowel or ovarian cancer should be carried out. 這些因素可刺激腸道免疫系統, 誘發輕度炎症, 增加敏感性並消耗健康的結腸細菌 由於症 狀可能與其他更嚴重的情況類似, 如果持續時間超過一個月, 則有家族病史或 50 歲後突然 發病, 克羅恩病, 潰瘍性結腸炎, 腸道或卵巢癌的醫學檢查應該進行 / 这些因素可刺激肠道免疫系统, 诱发轻度炎症, 增加敏感性并消耗健康的结肠细菌 由于症状可能与其他更严重的情况类似, 如果持续时间超过一个月, 则有家族病史或 50 岁后突然发病, 克罗恩病, 溃疡性结肠炎, 肠道或卵巢癌的医学检查应该进行 IBS can be managed by diet and lifestyle. Relaxation and exercise are beneficial as is eating regularly, avoiding fatty, processed, spicy foods and too much caffeine. Keeping a food diary may help to identify triggers. Herbs and probiotics can also form part of the management plan. IBS 可以通過飲食和生活方式來管理 放鬆和運動是有益的, 因為經常進食, 避免脂肪, 加 工, 辛辣食物和過多的咖啡因 保存食物日記可能有助於識別觸發因素 草藥和益生菌也 可以成為管理計劃的一部分 / IBS 可以通过饮食和生活方式来管理 放松和运动是有益的, 因为经常进食, 避免脂肪, 加工, 辛辣食物和过多的咖啡因 保存食物日记可能有助于识别触发因素 草药和益生菌也可以成为管理计划的一部分 How aromatherapy helps for IBS? 芳香療法如何幫助 IBS?/ 芳香疗法如何帮助 IBS? The role of the aromatherapist is to support the person rather than try to cure the condition. A combination of topical applications via massage blends, ointments, creams and gels may be used together with inhalation. In cases of IBS aromatherapy may be used for physical relaxation, emotional support and as a support to the digestive system. Oils used may vary according to phases of the condition. Care should be taken that none of the oils used are contraindicated or liable to aggravate the condition in any individual case. If in any doubt please refer to a GP.

芳香療法師的作用是支持人而不是試圖治愈病情 通過按摩混合物, 軟膏, 乳膏和凝膠的 局部應用的組合可以與吸入一起使用 在 IBS 的情況下, 芳香療法可用於身體放鬆, 情緒支 持和作為消化系統的支持 使用的油可能根據條件的不同階段而變化 應注意, 在任何個 別情況下, 所使用的油都不是禁忌或可能加重病情 如有任何疑問, 請參閱醫生 / 芳香疗法师的作用是支持人而不是试图治愈病情 通过按摩混合物, 软膏, 乳膏和凝胶的局部应用的组合可以与吸入一起使用 在 IBS 的情况下, 芳香疗法可用于身体放松, 情绪支持和作为消化系统的支持 使用的油可能根据条件的不同阶段而变化 应注意, 在任何个别情况下, 所使用的油都不是禁忌或可能加重病情 如有任何疑问, 请参阅医生 Useful essential oils: 有用的精油 : basil / 羅勒羅勒貝母 (ocimum basilicum) black pepper / 黑胡椒胡椒 (piper nigrum) chamomile / 洋甘菊 (anthemis nobilis) cardomon (elettaria cardomomum) coriander / 香菜 (coriandrum sativum) geranium / 天竺葵 (pelargonium graveolens) ginger / 姜 (zingiber officinale) lavender / 薰衣草熏衣草 (lavandula angustifolia) neroli (citrus aurantium var. amara) peppermint / 薄荷薄荷煙 (mentha piperata) rose / 玫瑰羅莎大馬士革 (rosa damascena/centifolia) spearmint / 留蘭香 (mentha spicata) sweet fennel / 甜茴香 (foeniculum vulgare var. dulce) sweet marjoram / 甜馬鬱蘭馬蹄蓮 (origanum majorana) Always contact a qualified Aromatherapist who will guide you on the oils that are suitable for your individual needs. 請務必聯繫合格的芳香療法師, 他將為您提供適合您個人需求的潤滑油

Reference: 參考 :/ 参考 : The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy by Salvatore Battaglia Salvatore Battaglia 完整的芳香療法指南 / Salvatore Battaglia 完整的芳香疗法指南 Complete Essential Oils by Julia Lawless Julia Lawless 完成精油 / Julia Lawless 完成精油 The Art of Aromatherapy by Robert Tisserand Robert Tisserand 的芳香療法藝術 / Robert Tisserand 的芳香疗法艺术 375 Essential Oils & Hydrolats by Jeanne Rose Jeanne Rose 的 375 精油和水力發電 / Jeanne Rose 的 375 精油和水力发电 Natural Solutions to IBS by Marilyn Glenville Marilyn Glenville 對 IBS 的天然解決方案 / Marilyn Glenville 对 IBS 的天然解决方案 To find a practitioner to discuss your needs 要找到從業者討論您的需求, 請點擊 要找到从业者讨论您的需求, 请点击